# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # project(InferenceEngine) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${IE_MAIN_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) include(features_ie) # include developer package include(developer_package_ie) # These options are shared with 3rdparty plugins # by means of developer package include(check_features_ie) # resolving dependencies for the project include(dependencies) include (fuzzing) if (ENABLE_FUZZING) enable_fuzzing() endif() add_subdirectory(src) if(ENABLE_TESTS) add_subdirectory(tests) endif() add_subdirectory(thirdparty) add_subdirectory(tools) if (ENABLE_SAMPLES) # hint for find_package(InferenceEngine in the samples folder) set(InferenceEngine_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") endif() # gflags and format_reader targets are kept inside of samples directory and # they must be built even if samples build is disabled (required for tests and tools). add_subdirectory(samples) file(GLOB_RECURSE SAMPLES_SOURCES samples/*.cpp samples/*.hpp samples/*.h) add_cpplint_target(sample_cpplint FOR_SOURCES ${SAMPLES_SOURCES} EXCLUDE_PATTERNS "thirdparty/*" "pugixml/*") if (ENABLE_PYTHON) add_subdirectory(ie_bridges/python) endif() add_cpplint_report_target()