/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Collabora Ltd. * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . * * Authors: * Travis Reitter */ using Gee; using GLib; /** * Errors from {@link IndividualAggregator}s. */ public errordomain Folks.IndividualAggregatorError { /** * Adding a {@link Persona} to a {@link PersonaStore} failed. */ ADD_FAILED, /** * An operation which required the use of a writeable store failed because no * writeable store was available. * * @since 0.1.13 */ [Deprecated (since = "", replacement = "IndividualAggregatorError.NO_PRIMARY_STORE")] NO_WRITEABLE_STORE, /** * The {@link PersonaStore} was offline (ie, this is a temporary failure). * * @since 0.3.0 */ STORE_OFFLINE, /** * The {@link PersonaStore} did not support writing to a property which the * user requested to write to, or which was necessary to write to for storing * linking information. * * @since 0.6.2 */ PROPERTY_NOT_WRITEABLE, /** * An operation which required the use of a primary store failed because no * primary store was available. * * @since 0.6.3 */ NO_PRIMARY_STORE, } /** * Stores {@link Individual}s which have been created through * aggregation of all the {@link Persona}s provided by the various * {@link Backend}s. * * This is the main interface for client applications. */ public class Folks.IndividualAggregator : Object { private BackendStore _backend_store; private HashMap _stores; private unowned PersonaStore? _primary_store = null; private HashSet _backends; private HashTable _link_map; private bool _linking_enabled = true; private bool _is_prepared = false; private bool _prepare_pending = false; private Debug _debug; private string _configured_primary_store_type_id; private string _configured_primary_store_id; private static const string _FOLKS_CONFIG_KEY = "/system/folks/backends/primary_store"; /* The number of persona stores and backends we're waiting to become * quiescent. Once these both reach 0, we should be in a quiescent state. * We have to count both of them so that we can handle the case where one * backend becomes available, and its persona stores all become quiescent, * long before any other backend becomes available. In this case, we want * the aggregator to signal that it's reached a quiescent state only once * all the other backends have also become available. */ private uint _non_quiescent_persona_store_count = 0; /* Same for backends. */ private uint _non_quiescent_backend_count = 0; private bool _is_quiescent = false; /* We use this to know if the primary PersonaStore has been explicitly * set by the user (either via GConf or an env variable). If that is the * case, we don't want to override it with other PersonaStores that * announce themselves as default (i.e.: default address book from e-d-s). */ private bool _user_configured_primary_store = false; /** * Whether {@link IndividualAggregator.prepare} has successfully completed for * this aggregator. * * @since 0.3.0 */ public bool is_prepared { get { return this._is_prepared; } } /** * Whether the aggregator has reached a quiescent state. This will happen at * some point after {@link IndividualAggregator.prepare} has successfully * completed for the aggregator. An aggregator is in a quiescent state when * all the {@link PersonaStore}s listed by its backends have reached a * quiescent state. * * It's guaranteed that this property's value will only ever change after * {@link IndividualAggregator.is_prepared} has changed to `true`. * * @since 0.6.2 */ public bool is_quiescent { get { return this._is_quiescent; } } /** * Our configured primary (writeable) store. * * Which one to use is decided (in order or precedence) * by: * * - the FOLKS_PRIMARY_STORE env var (mostly for debugging) * - the GConf key set in _FOLKS_CONFIG_KEY (system set store) * - going with the `key-file` or `eds` store as the fall-back option * * @since 0.5.0 */ public PersonaStore? primary_store { get { return this._primary_store; } } private Map _individuals; private Map _individuals_ro; /** * A map from {@link Individual.id}s to their {@link Individual}s. * * This is the canonical set of {@link Individual}s provided by this * IndividualAggregator. * * {@link Individual}s may be added or removed using * {@link IndividualAggregator.add_persona_from_details} and * {@link IndividualAggregator.remove_individual}, respectively. * * @since 0.5.1 */ public Map individuals { get { return this._individuals_ro; } private set { this._individuals = value; this._individuals_ro = this._individuals.read_only_view; } } /** * The {@link Individual} representing the user. * * If it exists, this holds the {@link Individual} who is the user: the * {@link Individual} containing the {@link Persona}s who are the owners of * the accounts for their respective backends. * * @since 0.3.0 */ public Individual? user { get; private set; } /** * Emitted when one or more {@link Individual}s are added to or removed from * the aggregator. * * If more information about the relationships between {@link Individual}s * which have been linked and unlinked is needed, consider connecting to * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed_detailed} instead, which is * emitted at the same time as this signal. * * This will not be emitted until after {@link IndividualAggregator.prepare} * has been called. * * @param added a list of {@link Individual}s which have been added * @param removed a list of {@link Individual}s which have been removed * @param message a string message from the backend, if any * @param actor the {@link Persona} who made the change, if known * @param reason the reason for the change * * @since 0.5.1 */ [Deprecated (since = "0.6.2", replacement = "IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed_detailed")] public signal void individuals_changed (Set added, Set removed, string? message, Persona? actor, GroupDetails.ChangeReason reason); /** * Emitted when one or more {@link Individual}s are added to or removed from * the aggregator. * * This is emitted at the same time as * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed}, but includes more * information about the relationships between {@link Individual}s which have * been linked and unlinked. * * Individuals which have been linked will be listed in the multi-map as * mappings from the old individuals to the single new individual which * replaces them (i.e. each of the old individuals will map to the same new * individual). This new individual is the one which will be specified as the * `replacement_individual` in the {@link Individual.removed} signal for the * old individuals. * * Individuals which have been unlinked will be listed in the multi-map as * a mapping from the unlinked individual to a set of one or more individuals * which replace it. * * Individuals which have been added will be listed in the multi-map as a * mapping from `null` to the set of added individuals. If `null` doesn't * map to anything, no individuals have been added to the aggregator. * * Individuals which have been removed will be listed in the multi-map as * mappings from the removed individual to `null`. * * This will not be emitted until after {@link IndividualAggregator.prepare} * has been called. * * @param changes a mapping of old {@link Individual}s to new * {@link Individual}s for the individuals which have changed in the * aggregator * * @since 0.6.2 */ public signal void individuals_changed_detailed ( MultiMap changes); /* FIXME: make this a singleton? */ /** * Create a new IndividualAggregator. * * Clients should connect to the * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed} signal (or the * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed_detailed} signal), then * call {@link IndividualAggregator.prepare} to load the backends and start * aggregating individuals. * * An example of how to set up an IndividualAggregator: * {{{ * IndividualAggregator agg = new IndividualAggregator (); * agg.individuals_changed_detailed.connect (individuals_changed_cb); * agg.prepare (); * }}} */ public IndividualAggregator () { Object (); } construct { this._stores = new HashMap (); this._individuals = new HashMap (); this._individuals_ro = this._individuals.read_only_view; this._link_map = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); this._backends = new HashSet (); this._debug = Debug.dup (); this._debug.print_status.connect (this._debug_print_status); /* Check out the configured primary store */ var store_config_ids = Environment.get_variable ("FOLKS_PRIMARY_STORE"); if (store_config_ids == null) { store_config_ids = Environment.get_variable ("FOLKS_WRITEABLE_STORE"); if (store_config_ids != null) { var deprecated_warn = "FOLKS_WRITEABLE_STORE is deprecated, "; deprecated_warn += "use FOLKS_PRIMARY_STORE"; warning (deprecated_warn); } } if (store_config_ids != null) { debug ("Setting primary store IDs from environment variable."); this._configure_primary_store ((!) store_config_ids); } else { debug ("Setting primary store IDs to defaults."); if (BuildConf.HAVE_EDS) { this._configured_primary_store_type_id = "eds"; this._configured_primary_store_id = "system"; } else { this._configured_primary_store_type_id = "key-file"; this._configured_primary_store_id = ""; } try { unowned GConf.Client client = GConf.Client.get_default (); GConf.Value? val = client.get (this._FOLKS_CONFIG_KEY); if (val != null) { string? val_str = ((!) val).get_string (); if (val_str != null) { debug ("Setting primary store IDs from GConf."); this._configure_primary_store ((!) val_str); } } } catch (GLib.Error e) { /* We ignore errors and go with the default store */ } } debug ("Primary store IDs are '%s' and '%s'.", this._configured_primary_store_type_id, this._configured_primary_store_id); var disable_linking = Environment.get_variable ("FOLKS_DISABLE_LINKING"); if (disable_linking != null) disable_linking = ((!) disable_linking).strip ().down (); this._linking_enabled = (disable_linking == null || disable_linking == "no" || disable_linking == "0"); this._backend_store = BackendStore.dup (); debug ("Constructing IndividualAggregator %p", this); } ~IndividualAggregator () { debug ("Destroying IndividualAggregator %p", this); this._backend_store.backend_available.disconnect ( this._backend_available_cb); this._debug.print_status.disconnect (this._debug_print_status); } private void _configure_primary_store (string store_config_ids) { debug ("_configure_primary_store to '%s'", store_config_ids); this._user_configured_primary_store = true; if (store_config_ids.index_of (":") != -1) { var ids = store_config_ids.split (":", 2); this._configured_primary_store_type_id = ids[0]; this._configured_primary_store_id = ids[1]; } else { this._configured_primary_store_type_id = store_config_ids; this._configured_primary_store_id = ""; } } private void _debug_print_status (Debug debug) { const string domain = Debug.STATUS_LOG_DOMAIN; const LogLevelFlags level = LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_INFO; debug.print_heading (domain, level, "IndividualAggregator (%p)", this); debug.print_key_value_pairs (domain, level, "Ref. count", this.ref_count.to_string (), "Primary store", "%p".printf (this._primary_store), "Configured store type id", this._configured_primary_store_type_id, "Configured store id", this._configured_primary_store_id, "Linking enabled?", this._linking_enabled ? "yes" : "no", "Prepared?", this._is_prepared ? "yes" : "no", "Quiescent?", this._is_quiescent ? "yes" : "no (%u backends, %u persona stores left)".printf ( this._non_quiescent_backend_count, this._non_quiescent_persona_store_count) ); debug.print_line (domain, level, "%u Individuals:", this.individuals.size); debug.indent (); foreach (var individual in this.individuals.values) { string? trust_level = null; switch (individual.trust_level) { case TrustLevel.NONE: trust_level = "none"; break; case TrustLevel.PERSONAS: trust_level = "personas"; break; default: assert_not_reached (); } debug.print_heading (domain, level, "Individual (%p)", individual); debug.print_key_value_pairs (domain, level, "Ref. count", individual.ref_count.to_string (), "ID", individual.id, "User?", individual.is_user ? "yes" : "no", "Trust level", trust_level ); debug.print_line (domain, level, "%u Personas:", individual.personas.size); debug.indent (); foreach (var persona in individual.personas) { debug.print_heading (domain, level, "Persona (%p)", persona); debug.print_key_value_pairs (domain, level, "Ref. count", persona.ref_count.to_string (), "UID", persona.uid, "IID", persona.iid, "Display ID", persona.display_id, "User?", persona.is_user ? "yes" : "no" ); } debug.unindent (); } debug.unindent (); debug.print_line (domain, level, "%u entries in the link map:", this._link_map.size ()); debug.indent (); var iter = HashTableIter (this._link_map); string link_key; Individual individual; while (iter.next (out link_key, out individual) == true) { debug.print_line (domain, level, "%s → %p", link_key, individual); } debug.unindent (); debug.print_line (domain, level, ""); } /** * Prepare the IndividualAggregator for use. * * This loads all the available backends and prepares them for use by the * IndividualAggregator. This should be called //after// connecting to the * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed} signal (or * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed_detailed} signal), or a * race condition could occur, with the signal being emitted before your code * has connected to them, and {@link Individual}s getting "lost" as a result. * * This function is guaranteed to be idempotent (since version 0.3.0). * * Concurrent calls to this function from different threads will block until * preparation has completed. However, concurrent calls to this function from * a single thread might not, i.e. the first call will block but subsequent * calls might return before the first one. (Though they will be safe in every * other respect.) * * @since 0.1.11 */ public async void prepare () throws GLib.Error { /* Once this async function returns, all the {@link Backend}s will have * been prepared (though no {@link PersonaStore}s are guaranteed to be * available yet). This last guarantee is new as of version 0.2.0. */ lock (this._is_prepared) { if (this._is_prepared || this._prepare_pending) { return; } try { this._prepare_pending = true; this._backend_store.backend_available.connect ( this._backend_available_cb); /* Load any backends which already exist. This could happen if the * BackendStore has stayed alive after being used by a previous * IndividualAggregator instance. */ var backends = this._backend_store.enabled_backends.values; foreach (var backend in backends) { this._backend_available_cb (this._backend_store, backend); } /* Load any backends which haven't been loaded already. (Typically * all of them.) */ yield this._backend_store.load_backends (); this._is_prepared = true; this.notify_property ("is-prepared"); /* Mark the aggregator as having reached a quiescent state if * appropriate. This will typically only happen here in cases * where the stores were all prepared and quiescent before the * aggregator was created. */ if (this._is_quiescent == false) { this._notify_if_is_quiescent (); } } finally { this._prepare_pending = false; } } } /** * Get all matches for a given {@link Individual}. * * @param matchee the individual to find matches for * @param min_threshold the threshold for accepting a match * @return a map from matched individuals to the degree with which they match * `matchee` (which is guaranteed to at least equal `min_threshold`); * if no matches could be found, an empty map is returned * * @since 0.5.1 */ public Map get_potential_matches (Individual matchee, MatchResult min_threshold = MatchResult.VERY_HIGH) { HashMap matches = new HashMap (); Folks.PotentialMatch matchObj = new Folks.PotentialMatch (); foreach (var i in this._individuals.values) { if (i.id == matchee.id) continue; var result = matchObj.potential_match (i, matchee); if (result >= min_threshold) { matches.set (i, result); } } return matches; } /** * Get all combinations between all {@link Individual}s. * * @param min_threshold the threshold for accepting a match * @return a map from each individual in the aggregator to a map of the * other individuals in the aggregator which can be matched with that * individual, mapped to the degree with which they match the original * individual (which is guaranteed to at least equal `min_threshold`) * * @since 0.5.1 */ public Map> get_all_potential_matches (MatchResult min_threshold = MatchResult.VERY_HIGH) { HashMap> matches = new HashMap> (); var individuals = this._individuals.values.to_array (); Folks.PotentialMatch matchObj = new Folks.PotentialMatch (); for (var i = 0; i < individuals.length; i++) { var a = individuals[i]; HashMap? _matches_a = matches.get (a); HashMap matches_a; if (_matches_a == null) { matches_a = new HashMap (); matches.set (a, matches_a); } else { matches_a = (!) _matches_a; } for (var f = i + 1; f < individuals.length; f++) { var b = individuals[f]; HashMap? _matches_b = matches.get (b); HashMap matches_b; if (_matches_b == null) { matches_b = new HashMap (); matches.set (b, matches_b); } else { matches_b = (!) _matches_b; } var result = matchObj.potential_match (a, b); if (result >= min_threshold) { matches_a.set (b, result); matches_b.set (a, result); } } } return matches; } private async void _add_backend (Backend backend) { if (!this._backends.contains (backend)) { this._backends.add (backend); backend.persona_store_added.connect ( this._backend_persona_store_added_cb); backend.persona_store_removed.connect ( this._backend_persona_store_removed_cb); backend.notify["is-quiescent"].connect ( this._backend_is_quiescent_changed_cb); /* Handle the stores that have already been signaled. Since * this might change while we are looping, get a copy first. */ var stores = backend.persona_stores.values.to_array (); foreach (var persona_store in stores) { this._backend_persona_store_added_cb (backend, persona_store); } } } private void _backend_available_cb (BackendStore backend_store, Backend backend) { /* Increase the number of non-quiescent backends we're waiting for. * If we've already reached a quiescent state, this is ignored. If we * haven't, this delays us reaching a quiescent state until the * _backend_is_quiescent_changed_cb() callback is called for this * backend. */ if (backend.is_quiescent == false) { this._non_quiescent_backend_count++; } this._add_backend.begin (backend); } private void _set_primary_store (PersonaStore store) { debug ("_set_primary_store()"); if (this._primary_store == store) return; /* We use the configured PersonaStore as the primary PersonaStore. * * If the type_id is `eds` we *must* know the actual store * (address book) we are talking about or we might end up using * a random store on every run. */ if (store.type_id == this._configured_primary_store_type_id) { if ((store.type_id != "eds" && this._configured_primary_store_id == "") || this._configured_primary_store_id == store.id) { debug ("Setting primary store to %p (type ID: %s, ID: %s)", store, store.type_id, store.id); var previous_store = this._primary_store; this._primary_store = store; store.freeze_notify (); if (previous_store != null) { ((!) previous_store).freeze_notify (); ((!) previous_store).is_primary_store = false; } store.is_primary_store = true; if (previous_store != null) ((!) previous_store).thaw_notify (); store.thaw_notify (); this.notify_property ("primary-store"); } } } private void _backend_persona_store_added_cb (Backend backend, PersonaStore store) { debug ("_backend_persona_store_added_cb(): backend: %s, store: %s (%p)", backend.name, store.id, store); var store_id = this._get_store_full_id (store.type_id, store.id); this._maybe_configure_as_primary (store); this._set_primary_store (store); this._stores.set (store_id, store); store.personas_changed.connect (this._personas_changed_cb); store.notify["is-primary-store"].connect ( this._is_primary_store_changed_cb); store.notify["is-quiescent"].connect ( this._persona_store_is_quiescent_changed_cb); store.notify["is-user-set-default"].connect ( this._persona_store_is_user_set_default_changed_cb); /* Increase the number of non-quiescent persona stores we're waiting for. * If we've already reached a quiescent state, this is ignored. If we * haven't, this delays us reaching a quiescent state until the * _persona_store_is_quiescent_changed_cb() callback is called for this * store. */ if (store.is_quiescent == false) { this._non_quiescent_persona_store_count++; } /* Handle any pre-existing personas in the store. This can happen if the * store existed (and was prepared) before this IndividualAggregator was * constructed. */ if (store.personas.size > 0) { var persona_set = new HashSet (); foreach (var p in store.personas.values) { persona_set.add (p); } this._personas_changed_cb (store, persona_set, new HashSet (), null, null, GroupDetails.ChangeReason.NONE); } /* Prepare the store and receive a load of other personas-changed * signals. */ store.prepare.begin ((obj, result) => { try { store.prepare.end (result); } catch (GLib.Error e) { /* Translators: the first parameter is a persona store identifier * and the second is an error message. */ warning (_("Error preparing persona store '%s': %s"), store_id, e.message); } }); } private void _backend_persona_store_removed_cb (Backend backend, PersonaStore store) { store.personas_changed.disconnect (this._personas_changed_cb); store.notify["is-quiescent"].disconnect ( this._persona_store_is_quiescent_changed_cb); store.notify["is-primary-store"].disconnect ( this._is_primary_store_changed_cb); store.notify["is-user-set-default"].disconnect ( this._persona_store_is_user_set_default_changed_cb); /* If we were still waiting on this persona store to reach a quiescent * state, stop waiting. */ if (this._is_quiescent == false && store.is_quiescent == false) { this._non_quiescent_persona_store_count--; this._notify_if_is_quiescent (); } /* no need to remove this store's personas from all the individuals, since * they'll do that themselves (and emit their own 'removed' signal if * necessary) */ if (this._primary_store == store) { debug ("Unsetting primary store as store %p (type ID: %s, ID: %s) " + "has been removed", store, store.type_id, store.id); this._primary_store = null; this.notify_property ("primary-store"); } this._stores.unset (this._get_store_full_id (store.type_id, store.id)); } private string _get_store_full_id (string type_id, string id) { return type_id + ":" + id; } /* Emit the individuals-changed signal ensuring that null parameters are * turned into empty sets, and both sets passed to signal handlers are * read-only. */ private void _emit_individuals_changed (Set? added, Set? removed, MultiMap? changes, string? message = null, Persona? actor = null, GroupDetails.ChangeReason reason = GroupDetails.ChangeReason.NONE) { Set _added; Set _removed; MultiMap _changes; if ((added == null || ((!) added).size == 0) && (removed == null || ((!) removed).size == 0) && (changes == null || ((!) changes).size == 0)) { /* Don't bother emitting it if nothing's changed */ return; } _added = (added != null) ? (!) added : new HashSet (); _removed = (removed != null) ? (!) removed : new HashSet (); if (changes != null) { _changes = (!) changes; } else { _changes = new HashMultiMap (); } /* Debug output. */ if (this._debug.debug_output_enabled == true) { debug ("Emitting individuals-changed-detailed with %u mappings:", _changes.size); foreach (var removed_ind in _changes.get_keys ()) { foreach (var added_ind in _changes.get (removed_ind)) { debug (" %s (%p) → %s (%p)", (removed_ind != null) ? ((!) removed_ind).id : "", removed_ind, (added_ind != null) ? ((!) added_ind).id : "", added_ind); if (removed_ind != null) { debug (" Removed individual's personas:"); foreach (var p in ((!) removed_ind).personas) { debug (" %s (%p)", p.uid, p); } } if (added_ind != null) { debug (" Added individual's personas:"); foreach (var p in ((!) added_ind).personas) { debug (" %s (%p)", p.uid, p); } } } } } this.individuals_changed (_added.read_only_view, _removed.read_only_view, message, actor, reason); this.individuals_changed_detailed (_changes); } private void _connect_to_individual (Individual individual) { individual.removed.connect (this._individual_removed_cb); this._individuals.set (individual.id, individual); } private void _disconnect_from_individual (Individual individual) { this._individuals.unset (individual.id); individual.removed.disconnect (this._individual_removed_cb); } private void _add_personas (Set added, ref Individual? user, ref HashMultiMap individuals_changes) { foreach (var persona in added) { PersonaStoreTrust trust_level = persona.store.trust_level; /* These are the Individuals whose Personas will be linked together * to form the `final_individual`. * Since a given Persona can only be part of one Individual, and the * code in Persona._set_personas() ensures that there are no duplicate * Personas in a given Individual, ensuring that there are no * duplicate Individuals in `candidate_inds` (by using a * HashSet) guarantees that there will be no duplicate Personas * in the `final_individual`. */ HashSet candidate_inds = new HashSet (); var final_personas = new HashSet (); debug ("Aggregating persona '%s' on '%s'.", persona.uid, persona.iid); /* If the Persona is the user, we *always* want to link it to the * existing this.user. */ if (persona.is_user == true && user != null) { debug (" Found candidate individual '%s' as user.", ((!) user).id); candidate_inds.add ((!) user); } /* If we don't trust the PersonaStore at all, we can't link the * Persona to any existing Individual */ if (trust_level != PersonaStoreTrust.NONE) { Individual? candidate_ind = this._link_map.lookup (persona.iid); if (candidate_ind != null && ((!) candidate_ind).trust_level != TrustLevel.NONE && !candidate_inds.contains ((!) candidate_ind)) { debug (" Found candidate individual '%s' by IID '%s'.", ((!) candidate_ind).id, persona.iid); candidate_inds.add ((!) candidate_ind); } } if (persona.store.trust_level == PersonaStoreTrust.FULL) { /* If we trust the PersonaStore the Persona came from, we can * attempt to link based on its linkable properties. */ foreach (unowned string foo in persona.linkable_properties) { /* FIXME: If we just use string prop_name directly in the * foreach, Vala doesn't copy it into the closure data, and * prop_name ends up as NULL. bgo#628336 */ unowned string prop_name = foo; /* FIXME: can't be var because of bgo#638208 */ unowned ObjectClass pclass = persona.get_class (); if (pclass.find_property (prop_name) == null) { warning ( /* Translators: the parameter is a property name. */ _("Unknown property '%s' in linkable property list."), prop_name); continue; } persona.linkable_property_to_links (prop_name, (l) => { unowned string prop_linking_value = l; Individual? candidate_ind = this._link_map.lookup (prop_linking_value); if (candidate_ind != null && ((!) candidate_ind).trust_level != TrustLevel.NONE && !candidate_inds.contains ((!) candidate_ind)) { debug (" Found candidate individual '%s' by " + "linkable property '%s' = '%s'.", ((!) candidate_ind).id, prop_name, prop_linking_value); candidate_inds.add ((!) candidate_ind); } }); } } /* Ensure the original persona makes it into the final individual */ final_personas.add (persona); if (candidate_inds.size > 0 && this._linking_enabled == true) { /* The Persona's IID or linkable properties match one or more * linkable fields which are already in the link map, so we link * together all the Individuals we found to form a new * final_individual. Later, we remove the Personas from the old * Individuals so that the Individuals themselves are removed. */ foreach (var individual in candidate_inds) { final_personas.add_all (individual.personas); } } else if (candidate_inds.size > 0) { debug (" Linking disabled."); } else { debug (" Did not find any candidate individuals."); } /* Create the final linked Individual */ var final_individual = new Individual (final_personas); debug (" Created new individual '%s' (%p) with personas:", final_individual.id, final_individual); foreach (var p in final_personas) { debug (" %s (%p)", p.uid, p); this._add_persona_to_link_map (p, final_individual); } uint num_mappings_added = 0; foreach (var i in candidate_inds) { /* Transitively update the individuals_changes. We have to do this * in two stages as we can't modify individuals_changes while * iterating over it. */ var transitive_updates = new HashSet (); foreach (var k in individuals_changes.get_keys ()) { if (i in individuals_changes.get (k)) { transitive_updates.add (k); } } foreach (var k in transitive_updates) { assert (individuals_changes.remove (k, i) == true); /* If we're saying the final_individual is replacing some of * these candidate individuals, we don't also want to say that * it's been added (by also emitting a mapping from * null → final_individual). */ if (k != null) { individuals_changes.set (k, final_individual); num_mappings_added++; } } /* If there were no transitive changes to make, it's because this * candidate individual existed before this call to * _add_personas(), so it's safe to say it's being replaced by * the final_individual. */ if (transitive_updates.size == 0) { individuals_changes.set (i, final_individual); num_mappings_added++; } } /* If there were no candidate individuals or they were all freshly * added (i.e. mapped from null → candidate_individual), mark the * final_individual as added. */ if (num_mappings_added == 0) { individuals_changes.set (null, final_individual); } /* If the final Individual is the user, set them as such. */ if (final_individual.is_user == true) user = final_individual; } } private void _persona_linkable_property_changed_cb (Object obj, ParamSpec pspec) { /* The value of one of the linkable properties of one the personas has * changed, so that persona might require re-linking. We do this in a * simplistic and hacky way (which should work) by simply treating the * persona as if it's been removed and re-added. */ var persona = (!) (obj as Persona); debug ("Linkable property '%s' changed for persona '%s' " + "(is user: %s, IID: %s).", pspec.name, persona.uid, persona.is_user ? "yes" : "no", persona.iid); var persona_set = new HashSet (); persona_set.add (persona); this._personas_changed_cb (persona.store, persona_set, persona_set, null, null, GroupDetails.ChangeReason.NONE); } private void _connect_to_persona (Persona persona) { foreach (var prop_name in persona.linkable_properties) { persona.notify[prop_name].connect ( this._persona_linkable_property_changed_cb); } } private void _disconnect_from_persona (Persona persona) { foreach (var prop_name in persona.linkable_properties) { persona.notify[prop_name].disconnect ( this._persona_linkable_property_changed_cb); } } private void _add_persona_to_link_map (Persona persona, Individual individual) { debug ("Connecting to Persona: %s (is user: %s, IID: %s)", persona.uid, persona.is_user ? "yes" : "no", persona.iid); debug (" Mapping to Individual: %s", individual.id); /* Add the Persona to the link map. Its trust level will be reflected in * final_individual.trust_level, so other Personas won't be linked against * it in error if the trust level is NONE. */ this._link_map.replace (persona.iid, individual); /* Only allow linking on non-IID properties of the Persona if we fully * trust the PersonaStore it came from. */ if (persona.store.trust_level == PersonaStoreTrust.FULL) { debug (" Inserting links:"); /* Insert maps from the Persona's linkable properties to the * Individual. */ foreach (unowned string prop_name in persona.linkable_properties) { debug (" %s", prop_name); /* FIXME: can't be var because of bgo#638208 */ unowned ObjectClass pclass = persona.get_class (); if (pclass.find_property (prop_name) == null) { warning ( /* Translators: the parameter is a property name. */ _("Unknown property '%s' in linkable property list."), prop_name); continue; } persona.linkable_property_to_links (prop_name, (l) => { unowned string prop_linking_value = l; debug (" %s", prop_linking_value); this._link_map.replace (prop_linking_value, individual); }); } } } /* We remove individuals as a whole from the link map, rather than iterating * through the link map keys generated by their personas (as in * _add_persona_to_link_map()) because the values of the personas' linkable * properties may well have changed since we added the personas to the link * map. If that's the case, we don't want to end up leaving stale entries in * the link map, since that *will* cause problems later on. */ private void _remove_individual_from_link_map (Individual individual) { debug ("Removing Individual '%s' from the link map.", individual.id); var iter = HashTableIter (this._link_map); string link_key; Individual link_individual; while (iter.next (out link_key, out link_individual) == true) { if (link_individual == individual) { debug (" %s → %s (%p)", link_key, link_individual.id, link_individual); iter.remove (); } } } private void _personas_changed_cb (PersonaStore store, Set added, Set removed, string? message, Persona? actor, GroupDetails.ChangeReason reason) { var removed_individuals = new HashSet (); var individuals_changes = new HashMultiMap (); var relinked_personas = new HashSet (); var replaced_individuals = new HashMap (); /* We store the value of this.user locally and only update it at the end * of the function to prevent spamming notifications of changes to the * property. */ var user = this.user; debug ("Removing Personas:"); foreach (var persona in removed) { debug (" %s (is user: %s, IID: %s)", persona.uid, persona.is_user ? "yes" : "no", persona.iid); /* Find the Individual containing the Persona (if any) and mark them * for removal (any other Personas they have which aren't being * removed will be re-linked into other Individuals). */ Individual? ind = this._link_map.lookup (persona.iid); if (ind != null) { removed_individuals.add ((!) ind); } /* Stop listening to notifications about the persona's linkable * properties. */ this._disconnect_from_persona (persona); } /* Remove the Individuals which were pointed to by the linkable properties * of the removed Personas. We can then re-link the other Personas in * those Individuals, since their links may have changed. * Note that we remove the Individual from this.individuals, meaning that * _individual_removed_cb() ignores this Individual. This allows us to * group together the IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed signals * for all the removed Individuals. */ debug ("Removing Individuals due to removed links:"); foreach (var individual in removed_individuals) { /* Ensure we don't remove the same Individual twice */ if (this._individuals.has_key (individual.id) == false) continue; debug (" %s", individual.id); /* Build a list of Personas which need relinking. Ensure we don't * include any of the Personas which have just been removed. */ foreach (var persona in individual.personas) { if (removed.contains (persona) == true || relinked_personas.contains (persona) == true) continue; relinked_personas.add (persona); } if (user == individual) user = null; this._disconnect_from_individual (individual); /* Remove the Individual's links from the link map */ this._remove_individual_from_link_map (individual); } debug ("Adding Personas:"); foreach (var persona in added) { debug (" %s (is user: %s, IID: %s)", persona.uid, persona.is_user ? "yes" : "no", persona.iid); /* Connect to notifications about the persona's linkable * properties. */ this._connect_to_persona (persona); } if (added.size > 0) { this._add_personas (added, ref user, ref individuals_changes); } debug ("Relinking Personas:"); foreach (var persona in relinked_personas) { debug (" %s (is user: %s, IID: %s)", persona.uid, persona.is_user ? "yes" : "no", persona.iid); } this._add_personas (relinked_personas, ref user, ref individuals_changes); /* Work out which final individuals have replaced the removed_individuals * and update individuals_changes accordingly. */ foreach (var individual in removed_individuals) { var added_mapping = false; foreach (var persona in individual.personas) { if (!(persona in removed) || (persona in added)) { individuals_changes.remove (null, persona.individual); individuals_changes.set (individual, persona.individual); added_mapping = true; } } /* Has the individual been removed entirely? */ if (added_mapping == false) { individuals_changes.set (individual, null); } individual.personas = null; } /* Notify of changes to this.user */ this.user = user; /* Signal the addition of new individuals and removal of old ones to the * aggregator */ if (individuals_changes.size > 0) { var added_individuals = new HashSet (); /* Extract the deprecated added and removed sets from * individuals_changes, to be used in the individuals_changed * signal. */ foreach (var old_ind in individuals_changes.get_keys ()) { foreach (var new_ind in individuals_changes.get (old_ind)) { assert (old_ind != null || new_ind != null); if (old_ind != null) { removed_individuals.add ((!) old_ind); } if (new_ind != null) { added_individuals.add ((!) new_ind); this._connect_to_individual ((!) new_ind); } if (old_ind != null && new_ind != null) { replaced_individuals.set ((!) old_ind, (!) new_ind); } } } this._emit_individuals_changed (added_individuals, removed_individuals, individuals_changes); } /* Signal the replacement of various Individuals as a consequence of * linking. */ debug ("Replacing Individuals due to linking:"); var iter = replaced_individuals.map_iterator (); while (iter.next () == true) { var old_ind = iter.get_key (); var new_ind = iter.get_value (); debug (" %s (%p) → %s (%p)", old_ind.id, old_ind, new_ind.id, new_ind); old_ind.replace (new_ind); } /* Validate the link map. */ if (this._debug.debug_output_enabled == true) { var iter2 = HashTableIter (this._link_map); string link_key; Individual individual; while (iter2.next (out link_key, out individual) == true) { if (this._individuals.get (individual.id) != individual) { warning ("Link map contains invalid mapping:\n" + " %s → %s (%p)", link_key, individual.id, individual); warning ("Individual %s (%p) personas:", individual.id, individual); foreach (var p in individual.personas) { warning (" %s (%p)", p.uid, p); } } } } } private void _is_primary_store_changed_cb (Object object, ParamSpec pspec) { /* Ensure that we only have one primary PersonaStore */ var store = (PersonaStore) object; assert ((store.is_primary_store == true && store == this._primary_store) || (store.is_primary_store == false && store != this._primary_store)); } private void _persona_store_is_quiescent_changed_cb (Object obj, ParamSpec pspec) { /* Have we reached a quiescent state yet? */ if (this._non_quiescent_persona_store_count > 0) { this._non_quiescent_persona_store_count--; this._notify_if_is_quiescent (); } } private void _backend_is_quiescent_changed_cb (Object obj, ParamSpec pspec) { if (this._non_quiescent_backend_count > 0) { this._non_quiescent_backend_count--; this._notify_if_is_quiescent (); } } private void _notify_if_is_quiescent () { if (this._non_quiescent_backend_count == 0 && this._non_quiescent_persona_store_count == 0 && this._is_quiescent == false) { if (this._configured_primary_store_type_id.length > 0 && this._primary_store == null) { warning ("Failed to find primary PersonaStore with type ID " + "'%s' and ID '%s'.\n" + "Individuals will not be linked properly " + "and creating new links between Personas will not work.\n" + "The configured primary PersonaStore's backend may not be " + "installed. If you are unsure, check with your " + "distribution.", this._configured_primary_store_type_id, this._configured_primary_store_id); } this._is_quiescent = true; this.notify_property ("is-quiescent"); } } private void _persona_store_is_user_set_default_changed_cb (Object obj, ParamSpec pspec) { var store = (PersonaStore) obj; debug ("PersonaStore.is-user-set-default changed for store %p " + "(type ID: %s, ID: %s)", store, store.type_id, store.id); if (this._maybe_configure_as_primary (store)) this._set_primary_store (store); } private bool _maybe_configure_as_primary (PersonaStore store) { debug ("_maybe_configure_as_primary()"); var configured = false; if (!this._user_configured_primary_store && store.is_user_set_default) { debug ("Setting primary store IDs to '%s' and '%s'.", store.type_id, store.id); this._configured_primary_store_type_id = store.type_id; this._configured_primary_store_id = store.id; configured = true; } return configured; } private void _individual_removed_cb (Individual i, Individual? replacement) { if (this.user == i) this.user = null; /* Only signal if the individual is still in this.individuals. This allows * us to group removals together in, e.g., _personas_changed_cb(). */ if (this._individuals.get (i.id) != i) return; if (replacement != null) { debug ("Individual '%s' removed (replaced by '%s')", i.id, ((!) replacement).id); } else { debug ("Individual '%s' removed (not replaced)", i.id); } /* If the individual has 0 personas, we've already signaled removal */ if (i.personas.size > 0) { var changes = new HashMultiMap (); var individuals = new HashSet (); individuals.add (i); changes.set (i, replacement); this._emit_individuals_changed (null, individuals, changes); } this._disconnect_from_individual (i); } /** * Add a new persona in the given {@link PersonaStore} based on the `details` * provided. * * If the target store is offline, this function will throw * {@link IndividualAggregatorError.STORE_OFFLINE}. It's the responsibility of * the caller to cache details and re-try this function if it wishes to make * offline adds work. * * The details hash is a backend-specific mapping of key, value strings. * Common keys include: * * * contact - service-specific contact ID * * message - a user-readable message to pass to the persona being added * * If a {@link Persona} with the given details already exists in the store, no * error will be thrown and this function will return `null`. * * @param parent an optional {@link Individual} to add the new {@link Persona} * to. This persona will be appended to its ordered list of personas. * @param persona_store the {@link PersonaStore} to add the persona to * @param details a key-value map of details to use in creating the new * {@link Persona} * @return the new {@link Persona} or `null` if the corresponding * {@link Persona} already existed. If non-`null`, the new {@link Persona} * will also be added to a new or existing {@link Individual} as necessary. * * @since 0.3.5 */ public async Persona? add_persona_from_details (Individual? parent, PersonaStore persona_store, HashTable details) throws IndividualAggregatorError { Persona? persona = null; try { var details_copy = this._asv_copy (details); persona = yield persona_store.add_persona_from_details (details_copy); } catch (PersonaStoreError e) { if (e is PersonaStoreError.STORE_OFFLINE) { throw new IndividualAggregatorError.STORE_OFFLINE (e.message); } else { var full_id = this._get_store_full_id (persona_store.type_id, persona_store.id); throw new IndividualAggregatorError.ADD_FAILED ( /* Translators: the first parameter is a store identifier * and the second parameter is an error message. */ _("Failed to add contact for persona store ID '%s': %s"), full_id, e.message); } } if (parent != null && persona != null) { ((!) parent).personas.add ((!) persona); } return persona; } private HashTable _asv_copy (HashTable asv) { var retval = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); asv.foreach ((k, v) => { retval.insert ((string) k, v); }); return retval; } /** * Completely remove the individual and all of its personas from their * backing stores. * * @param individual the {@link Individual} to remove * @since 0.1.11 */ public async void remove_individual (Individual individual) throws GLib.Error { /* Removing personas changes the persona set so we need to make a copy * first */ var personas = new HashSet (); foreach (var p in individual.personas) { personas.add (p); } foreach (var persona in personas) { yield persona.store.remove_persona (persona); } } /** * Completely remove the persona from its backing store. * * This will leave other personas in the same individual alone. * * @param persona the {@link Persona} to remove * @since 0.1.11 */ public async void remove_persona (Persona persona) throws GLib.Error { yield persona.store.remove_persona (persona); } /** * Link the given {@link Persona}s together. * * Create links between the given {@link Persona}s so that they form a single * {@link Individual}. The new {@link Individual} will be returned via the * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed} signal. * * Removal of the {@link Individual}s which the {@link Persona}s were in * before is signalled by {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed} and * {@link Individual.removed}. * * @param personas the {@link Persona}s to be linked * @since 0.5.1 */ public async void link_personas (Set personas) throws IndividualAggregatorError { if (this._primary_store == null) { throw new IndividualAggregatorError.NO_PRIMARY_STORE ( _("Can’t link personas with no primary store.") + "\n" + _("Persona store ‘%s:%s’ is configured as primary, but could not be found or failed to load.") + "\n" + _("Check the service providing the persona store is running, or change the default store in that service or using the “%s” GConf key."), this._configured_primary_store_type_id, this._configured_primary_store_id, this._FOLKS_CONFIG_KEY); } /* Don't bother linking if it's just one Persona */ if (personas.size <= 1) return; /* Disallow linking if it's disabled */ if (this._linking_enabled == false) { debug ("Can't link Personas: linking disabled."); return; } /* Create a new persona in the primary store which links together the * given personas */ assert (((!) this._primary_store).type_id == this._configured_primary_store_type_id); /* `protocols_addrs_set` will be passed to the new Kf.Persona */ var protocols_addrs_set = new HashMultiMap ( null, null, (GLib.HashFunc) ImFieldDetails.hash, (GLib.EqualFunc) ImFieldDetails.equal); var web_service_addrs_set = new HashMultiMap ( null, null, (GLib.HashFunc) WebServiceFieldDetails.hash, (GLib.EqualFunc) WebServiceFieldDetails.equal); /* List of local_ids */ var local_ids = new Gee.HashSet (); foreach (var persona in personas) { if (persona is ImDetails) { ImDetails im_details = (ImDetails) persona; /* protocols_addrs_set = union (all personas' IM addresses) */ foreach (var protocol in im_details.im_addresses.get_keys ()) { var im_addresses = im_details.im_addresses.get (protocol); foreach (var im_address in im_addresses) { protocols_addrs_set.set (protocol, im_address); } } } if (persona is WebServiceDetails) { WebServiceDetails ws_details = (WebServiceDetails) persona; /* web_service_addrs_set = union (all personas' WS addresses) */ foreach (var web_service in ws_details.web_service_addresses.get_keys ()) { var ws_addresses = ws_details.web_service_addresses.get (web_service); foreach (var ws_fd in ws_addresses) web_service_addrs_set.set (web_service, ws_fd); } } if (persona is LocalIdDetails) { foreach (var id in ((LocalIdDetails) persona).local_ids) { local_ids.add (id); } } } var details = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); if (protocols_addrs_set.size > 0) { var im_addresses_value = Value (typeof (MultiMap)); im_addresses_value.set_object (protocols_addrs_set); details.insert ( (!) PersonaStore.detail_key (PersonaDetail.IM_ADDRESSES), im_addresses_value); } if (web_service_addrs_set.size > 0) { var web_service_addresses_value = Value (typeof (MultiMap)); web_service_addresses_value.set_object (web_service_addrs_set); details.insert ( (!) PersonaStore.detail_key (PersonaDetail.WEB_SERVICE_ADDRESSES), web_service_addresses_value); } if (local_ids.size > 0) { var local_ids_value = Value (typeof (Set)); local_ids_value.set_object (local_ids); details.insert ( (!) Folks.PersonaStore.detail_key (PersonaDetail.LOCAL_IDS), local_ids_value); } yield this.add_persona_from_details (null, (!) this._primary_store, details); } /** * Unlinks the given {@link Individual} into its constituent {@link Persona}s. * * This completely unlinks the given {@link Individual}, destroying all of * its writeable {@link Persona}s. * * The {@link Individual}'s removal is signalled by * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed} and * {@link Individual.removed}. * * The {@link Persona}s comprising the {@link Individual} will be re-linked * into one or more new {@link Individual}s, depending on how much linking * data remains (typically only implicit links remain). The addition of these * new {@link Individual}s will be signalled by * {@link IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed}. * * @param individual the {@link Individual} to unlink * @since 0.1.13 */ public async void unlink_individual (Individual individual) throws GLib.Error { if (this._linking_enabled == false) { debug ("Can't unlink Individual '%s': linking disabled.", individual.id); return; } debug ("Unlinking Individual '%s', deleting Personas:", individual.id); /* Remove all the Personas from writeable PersonaStores. * * We have to take a copy of the Persona list before removing the * Personas, as _personas_changed_cb() (which is called as a result of * calling _primary_store.remove_persona()) messes around with Persona * lists. */ var personas = new HashSet (); foreach (var p in individual.personas) { personas.add (p); } foreach (var persona in personas) { /* Since persona.store != null, we know that * this._primary_store != null. */ if (persona.store == this._primary_store) { debug (" %s (is user: %s, IID: %s)", persona.uid, persona.is_user ? "yes" : "no", persona.iid); yield ((!) this._primary_store).remove_persona (persona); } } } /** * Ensure that the given property is writeable for the given * {@link Individual}. * * This makes sure that there is at least one {@link Persona} in the * individual which has `property_name` in its * {@link Persona.writeable_properties}. If no such persona exists in the * individual, a new one will be created and linked to the individual. (Note * that due to the design of the aggregator, this will result in the previous * individual being removed and replaced by a new one with the new persona; * listen to the {@link Individual.removed} signal to see the replacement.) * * It may not be possible to create a new persona which has the given property * as writeable. In that case, a * {@link IndividualAggregatorError.NO_PRIMARY_STORE} or * {@link IndividualAggregatorError.PROPERTY_NOT_WRITEABLE} error will be * thrown. * * @param individual the individual for which `property_name` should be * writeable * @param property_name the name of the property which needs to be writeable * (this should be in lower case using hyphens, e.g. “web-service-addresses”) * @return a persona (new or existing) which has the given property as * writeable * * @since 0.6.2 */ public async Persona ensure_individual_property_writeable ( Individual individual, string property_name) throws IndividualAggregatorError { debug ("ensure_individual_property_writeable: %s, %s", individual.id, property_name); /* See if the individual already contains the property we want. */ foreach (var p1 in individual.personas) { if (property_name in p1.writeable_properties) { debug (" Returning existing persona: %s", p1.uid); return p1; } } /* Otherwise, create a new persona in the writeable store. If the * writeable store doesn't exist or doesn't support writing to the given * property, we try the other persona stores. */ var details = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); Persona? new_persona = null; if (this._primary_store != null && property_name in ((!) this._primary_store).always_writeable_properties) { try { debug (" Using writeable store"); new_persona = yield this.add_persona_from_details (null, (!) this._primary_store, details); } catch (IndividualAggregatorError e1) { /* Ignore it */ new_persona = null; } } if (new_persona == null) { foreach (var s in this._stores.values) { if (s == this._primary_store || !(property_name in s.always_writeable_properties)) { /* Skip the store we've just tried */ continue; } try { debug (" Using store %s", s.id); new_persona = yield this.add_persona_from_details (null, s, details); } catch (IndividualAggregatorError e2) { /* Ignore it */ new_persona = null; continue; } } } /* Throw an error if we haven't managed to find a suitable store */ if (new_persona == null && this._primary_store == null) { throw new IndividualAggregatorError.NO_PRIMARY_STORE ( _("Can’t add personas with no primary store.") + "\n" + _("Persona store ‘%s:%s’ is configured as primary, but could not be found or failed to load.") + "\n" + _("Check the service providing the persona store is running, or change the default store in that service or using the “%s” GConf key."), this._configured_primary_store_type_id, this._configured_primary_store_id, this._FOLKS_CONFIG_KEY); } else if (new_persona == null) { throw new IndividualAggregatorError.PROPERTY_NOT_WRITEABLE ( _("Can't write to requested property (“%s”) of the writeable store."), property_name); } /* Link the persona to the existing individual. We can guarantee * new_persona != null because we'd have bailed out above otherwise. */ var linking_personas = new HashSet (); linking_personas.add ((!) new_persona); foreach (var p2 in individual.personas) { linking_personas.add (p2); } debug (" Linking personas to ensure %s property is writeable.", property_name); yield this.link_personas (linking_personas); return (!) new_persona; } }