###################################################################### # Ref. libstrophe library build script # ###################################################################### import os import commands Import('env') base_dir = env.get('SRC_DIR') target_os = env.get('TARGET_OS') target_arch = env.get('TARGET_ARCH') with_ra_ibb = env.get('WITH_RA_IBB') SRC_NAME = 'wks_xep0047' EXT_NAME = 'wksxmppxep' EXT_BASE = 'extlibs/' + EXT_NAME EXT_PATH = EXT_BASE + '/' + SRC_NAME SRC_PATH = base_dir + '/' + EXT_PATH INC_PATH = SRC_PATH + '/include' LIB_PATH = SRC_PATH WJSXMPPXEP_LIBS = ['wksxmppxep', 'm', 'crypto'] if with_ra_ibb: env.SConscript(base_dir + '/extlibs/libstrophe/SConscript') if not os.path.exists(SRC_NAME): raxmpp_env = Environment(ENV = os.environ) c = raxmpp_env.Action(['git clone https://github.com/WorksSystems/wks_xep0047.git ' + SRC_NAME, 'cd ' + SRC_NAME + ' && git checkout 8e9f42d02a0f416001065d1cddc1ab07974cef14' ]) print 'Downloading', SRC_NAME ,'library ...' if raxmpp_env.Execute(c): print ''' *********************************** Error: *********************************************** * Please download ra_xmpp as following: * $ git clone https://github.com/WorksSystems/wksxmpp_chat.git extlibs/wksxmppxep/wksxmpp_chat * $ cd extlibs/wksxmppxep/wksxmpp_chat * $ git checkout 8e9f42d02a0f416001065d1cddc1ab07974cef14 ****************************************************************************************** ''' Exit(1) else: print 'Download', SRC_NAME, 'library complete' if not env.GetOption('clean'): print 'Building with ' + SRC_NAME os.chdir(SRC_NAME) if not os.path.exists('libwksxmppxep.so') : LIBSTROPHE_BASE=base_dir + '/extlibs/libstrophe/libstrophe' foo=commands.getoutput('make LIBSTROPHE_BASE=' + LIBSTROPHE_BASE + ' libraries') print foo if not os.path.exists('libwksxmppxep.so') : print 'Building with ' + SRC_NAME + ' failed.' Exit(2) else: foo = commands.getoutput('cp libwksxmppxep.so ' + env.get('BUILD_DIR')) print foo foo = commands.getoutput('cp libwksxmppxep.a ' + env.get('BUILD_DIR')) print foo print 'Building with ' + SRC_NAME + ' Completely.' env.PrependUnique(CPPPATH = [INC_PATH], RALIBS = WJSXMPPXEP_LIBS, RALIBPATH = [LIB_PATH], RARPATH = [LIB_PATH]) env.AppendUnique(LIBS = WJSXMPPXEP_LIBS, LIBPATH = [LIB_PATH]) env.AppendUnique(LIBS = ['boost_system', 'boost_thread']) if env.GetOption('clean') : act = env.Action(['cd ' + SRC_PATH, 'make clean']) env.Execute(act) if os.path.isfile(env.get('BUILD_DIR') + '/libwksxmppxep.so'): act2 = env.Action(['rm ' + env.get('BUILD_DIR') + '/libwksxmppxep.*']) env.Execute(act2)