micro-ecc ========== A small and fast ECDH and ECDSA implementation for 8-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit processors. The old version of micro-ecc can be found in the "old" branch. Features -------- * Resistant to known side-channel attacks. * Written in C, with optional GCC inline assembly for AVR, ARM and Thumb platforms. * Supports 8, 32, and 64-bit architectures. * Small code size. * No dynamic memory allocation. * Support for 4 standard curves: secp160r1, secp192r1, secp256r1, and secp256k1. * BSD 2-clause license. Usage Notes ----------- ### Point Representation ### Compressed points are represented in the standard format as defined in http://www.secg.org/collateral/sec1_final.pdf; uncompressed points are represented in standard format, but without the `0x04` prefix. `uECC_make_key()`, `uECC_shared_secret()`, `uECC_sign()`, and `uECC_verify()` only handle uncompressed points; you can use `uECC_compress()` and `uECC_decompress()` to convert between compressed and uncompressed point representations. Private keys are represented in the standard format. ### Using the Code ### I recommend just copying (or symlink) uECC.h, uECC.c, and the appropriate asm\_<arch>\_.inc (if any) into your project. Then just `#include "uECC.h"` to use the micro-ecc functions. For use with Arduino, you can just create a symlink to the `uECC` directory in your Arduino `libraries` directory. You can then use uECC just like any other Arduino library (uECC should show up in the **Sketch**=>**Import Library** submenu). See uECC.h for documentation for each function. ### Compilation Notes ### * Should compile with any C/C++ compiler that supports stdint.h (this includes Visual Studio 2013). * If you want to change the defaults for `uECC_CURVE` and `uECC_ASM`, you must change them in your Makefile or similar so that uECC.c is compiled with the desired values (ie, compile uECC.c with `-DuECC_CURVE=uECC_secp256r1` or whatever). * When compiling for a Thumb-1 platform with inline assembly enabled (ie, `uECC_ASM` is defined to `uECC_asm_small` or `uECC_asm_fast`), you must use the `-fomit-frame-pointer` GCC option (this is enabled by default when compiling with `-O1` or higher). * When compiling for an ARM/Thumb-2 platform with fast inline assembly enabled (ie, `uECC_ASM` is defined to `uECC_asm_fast`), you must use the `-fomit-frame-pointer` GCC option (this is enabled by default when compiling with `-O1` or higher). * When compiling for AVR with inline assembly enabled, you must have optimizations enabled (compile with `-O1` or higher). * When building for Windows, you will need to link in the `advapi32.lib` system library. ARM Performance --------------- All tests were built using gcc 4.8.2 with `-O3`, and were run on a Raspberry Pi B+. `uECC_ASM` was defined to `uECC_asm_fast` and `ECC_SQUARE_FUNC` was defined to `1` in all cases. All times are in milliseconds.
secp160r1 secp192r1 secp256r1 secp256k1
ECDH: 2.3 2.7 7.9 6.5
ECDSA sign: 2.8 3.1 8.6 7.2
ECDSA verify: 2.7 3.2 9.2 7.0
AVR Performance --------------- All tests were built using avr-gcc 4.8.1 with `-Os`, and were run on a 16 MHz ATmega256RFR2. Code size refers to the space used by micro-ecc code and data. #### ECDH (fast) #### In these tests, `uECC_ASM` was defined to `uECC_asm_fast` and `ECC_SQUARE_FUNC` was defined to `1` in all cases.
secp160r1 secp192r1 secp256r1 secp256k1
ECDH time (ms): 470 810 2220 1615
Code size (bytes): 10768 13112 20886 21126
#### ECDH (small) #### In these tests, `uECC_ASM` was defined to `uECC_asm_small` and `ECC_SQUARE_FUNC` was defined to `0` in all cases.
secp160r1 secp192r1 secp256r1 secp256k1
ECDH time (ms): 1250 1810 4790 4700
Code size (bytes): 3244 3400 5274 3426
#### ECDSA (fast) #### In these tests, `uECC_ASM` was defined to `uECC_asm_fast` and `ECC_SQUARE_FUNC` was defined to `1` in all cases.
secp160r1 secp192r1 secp256r1 secp256k1
ECDSA sign time (ms): 555 902 2386 1773
ECDSA verify time (ms): 590 990 2650 1800
Code size (bytes): 13246 14798 22594 22826
#### ECDSA (small) #### In these tests, `uECC_ASM` was defined to `uECC_asm_small` and `ECC_SQUARE_FUNC` was defined to `0` in all cases.
secp160r1 secp192r1 secp256r1 secp256k1
ECDSA sign time (ms): 1359 1931 4998 4904
ECDSA verify time (ms): 1515 2160 5700 5220
Code size (bytes): 5690 5054 6980 5080