## # Script to install (if they do not exist) the SQLite library ## import os import shutil Import('env') sqlite_env = env.Clone() target_os = sqlite_env.get('TARGET_OS') src_dir = sqlite_env.get('SRC_DIR') targets_need_sqlite = ['linux', 'android', 'tizen', 'msys_nt', 'windows'] sqlite_dir = src_dir + '/extlibs/sqlite3/' sqlite_build_dir = src_dir + '/extlibs/sqlite3/sqlite-amalgamation-3081101/' sqlite_zip_file = src_dir + '/extlibs/sqlite3/sqlite-amalgamation-3081101.zip' sqlite_url = 'https://www.sqlite.org/2015/sqlite-amalgamation-3081101.zip' # Download if target_os in targets_need_sqlite: print '*** Checking for installation of SQLite ***' if not os.path.exists(sqlite_dir + 'sqlite3.c') or not os.path.exists(sqlite_dir + 'sqlite3.h'): # If the zip file is not already present, download it if not os.path.exists(sqlite_zip_file): sqlite_zip = sqlite_env.Download(sqlite_zip_file, sqlite_url) else: sqlite_zip = sqlite_zip_file # Unzip the lib print 'Unzipping SQLite amalgamation src...' sqlite_env.UnpackAll(sqlite_build_dir, sqlite_zip) print 'Unzipping SQLite amalgamation src complete' # Move requried src and header os.rename(sqlite_build_dir + 'sqlite3.c', sqlite_dir + 'sqlite3.c') os.rename(sqlite_build_dir + 'sqlite3.h', sqlite_dir + 'sqlite3.h') os.remove(sqlite_zip_file) shutil.rmtree(sqlite_build_dir) # Build will be done with provisioning manager module.