TEMPLATE = app TARGET = qwindow-compositor DEPENDPATH += . INCLUDEPATH += . # comment out the following to not use pkg-config in the pri files CONFIG += use_pkgconfig LIBS += -L ../../lib #include (../../src/qt-compositor/qt-compositor.pri) HEADERS += \ qopenglwindow.h \ qwindowcompositor.h \ textureblitter.h # Input SOURCES += main.cpp \ qopenglwindow.cpp \ qwindowcompositor.cpp \ textureblitter.cpp CONFIG += qt warn_on debug create_prl link_prl OBJECTS_DIR = .obj/release-shared MOC_DIR = .moc/release-shared QT += gui gui-private core-private QT += compositor # if you want to compile QtCompositor as part of the application # instead of linking to it, remove the QT += compositor and uncomment # the following line #include(../../src/compositor/compositor.pri) RESOURCES += qwindow-compositor.qrc # install target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/qtwayland/qwindow-compositor sources.files = $$SOURCES $$HEADERS $$RESOURCES $$FORMS qwindow-compositor.pro sources.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/qtwayland/qwindow-compositor INSTALLS += target sources