AtkRelation An object usaed to describe a relation between a object and one or more other objects. An AtkRelation describes a relation between the object and one or more other objects. The actual relations that an object has with other objects are defined as an AtkRelationSet, which is a set of AtkRelations. @ATK_RELATION_NULL: @ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY: @ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR: @ATK_RELATION_LABEL_FOR: @ATK_RELATION_LABELLED_BY: @ATK_RELATION_MEMBER_OF: @ATK_RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF: @ATK_RELATION_LAST_DEFINED: @name: @Returns: @type: @Returns: @name: @Returns: @targets: @n_targets: @relationship: @Returns: @relation: @Returns: @relation: @Returns: