
GITypeInfo — Struct representing a type


#define             GI_IS_TYPE_INFO                     (info)
typedef             GITypeInfo;
const gchar *       g_type_tag_to_string                (GITypeTag type);
const gchar *       g_info_type_to_string               (GIInfoType type);
gboolean            g_type_info_is_pointer              (GITypeInfo *info);
GITypeTag           g_type_info_get_tag                 (GITypeInfo *info);
GITypeInfo *        g_type_info_get_param_type          (GITypeInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);
GIBaseInfo *        g_type_info_get_interface           (GITypeInfo *info);
gint                g_type_info_get_array_length        (GITypeInfo *info);
gint                g_type_info_get_array_fixed_size    (GITypeInfo *info);
gboolean            g_type_info_is_zero_terminated      (GITypeInfo *info);
GIArrayType         g_type_info_get_array_type          (GITypeInfo *info);


GITypeInfo represents a type. You can retrieve a type info from an argument (see GIArgInfo), a functions return value (see GIFunctionInfo), a field (see GIFieldInfo), a property (see GIPropertyInfo), a constant (see GIConstantInfo) or for a union discriminator (see GIUnionInfo).

A type can either be a of a basic type which is a standard C primitive type or an interface type. For interface types you need to call g_type_info_get_interface() to get a reference to the base info for that interface.

Struct hierarchy




#define             GI_IS_TYPE_INFO(info)

Checks if info is a GITypeInfo.

info :

an info structure


typedef GIBaseInfo GITypeInfo;

Represents type information, direction, transfer etc.

g_type_tag_to_string ()

const gchar *       g_type_tag_to_string                (GITypeTag type);

Obtain a string representation of type

type :

the type_tag

Returns :

the string

g_info_type_to_string ()

const gchar *       g_info_type_to_string               (GIInfoType type);

Obtain a string representation of type

type :

the info type

Returns :

the string

g_type_info_is_pointer ()

gboolean            g_type_info_is_pointer              (GITypeInfo *info);

Obtain if the type is passed as a reference.

Note that the types of GI_DIRECTION_OUT and GI_DIRECTION_INOUT parameters will only be pointers if the underlying type being transferred is a pointer (i.e. only if the type of the C function’s formal parameter is a pointer to a pointer).

info :

a GITypeInfo

Returns :

TRUE if it is a pointer

g_type_info_get_tag ()

GITypeTag           g_type_info_get_tag                 (GITypeInfo *info);

Obtain the type tag for the type. See GITypeTag for a list of type tags.

info :

a GITypeInfo

Returns :

the type tag

g_type_info_get_param_type ()

GITypeInfo *        g_type_info_get_param_type          (GITypeInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);

Obtain the parameter type n.

info :

a GITypeInfo

n :

index of the parameter

Returns :

the param type info. [transfer full]

g_type_info_get_interface ()

GIBaseInfo *        g_type_info_get_interface           (GITypeInfo *info);

For types which have GI_TYPE_TAG_INTERFACE such as GObjects and boxed values, this function returns full information about the referenced type. You can then inspect the type of the returned GIBaseInfo to further query whether it is a concrete GObject, a GInterface, a structure, etc. using g_base_info_get_type().

info :

a GITypeInfo

Returns :

the GIBaseInfo, or NULL. Free it with g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_type_info_get_array_length ()

gint                g_type_info_get_array_length        (GITypeInfo *info);

Obtain the array length of the type. The type tag must be a GI_TYPE_TAG_ARRAY or -1 will returned.

info :

a GITypeInfo

Returns :

the array length, or -1 if the type is not an array

g_type_info_get_array_fixed_size ()

gint                g_type_info_get_array_fixed_size    (GITypeInfo *info);

Obtain the fixed array size of the type. The type tag must be a GI_TYPE_TAG_ARRAY or -1 will returned.

info :

a GITypeInfo

Returns :

the size or -1 if it's not an array

g_type_info_is_zero_terminated ()

gboolean            g_type_info_is_zero_terminated      (GITypeInfo *info);

Obtain if the last element of the array is NULL. The type tag must be a GI_TYPE_TAG_ARRAY or FALSE will returned.

info :

a GITypeInfo

Returns :

TRUE if zero terminated

g_type_info_get_array_type ()

GIArrayType         g_type_info_get_array_type          (GITypeInfo *info);

Obtain the array type for this type. See GIArrayType for a list of possible values. If the type tag of this type is not array, -1 will be returned.

info :

a GITypeInfo

Returns :

the array type or -1