
GIInterfaceInfo — Struct representing a GInterface


#define             GI_IS_INTERFACE_INFO                (info)
typedef             GIInterfaceInfo;
gint                g_interface_info_get_n_prerequisites
                                                        (GIInterfaceInfo *info);
GIBaseInfo *        g_interface_info_get_prerequisite   (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);
gint                g_interface_info_get_n_properties   (GIInterfaceInfo *info);
GIPropertyInfo *    g_interface_info_get_property       (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);
gint                g_interface_info_get_n_methods      (GIInterfaceInfo *info);
GIFunctionInfo *    g_interface_info_get_method         (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);
GIFunctionInfo *    g_interface_info_find_method        (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         const gchar *name);
gint                g_interface_info_get_n_signals      (GIInterfaceInfo *info);
GISignalInfo *      g_interface_info_get_signal         (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);
GISignalInfo *      g_interface_info_find_signal        (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         const gchar *name);
gint                g_interface_info_get_n_vfuncs       (GIInterfaceInfo *info);
GIVFuncInfo *       g_interface_info_get_vfunc          (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);
GIVFuncInfo *       g_interface_info_find_vfunc         (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         const gchar *name);
gint                g_interface_info_get_n_constants    (GIInterfaceInfo *info);
GIConstantInfo *    g_interface_info_get_constant       (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);
GIStructInfo *      g_interface_info_get_iface_struct   (GIInterfaceInfo *info);


GIInterfaceInfo represents a GInterface type.

A GInterface has methods, fields, properties, signals, interfaces, constants, virtual functions and prerequisites.

Struct hierarchy




#define             GI_IS_INTERFACE_INFO(info)

Checks if info is a GIInterfaceInfo.

info :

an info structure


typedef GIBaseInfo GIInterfaceInfo;

Represents an interface.

g_interface_info_get_n_prerequisites ()

gint                g_interface_info_get_n_prerequisites
                                                        (GIInterfaceInfo *info);

Obtain the number of prerequisites for this interface type. A prerequisites is another interface that needs to be implemented for interface, similar to an base class for GObjects.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

Returns :

number of prerequisites

g_interface_info_get_prerequisite ()

GIBaseInfo *        g_interface_info_get_prerequisite   (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);

Obtain an interface type prerequisites index n.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

n :

index of prerequisites to get

Returns :

the prerequisites as a GIBaseInfo. Free the struct by calling g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_interface_info_get_n_properties ()

gint                g_interface_info_get_n_properties   (GIInterfaceInfo *info);

Obtain the number of properties that this interface type has.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

Returns :

number of properties

g_interface_info_get_property ()

GIPropertyInfo *    g_interface_info_get_property       (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);

Obtain an interface type property at index n.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

n :

index of property to get

Returns :

the GIPropertyInfo. Free the struct by calling g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_interface_info_get_n_methods ()

gint                g_interface_info_get_n_methods      (GIInterfaceInfo *info);

Obtain the number of methods that this interface type has.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

Returns :

number of methods

g_interface_info_get_method ()

GIFunctionInfo *    g_interface_info_get_method         (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);

Obtain an interface type method at index n.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

n :

index of method to get

Returns :

the GIFunctionInfo. Free the struct by calling g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_interface_info_find_method ()

GIFunctionInfo *    g_interface_info_find_method        (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Obtain a method of the interface type given a name. NULL will be returned if there's no method available with that name.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

name :

name of method to obtain

Returns :

the GIFunctionInfo or NULL if none found. Free the struct by calling g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_interface_info_get_n_signals ()

gint                g_interface_info_get_n_signals      (GIInterfaceInfo *info);

Obtain the number of signals that this interface type has.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

Returns :

number of signals

g_interface_info_get_signal ()

GISignalInfo *      g_interface_info_get_signal         (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);

Obtain an interface type signal at index n.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

n :

index of signal to get

Returns :

the GISignalInfo. Free the struct by calling g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_interface_info_find_signal ()

GISignalInfo *      g_interface_info_find_signal        (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         const gchar *name);


info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

name :

Name of signal

Returns :

Info for the signal with name name in info, or NULL on failure. [transfer full]

Since 1.34

g_interface_info_get_n_vfuncs ()

gint                g_interface_info_get_n_vfuncs       (GIInterfaceInfo *info);

Obtain the number of virtual functions that this interface type has.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

Returns :

number of virtual functions

g_interface_info_get_vfunc ()

GIVFuncInfo *       g_interface_info_get_vfunc          (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);

Obtain an interface type virtual function at index n.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

n :

index of virtual function to get

Returns :

the GIVFuncInfo. Free the struct by calling g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_interface_info_find_vfunc ()

GIVFuncInfo *       g_interface_info_find_vfunc         (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Locate a virtual function slot with name name. See the documentation for g_object_info_find_vfunc() for more information on virtuals.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

name :

The name of a virtual function to find.

Returns :

the GIVFuncInfo, or NULL. Free it with g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_interface_info_get_n_constants ()

gint                g_interface_info_get_n_constants    (GIInterfaceInfo *info);

Obtain the number of constants that this interface type has.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

Returns :

number of constants

g_interface_info_get_constant ()

GIConstantInfo *    g_interface_info_get_constant       (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
                                                         gint n);

Obtain an interface type constant at index n.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

n :

index of constant to get

Returns :

the GIConstantInfo. Free the struct by calling g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_interface_info_get_iface_struct ()

GIStructInfo *      g_interface_info_get_iface_struct   (GIInterfaceInfo *info);

Returns the layout C structure associated with this GInterface.

info :

a GIInterfaceInfo

Returns :

the GIStructInfo or NULL. Free it with g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]