
GIFunctionInfo — Struct representing a function


#define             GI_IS_FUNCTION_INFO                 (info)
typedef             GIFunctionInfo;
enum                GInvokeError;
enum                GIFunctionInfoFlags;
#define             G_INVOKE_ERROR
const gchar *       g_function_info_get_symbol          (GIFunctionInfo *info);
GIFunctionInfoFlags g_function_info_get_flags           (GIFunctionInfo *info);
GIPropertyInfo *    g_function_info_get_property        (GIFunctionInfo *info);
GIVFuncInfo *       g_function_info_get_vfunc           (GIFunctionInfo *info);
gboolean            g_function_info_invoke              (GIFunctionInfo *info,
                                                         const GIArgument *in_args,
                                                         int n_in_args,
                                                         const GIArgument *out_args,
                                                         int n_out_args,
                                                         GIArgument *return_value,
                                                         GError **error);


GIFunctionInfo represents a function, method or constructor. To find out what kind of entity a GIFunctionInfo represents, call g_function_info_get_flags().

See also GICallableInfo for information on how to retreive arguments and other metadata.

Struct hierarchy




#define             GI_IS_FUNCTION_INFO(info)


typedef GIBaseInfo GIFunctionInfo;

Represents a function, eg arguments and return value.

enum GInvokeError

typedef enum {
} GInvokeError;

An error occuring while invoking a function via g_function_info_invoke().


invokation failed, unknown error.


symbol couldn't be found in any of the libraries associated with the typelib of the function.


the arguments provided didn't match the expected arguments for the functions type signature.

enum GIFunctionInfoFlags

typedef enum {
  GI_FUNCTION_IS_METHOD      = 1 << 0,
  GI_FUNCTION_IS_GETTER      = 1 << 2,
  GI_FUNCTION_IS_SETTER      = 1 << 3,
  GI_FUNCTION_THROWS         = 1 << 5
} GIFunctionInfoFlags;

Flags for a GIFunctionInfo struct.


is a method.


is a constructor.


is a getter of a GIPropertyInfo.


is a setter of a GIPropertyInfo.


represents a virtual function.


the function may throw an error.


#define G_INVOKE_ERROR (g_invoke_error_quark ())

g_function_info_get_symbol ()

const gchar *       g_function_info_get_symbol          (GIFunctionInfo *info);

Obtain the symbol of the function. The symbol is the name of the exported function, suitable to be used as an argument to g_module_symbol().

info :

a GIFunctionInfo

Returns :

the symbol

g_function_info_get_flags ()

GIFunctionInfoFlags g_function_info_get_flags           (GIFunctionInfo *info);

Obtain the GIFunctionInfoFlags for the info.

info :

a GIFunctionInfo

Returns :

the flags

g_function_info_get_property ()

GIPropertyInfo *    g_function_info_get_property        (GIFunctionInfo *info);

Obtain the property associated with this GIFunctionInfo. Only GIFunctionInfo with the flag GI_FUNCTION_IS_GETTER or GI_FUNCTION_IS_SETTER have a property set. For other cases, NULL will be returned.

info :

a GIFunctionInfo

Returns :

the property or NULL if not set. Free it with g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_function_info_get_vfunc ()

GIVFuncInfo *       g_function_info_get_vfunc           (GIFunctionInfo *info);

Obtain the virtual function associated with this GIFunctionInfo. Only GIFunctionInfo with the flag GI_FUNCTION_WRAPS_VFUNC has a virtual function set. For other cases, NULL will be returned.

info :

a GIFunctionInfo

Returns :

the virtual function or NULL if not set. Free it by calling g_base_info_unref() when done. [transfer full]

g_function_info_invoke ()

gboolean            g_function_info_invoke              (GIFunctionInfo *info,
                                                         const GIArgument *in_args,
                                                         int n_in_args,
                                                         const GIArgument *out_args,
                                                         int n_out_args,
                                                         GIArgument *return_value,
                                                         GError **error);

Invokes the function described in info with the given arguments. Note that inout parameters must appear in both argument lists. This function uses dlsym() to obtain a pointer to the function, so the library or shared object containing the described function must either be linked to the caller, or must have been g_module_symbol()ed before calling this function.

info :

a GIFunctionInfo describing the function to invoke

in_args :

an array of GIArguments, one for each in parameter of info. If there are no in parameter, in_args can be NULL

n_in_args :

the length of the in_args array

out_args :

an array of GIArguments, one for each out parameter of info. If there are no out parameters, out_args may be NULL

n_out_args :

the length of the out_args array

return_value :

return location for the return value of the function. If the function returns void, return_value may be NULL

error :

return location for detailed error information, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE if the function has been invoked, FALSE if an error occurred.