
GMimeMultipart — MIME multiparts


struct              GMimeMultipart;
GMimeMultipart *    g_mime_multipart_new                (void);
GMimeMultipart *    g_mime_multipart_new_with_subtype   (const char *subtype);
void                g_mime_multipart_set_preface        (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         const char *preface);
const char *        g_mime_multipart_get_preface        (GMimeMultipart *multipart);
void                g_mime_multipart_set_postface       (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         const char *postface);
const char *        g_mime_multipart_get_postface       (GMimeMultipart *multipart);
void                g_mime_multipart_set_boundary       (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         const char *boundary);
const char *        g_mime_multipart_get_boundary       (GMimeMultipart *multipart);
int                 g_mime_multipart_get_count          (GMimeMultipart *multipart);
gboolean            g_mime_multipart_contains           (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);
int                 g_mime_multipart_index_of           (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);
void                g_mime_multipart_add                (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);
void                g_mime_multipart_clear              (GMimeMultipart *multipart);
void                g_mime_multipart_insert             (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         int index,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);
gboolean            g_mime_multipart_remove             (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);
GMimeObject *       g_mime_multipart_remove_at          (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         int index);
GMimeObject *       g_mime_multipart_replace            (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         int index,
                                                         GMimeObject *replacement);
GMimeObject *       g_mime_multipart_get_part           (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         int index);
void                g_mime_multipart_foreach            (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObjectForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
GMimeObject *       g_mime_multipart_get_subpart_from_content_id
                                                        (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         const char *content_id);

Object Hierarchy



A GMimeMultipart represents all multipart MIME container parts.


struct GMimeMultipart

struct GMimeMultipart;

A base MIME multipart object.

g_mime_multipart_new ()

GMimeMultipart *    g_mime_multipart_new                (void);

Creates a new MIME multipart object with a default content-type of multipart/mixed.

Returns :

an empty MIME multipart object with a default content-type of multipart/mixed.

g_mime_multipart_new_with_subtype ()

GMimeMultipart *    g_mime_multipart_new_with_subtype   (const char *subtype);

Creates a new MIME multipart object with a content-type of multipart/subtype.

subtype :

content-type subtype

Returns :

an empty MIME multipart object with a content-type of multipart/subtype.

g_mime_multipart_set_preface ()

void                g_mime_multipart_set_preface        (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         const char *preface);

Sets the preface on the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

preface :


g_mime_multipart_get_preface ()

const char *        g_mime_multipart_get_preface        (GMimeMultipart *multipart);

Gets the preface on the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

Returns :

a pointer to the preface string on the multipart.

g_mime_multipart_set_postface ()

void                g_mime_multipart_set_postface       (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         const char *postface);

Sets the postface on the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

postface :


g_mime_multipart_get_postface ()

const char *        g_mime_multipart_get_postface       (GMimeMultipart *multipart);

Gets the postface on the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

Returns :

a pointer to the postface string on the multipart.

g_mime_multipart_set_boundary ()

void                g_mime_multipart_set_boundary       (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         const char *boundary);

Sets boundary as the boundary on the multipart. If boundary is NULL, then a boundary will be auto-generated for you.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

boundary :

boundary or NULL to autogenerate one

g_mime_multipart_get_boundary ()

const char *        g_mime_multipart_get_boundary       (GMimeMultipart *multipart);

Gets the boundary on the multipart. If the internal boundary is NULL, then an auto-generated boundary will be set on the multipart and returned.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

Returns :

the boundary on the multipart.

g_mime_multipart_get_count ()

int                 g_mime_multipart_get_count          (GMimeMultipart *multipart);

Gets the number of mime parts contained within the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

Returns :

the number of mime parts contained within the multipart.

g_mime_multipart_contains ()

gboolean            g_mime_multipart_contains           (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);

Checks if part is contained within multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

part :

mime part

Returns :

TRUE if part is a subpart of multipart or FALSE otherwise.

g_mime_multipart_index_of ()

int                 g_mime_multipart_index_of           (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);

Gets the index of part within multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

part :

mime part

Returns :

the index of part within multipart or -1 if not found.

g_mime_multipart_add ()

void                g_mime_multipart_add                (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);

Adds a mime part to the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

part :

a GMimeObject

g_mime_multipart_clear ()

void                g_mime_multipart_clear              (GMimeMultipart *multipart);

Removes all subparts from multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

g_mime_multipart_insert ()

void                g_mime_multipart_insert             (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         int index,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);

Inserts the specified mime part into the multipart at the position index.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

index :

position to insert the mime part

part :

mime part

g_mime_multipart_remove ()

gboolean            g_mime_multipart_remove             (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObject *part);

Removes the specified mime part from the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

part :

mime part

Returns :

TRUE if the part was removed or FALSE otherwise.

g_mime_multipart_remove_at ()

GMimeObject *       g_mime_multipart_remove_at          (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         int index);

Removes the mime part at position index from the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

index :

position of the mime part to remove

Returns :

the mime part that was removed or NULL if the part was not contained within the multipart.

g_mime_multipart_replace ()

GMimeObject *       g_mime_multipart_replace            (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         int index,
                                                         GMimeObject *replacement);

Replaces the mime part at position index within multipart with replacement.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

index :

position of the mime part to replace

replacement :

a GMimeObject to use as the replacement

Returns :

the mime part that was replaced or NULL if the part was not contained within the multipart.

g_mime_multipart_get_part ()

GMimeObject *       g_mime_multipart_get_part           (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         int index);

Gets the mime part at position index within the multipart.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart object

index :

position of the mime part

Returns :

the mime part at position index.

g_mime_multipart_foreach ()

void                g_mime_multipart_foreach            (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         GMimeObjectForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Recursively calls callback on each of multipart's subparts.

multipart :

a GMimeMultipart

callback :

function to call for each of multipart's subparts.

user_data :

user-supplied callback data

g_mime_multipart_get_subpart_from_content_id ()

GMimeObject *       g_mime_multipart_get_subpart_from_content_id
                                                        (GMimeMultipart *multipart,
                                                         const char *content_id);

Gets the mime part with the content-id content_id from the multipart multipart.

multipart :

a multipart

content_id :

the content id of the part to look for

Returns :

the GMimeObject whose content-id matches the search string, or NULL if a match cannot be found.