Signals Signals provide a means for customization of object behaviour and are used as general purpose notification mechanism. The @GSignalInvocationHint structure is used to pass on additional information to callbacks during a signal emission. @signal_id: The signal id of the signal invoking the callback @detail: The detail passed on for this emission @run_type: The stage the signal emission is currently in, this field will contain either of @G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, @G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST or @G_SIGNAL_RUN_CLEANUP. The signal accumulator is a special callback function that can be used to collect return values of the various callbacks that are called during a signal emission. The signal accumulator is at signal creation time, if it is left NULL, no accumulation of callback return values is perfomed, the return value of the signal emission is the value returned by the last callback. @ihint: Signal invokation hint, see @GSignalInvocationHint @return_accu: Accumulator to collect callback return values in, this is the return value of the current signal emission @return_value: The return value of the most recent callback function @Returns: The accumulator function returns whether signal emission should be aborted. Returning @FALSE means to abort the current emission and @TRUE is returned for continuation. @ihint: @n_param_values: @param_values: @Returns: @signal_id: @n_values: @values: @G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST: @G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST: @G_SIGNAL_RUN_CLEANUP: @G_SIGNAL_NO_RECURSE: @G_SIGNAL_DETAILED: @G_SIGNAL_ACTION: @G_SIGNAL_NO_HOOKS: @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID: @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DETAIL: @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_CLOSURE: @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC: @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA: @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_UNBLOCKED: A structure holding in-depth information for a specific signal. It is filled in by the @g_signal_query() function. @signal_id: The signal id of the signal being querried, or 0 if the signal to be querried was unknown @signal_name: The signal name @itype: The interface/instance type that this signal can be emitted for @signal_flags: The signal flags as passed in to @g_signal_new() @return_type: The return type for user callbacks @n_params: The number of parameters that user callbacks take @param_types: The individual parameter types for user callbacks, note that the effective callback signature is: @return_type callback (gpointer data1, @[parameters], gpointer data2); @signal_name: @itype: @signal_flags: @class_closure: @accumulator: @c_marshaller: @return_type: @n_params: @param_types: @Returns: @instance_and_params: @signal_id: @detail: @return_value: @name: @itype: @Returns: @signal_id: @Returns: Query the signal system for in-depth information about a specific signal. This function will fill in a user-provided structure to hold signal-specific information. If an invalid dignal id is passed in, the @signal_id member of the @GSignalQuery is 0. All members filled into the @GSignalQuery structure should be considered constant and have to be left untouched. @signal_id: The signal id of the signal to query information for @query: A user provided structure that is filled in with constant values upon success. List the signals by id, that a certain instance or interface type created. Further information about the signals can be aquired through @g_signal_query(). @itype: Instance or interface type @n_ids: Location to store the number of signal ids for @itype @Returns: Newly allocated array of signal ids @instance: @signal_id: @detail: @closure: @after: @Returns: @instance: @mask: @signal_id: @detail: @closure: @func: @data: @Returns: @instance: @handler_id: @instance: @handler_id: @instance: @handler_id: @instance: @signal_id: @detail: @may_be_blocked: @Returns: @instance: @signal_id: @detail: @itype: @struct_offset: @Returns: @signal_id: @closure: @Returns: @signal_id: @hook_id: @instance: @itype: