Miscellaneous Utility Functions a selection of portable utility functions These are portable utility functions. @Returns: @application_name: @Returns: @prgname: @variable: @Returns: @variable: @value: @overwrite: @Returns: @variable: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_DESKTOP: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_MUSIC: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_PUBLIC_SHARE: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATES: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_VIDEOS: @G_USER_N_DIRECTORIES: @directory: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @file_name: @Returns: This function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release of GLib. Use g_path_get_dirname() instead. Gets the directory components of a file name. If the file name has no directory components "." is returned. The returned string should be freed when no longer needed. @Returns: the directory components of the file. @file_name: @Returns: @file_name: @Returns: @file_name: @Returns: @file_name: @Returns: @first_element: @Varargs: @Returns: @args: @Returns: @separator: @first_element: @Varargs: @Returns: @separator: @args: @Returns: @size: @Returns: @program: @Returns: Find the position of the first bit set in @mask, searching from (but not including) @nth_bit upwards. Bits are numbered from 0 (least significant) to sizeof(#gulong) * 8 - 1 (31 or 63, usually). To start searching from the 0th bit, set @nth_bit to -1. @mask: a #gulong containing flags. @nth_bit: the index of the bit to start the search from. @Returns: the index of the first bit set which is higher than @nth_bit. Find the position of the first bit set in @mask, searching from (but not including) @nth_bit downwards. Bits are numbered from 0 (least significant) to sizeof(#gulong) * 8 - 1 (31 or 63, usually). To start searching from the last bit, set @nth_bit to -1 or GLIB_SIZEOF_LONG * 8. @mask: a #gulong containing flags. @nth_bit: the index of the bit to start the search from. @Returns: the index of the first bit set which is lower than @nth_bit. Gets the number of bits used to hold @number, e.g. if @number is 4, 3 bits are needed. @number: a guint. @Returns: the number of bits used to hold @number. Gets the smallest prime number from a built-in array of primes which is larger than @num. This is used within GLib to calculate the optimum size of a #GHashTable. The built-in array of primes ranges from 11 to 13845163 such that each prime is approximately 1.5-2 times the previous prime. @num: a #guint. @Returns: the smallest prime number from a built-in array of primes which is larger than @num. @func: @string: @keys: @nkeys: @Returns: Associates a string with a bit flag. Used in g_parse_debug_string(). @key: the string @value: the flag Declares a type of function which takes no arguments and has no return value. It is used to specify the type function passed to g_atexit(). Declares a type of function which takes an arbitrary data pointer argument and has no return value. It is not currently used in GLib or GTK+. @data: a data pointer. @pbase: @total_elems: @size: @compare_func: @user_data: @nullify_location: