# This file makes most of the thread related macros look like # functions, which they really were, if possible easy. # default thread implementation G_THREADS_IMPL_POSIX #define G_THREADS_IMPL_POSIX G_THREADS_IMPL_SOLARIS #define G_THREADS_IMPL_SOLARIS G_THREADS_IMPL_NONE #define G_THREADS_IMPL_NONE # threads supported? g_thread_supported gboolean # GMutex g_mutex_new GMutex * g_mutex_lock void GMutex *mutex g_mutex_trylock gboolean GMutex *mutex g_mutex_unlock void GMutex *mutex g_mutex_free void GMutex *mutex # GStaticMutex GStaticMutex G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT #define G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT g_static_mutex_lock void GStaticMutex* mutex g_static_mutex_trylock gboolean GStaticMutex* mutex g_static_mutex_unlock void GStaticMutex* mutex g_static_mutex_get_mutex GMutex * GStaticMutex* mutex # G_LOCK_* macros G_LOCK_DEFINE #define G_LOCK_DEFINE(name) G_LOCK_DEFINE_STATIC #define G_LOCK_DEFINE_STATIC(name) G_LOCK_EXTERN #define G_LOCK_EXTERN(name) G_LOCK #define G_LOCK(name) G_UNLOCK #define G_UNLOCK(name) G_TRYLOCK #define G_TRYLOCK(name) # GCond g_cond_new GCond* g_cond_signal void GCond *cond g_cond_broadcast void GCond *cond g_cond_wait void GCond *cond, GMutex *mutex g_cond_timed_wait gboolean GCond *cond, GMutex *mutex, GTimeVal *abs_time g_cond_free void GCond *cond # GPrivate g_private_new GPrivate* GDestroyNotify destructor g_private_get gpointer GPrivate *private_key g_private_set void GPrivate *private_key, gpointer data # GStaticPrivate G_STATIC_PRIVATE_INIT #define G_STATIC_PRIVATE_INIT # Definitions for different operating systems G_OS_UNIX #define G_OS_UNIX G_OS_WIN32 #define G_OS_WIN32 G_OS_BEOS #define G_OS_BEOS