The new caps code uses the type name GstCaps2 and the function names gst_caps2_*(). Before the CAPS branch is merged, there will be a global change from caps2 to caps. Since GstCaps is no longer defined, it no longer compiles, thus highlighting exactly what needs to be changed in an element. Pad Templates: Old style: GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_FACTORY (fakesrc_src_factory, "src%d", GST_PAD_SRC, GST_PAD_REQUEST, GST_CAPS_ANY ); New style: GstStaticPadTemplate fakesrc_src_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ( "src%d", GST_PAD_SRC, GST_PAD_REQUEST, GST_STATIC_CAPS2_ANY ); The old style defined a function called fakesrc_src_factory(), which, when called, returns a pad template. The new style defines a GstStaticPadTemplate, which can be converted to a GstPadTemplate by the function gst_static_pad_template_get(). The 4th argument is also different -- previously it would call the GST_CAPS_NEW() function. Now it is a GstStaticCaps. Not every pad template can be converted to a GstStaticPadTemplate, particularly those which create caps from another source at runtime, such as videotestsrc. Caps: Old style: GST_CAPS_NEW ( "sinesrc_src", "audio/x-raw-int", "endianness", GST_PROPS_INT (G_BYTE_ORDER), "signed", GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (TRUE), "width", GST_PROPS_INT (16), "depth", GST_PROPS_INT (16), "rate", GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE (8000, 48000), "channels", GST_PROPS_INT (1) ) New style: GST_STATIC_CAPS2 ( "audio/x-raw-int, " "endianness = (int) " G_STRINGIFY (G_BYTE_ORDER) ", " "signed = (boolean) true, " "width = (int) 16, " "depth = (int) 16, " "rate = (int) [ 8000, 48000 ], " "channels = (int) 1" ) The old style calls a function that creates a GstCaps. The new style stores a string in a GstStaticCaps2, and this string is converted to a caps in the function gst_static_caps2_get(). Note that the old caps name is no longer used. Old style: caps = GST_CAPS_NEW ("videotestsrc_filter", "video/x-raw-rgb", "bpp", GST_PROPS_INT(format->bitspp), "endianness", GST_PROPS_INT(endianness), "depth", GST_PROPS_INT(format->depth), "red_mask", GST_PROPS_INT(format->red_mask), "green_mask", GST_PROPS_INT(format->green_mask), "blue_mask", GST_PROPS_INT(format->blue_mask)); New style: caps = gst_caps2_new_simple("video/x-raw-rgb", "bpp", G_TYPE_INT, format->bitspp, "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, endianness, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, format->depth, "red_mask", G_TYPE_INT, format->red_mask, "green_mask", G_TYPE_INT, format->green_mask, "blue_mask", G_TYPE_INT, format->blue_mask); Not everything can be converted in this way, especially lists and ranges. IMPLEMENTATION Pad Capabilities (caps) are mathematical sets that represent all the possible stream types that a pad can use. These general sets are represented by unions of simpler sets known as caps structures. Each caps structure has a media type (e.g., "audio/mpeg") and a number of properties. Each property has a name and a GValue. In normal circumstances, the GValue will have the types int, boolean, string, fourcc, and double. Simple sets are constructed by using GValues that are lists of other GValues, or the special types that represent int ranges and double ranges. A "fixed" caps represents exactly one media format. This means that the caps is a union of exactly one caps structure, and each property in the caps structure is a simple type, i.e., no ranges or lists. There are two special caps values, "ANY" which represents the union of all stream types, and "EMPTY", which represents the set of no stream types. The ANY caps is often used on generic elements that handle any type of data (e.g., filesrc and filesink). The EMPTY caps is the return value of gst_caps_intersect(), when the two given caps do not intersect. In many cases, using EMPTY is invalid. CAPS NEGOTIATION Elements provide information to the core about what stream formats they understand in four ways: the caps in the pad templates, the caps returned by a pad's getcaps function, accepting/denying a given caps in the pad link function, and a new fixate function. The pad template caps should be the union of caps a pad supports in any potential situation. Simultaneously, these caps should be as specific as possible, since it is used to decide which elements to attempt for autoplugging, without having to load the element. The pad template caps are generally detemined at compile time, but might be actually computed at run-time from other information. The getcaps() function returns the caps supported by a given pad, in the context of the element's state, its link to other elements, and the devices or files it has opened. These caps must be a subset of the pad template caps. In the NULL state with no links, the getcaps function should ideally return the same caps as the pad template. In rare circumstances, an object property can affect the caps returned by getcaps, but this is discouraged. For most filters, the caps returned by getcaps is directly affected by the allowed caps on other pads. For demuxers and decoders, the caps returned by the srcpad's getcaps function is directly related to the stream data. Again, getcaps should return the most specific caps it reasonably can, since this helps with autoplugging. The pad link function is the last step in negotiating caps. The core calls the pad link function with a fixed caps, meaning that the stream format is precisely defined, with the caps having one structure, with no fields that are ranges or lists. There is also a new pad function "fixate", which is used to help choose a fixed caps from a non-fixed caps. This is called in situations where normal negotiation cannot decide on a fixed caps. You should almost never implement a fixate function, please ask me if it is appropriate for your case. Fixate functions are called iteratively on the pads until a fixed caps is found. Fixate functions are called with a const caps, and should return a caps that is a strict subset of the given caps. That is, the function should create a caps that is "more fixed" than previously, but does not have to return fixed caps. If the fixate function can't provide more fixed caps, it should return NULL. Checklist for getcaps: - The getcaps function prototype no longer has the caps parameter. Remove it. - The returned caps is owned by the caller. Make sure you don't keep a pointer to the caps. - Make sure that the getcaps function can be called safely in each element state (NULL, READY, PAUSED, PLAYING), and for any element configuration (properties, links, devices/files opened or not, error state, etc.) - Make sure that the returned caps do not depend on the caps that indicate the stream type that the pad is currently using. Checklist for pad_link: - The pad link function prototypes uses a const GstCaps *. - Pad link functions are called with fixed caps. There's no need to check for this. This means that you can assume that the caps is not ANY or EMPTY, and that there is exactly one structure in the caps, and that all the fields in the structure are fixed. - Pad link functions are called with caps that are a subset of the most recent return value of the pad's getcaps function. Generally, the getcaps function was called immediately prior to calling the src_link function. For 0.8, you can assume that nothing has changed in your element that would cause a change to the return value of getcaps. - the return value GST_PAD_LINK_OK should be used when the caps are acceptable, and you've extracted all the necessary information from the caps and set the element's internal state appropriately. - the return value GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED should be used when the caps are unacceptable for whatever reason. - the return value GST_PAD_LINK_DELAYED should be used when the element is in a state where it can't determine whether the caps are acceptable or not. This is often used if the element needs to open a device or process data before determining acceptable caps. - the pad_link function must not call gst_caps_try_set_caps() on the pad that was specified as a parameter. - the pad_link function may (and often should) call gst_caps_try_set_caps() on pads that are not specified as the pad parameter. Checklist for fixate: - Make sure you actually should be using a fixate function. Fixate functions are reasonable for non-fixed primary sources, such as videotestsrc, v4lsrc, and osssrc. - The user_data parameter is mainly used for user-provided fixate function. It should be ignored in element fixate functions.