gst-plugins-base Elements

adder — Add N audio channels together
appsrc — Allow the application to feed buffers to a pipeline
appsink — Allow the application to get access to raw buffer
alsamixer — Control sound input and output levels with ALSA
alsasink — Output to a sound card via ALSA
alsasrc — Read from a sound card via ALSA
audioconvert — Convert audio to different formats
audiorate — Drops/duplicates/adjusts timestamps on audio samples to make a perfect stream
audioresample — Resamples audio
audiotestsrc — Creates audio test signals of given frequency and volume
cdparanoiasrc — Read audio from CD in paranoid mode
clockoverlay — Overlays the current clock time on a video stream
decodebin — Autoplug and decode to raw media
decodebin2 — Autoplug and decode to raw media
encodebin — Convenience encoding/muxing element
ffmpegcolorspace — Converts video from one colorspace to another
gdpdepay — Depayloads GStreamer Data Protocol buffers
gdppay — Payloads GStreamer Data Protocol buffers
giosink — Write to any GIO-supported location
giosrc — Read from any GIO-supported location
giostreamsink — Write to any GIO stream
giostreamsrc — Read from any GIO stream
gnomevfssink — Write a stream to a GnomeVFS URI
gnomevfssrc — Read from any GnomeVFS-supported file
multifdsink — Send data to multiple filedescriptors
oggdemux — demux ogg streams (info about ogg:
oggmux — mux ogg streams (info about ogg:
playbin — Autoplug and play media from an uri
playbin2 — Autoplug and play media from an uri
subtitleoverlay — Overlays a video stream with subtitles
tcpclientsrc — Receive data as a client over the network via TCP
tcpclientsink — Send data as a client over the network via TCP
tcpserversrc — Receive data as a server over the network via TCP
tcpserversink — Send data as a server over the network via TCP
textoverlay — Adds text strings on top of a video buffer
textrender — Renders a text string to an image bitmap
theoradec — decode raw theora streams to raw YUV video
theoraenc — encode raw YUV video to a theora stream
theoraparse — parse raw theora streams
timeoverlay — Overlays buffer time stamps on a video stream
uridecodebin — Autoplug and decode an URI to raw media
videorate — Drops/duplicates/adjusts timestamps on video frames to make a perfect stream
videoscale — Resizes video
videotestsrc — Creates a test video stream
volume — Set volume on audio/raw streams
vorbisdec — decode raw vorbis streams to float audio
vorbisenc — Encodes audio in Vorbis format
vorbisparse — parse raw vorbis streams
vorbistag — Retags vorbis streams
ximagesink — A standard X based videosink
xvimagesink — A Xv based videosink