
gstriff — Riff fileformat utillity functions.


#include <gst/riff/riff-media.h>

GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_audio_caps          (guint16 codec_id,
                                                         gst_riff_strh *strh,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_auds *strf,
                                                         GstBuffer *strf_data,
                                                         GstBuffer *strd_data,
                                                         char **codec_name);
GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_audio_template_caps (void);
GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_iavs_caps           (guint32 codec_fcc,
                                                         gst_riff_strh *strh,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_iavs *strf,
                                                         GstBuffer *strf_data,
                                                         GstBuffer *strd_data,
                                                         char **codec_name);
GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_iavs_template_caps  (void);
GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_video_caps          (guint32 codec_fcc,
                                                         gst_riff_strh *strh,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_vids *strf,
                                                         GstBuffer *strf_data,
                                                         GstBuffer *strd_data,
                                                         char **codec_name);
GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_video_template_caps (void);
void                gst_riff_init                       (void);
gboolean            gst_riff_parse_chunk                (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint *offset,
                                                         guint32 *fourcc,
                                                         GstBuffer **chunk_data);
gboolean            gst_riff_parse_file_header          (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint32 *doctype);
void                gst_riff_parse_info                 (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         GstTagList **taglist);
gboolean            gst_riff_parse_strf_auds            (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_auds **strf,
                                                         GstBuffer **data);
gboolean            gst_riff_parse_strf_iavs            (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_iavs **strf,
                                                         GstBuffer **data);
gboolean            gst_riff_parse_strf_vids            (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_vids **strf,
                                                         GstBuffer **data);
gboolean            gst_riff_parse_strh                 (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         gst_riff_strh **strh);
GstFlowReturn       gst_riff_read_chunk                 (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstPad *pad,
                                                         guint64 *offset,
                                                         guint32 *tag,
                                                         GstBuffer **chunk_data);


A collection of functions to handle riff base files, such as avi, wav and asf.


gst_riff_create_audio_caps ()

GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_audio_caps          (guint16 codec_id,
                                                         gst_riff_strh *strh,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_auds *strf,
                                                         GstBuffer *strf_data,
                                                         GstBuffer *strd_data,
                                                         char **codec_name);

gst_riff_create_audio_template_caps ()

GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_audio_template_caps (void);

gst_riff_create_iavs_caps ()

GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_iavs_caps           (guint32 codec_fcc,
                                                         gst_riff_strh *strh,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_iavs *strf,
                                                         GstBuffer *strf_data,
                                                         GstBuffer *strd_data,
                                                         char **codec_name);

gst_riff_create_iavs_template_caps ()

GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_iavs_template_caps  (void);

gst_riff_create_video_caps ()

GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_video_caps          (guint32 codec_fcc,
                                                         gst_riff_strh *strh,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_vids *strf,
                                                         GstBuffer *strf_data,
                                                         GstBuffer *strd_data,
                                                         char **codec_name);

codec_fcc :

fourCC codec for this codec.

strh :

pointer to the strh stream header structure.

strf :

pointer to the strf stream header structure, including any data that is within the range of strf.size, but excluding any additional data withint this chunk but outside strf.size.

strf_data :

a GstBuffer containing the additional data in the strf chunk outside reach of strf.size. Ususally a palette.

strd_data :

a GstBuffer containing the data in the strd stream header chunk. Usually codec initialization data.

codec_name :

if given, will be filled with a human-readable codec name.

gst_riff_create_video_template_caps ()

GstCaps *           gst_riff_create_video_template_caps (void);

gst_riff_init ()

void                gst_riff_init                       (void);

Initialize riff library.

gst_riff_parse_chunk ()

gboolean            gst_riff_parse_chunk                (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint *offset,
                                                         guint32 *fourcc,
                                                         GstBuffer **chunk_data);

Reads a single chunk.

element :

caller element (used for debugging).

buf :

input buffer.

offset :

offset in the buffer in the caller. Is incremented by the read size by this function.

fourcc :

fourcc (returned by this function0 of the chunk.

chunk_data :

buffer (returned by the function) containing the chunk data, which may be NULL if chunksize == 0

Returns :

FALSE on error, TRUE otherwise

gst_riff_parse_file_header ()

gboolean            gst_riff_parse_file_header          (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint32 *doctype);

Reads the first few bytes from the provided buffer, checks if this stream is a RIFF stream, and determines document type. This function takes ownership of buf so it should not be used anymore after calling this function.

element :

caller element (used for debugging/error).

buf :

input buffer from which the file header will be parsed, should be at least 12 bytes long.

doctype :

a fourcc (returned by this function) to indicate the type of document (according to the header).

Returns :

FALSE if this is not a RIFF stream (in which case the caller should error out; we already throw an error), or TRUE if it is.

gst_riff_parse_info ()

void                gst_riff_parse_info                 (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         GstTagList **taglist);

Parses stream metadata from input data.

element :

caller element (used for debugging/error).

buf :

input data to be used for parsing, stripped from header.

taglist :

a pointer to a taglist (returned by this function) containing information about this stream. May be NULL if no supported tags were found.

gst_riff_parse_strf_auds ()

gboolean            gst_riff_parse_strf_auds            (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_auds **strf,
                                                         GstBuffer **data);

Parses an audio stream´s strf structure plus optionally some extradata from input data. This function takes ownership of buf. use.

element :

caller element (used for debugging/error).

buf :

input data to be used for parsing, stripped from header.

strf :

a pointer (returned by this function) to a filled-in strf/auds structure. Caller should free it.

data :

a pointer (returned by this function) to a buffer containing extradata for this particular stream (e.g. codec initialization data).

Returns :

TRUE if parsing succeeded, otherwise FALSE. The stream should be skipped on error, but it is not fatal.

gst_riff_parse_strf_iavs ()

gboolean            gst_riff_parse_strf_iavs            (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_iavs **strf,
                                                         GstBuffer **data);

Parses a interleaved (also known as "complex") stream´s strf structure plus optionally some extradata from input data. This function takes ownership of buf.

element :

caller element (used for debugging/error).

buf :

input data to be used for parsing, stripped from header.

strf :

a pointer (returned by this function) to a filled-in strf/iavs structure. Caller should free it.

data :

a pointer (returned by this function) to a buffer containing extradata for this particular stream (e.g. codec initialization data).

Returns :

TRUE if parsing succeeded, otherwise FALSE.

gst_riff_parse_strf_vids ()

gboolean            gst_riff_parse_strf_vids            (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         gst_riff_strf_vids **strf,
                                                         GstBuffer **data);

Parses a video stream´s strf structure plus optionally some extradata from input data. This function takes ownership of buf.

element :

caller element (used for debugging/error).

buf :

input data to be used for parsing, stripped from header.

strf :

a pointer (returned by this function) to a filled-in strf/vids structure. Caller should free it.

data :

a pointer (returned by this function) to a buffer containing extradata for this particular stream (e.g. palette, codec initialization data).

Returns :

TRUE if parsing succeeded, otherwise FALSE. The stream should be skipped on error, but it is not fatal.

gst_riff_parse_strh ()

gboolean            gst_riff_parse_strh                 (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         gst_riff_strh **strh);

Parses a strh structure from input data. Takes ownership of buf.

element :

caller element (used for debugging/error).

buf :

input data to be used for parsing, stripped from header.

strh :

a pointer (returned by this function) to a filled-in strh structure. Caller should free it.

Returns :

TRUE if parsing succeeded, otherwise FALSE. The stream should be skipped on error, but it is not fatal.

gst_riff_read_chunk ()

GstFlowReturn       gst_riff_read_chunk                 (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstPad *pad,
                                                         guint64 *offset,
                                                         guint32 *tag,
                                                         GstBuffer **chunk_data);

Reads a single chunk of data. Since 0.10.8 'JUNK' chunks are skipped automatically.

element :

caller element (used for debugging).

pad :

pad to pull data from.

offset :

offset to pull from, incremented by this function.

tag :

fourcc of the chunk (returned by this function).

chunk_data :

buffer (returned by this function).

Returns :

flow status.