
The most important consistency rules are those that govern naming. The style of a name immediately informs us what sort of thing the named entity is: a type, a variable, a function, a constant, a macro, etc., without requiring us to search for the declaration of that entity. The pattern-matching engine in our brains relies a great deal on these naming rules.

Consistency is more important than individual preferences so regardless of whether you find them sensible or not, the rules are the rules.

General Naming Rules

Function names, variable names, and filenames should be descriptive; eschew abbreviation. Types and variables should be nouns, while functions should be "command" verbs.

How to Name

Give as descriptive a name as possible, within reason. Do not worry about saving horizontal space as it is far more important to make your code immediately understandable by a new reader. Examples of well-chosen names:

int numberOfErrors; // Good. int countCompletedConnections; // Good.

Poorly-chosen names use ambiguous abbreviations or arbitrary characters that do not convey meaning:

int n; // Bad - meaningless. int nerr; // Bad - ambiguous abbreviation. int n_comp_conns; // Bad - ambiguous abbreviation.

Type and variable names should typically be nouns: e.g., FileOpener, NumErrors.

Function names should typically be imperative (that is they should be commands): e.g., OpenFile(), set_num_errors(). There is an exception for accessors, which should be named the same as the variable they access.


Do not use abbreviations unless they are extremely well known outside your project. For example:

// Good // These show proper names with no abbreviations. int numberOfDnsConnections; // Most people know what "DNS" stands for. int priceCountReader; // OK, price count. Makes sense. // Bad! // Abbreviations can be confusing or ambiguous outside a small group. int wgcconnections; // Only your group knows what this stands for. int pcreader; // Lots of things can be abbreviated "pc".

Never abbreviate by leaving out letters:

int error_count; // Good. int error_cnt; // Bad.

File Names

Filenames should be all lowercase and can include underscores dashes (-). Do not use underscores in filenames (_).


Examples of acceptable file names:

my-useful-class.cpp myusefulclass.cpp myusefulclass-test.cpp

C++ files should end in .cpp and header files should end in .h.

Do not use filenames that already exist in /usr/include, such as db.h.

In general, make your filenames very specific. For example, use http-server-logs.h rather than logs.h. A class called FooBar should be declared in file called foobar.h and defined in foobar.cpp.

Inline functions must be in a .h file. If your inline functions are very short, they should go directly into your .h file. However, if your inline functions include a lot of code, they may go into a third file that ends in -inl.h. In a class with a lot of inline code, your class could have three files:

foobar.h // The class declaration. foobar.cpp // The class definition. foobar-inl.h // Inline functions that include lots of code.

Type Names

Type names start with a capital letter and have a capital letter for each new word, with no underscores: MyExcitingClass, MyExcitingEnum. All type names are declared inside a namespace so no prefixing is used.


The names of all types; classes, structs, typedefs have the same naming convention - CamelCase with a leading capital letter, with no underscores. Enumerated type constants use the same convention as class constants, i.e. all uppercase with underscores. For example:

// classes and structs class UrlTable { ... }; class UrlTableTester { ... }; struct UrlTableProperties { ... }; // typedefs typedef hash_map PropertiesMap; // enums enum UrlTableErrors { OK = 0, OUT_OF_MEMORY = 1, MALFORMED_INPUT = 2, }

Variable Names

Variable names should use camel case, with an initial lower case letter. Local variable names start with a lowercase letter. For example: myExcitingLocalVariable, Class member variables have prefix m. For example: mMember. The only exception to this rule is for public member variables in public structs where the prefix m is not required. Such member variables should also start with a lowercase letter. Avoid underscore characters in mixed case names. Constants should be all upper case, with underscores between words. Global variables should be avoided, however, if one is needed, prefix it with g.


For example:

void SomeFunction() { string tableName; // OK - starts lowercase string tablename; // OK - all lowercase. } string TableName; // Bad - starts with capital. class Foo { public: string mTable; // OK string mTableName; // OK. }; struct Foo { string table; // OK string tableName; // OK. }; const int DAYS_IN_A_WEEK = 7; const int DaysInAWeek = 7; // Bad - constants should not use camel case. const int DAYSINAWEEK = 7; // Bad - without underscore, words run together.

Function Names

Regular function names are written in camel case starting with a capital letter and no underscores; accessors and mutators match the name of the variable with Get or Set as prefix.


void MyExcitingFunction(); void MyExcitingMethod(); class MyClass { public: ... int GetNumEntries() const { return mNumEntries; } void SetNumEntries( int numEntries ) { mNumEntries = numEntries; } private: int mNumEntries; }; void my_boring_function(); // bad - uses underscores and no camel case.

Macro Names

Macros should not be used for programming, code should always be readable without preprocessor. Only allowed cases for macros are include guards, debug tracing and compile time feature flags inside .cpp files when no other variation mechanism is not possible. Always prefer variation through design and template mechanisms rather than #define. If you need to use macros, they're like this: MY_MACRO_THAT_SCARES_SMALL_CHILDREN.


#define DEBUG_TRACE( __FILE__, __LINE__ ) ... #ifndef __ACTOR_H__ #define __ACTOR_H__ ... #endif // __ACTOR_H__


Comments are absolutely vital to keeping our code readable. The following rules describe what you should comment and where. But remember: while comments are very important, the best code is self-documenting. Giving sensible names to types and variables is much better than using obscure names that you must then explain through comments. When writing your comments, write for your audience: the next contributor who will need to understand your code.

Comment Rules

Comment Style

API documentation must use doxygen comments: /** */ or ///
Internal comments can use // or /* */ syntax, as long as you are consistent.

File Comments

Start each header file with a guard macro.
This should match the name of the class which is defined in the file, including the namespace.
For example, a class in the Dali namespace called Actor would have the guard:


An Actor class in the Dali::Internal namespace would have the guard:


The copyright & legal notice should follow the guard macro (inside the #ifdef), since this will improve build times.

Start each source file with the copyright & legal notice.

Class Comments

Every class definition should have an accompanying comment that describes what it is for and how it should be used. It should have a brief description, followed by a newline and a broader description. /** * @brief Iterates over the contents of a GargantuanTable. * * Example usage: * GargantuanTableIterator* iter = table->NewIterator(); * for( iter->Seek("foo"); !iter->done(); iter->Next() ) * { * process( iter->key(), iter->value() ); * } * delete iter; */ class GargantuanTableIterator { ... };

Document the synchronization assumptions the class makes, if any. If an instance of the class can be accessed by multiple threads, take extra care to document the rules and invariants surrounding multithreaded use.

Function Comments

Every function declaration in a header file must have a brief comment that describes what the function does, followed by a newline. It may be followed by a detailed description on how to use it. These comments should be descriptive ("Opens the file") rather than imperative ("Open the file"); the comment describes the function, it does not tell the function what to do. Each parameter must be documented, as must any return value.

Types of things to mention in comments at the function declaration:

/** * @brief Get the iterator for this data table. * * It is the client's responsibility to delete the iterator, * and it must not use the iterator once the GargantuanTable object * on which the iterator was created has been deleted. * * The iterator is initially positioned at the beginning of the table. * * This method is equivalent to: * Iterator* iter = table->NewIterator(); * iter->Seek( "" ); * return iter; * If you are going to immediately seek to another place in the * returned iterator, it will be faster to use NewIterator() * and avoid the extra seek. * @return an iterator for this table. */ Iterator* GetIterator() const;

When commenting constructors and destructors, remember that the person reading your code knows what constructors and destructors are for, so comments that just say something like "destroys this object" are not useful.

Variable Comments

In general the actual name of the variable should be descriptive enough to give a good idea of what the variable is used for. In certain cases, more comments are required - use Doxygen formatting. private: /** * @brief Keeps track of the total number of entries in the table. * * Used to ensure we do not go over the limit. -1 means * that we don't yet know how many entries the table has. */ int mNumTotalEntries; float mDuration; ///< Duration in seconds.

Duplicate documentation

Try to avoid duplicate documentation by using the @copydoc command.

@copydoc copies a documentation block from the object specified by link-object and pastes it at the location of the command. This command can be useful to avoid cases where a documentation block would otherwise have to be duplicated or it can be used to extend the documentation of an inherited member.

/** * @copydoc MyClass::myfunction() * More documentation. */

If the member is overloaded, you should specify the argument types explicitly (without spaces!), like in the following:

/** @copydoc MyClass::myfunction(type1,type2) */

Punctuation, Spelling and Grammar

Pay attention to punctuation, spelling, and grammar; it is easier to read well-written comments than badly written ones.

Comments should usually be written as complete sentences with proper capitalization and periods at the end. Shorter comments, such as comments at the end of a line of code, can sometimes be less formal, but you should be consistent with your style. Complete sentences are more readable, and they provide some assurance that the comment is complete and not an unfinished thought.

TODO Comments

Use TODO comments for code that is temporary, a short-term solution, or good-enough but not perfect.

Deprecation Comments

Mark deprecated interface points with @deprecated comments.


A project is much easier to follow if everyone uses the same style. It is important that all contributors follow the style rules so that they can all read and understand everyone's code easily.

Formatting Rules

Basic Rules

Hex encoding is also OK, and encouraged where it enhances readability — for example, "\xEF\xBB\xBF" is the Unicode zero-width no-break space character, which would be invisible if included in the source as straight UTF-8.

Class Format

Sections in public, protected and private order. Typedefs and Enums first, Constructor(s) & Destructors & public API next, then virtual methods and implementation details last. /** * @brief Class purpose. * * Long description. */ class MyClass : public Base { public: // API /** * @brief Short description. * * Documentation */ MyClass(); // 2 space indent. /** * @brief Short description. * * @param[in] var Description */ explicit MyClass( int var ); /** * @brief Short description. * * Documentation */ virtual ~MyClass(); /** * @brief Short description. * * Documentation */ void SomeFunction(); /** * @brief Short description. * * Documentation */ void SomeFunctionThatDoesNothing(); /** * @brief Short description. * * Documentation * @param[in] var Parameter description */ void SetSomeVar( int var ) /** * @brief Short description. * * Documentation. * @return value description. */ int GetSomeVar() const private: // Implementation MyClass( MyClass& aRHs ); ///< no copying MyClass& operator=( const MyClass& aRHs ); ///< no copying. bool SomeInternalFunction(); int mSomeVar; ///< short description. int mSomeOtherVar; ///< short description. };

Constructor Initializer Lists

Constructor initializer lists can be all on one line or with subsequent lines indented. Always initialize things in declaration order, base class first!! // When it all fits on one line: MyClass::MyClass( int var ) : Base( var), mSomeVar( var ), mSomeOtherVar( var + 1 ) { } // When it requires multiple lines, indent, putting the colon on // the first initializer line: MyClass::MyClass( int var ) : Base( var ), mSomeVar( var ), mSomeOtherVar( var + 1 ) { DoSomething(); }

Namespace Formatting

The contents of namespaces are not indented. namespace { void Foo() { // Correct. No extra indentation within namespace. ... } } // namespace

When declaring nested namespaces, put each namespace on its own line.

/** * @brief description of namespace */ namespace Foo { /** * @brief description of namespace */ namespace Bar {

Function Declarations and Definitions

Return type on the same line as function name, parameters on the same line if they fit. All parameters should be named, with identical names in the declaration and definition. ReturnType ClassName::FunctionName( Type parameterName1, Type parameterName2 ) { DoSomething(); }

If you have too much text to fit on one line:

ReturnType ClassName::ReallyLongFunctionName( Type parameterName1, Type parameterName2, Type parameterName3 ) { DoSomething(); }

or if you cannot fit even the first parameter:

ReturnType LongClassName::ReallyReallyReallyLongFunctionName( Type parameterName1, // 2 space indent Type parameterName2, Type parameterName3 ) { DoSomething(); // 2 space indent ... }

const keyword should be on the same line as the last parameter:

// Everything in this function signature fits on a single line ReturnType FunctionName( Type parameter ) const { ... } // This function signature requires multiple lines, but // the const keyword is on the line with the last parameter. ReturnType ReallyLongFunctionName( Type parameter1, Type parameter2 ) const { ... }

If some parameters are unused, comment out the variable name in the function definition:

// Always have named parameters in interfaces. class Shape { public: virtual void Rotate( double radians ) = 0; } // Always have named parameters in the declaration. class Circle : public Shape { public: virtual void Rotate( double radians ); } // Comment out unused named parameters in definitions. void Circle::Rotate( double /*radians*/ ) { } // Bad - if someone wants to implement later, it's not clear what the // variable means. void Circle::Rotate( double ) { }

Function Calls

On one line if it fits; otherwise, wrap arguments at the parenthesis. Put one space inside the parentheses, none outside. bool retval = DoSomething( argument1, argument2, argument3 );

If the arguments do not all fit on one line, they should be broken up onto multiple lines, with each subsequent line aligned with the first argument:

bool retval = DoSomething( aVeryVeryVeryVeryLongArgument1, argument2, argument3 );

If the function has many arguments, consider having one per line if this makes the code more readable:

bool retval = DoSomething( argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4 );

If the function signature is so long that it cannot fit, place all arguments on subsequent lines:

if( ... ) { DoSomethingThatRequiresALongFunctionName( aVeryLongArgument1, // indent argument2, argument3, argument4 ); }


The if statement should be followed only by the conditional, with a space inside the parentheses, not outside. The following clause must always be surrounded by braces on separate lines. The else keyword belongs on its own line, and the following clause must always be surrounded by braces. if( condition ) // space inside parentheses { ... } else { ... } if(condition) // Bad - space missing inside parentheses if(condition){ // Doubly bad. Mis-aligned parentheses are harder to read.

Must always have curly braces for the clauses, and they must always be on a line on their own:

if( condition ) { DoSomething(); // 2 space indent. } else { DoSomethingElse(); // 2 space indent. }

Loops and Switch Statements

Switch statements use braces for blocks. Empty loop bodies must use {} or continue. Switch statements should always have a default case unless they switch on an enum type, for which the compiler will ensure all values are handled. If the default case should never execute, simply assert. Put one space inside the parentheses, none outside.

case blocks in switch statements must have curly braces. They should be placed as shown below.

switch( var ) { case 0: // 2 space indent { ... // 2 space indent break; } case 1: { ... break; } default: { DALI_ASSERT_ALWAYS( false ); } }

Empty loop bodies should use {} or continue, but not a single semicolon.

while( condition ) { // Repeat test until it returns false. } for( int i = 0; i < someNumber; ++i ) { } // Good - empty body, clearly separated. while( condition ) continue; // Good - continue indicates no logic. while( condition ); // Bad - looks like part of do/while loop.

Pointer and Reference Expressions

No spaces around period or arrow. Pointer operators do not have trailing spaces.

The following are examples of correctly-formatted pointer and reference expressions:

x = *p; p = &x; x = r.y; x = r->y;

When declaring a pointer variable or argument, you may place the asterisk adjacent to either the type or to the variable name, however, placing with the type is preferred.

// These are fine, space preceding. char *c; const string &str; // These are fine, space following. char* c; // but remember to do each variable on its own line or "char* c, *d, *e, ...;"! const string& str; char * c; // Bad - spaces on both sides of * const string & str; // Bad - spaces on both sides of &

You should do this consistently within a single file, so, when modifying an existing file, use the style in that file.

Boolean Expressions

When you have a boolean expression that is long, be consistent in how you break up the lines.

In this example, the logical AND operator is always at the end of the lines:

if( thisOneThing > thisOtherThing && aThirdThing == aFourthThing && yetAnother && lastOne ) { ... }

Return Values

Do not needlessly surround the return expression with parentheses. return result; // No parentheses in the simple case. return ( someLongCondition && // Parentheses ok to make a complex anotherCondition ); // expression more readable. return (value); // You wouldn't write var = (value); return(result); // return is not a function!

Variable and Array Initialization

Your choice of = or ().

You may choose between = and (); the following are all correct:

int x = 3; int x( 3 ); string name( "Some Name" ); string name = "Some Name";

Preprocessor Directives

Preprocessor directives should not be indented but should instead start at the beginning of the line.

Even when pre-processor directives are within the body of indented code, the directives should start at the beginning of the line.

// Good - directives at beginning of line if( lopsidedScore ) { #if DISASTER_PENDING // Correct -- Starts at beginning of line DropEverything(); #endif BackToNormal(); } // Bad - indented directives if( lopsidedScore ) { #if DISASTER_PENDING // Wrong! The "#if" should be at beginning of line DropEverything(); #endif // Wrong! Do not indent "#endif" BackToNormal(); }

Thats all folks, if you read this far you are now all equipped to write good code :) !!