## Module: dgram ### Platform Support The following shows dgram module APIs available for each platform. | | Linux
(Ubuntu) | Raspbian
(Raspberry Pi) | Nuttx
(STM32F4-Discovery) | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | dgram.createSocket | O | O | O | | dgram.Socket.bind | O | O | O | | dgram.Socket.close | O | O | O | | dgram.Socket.send | O | O | O | | dgram.Socket.address | O | O | X | | dgram.Socket.setBroadcast | O | O | X | | dgram.Socket.setTTL | O | O | X | | dgram.Socket.addMembership | O | O | X | | dgram.Socket.dropMembership | O | O | X | | dgram.Socket.setMulticastLoopback | O | O | X | | dgram.Socket.setMulticastTTL | X | X | X | IoT.js provides udp connections through Dgram module. You can use this module with `require('dgram')` and create sockets. ### Module Functions #### dgram.createSocket(options[, createListener]) #### dgram.createSocket(type[, createListener]) * `options: Object` * `type: String`: it indicates an address family either `udp4` or `udp6`. * `reuseAddr: Boolean`: it indicates to allow socket to bind the address and port used previously. * `type: String`: it indicates an address family either 'udp4' or 'udp6'. * `createListener: Function(msg, rinfo)` * `msg: Buffer` * `rinfo: Object` * `address: String` * `family: String`: it indicates an address family either `IPv4` or `IPv6` * `port: Number` Creates a `dgram.Socket` according to `options` or `type`. (Currently we only accept `type`, `udp4`.) `createListener` is automatically registered as `message` event listener. *** ## class: dgram.Socket You can create `dgram.Socket` instance with `dgram.createSocket()`. ### Events #### `'close'` * `callback: Function()` Emitted when socket closed. #### `'error'` * `callback: Function()` Emitted when an error occurs. #### `'listening'` * `callback: Function()` Emitted when socket is ready to receive data. #### `'message'` * `callback: Function(msg, rinfo)` * `msg: Buffer` * `rinfo: Object` * `address: String` * `family: String`: it indicates an address family either `IPv4` or `IPv6` * `port: Number` Emitted when message comes to the socket. ### Methods #### socket.address() Returns an object with the properties `address`, `port` and `family`. Basically the returned object is same with the object `rinfo` mentioned above. #### socket.addMembership(multicastAddress[, multicastInterface]) * `multicastAddress: String` * `multicastInterface: String` Joins for socket the given multicast group with given `multicastAddress` and `multicastInterface`. #### socket.dropMembership(multicastAddress[, multicastInterface]) * `multicastAddress: String` * `multicastInterface: String` Leaves for socket the given multicast group with given `multicastAddress` and `multicastInterface`. #### socket.bind([port][, address][, bindListener]) #### socket.bind(options[, bindListener]) * `port: Number`, if it is not specified, OS will bind socket with a random port. * `options: Object` * `port: Number` * `address: String`, Default: `` * `bindListener: Function()` Binds `net.Socket` with given `address` and `port`. `bindListener` is automatically registered as `listening` event listener. #### socket.close([closeListener]) * `closeListener: Function()` Stops listening data. `closeListener` is registered as `close` event listener. #### socket.setBroadcast(flag) * `flag: Boolean` Sets or clears the `SO_BROADCAST` socket option. #### socket.setTTL(ttl) * `ttl: Number`, it should be between 1 and 255. Sets the `IP_TTL` socket option. #### socket.send(msg, [offset, length], port, address[, sendListener]) * `msg: Buffer | String | Array` * `offset: Number`, is is only valid when `msg` is Buffer. * `length: Number`, is is only valid when `msg` is Buffer. * `port: Number` * `address: String`, Default: `` or `::1` * `sendListener: Function(err, length)` * `err: Null | Error` * `code: String`, temporally, it is just a String of *"error"*. * `errno: String`, it is same with `code` * `syscall: Number` * `address: String` * `port: Number` * `length: Number`, it indicates the length of data. Sends the message to the destination with given `address` and `port`. If send operation is successfully completed, `sendListener` will be called with Null and the length of data, otherwise with Error object and the length of data. #### socket.setMulticastLoopback(flag) * `flag: Boolean` Sets or clears the `IP_MULTICAST_LOOP` socket option. #### socket.setMulticastTTL(ttl) * `ttl: Number`, it should be between 0 and 255. Sets the `IP_MULTICAST_TTL` socket option.