Service unique name Interface net.connman.Notification Object path freely definable Methods void Release() This method gets called when the service daemon unregisters the session. A counter can use it to do cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the session, because when this method gets called it has already been unregistered. void Update(dict settings) Sends an update of changed settings. Only settings that are changed will be included. Initially on every session creation this method is called once to inform about the current settings. Service net.connman Interface net.connman.Session Object path variable Methods void Destroy() Close the current session. This is similar to DestroySession method on the manager interface. It is just provided for convenience depending on how the application wants to track the session. void Connect() If not connected, then attempt to connect this session. The usage of this method depends a little bit on the model of the application. Some application should not try to call Connect on any session at all. They should just monitor if it becomes online or gets back offline. Others might require an active connection right now. So for example email notification should only check for new emails when a connection is available. However if the user presses the button for get email or wants to send an email it should request to get online with this method. Depending on the bearer settings the current service is used or a new service will be connected. This method returns immediately after it has been called. The application is informed through the update notification about the state of the session. It is also not guaranteed that a session stays online after this method call. It can be taken offline at any time. This might happen because of idle timeouts or other reasons. It is safe to call this method multiple times. The actual usage will be sorted out for the application. void Disconnect() This method indicates that the current session does not need a connection anymore. This method returns immediately. The application is informed through the update notification about the state of the session. void Change(string name, variant value) Change the value of certain settings. Not all settings can be changed. Normally this should not be needed or an extra session should be created. However in some cases it makes sense to change a value and trigger different behavior. A change of a setting will cause an update notification to be sent. Some changes might cause the session to be moved to offline state. Settings string Bearer [readonly] This indicates the current bearer that is used for this session. Or an empty string if no bearer is available. boolean Online [readonly] This indicates if the connection is online or offline. This maps to the online service state. And it is only valid for the selected bearer configuration. Otherwise it will be reported as offline even if the global state would be online. In addition the Online settings notification might not happen right away. Notifications of online state can be delayed based on the speed of the bearer. It is done to avoid congestion on bearers like 3G etc. boolean Priority [readwrite] This allows a session to mark itself as priority or not. In general application are not allowed to make themselves more important than others. The priority handling is done internally by usage and first come, first serve order. By default this settings is of course false. Internally there can be different priorities for different application, but these are defined by a configuration file and not via this interface. An application that calls the method to connect a session is preferred over other sessions. This priority value is more for application that want to push themselves up in the asychronization notification queue once a bearer becomes online. This actual priority order also depends on the allowed bearers and other factors. This is setting is just a little indicator of one application being notified before another one. For example a streaming session should set the priority value. As soon as realtime data is involved then this should be set. An email client should not set this value. string Name [readonly] The Service name to which the system is connected. It should only be used for displaying it in the UI and not for getting hold on session object. array{string} AllowedBearers [readwrite] A list of bearers that can be used for this session. In general this list should be empty to indicate that any bearer is acceptable. The order of the entries in AllowedBearers matters. The services are sorted in the order of the bearer entries in this list. Also "*" matches any bearer. This is usefull to prefer certain bearers such as Wifi with a fallback to any other available bearer. dict IPv4 [readonly] Current IPv4 configuration. This settings is only valid when online is true as well. Otherwise an empty dictionary is reported. dict IPv6 [readonly] Current IPv6 configuration. This setting is only valid when online is true as well. Otherwise an empty dictionary is reported. boolean AvoidHandover [readwrite] By default this setting is false. It can be used to indicate that a handover is currently not a good idea. However no connection is guaranteed. So a handover can happen anyway. This is just an indication that the application would like to avoid it right now. It is a bad idea to always enable this settings and actually it will be reset after a while to avoid congestion. Main use case it is for application that are currently doing a specific tasks that it prefers to finish before allowing handovers again. An example would be synchronization. Never the less application needs to be aware that handovers can happen at any time even if this is set to true. boolean StayConnected [readwrite] This disables the idle timeout for this session. There is no guarantee and this should be used with care. If the system is not online yet this value is ignored. uint32 PeriodicConnect [readwrite] Indicate that a periodic connection attempt every n minutes should be made. The minutes value is a suggestion when to connection. There is no guarantee that it will be made or will succeed. A value of 0 disable this feature. This feature is interesting for applications that wanna check status on a regular interval. And instead of the application waking up and trying to connect, this can be centralized nicely and multiple wakeups avoided in case no connection is available. An example application would be an email client that wants to check for new emails every 10 minutes. On purpose the smallest setting is 1 minute here since waking up more often and trying to set up a connection seems rather pointless use case. If an interval step has passed this can be nicely rescheduled when any connection matching the bearer settings becomes available becomes available. Using this feature it is also easy to avoid congestion. uint32 IdleTimeout [readwrite] If the system is idle for given period then it should go offline. If the timeout is 0, this feature is disabled. If different values are provided by several session object the longest interval is taken as timeout value. boolean EmergencyCall [readwrite] Boolean representing the emergency mode of the modem. The Emergency is true if an emergency call or related operation is currently active. Only one application is supposed to write this setting and therefore it will be protected by additional PolicyKit rule so that only the emergency application can write. string RoamingPolicy [readwrite] The allowed roaming behavior. Valid policies are "national", "international", "default", "always" and "forbidden". "national" allows roaming within a country. "international" allows roaming in a country and between countries. "default" is used to tell the Session to use the global roaming setting. "always" will overwrite the default "forbidden" value which is useful for emergency application. This value will be protected by additional PolicyKit rule. Default value is "forbidden". string Interface [readonly] Interface name used by the service object to connect. This name can be used for SO_BINDTODEVICE in the application. uint32 SessionMarker [readonly] The unique session marker can be used to mark all traffic from the application with the SO_MARK socket option. In combination of the EmergencyCall this allows ConnMan to setup the firewall rules that only traffic from the emergency application are transmitted.