Service hierarchy ================= Service org.moblin.connman Interface org.moblin.connman.Service Object path [variable prefix]/{service0,service1,...} Methods dict GetProperties() Returns properties for the service object. See the properties section for available properties. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void SetProperty(string name, variant value) Changes the value of the specified property. Only properties that are listed as read-write are changeable. On success a PropertyChanged signal will be emitted. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.InvalidProperty void ClearProperty(string name) Clears the value of the specified property. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.InvalidProperty void Connect() Connect this service. It will attempt to connect WiFi, WiMAX or Bluetooth services. For Ethernet devices this method can only be used if it has previously been disconnected. Otherwise the plugging of a cable will trigger connecting automatically. If no cable is plugged in this method will fail. This method call will only return in case of an error or when the service is fully connected. So setting a longer D-Bus timeout might be a really good idea. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void Disconnect() Disconnect this service. If the service is not connected an error message will be generated. On Ethernet devices this will disconnect the IP details from the service. It will not magically unplug the cable. When no cable is plugged in this method will fail. This method can also be used to abort a previous connectiong attempt via the Connect method. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void Remove() A successfully connected service with Favorite=true can be removed this way. If it is connected, it will be automatically disconnected first. If the service requires a passphrase it will be cleared and forgotten when removing. This is similar to setting the Favorite property to false, but that is currently not supported. Calling this method on Ethernet devices will cause an error message. It is not possible to remove these kind of devices. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void MoveBefore(object service) If a service has been used before, this allows a reorder of the favorite services. The target service object must be part of this profile. Moving between profiles is not supported. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void MoveAfter(object service) If a service has been used before, this allows a reorder of the favorite services. The target service object must be part of this profile. Moving between profiles is not supported. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. Properties string State [readonly] The service state information. Valid states are "idle", "failure", "association", "configuration" and "ready". string Error [readonly] The service error status details. When error occur during connection or disconnection the detailed information are represented in this property to help the user interface to present the user with alternate options. This property is only valid when the service is in the "failure" state. Otherwise it might be empty or not present at all. Current defined error code is "dhcp-failed". string Name [readonly] The service name (for example "Wireless" etc.) This name can be used for directly displaying it in the application. It has pure informational purpose. For Ethernet devices and hidden WiFi networks it is not guaranteed that this property is present. string Type [readonly] The service type (for example "ethernet", "wifi" etc.) This information should only be used to determine advanced properties or showing the correct icon to the user. string Mode [readonly] If the service type is WiFi, then this property is present and contains the mode of the network. The possible values are "managed" or "adhoc". This property might be only present for WiFi services. string Security [readonly] If the service type is WiFi, then this property is present and contains the security method or key management setting. Possible values are "none", "wep", "wpa" and "rsn". This property might be only present for WiFi services. string Passphrase [readwrite] If the service type is WiFi, then this property can be used to store a passphrase. No PropertyChanged signals will be send for this property. The PassphraseRequired property should be monitored instead. This property might also not always be included since it is protected by a different security policy. boolean PassphraseRequired [readonly] If the service type is WiFi, then this property indicates if a passphrase is required. If a passphrase has been set already or if no passphrase is needed, then this property will be set to false. uint8 Strength [readonly] Indicates the signal strength of the service. This is a normalized value between 0 and 100. This property will not be present for Ethernet devices. boolean Favorite [readonly] Will be true if a cable is plugged in or the user selected and successfully connected to this service. This value is automatically changed and to revert it back to false the Remove() method needs to be used. boolean AutoConnect [readwrite] If set to true, this service will auto-connect when not other connection is available. For favorite services it is possible to change this value to prevent or permit automatic connection attempts. string IPv4.Method [readwrite] The IPv4 configuration method. Possible values here are "dhcp" and "static". string IPv4.Address [readwrite] The current configured IPv4 address.