eDir: Modifying a Service Object ================================= To modify the attributes of a service and assign appropriate rights, if realm associations are changed, use the following command:: modify_service [-servicehost service_host_list |[-clearservicehost service_host_list] [-addservicehost service_host_list]] [-realm realm_list | [-clearrealm realm_list] [-addrealm realm_list]] service_dn Options are as follows ========================================= ================================================== -servicehost *service_host_list* List of entries separated by a colon (:) where each entry consists of host name or IP address of the server hosting the service, transport protocol, and port number of the service separated by a pound sign (#). This list replaces the existing list. For example, *server1#tcp#88:server2#udp#89* -clearservicehost *service_host_list* Specifies the list of servicehost entries to be removed from the existing list. This is a colon separated list. -addservicehost *service_host_list* Specifies the list of servicehost entries to be added to the existing list. This is a colon separated list. -realm *realm_list* Specifies the list of realms that are to be associated with this service. The list contains the name of the realms separated by a colon (:). This list replaces the existing list. -clearrealm *realm_list* Specifies the list of realms to be removed from the existing list. The list contains the name of the realms separated by a colon (:). -addrealm *realm_list* Specifies the list of realms to be added to the existing list. The list contains the name of the realms separated by a colon (:). service_dn Specifies the Distinguished Name (DN) of the Kerberos service to be modified. ========================================= ================================================== For example:: shell% kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu modify_service -realm ATHENA.MIT.EDU cn=service-kdc,dc=example,dc=com Password for "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com": Changing rights for the service object. Please wait ... done shell% ------------ Feedback: Please, provide your feedback at krb5-bugs@mit.edu?subject=Documentation___edir