GObject Serialization

GObject Serialization — Serialize and deserialize GObjects


JsonNode *          json_gobject_serialize              (GObject *gobject);
GObject *           json_gobject_deserialize            (GType gtype,
                                                         JsonNode *node);
gchar *             json_gobject_to_data                (GObject *gobject,
                                                         gsize *length);
GObject *           json_gobject_from_data              (GType gtype,
                                                         const gchar *data,
                                                         gssize length,
                                                         GError **error);

GObject *           json_construct_gobject              (GType gtype,
                                                         const gchar *data,
                                                         gsize length,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             json_serialize_gobject              (GObject *gobject,
                                                         gsize *length);


JSON-GLib provides API for serializing and deserializing GObjects to and from JSON data streams.

Simple GObject classes can be (de)serialized into JSON objects, if the properties have compatible types with the native JSON types (integers, booleans, strings, string vectors). If the class to be (de)serialized has complex data types for properties (like boxed types or other objects) then the class should implement the provided JsonSerializable interface and its virtual functions.


json_gobject_serialize ()

JsonNode *          json_gobject_serialize              (GObject *gobject);

Creates a JsonNode representing the passed GObject instance. Each member of the returned JSON object will map to a property of the GObject

gobject :

a GObject

Returns :

the newly created JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_OBJECT. Use json_node_free() to free the resources allocated by this function. [transfer full]

Since 0.10

json_gobject_deserialize ()

GObject *           json_gobject_deserialize            (GType gtype,
                                                         JsonNode *node);

Creates a new GObject of type gtype, and constructs it using the members of the passed JsonObject

gtype :

the type of the GObject to create

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_OBJECT describing the instance of type gtype

Returns :

The newly created GObject instance. Use g_object_unref() to free the resources allocated by this function. [transfer full]

Since 0.10

json_gobject_to_data ()

gchar *             json_gobject_to_data                (GObject *gobject,
                                                         gsize *length);

Serializes a GObject into a JSON data stream, iterating recursively over each property.

If gobject implements the JsonSerializableIface interface, it will be asked to serialize all its properties; otherwise, the default implementation will be use to translate the compatible types into JSON native types.

gobject :

a GObject

length :

return value for the length of the buffer, or NULL. [out]

Returns :

a JSON data stream representing the passed GObject

Since 0.10

json_gobject_from_data ()

GObject *           json_gobject_from_data              (GType gtype,
                                                         const gchar *data,
                                                         gssize length,
                                                         GError **error);

Deserializes a JSON data stream and creates the corresponding GObject class. If gtype implements the JsonSerializableIface interface, it will be asked to deserialize all the JSON members into the respective properties; otherwise, the default implementation will be used to translate the compatible JSON native types.

Note: the JSON data stream must be an object declaration.

gtype :

the GType of object to construct

data :

a JSON data stream

length :

length of the data stream, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

a GObject or NULL. [transfer full]

Since 0.10

json_construct_gobject ()

GObject *           json_construct_gobject              (GType gtype,
                                                         const gchar *data,
                                                         gsize length,
                                                         GError **error);


json_construct_gobject has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use json_gobject_from_data() instead

Deserializes a JSON data stream and creates the corresponding GObject class. If gtype implements the JsonSerializableIface interface, it will be asked to deserialize all the JSON members into the respective properties; otherwise, the default implementation will be used to translate the compatible JSON native types.

Note: the JSON data stream must be an object declaration.

gtype :

the GType of object to construct

data :

a JSON data stream

length :

length of the data stream

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

a GObject or NULL. [transfer full]

Since 0.4

json_serialize_gobject ()

gchar *             json_serialize_gobject              (GObject *gobject,
                                                         gsize *length);


json_serialize_gobject has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use json_gobject_to_data() instead

Serializes a GObject into a JSON data stream. If gobject implements the JsonSerializableIface interface, it will be asked to serizalize all its properties; otherwise, the default implementation will be use to translate the compatible types into JSON native types.

gobject :

a GObject

length :

return value for the length of the buffer, or NULL. [out]

Returns :

a JSON data stream representing the passed GObject