
JsonGenerator — Generates JSON data streams


JsonGenerator *     json_generator_new                  (void);
gboolean            json_generator_to_file              (JsonGenerator *generator,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             json_generator_to_data              (JsonGenerator *generator,
                                                         gsize *length);
void                json_generator_set_root             (JsonGenerator *generator,
                                                         JsonNode *node);

Object Hierarchy



  "indent"                   guint                 : Read / Write
  "indent-char"              guint                 : Read / Write
  "pretty"                   gboolean              : Read / Write
  "root"                     JsonNode*             : Read / Write


JsonGenerator provides an object for generating a JSON data stream and put it into a buffer or a file.



typedef struct _JsonGenerator JsonGenerator;

JSON data streams generator. The contents of the JsonGenerator structure are private and should only be accessed via the provided API.


typedef struct {
} JsonGeneratorClass;

JsonGenerator class

json_generator_new ()

JsonGenerator *     json_generator_new                  (void);

Creates a new JsonGenerator. You can use this object to generate a JSON data stream starting from a data object model composed by JsonNodes.

Returns :

the newly created JsonGenerator instance

json_generator_to_file ()

gboolean            json_generator_to_file              (JsonGenerator *generator,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a JSON data stream and puts it inside filename, overwriting the current file contents. This operation is atomic.

generator :

a JsonGenerator

filename :

path to the target file

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE if saving was successful.

json_generator_to_data ()

gchar *             json_generator_to_data              (JsonGenerator *generator,
                                                         gsize *length);

Generates a JSON data stream from generator and returns it as a buffer.

generator :

a JsonGenerator

length :

out. out.

Returns :

a newly allocated buffer holding a JSON data stream. Use g_free() to free the allocated resources.

json_generator_set_root ()

void                json_generator_set_root             (JsonGenerator *generator,
                                                         JsonNode *node);

Sets node as the root of the JSON data stream to be serialized by the JsonGenerator.


The node is copied by the generator object, so it can be safely freed after calling this function.

generator :

a JsonGenerator

node :

a JsonNode

Property Details

The "indent" property

  "indent"                   guint                 : Read / Write

Number of spaces to be used to indent when pretty printing.

Default value: 2

The "indent-char" property

  "indent-char"              guint                 : Read / Write

The character that should be used when indenting in pretty print.

Default value: ' '

Since 0.6

The "pretty" property

  "pretty"                   gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether the output should be "pretty-printed", with indentation and newlines. The indentation level can be controlled by using the JsonGenerator:indent property

Default value: FALSE

The "root" property

  "root"                     JsonNode*             : Read / Write

The root JsonNode to be used when constructing a JSON data stream.

Since 0.4