for Clutter 1.10.0

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I. Overview
II. Building Clutter
III. Running Clutter
IV. Clutter Core Reference
Abstract classes and interfaces
ClutterActor — The basic element of the scene graph
ClutterContainer — An interface for container actors
ClutterChildMeta — Wrapper for actors inside a container
ClutterMedia — An interface for controlling playback of media data
ClutterLayoutManager — Layout managers base class
ClutterLayoutMeta — Wrapper for actors inside a layout manager
ClutterActorMeta — Base class of actor modifiers
ClutterAction — Abstract class for event-related logic
ClutterConstraint — Abstract class for constraints on position or size
ClutterEffect — Base class for actor effects
ClutterContent — Delegate for painting the content of an actor
Base actors
ClutterStage — Top level visual element to which actors are placed.
ClutterTexture — An actor for displaying and manipulating images.
ClutterClone — An actor that displays a clone of a source actor
ClutterText — An actor for displaying and editing text
ClutterCairoTexture — Texture with Cairo integration
Layout managers
ClutterFixedLayout — A fixed layout manager
ClutterBinLayout — A simple layout manager
ClutterFlowLayout — A reflowing layout manager
ClutterBoxLayout — A layout manager arranging children on a single line
ClutterTableLayout — A layout manager arranging children in rows and columns
ClutterClickAction — Action for clickable actors
ClutterDragAction — Action enabling dragging on actors
ClutterDropAction — An action for drop targets
ClutterGestureAction — Action for gesture gestures
ClutterSwipeAction — Action for swipe gestures
ClutterAlignConstraint — A constraint aligning the position of an actor
ClutterBindConstraint — A constraint binding the position or size of an actor
ClutterPathConstraint — A constraint that follows a path
ClutterSnapConstraint — A constraint snapping two actors together
ClutterOffscreenEffect — Base class for effects using offscreen buffers
ClutterShaderEffect — Base class for shader effects
ClutterDeformEffect — A base class for effects deforming the geometry of an actor
ClutterBlurEffect — A blur effect
ClutterBrightnessContrastEffect — Increase/decrease brightness and/or contrast of actor.
ClutterColorizeEffect — A colorization effect
ClutterDesaturateEffect — A desaturation effect
ClutterPageTurnEffect — A page turning effect
ClutterCanvas — Content for 2D painting
ClutterImage — Image data content
Paint Objects
ClutterPaintNode — Paint objects
Paint Nodes — ClutterPaintNode implementations
V. Clutter Animation Framework
Base classes
ClutterTimeline — A class for time-based events
ClutterAlpha — A class for calculating a value as a function of time
Value intervals — An object holding an interval of two values
ClutterTransition — Transition between two values
ClutterAnimatable — Interface for animatable classes
ClutterPropertyTransition — Property transitions
High Level API
Implicit Animations — Simple implicit animations
ClutterAnimator — Multi-actor tweener
ClutterState — State machine with animated transitions
VI. Clutter Tools
General purpose API
Colors — Color management and manipulation.
Key Bindings — Pool for key bindings
ClutterDeviceManager — Maintains the list of input devices
Events — User and window system events
Features — Run-time detection of Clutter features
ClutterInputDevice — An input device managed by Clutter
General — Various 'global' clutter functions.
ClutterPath — An object describing a path with straight lines and bezier curves.
ClutterSettings — Settings configuration
Stage Manager — Maintains the list of stages
ClutterTextBuffer — Text buffer for ClutterText
Unit conversion — A logical distance unit
Utilities — Utility functions
Versioning Macros — Versioning utility macros
User interface definition
ClutterScript — Loads a scene from UI definition data
ClutterScriptable — Override the UI definition parsing
Generic list model
ClutterModel — A generic model implementation
ClutterModelIter — Iterates through a model
ClutterListModel — List model implementation
VII. Clutter Backends
ClutterBackend — Backend abstraction
X11 Specific Support — X11 specific API
ClutterX11TexturePixmap — A texture which displays the content of an X Pixmap.
ClutterGLXTexturePixmap — A texture which displays the content of an X Pixmap
Win32 Specific Support — Win32 specific API
EGL Specific Support — EGL specific API
Intel CE3100, CE4100 Specific Support — Intel CE3100, CE4100 Specific API
GDK Specific Support — GDK specific API
Wayland compositor specific support — Wayland compositor specific APIs
ClutterWaylandSurface — An actor which displays the content of a client surface
VIII. Additional Documentation
Creating Animations with Clutter
Basic Animations
Implicit Animations
IX. Migrating from previous version of Clutter
Migrating from ClutterEffect
Using clutter_actor_animate()
Migrating to ClutterPath
Creating a ClutterPath
Iterating over a ClutterPath
Integration with Cairo
Migrating from ClutterBehaviour
X. Deprecated Classes
ClutterScore — Controller for multiple timelines
Shaders — Programmable pipeline abstraction
ClutterBehaviour — Class for providing behaviours to actors
ClutterBehaviourDepth — A behaviour controlling the Z position
ClutterBehaviourEllipse — A behaviour interpolating position along an ellipse
ClutterBehaviourOpacity — A behaviour controlling opacity
ClutterBehaviourPath — A behaviour for moving actors along a ClutterPath
ClutterBehaviourRotate — A behaviour controlling rotation
ClutterBehaviourScale — A behaviour controlling scale
ClutterGroup — A fixed layout container
ClutterBox — A Generic layout container
ClutterRectangle — An actor that displays a simple rectangle.
XI. Clutter Actors and Objects
Object Hierarchy
Object Index
XII. Glossaries
Annotation Glossary
Index of all symbols
Index of deprecated symbols
Index of new symbols in 0.2
Index of new symbols in 0.4
Index of new symbols in 0.6
Index of new symbols in 0.8
Index of new symbols in 1.0
Index of new symbols in 1.2
Index of new symbols in 1.4
Index of new symbols in 1.6
Index of new symbols in 1.8
Index of new symbols in 1.10
A. License