
ClutterTableLayout — A layout manager arranging children in rows and columns


enum                ClutterTableAlignment;
struct              ClutterTableLayout;
struct              ClutterTableLayoutClass;
ClutterLayoutManager * clutter_table_layout_new         (void);
void                clutter_table_layout_set_row_spacing
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         guint spacing);
guint               clutter_table_layout_get_row_spacing
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);
void                clutter_table_layout_set_column_spacing
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         guint spacing);
guint               clutter_table_layout_get_column_spacing
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);
gint                clutter_table_layout_get_row_count  (ClutterTableLayout *layout);
gint                clutter_table_layout_get_column_count
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

void                clutter_table_layout_pack           (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gint column,
                                                         gint row);

void                clutter_table_layout_set_alignment  (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         ClutterTableAlignment x_align,
                                                         ClutterTableAlignment y_align);
void                clutter_table_layout_get_alignment  (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         ClutterTableAlignment *x_align,
                                                         ClutterTableAlignment *y_align);
void                clutter_table_layout_set_expand     (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gboolean x_expand,
                                                         gboolean y_expand);
void                clutter_table_layout_get_expand     (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gboolean *x_expand,
                                                         gboolean *y_expand);
void                clutter_table_layout_set_fill       (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gboolean x_fill,
                                                         gboolean y_fill);
void                clutter_table_layout_get_fill       (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gboolean *x_fill,
                                                         gboolean *y_fill);
void                clutter_table_layout_get_span       (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gint *column_span,
                                                         gint *row_span);
void                clutter_table_layout_set_span       (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gint column_span,
                                                         gint row_span);

void                clutter_table_layout_set_use_animations
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         gboolean animate);
gboolean            clutter_table_layout_get_use_animations
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);
void                clutter_table_layout_set_easing_duration
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         guint msecs);
guint               clutter_table_layout_get_easing_duration
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);
void                clutter_table_layout_set_easing_mode
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         gulong mode);
gulong              clutter_table_layout_get_easing_mode
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

Object Hierarchy



  "column-spacing"           guint                 : Read / Write
  "easing-duration"          guint                 : Read / Write
  "easing-mode"              gulong                : Read / Write
  "row-spacing"              guint                 : Read / Write
  "use-animations"           gboolean              : Read / Write


The ClutterTableLayout is a ClutterLayoutManager implementing the following layout policy:

  • children are arranged in a table

  • each child specifies the specific row and column cell to appear;

  • a child can also set a span, and this way, take more than one cell both horizontally and vertically;

  • each child will be allocated to its natural size or, if set to expand, the available size;

  • if a child is set to fill on either (or both) axis, its allocation will match all the available size; the fill layout property only makes sense if the expand property is also set;

  • if a child is set to expand but not to fill then it is possible to control the alignment using the horizontal and vertical alignment layout properties.

It is possible to control the spacing between children of a ClutterTableLayout by using clutter_table_layout_set_row_spacing() and clutter_table_layout_set_column_spacing().

In order to set the layout properties when packing an actor inside a ClutterTableLayout you should use the clutter_table_layout_pack() function.

A ClutterTableLayout can use animations to transition between different values of the layout management properties; the easing mode and duration used for the animations are controlled by the "easing-mode" and "easing-duration" properties and their accessor functions.

Figure 7. Table layout

The image shows a ClutterTableLayout.

Table layout

ClutterTableLayout is available since Clutter 1.4


enum ClutterTableAlignment

typedef enum {
} ClutterTableAlignment;

The alignment policies available on each axis of the ClutterTableLayout


Align the child to the top or to the left of a cell in the table, depending on the axis


Align the child to the center of a cell in the table


Align the child to the bottom or to the right of a cell in the table, depending on the axis

Since 1.4

struct ClutterTableLayout

struct ClutterTableLayout;

The ClutterTableLayout structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API

Since 1.4

struct ClutterTableLayoutClass

struct ClutterTableLayoutClass {

The ClutterTableLayoutClass structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_new ()

ClutterLayoutManager * clutter_table_layout_new         (void);

Creates a new ClutterTableLayout layout manager

Returns :

the newly created ClutterTableLayout

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_row_spacing ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_row_spacing
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         guint spacing);

Sets the spacing between rows of layout

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

spacing :

the spacing between rows of the layout, in pixels

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_row_spacing ()

guint               clutter_table_layout_get_row_spacing
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

Retrieves the spacing set using clutter_table_layout_set_row_spacing()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

Returns :

the spacing between rows of the ClutterTableLayout

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_column_spacing ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_column_spacing
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         guint spacing);

Sets the spacing between columns of layout

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

spacing :

the spacing between columns of the layout, in pixels

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_column_spacing ()

guint               clutter_table_layout_get_column_spacing
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

Retrieves the spacing set using clutter_table_layout_set_column_spacing()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

Returns :

the spacing between columns of the ClutterTableLayout

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_row_count ()

gint                clutter_table_layout_get_row_count  (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

Retrieve the current number rows in the layout

layout :

A ClutterTableLayout

Returns :

the number of rows

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_column_count ()

gint                clutter_table_layout_get_column_count
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

Retrieve the current number of columns in layout

layout :

A ClutterTableLayout

Returns :

the number of columns

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_pack ()

void                clutter_table_layout_pack           (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gint column,
                                                         gint row);

Packs actor inside the ClutterContainer associated to layout at the given row and column.

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor

column :

the column the actor should be put, or -1 to append

row :

the row the actor should be put, or -1 to append

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_alignment ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_alignment  (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         ClutterTableAlignment x_align,
                                                         ClutterTableAlignment y_align);

Sets the horizontal and vertical alignment policies for actor inside layout

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor child of layout

x_align :

Horizontal alignment policy for actor

y_align :

Vertical alignment policy for actor

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_alignment ()

void                clutter_table_layout_get_alignment  (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         ClutterTableAlignment *x_align,
                                                         ClutterTableAlignment *y_align);

Retrieves the horizontal and vertical alignment policies for actor as set using clutter_table_layout_pack() or clutter_table_layout_set_alignment().

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor child of layout

x_align :

return location for the horizontal alignment policy. [out]

y_align :

return location for the vertical alignment policy. [out]

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_expand ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_expand     (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gboolean x_expand,
                                                         gboolean y_expand);

Sets the horizontal and vertical expand policies for actor inside layout

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor child of layout

x_expand :

whether actor should allocate extra space horizontally

y_expand :

whether actor should allocate extra space vertically

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_expand ()

void                clutter_table_layout_get_expand     (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gboolean *x_expand,
                                                         gboolean *y_expand);

Retrieves the horizontal and vertical expand policies for actor as set using clutter_table_layout_pack() or clutter_table_layout_set_expand()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor child of layout

x_expand :

return location for the horizontal expand policy. [out]

y_expand :

return location for the vertical expand policy. [out]

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_fill ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_fill       (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gboolean x_fill,
                                                         gboolean y_fill);

Sets the horizontal and vertical fill policies for actor inside layout

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor child of layout

x_fill :

whether actor should fill horizontally the allocated space

y_fill :

whether actor should fill vertically the allocated space

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_fill ()

void                clutter_table_layout_get_fill       (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gboolean *x_fill,
                                                         gboolean *y_fill);

Retrieves the horizontal and vertical fill policies for actor as set using clutter_table_layout_pack() or clutter_table_layout_set_fill()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor child of layout

x_fill :

return location for the horizontal fill policy. [out]

y_fill :

return location for the vertical fill policy. [out]

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_span ()

void                clutter_table_layout_get_span       (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gint *column_span,
                                                         gint *row_span);

Retrieves the row and column span for actor as set using clutter_table_layout_pack() or clutter_table_layout_set_span()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor child of layout

column_span :

return location for the col span. [out]

row_span :

return location for the row span. [out]

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_span ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_span       (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         ClutterActor *actor,
                                                         gint column_span,
                                                         gint row_span);

Sets the row and column span for actor inside layout

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

actor :

a ClutterActor child of layout

column_span :

Column span for actor

row_span :

Row span for actor

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_use_animations ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_use_animations
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         gboolean animate);

Sets whether layout should animate changes in the layout properties

The duration of the animations is controlled by clutter_table_layout_set_easing_duration(); the easing mode to be used by the animations is controlled by clutter_table_layout_set_easing_mode()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

animate :

TRUE if the layout should use animations

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_use_animations ()

gboolean            clutter_table_layout_get_use_animations
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

Retrieves whether layout should animate changes in the layout properties

Since clutter_table_layout_set_use_animations()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

Returns :

TRUE if the animations should be used, FALSE otherwise

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_easing_duration ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_easing_duration
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         guint msecs);

Sets the duration of the animations used by layout when animating changes in the layout properties

Use clutter_table_layout_set_use_animations() to enable and disable the animations

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

msecs :

the duration of the animations, in milliseconds

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_easing_duration ()

guint               clutter_table_layout_get_easing_duration
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

Retrieves the duration set using clutter_table_layout_set_easing_duration()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

Returns :

the duration of the animations, in milliseconds

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_set_easing_mode ()

void                clutter_table_layout_set_easing_mode
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout,
                                                         gulong mode);

Sets the easing mode to be used by layout when animating changes in layout properties

Use clutter_table_layout_set_use_animations() to enable and disable the animations

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

mode :

an easing mode, either from ClutterAnimationMode or a logical id from clutter_alpha_register_func()

Since 1.4

clutter_table_layout_get_easing_mode ()

gulong              clutter_table_layout_get_easing_mode
                                                        (ClutterTableLayout *layout);

Retrieves the easing mode set using clutter_table_layout_set_easing_mode()

layout :

a ClutterTableLayout

Returns :

an easing mode

Since 1.4

Property Details

The "column-spacing" property

  "column-spacing"           guint                 : Read / Write

The spacing between columns of the ClutterTableLayout, in pixels

Default value: 0

Since 1.4

The "easing-duration" property

  "easing-duration"          guint                 : Read / Write

The duration of the animations, in case "use-animations" is set to TRUE

The duration is expressed in milliseconds

Default value: 500

Since 1.4

The "easing-mode" property

  "easing-mode"              gulong                : Read / Write

The easing mode for the animations, in case "use-animations" is set to TRUE

The easing mode has the same semantics of "mode": it can either be a value from the ClutterAnimationMode enumeration, like CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CUBIC, or a logical id as returned by clutter_alpha_register_func()

The default value is CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CUBIC

Since 1.4

The "row-spacing" property

  "row-spacing"              guint                 : Read / Write

The spacing between rows of the ClutterTableLayout, in pixels

Default value: 0

Since 1.4

The "use-animations" property

  "use-animations"           gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether the ClutterTableLayout should animate changes in the layout properties

Default value: FALSE

Since 1.4