
ClutterSnapConstraint — A constraint snapping two actors together


enum                ClutterSnapEdge;
ClutterConstraint * clutter_snap_constraint_new         (ClutterActor *source,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge from_edge,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge to_edge,
                                                         gfloat offset);
void                clutter_snap_constraint_set_source  (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint,
                                                         ClutterActor *source);
ClutterActor *      clutter_snap_constraint_get_source  (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint);
void                clutter_snap_constraint_set_edges   (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge from_edge,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge to_edge);
void                clutter_snap_constraint_get_edges   (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge *from_edge,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge *to_edge);
void                clutter_snap_constraint_set_offset  (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint,
                                                         gfloat offset);
gfloat              clutter_snap_constraint_get_offset  (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint);

Object Hierarchy



  "from-edge"                ClutterSnapEdge       : Read / Write / Construct
  "offset"                   gfloat                : Read / Write / Construct
  "source"                   ClutterActor*         : Read / Write / Construct
  "to-edge"                  ClutterSnapEdge       : Read / Write / Construct


ClutterSnapConstraint is a constraint the snaps the edges of two actors together, expanding the actor's allocation if necessary.

An offset can be applied to the constraint, to provide spacing.

ClutterSnapConstraint is available since Clutter 1.6


enum ClutterSnapEdge

typedef enum {
} ClutterSnapEdge;

The edge to snap


the top edge


the right edge


the bottom edge


the left edge

Since 1.6


typedef struct _ClutterSnapConstraint ClutterSnapConstraint;

ClutterSnapConstraint is an opaque structure whose members cannot be directly accesses

Since 1.6

clutter_snap_constraint_new ()

ClutterConstraint * clutter_snap_constraint_new         (ClutterActor *source,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge from_edge,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge to_edge,
                                                         gfloat offset);

Creates a new ClutterSnapConstraint that will snap a ClutterActor to the edge of source, with the given offset.

source :

the ClutterActor to use as the source of the constraint, or NULL. [allow-none]

from_edge :

the edge of the actor to use in the constraint

to_edge :

the edge of source to use in the constraint

offset :

the offset to apply to the constraint, in pixels

Returns :

the newly created ClutterSnapConstraint

Since 1.6

clutter_snap_constraint_set_source ()

void                clutter_snap_constraint_set_source  (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint,
                                                         ClutterActor *source);

Sets the source ClutterActor for the constraint

constraint :

a ClutterSnapConstraint

source :

a ClutterActor, or NULL to unset the source. [allow-none]

Since 1.6

clutter_snap_constraint_get_source ()

ClutterActor *      clutter_snap_constraint_get_source  (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint);

Retrieves the ClutterActor set using clutter_snap_constraint_set_source()

constraint :

a ClutterSnapConstraint

Returns :

a pointer to the source actor. [transfer none]

Since 1.6

clutter_snap_constraint_set_edges ()

void                clutter_snap_constraint_set_edges   (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge from_edge,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge to_edge);

Sets the edges to be used by the constraint

The from_edge is the edge on the ClutterActor to which constraint has been added. The to_edge is the edge of the ClutterActor inside the "source" property.

constraint :

a ClutterSnapConstraint

from_edge :

the edge on the actor

to_edge :

the edge on the source

Since 1.6

clutter_snap_constraint_get_edges ()

void                clutter_snap_constraint_get_edges   (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge *from_edge,
                                                         ClutterSnapEdge *to_edge);

Retrieves the edges used by the constraint

constraint :

a ClutterSnapConstraint

from_edge :

return location for the actor's edge, or NULL. [out]

to_edge :

return location for the source's edge, or NULL. [out]

Since 1.6

clutter_snap_constraint_set_offset ()

void                clutter_snap_constraint_set_offset  (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint,
                                                         gfloat offset);

Sets the offset to be applied to the constraint

constraint :

a ClutterSnapConstraint

offset :

the offset to apply, in pixels

Since 1.6

clutter_snap_constraint_get_offset ()

gfloat              clutter_snap_constraint_get_offset  (ClutterSnapConstraint *constraint);

Retrieves the offset set using clutter_snap_constraint_set_offset()

constraint :

a ClutterSnapConstraint

Returns :

the offset, in pixels

Since 1.6

Property Details

The "from-edge" property

  "from-edge"                ClutterSnapEdge       : Read / Write / Construct

The edge of the ClutterActor that should be snapped


Since 1.6

The "offset" property

  "offset"                   gfloat                : Read / Write / Construct

The offset, in pixels, between "from-edge" and "to-edge"

Default value: 0

Since 1.6

The "source" property

  "source"                   ClutterActor*         : Read / Write / Construct

The ClutterActor used as the source for the constraint

Since 1.6

The "to-edge" property

  "to-edge"                  ClutterSnapEdge       : Read / Write / Construct

The edge of the "source" that should be snapped


Since 1.6