
ClutterBinLayout — A simple layout manager


enum                ClutterBinAlignment;
struct              ClutterBinLayout;
struct              ClutterBinLayoutClass;
ClutterLayoutManager * clutter_bin_layout_new           (ClutterBinAlignment x_align,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment y_align);
void                clutter_bin_layout_set_alignment    (ClutterBinLayout *self,
                                                         ClutterActor *child,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment x_align,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment y_align);
void                clutter_bin_layout_get_alignment    (ClutterBinLayout *self,
                                                         ClutterActor *child,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment *x_align,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment *y_align);
void                clutter_bin_layout_add              (ClutterBinLayout *self,
                                                         ClutterActor *child,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment x_align,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment y_align);

Object Hierarchy



  "x-align"                  ClutterBinAlignment   : Read / Write
  "y-align"                  ClutterBinAlignment   : Read / Write


ClutterBinLayout is a layout manager which implements the following policy:

  • the preferred size is the maximum preferred size between all the children of the container using the layout;
  • each child is allocated in "layers", on on top of the other;
  • for each layer there are horizontal and vertical alignment policies.

Figure 4. Bin layout

The image shows a ClutterBinLayout with three layers: a background ClutterCairoTexture, set to fill on both the X and Y axis; a ClutterTexture, set to center on both the X and Y axis; and a ClutterRectangle, set to CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_END on both the X and Y axis.

Bin layout

Example 5. How to pack actors inside a BinLayout

The following code shows how to build a composite actor with a texture and a background, and add controls overlayed on top. The background is set to fill the whole allocation, whilst the texture is centered; there is a control in the top right corner and a label in the bottom, filling out the whole allocated width.

 ClutterLayoutManager *manager;
 ClutterActor *box;

 /* create the layout first */
 layout = clutter_bin_layout_new (CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_CENTER,
 box = clutter_box_new (layout); /* then the container */

 /* we can use the layout object to add actors */
 clutter_bin_layout_add (CLUTTER_BIN_LAYOUT (layout), background,
 clutter_bin_layout_add (CLUTTER_BIN_LAYOUT (layout), icon,

 /* align to the bottom left */
 clutter_bin_layout_add (CLUTTER_BIN_LAYOUT (layout), label,
 /* align to the top right */
 clutter_bin_layout_add (CLUTTER_BIN_LAYOUT (layout), button,

ClutterBinLayout is available since Clutter 1.2


enum ClutterBinAlignment

typedef enum {
} ClutterBinAlignment;

The alignment policies available on each axis for ClutterBinLayout


Fixed position alignment; the ClutterBinLayout will honour the fixed position provided by the actors themselves when allocating them


Fill the allocation size


Position the actors at the top or left side of the container, depending on the axis


Position the actors at the bottom or right side of the container, depending on the axis


Position the actors at the center of the container, depending on the axis

Since 1.2

struct ClutterBinLayout

struct ClutterBinLayout;

The ClutterBinLayout structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API

Since 1.2

struct ClutterBinLayoutClass

struct ClutterBinLayoutClass {

The ClutterBinLayoutClass structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API

Since 1.2

clutter_bin_layout_new ()

ClutterLayoutManager * clutter_bin_layout_new           (ClutterBinAlignment x_align,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment y_align);

Creates a new ClutterBinLayout layout manager

x_align :

the default alignment policy to be used on the horizontal axis

y_align :

the default alignment policy to be used on the vertical axis

Returns :

the newly created layout manager

Since 1.2

clutter_bin_layout_set_alignment ()

void                clutter_bin_layout_set_alignment    (ClutterBinLayout *self,
                                                         ClutterActor *child,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment x_align,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment y_align);

Sets the horizontal and vertical alignment policies to be applied to a child of self

If child is NULL then the x_align and y_align values will be set as the default alignment policies

self :

a ClutterBinLayout

child :

a child of container. [allow-none]

x_align :

the horizontal alignment policy to be used for the child inside container

y_align :

the vertical aligment policy to be used on the child inside container

Since 1.2

clutter_bin_layout_get_alignment ()

void                clutter_bin_layout_get_alignment    (ClutterBinLayout *self,
                                                         ClutterActor *child,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment *x_align,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment *y_align);

Retrieves the horizontal and vertical alignment policies for a child of self

If child is NULL the default alignment policies will be returned instead

self :

a ClutterBinLayout

child :

a child of container. [allow-none]

x_align :

return location for the horizontal alignment policy. [out][allow-none]

y_align :

return location for the vertical alignment policy. [out][allow-none]

Since 1.2

clutter_bin_layout_add ()

void                clutter_bin_layout_add              (ClutterBinLayout *self,
                                                         ClutterActor *child,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment x_align,
                                                         ClutterBinAlignment y_align);

Adds a ClutterActor to the container using self and sets the alignment policies for it

This function is equivalent to clutter_container_add_actor() and clutter_layout_manager_child_set_property() but it does not require a pointer to the ClutterContainer associated to the ClutterBinLayout

self :

a ClutterBinLayout

child :

a ClutterActor

x_align :

horizontal alignment policy for child

y_align :

vertical alignment policy for child

Since 1.2

Property Details

The "x-align" property

  "x-align"                  ClutterBinAlignment   : Read / Write

The default horizontal alignment policy for actors managed by the ClutterBinLayout


Since 1.2

The "y-align" property

  "y-align"                  ClutterBinAlignment   : Read / Write

The default vertical alignment policy for actors managed by the ClutterBinLayout


Since 1.2