Network hierarchy ================= Service org.moblin.connman Interface org.moblin.connman.Network Object path [variable prefix]/{network0,network1,...} Methods dict GetProperties() Returns properties for the network object. See the properties section for available properties. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void SetProperty(string name, variant value) Changes the value of the specified property. Only properties that are listed as read-write are changeable. On success a PropertyChanged signal will be emitted. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.DoesNotExist Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. Properties string Name [readonly] The pretty/long version of the network name. For example in case of WiFi this should be the UTF-8 valid version of the SSID. boolean Available [readonly] Indicates that this network is in range and ready to be used. The scanning process can change this property. boolean Connected [readonly] Indicates that this network is currently connected. boolean Remember [readwrite] Indicates that this network will be remembered. For manually created networks this is set by default. array{byte} WiFi.SSID [readonly] If the network type is WiFi, then this property is present and contains the binary SSID value. string WiFi.Security [readonly, readwrite] If the network type is WiFi, then this property is present and contains the security method or key management setting. For scanned networks this value is read only, but in case the network was manually created it is also changeable. Possible values are NONE, WPA and WPA2. string WiFi.Passphrase [readwrite] If the network type is WiFi and a passhrase is requires, then this property is present and contains the passphrase in clear text. For system using PolicyKit, the access to this value will be protected by the security policy.