Manager hierarchy ================= Service net.connman Interface net.connman.Manager Object path / Methods dict GetProperties() Returns all global system properties. See the properties section for available properties. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void SetProperty(string name, variant value) Changes the value of the specified property. Only properties that are listed as read-write are changeable. On success a PropertyChanged signal will be emitted. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.InvalidProperty string GetState() Return global connection state of a system. The same value is return via the State property. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void RequestScan(string type) Request to trigger a scan for the specified technology. The empty string "" triggers scanning on all technologies. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void EnableTechnology(string type) Enable specified type of technologies. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void DisableTechnology(string type) Disable specified type of technologies. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments array{object,dict} GetServices() Returns a sorted list of tuples with service object path and dictionary of service properties. This list will not contain sensitive information like passphrases etc. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments object LookupService(string pattern) Lookup a service matching the specific pattern. Examples are interface names like "eth0", "wlan0" etc. or service names like "hotspot" etc. In case of multiple services match the the pattern an error is returned. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.NotUnique [service].Error.NotFound object ConnectService(dict network) Connect to a network specified by the given properties. For connecting to a hidden WiFi network for example it is required that Type = "wifi" and the SSID properties are provided. When successful this method will return object path of the service object. This method can also be used to connect to an already existing service. It works exactly the same as executing the Connect method from the service interface. This method call will only return in case of an error or when the service is fully connected. So setting a longer D-Bus timeout might be a really good idea. When 'SessionMode' property is enabled, this method call is disallowed. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void ProvisionService(string configuration) Provide a configuration for services. Service configuration is provided as a single string that follows the same format as configuration files, see config-format.txt. An exception to this format is that only one service can be provisioned per call. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments object ConnectProvider(dict provider) Connect to a VPN specified by the given provider properties. When successful this method will return the object path of the VPN service object. This method can also be used to connect to an already existing VPN. This method call will only return in case of an error or when the service is fully connected. So setting a longer D-Bus timeout might be a really good idea. When 'SessionMode' property is enabled, this method call is disallowed. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void RegisterAgent(object path) Register new agent for handling user requests. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void UnregisterAgent(object path) Unregister an existing agent. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void RegisterCounter(object path, uint32 accuracy, uint32 period) Register a new counter for user notifications. The accuracy is specified in kilo-bytes and defines a threshold for counter updates. Together with the period value it defines how often user space needs to be updated. The period value is in seconds. This interface is not meant for time tracking. If the time needs to be tracked down to the second, it is better to have a real timer running inside the application than using this interface. Also getting notified for every kilo-byte is a bad choice (even if the interface supports it). Something like 10 kilo-byte units or better 1 mega-byte seems to be a lot more reasonable and better for the user. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void UnregisterCounter(object path) Unregister an existing counter. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments object CreateSession(dict settings, object notifier) Create a new session for the application. Every application can create multiple session with different settings. The settings are described as part of the session interface. The notifier allows asynchronous notification about session specific changes. These changes can be for online/offline state or IP address changes or similar things the application is required to handle. Every application should at least create one session to inform about its requirements and it purpose. void DestroySession(object session) Remove the previously created session. If an application exits unexpectatly the session will be automatically destroyed. object path, dict, fd RequestPrivateNetwork(dict options) [experimental] Request a new Private Network, which includes the creation of a tun/tap interface, and IP configuration, NAT and IP forwarding on that interface. An object path, a dictionnary and a file descriptor with IP settings are returned. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.NotSupported void ReleasePrivateNetwork(object path) [experimental] Releases a private network. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. StateChanged(string state) This signal is similar to the PropertyChanged signal for the State property. It exists for application state only care about the current state and so can avoid to be woken up when other details changes. Properties string State [readonly] The global connection state of a system. Possible values are "online" if at least one connection exists and "offline" if no device is connected. In certain situations the state might change to the value "connected". This can only be seen if previously no connection was present. array{string} AvailableTechnologies [readonly] The list of available technologies. The strings are the same as the ones from the service types. array{string} EnabledTechnologies [readonly] The list of enabled technologies. The strings are the same as the ones from the service types. array{string} ConnectedTechnologies [readonly] The list of connected technologies. The strings are the same as the ones from the service type. string DefaultTechnology [readonly] The current connected technology which holds the default route. boolean OfflineMode [readwrite] The offline mode indicates the global setting for switching all radios on or off. Changing offline mode to true results in powering down all devices. When leaving offline mode the individual policy of each device decides to switch the radio back on or not. During offline mode, it is still possible to switch certain technologies manually back on. For example the limited usage of WiFi or Bluetooth devices might be allowed in some situations. object ActiveProfile [readwrite] Object path of the current active profile. array{object} Technologies [readonly] List of technology object paths. array{object} Services [readonly] List of service object paths. The list is sorted internally to have the service with the default route always first and then the favorite services followed by scan results. This list represents the available services for the current selected profile. If the profile gets changed then this list will be updated. The same list is available via the profile object itself. It is just provided here for convenience of applications only dealing with the current active profile. boolean SessionMode [readwrite] This disables the auto connect feature. It should be enabled when the Session API is used. When SessionMode is enabled, 'ConnectService' and 'ConnectProvider' method calls are disallowed. The default value is false.