Manager hierarchy ***************** Service name org.freedesktop.connman Interface name org.freedesktop.connman.Manager Object path / Methods array{object} ListInterfaces() string GetState() void RegisterAgent(object path) void UnregisterAgent(object path) Signals InterfaceAdded(object) InterfaceRemoved(object) StateChanged(string state) Method: ListInferfaces ====================== This method lists all available interfaces. The return value is an array of object paths. Every attached network interface (eth0, wlan0 etc.) of the system is presented by an object path with additional interfaces on it. The main interface is org.freedesktop.connman.Interface. Method: GetState ================ This method gets the overall master state of the Internet connection. Possible return values are "offline" and "online". If at least one interface is connected it will return "online". Method: RegisterAgent ===================== This method allows the user interace to register an agent. There can be only one agent registered at a time. The parameter of the method is the object path the agent has been registered for the callback method. The agent has to implement org.freedesktop.connman.Agent interface on this object path. Method: UnregisterAgent ======================= This method unregisters a previously registered agent. In case the agent application exits the core will automatically unregister the agent. However for a clean agent application it is important to call the unregister method. Signal: InterfaceAdded ====================== This signal is emitted every time a new interface has been found by the core and successfully activated. The signal is also emitted on startup or at anytime at runtime in case of hotplug devices. Signal: InterfaceRemoved ======================== This signal is emitted every time an interface has been removed. This can happen at any time in case of hotplug devices. When the system shuts down, this signal is also emitted. Signal: StateChanged ==================== This signal is emitted every time the master state changes. Possible values are "offline" and "online" and reflect the state of the Internet connection.