/** @mainpage Sync-agent Framework @section Introduction The purposes of this guide are to describe the Tizen Sync-agent Framework
and to explain how to use the Sync-agent Framework APIs to develop Tizen sync client applications
that can be implemented in Samsung mobile devices.
This guide does not discuss building and deploying Tizen applications.
The content presentation is based on the assumption that you are knowledgeable in the Tizen programming environment.
@section Overview @image html overview_sync_agent_framework.png "Software architecture of Sync-agent Framework" Sync-agent Framework provides common elementaries necessary for sync client.
It adopted Plugin mechanism so platfom-specific implementation can be independent.
User applications such as OMA DM/DS agent may utilize Sync-agent Framework APIs on purpose of Platform API usage or device manipulation.
Currently, Sync-agent Framework can be divided into 14 modules.
You can refer to detail explanation about each module through following sub page links.
- @subpage account "Account" - @subpage data_adapter "Data Adapter" - @subpage device "Device" - @subpage device_manager "Device Manager" - @subpage engine_controller "Engine Controller" - @subpage event "Event" - @subpage file_system "File System" - @subpage initialization "Initialization" - @subpage network_access "Network Access" - @subpage platform_monitor "Platform Monitor" - @subpage plugin_interface "Plugin Interface" - @subpage protocol_binder "Protocol Binder" - @subpage security_assistant "Security Assistant" - @subpage utility "Utility" In order for your client to use Sync-agent Framework, you need to write configuration in a file called Framework configuration XML.
Refer to following link for details about composition rule.
- @ref appendix_configuration "How to compose Framework configuration XML file"
And if you are willing to develope your own Plugins, there some guide lines.
Refer to following link for details about Plugin implementation.
- @ref appendix_plugin "How to implement your own Plugins"
@section Maintainers - WooJin Yun - Juhak Park - SangHyuk Ko - Taewhan Gi - Junhyeong Park */