libogg documentation

libogg release 1.3.0 - 20110804


declared in "ogg/ogg.h";

This function assembles a data packet for output to the codec decoding engine. The data has already been submitted to the ogg_stream_state and broken into segments. Each successive call returns the next complete packet built from those segments.

In a typical decoding situation, this should be used after calling ogg_stream_pagein() to submit a page of data to the bitstream. If the function returns 0, more data is needed and another page should be submitted. A non-zero return value indicates successful return of a packet.

The op is filled in with pointers to memory managed by the stream state and is only valid until the next call. The client must copy the packet data if a longer lifetime is required.

int ogg_stream_packetout(ogg_stream_state *os,ogg_packet *op);


Pointer to a previously declared ogg_stream_state struct. Before this function is called, an ogg_page should be submitted to the stream using ogg_stream_pagein().
Pointer to the packet to be filled in with pointers to the new data. This will typically be submitted to a codec for decode after this function is called. The pointers are only valid until the next call on this stream state.

Return Values

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Ogg Container Format

libogg documentation

libogg release 1.3.0 - 20110804