atspi-registry A service through which applications providing accessibility services can rendezvous with consumers of those services. A service through which applications providing accessibility services (servers) can rendezvous with consumers of those services (Assistive Technologies). The atspi-registry is the first "port of call" for accessible applications and for assistive technologies wishing to query and interact with those applications. @Returns: @Returns: @i: @Returns: @Returns: @listener: @key_set: @modmask: @event_types: @sync_type: @error: @Returns: @listener: @key_set: @modmask: @event_types: @error: @Returns: @listener: @event_types: @filter: @error: @Returns: @listener: @filter: @error: @Returns: @keyval: @keystring: @synth_type: @error: @Returns: @x: @y: @name: @error: @Returns: