

pattern -- 


struct      xsltCompMatch;
typedef     xsltCompMatchPtr;
xsltCompMatchPtr xsltCompilePattern         (const xmlChar *pattern,
                                             xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr node);
void        xsltFreeCompMatchList           (xsltCompMatchPtr comp);
int         xsltTestCompMatchList           (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             xsltCompMatchPtr comp);
int         xsltAddTemplate                 (xsltStylesheetPtr style,
                                             xsltTemplatePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *mode,
                                             const xmlChar *modeURI);
xsltTemplatePtr xsltGetTemplate             (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             xsltStylesheetPtr style);
void        xsltFreeTemplateHashes          (xsltStylesheetPtr style);
void        xsltCleanupTemplates            (xsltStylesheetPtr style);
int         xsltMatchPattern                (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *pattern);



struct xsltCompMatch

struct xsltCompMatch;

Data structure used for the implementation of patterns. It is kept private (in pattern.c)


typedef xsltCompMatch *xsltCompMatchPtr;

xsltCompilePattern ()

xsltCompMatchPtr xsltCompilePattern         (const xmlChar *pattern,
                                             xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr node);

Compile the XSLT pattern and generates a list of precompiled form suitable for fast matching.

[1] Pattern ::= LocationPathPattern | Pattern '|' LocationPathPattern

pattern : an XSLT pattern
doc : the containing document
node : the containing element
Returns :the generated pattern list or NULL in case of failure

xsltFreeCompMatchList ()

void        xsltFreeCompMatchList           (xsltCompMatchPtr comp);

Free up the memory allocated by all the elements of comp

comp : an XSLT comp list

xsltTestCompMatchList ()

int         xsltTestCompMatchList           (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             xsltCompMatchPtr comp);

Test wether the node matches one of the patterns in the list

ctxt : a XSLT process context
node : a node
comp : the precompiled pattern list
Returns :1 if it matches, 0 if it doesn't and -1 in case of failure

xsltAddTemplate ()

int         xsltAddTemplate                 (xsltStylesheetPtr style,
                                             xsltTemplatePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *mode,
                                             const xmlChar *modeURI);

Register the XSLT pattern associated to cur

style : an XSLT stylesheet
cur : an XSLT template
mode : the mode name or NULL
modeURI : the mode URI or NULL
Returns :-1 in case of error, 0 otherwise

xsltGetTemplate ()

xsltTemplatePtr xsltGetTemplate             (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             xsltStylesheetPtr style);

Finds the template applying to this node, if style is non-NULL it means one needs to look for the next imported template in scope.

ctxt : a XSLT process context
node : the node being processed
style : the current style
Returns :the xsltTemplatePtr or NULL if not found

xsltFreeTemplateHashes ()

void        xsltFreeTemplateHashes          (xsltStylesheetPtr style);

Free up the memory used by xsltAddTemplate/xsltGetTemplate mechanism

style : an XSLT stylesheet

xsltCleanupTemplates ()

void        xsltCleanupTemplates            (xsltStylesheetPtr style);

Cleanup the state of the templates used by the stylesheet and the ones it imports.

style : an XSLT stylesheet

xsltMatchPattern ()

int         xsltMatchPattern                (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *pattern);

Determine if a node matches a pattern.

ctxt : 
node : a node in the source tree
pattern : an XSLT pattern
Returns :