Version 0.10.2

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GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser — Utility API for discovering DLNA profile for given media.
GUPnPDLNAProfile — Object representing a DLNA profile
GUPnPDLNAInformation — Base class for storing various types of metadata informations.
GUPnP DLNA Values — State values for metadata attributes.
GUPnPDLNAAudioInformation — Base class representing audio metadata needed for DLNA profiles matching.
GUPnPDLNAContainerInformation — Base class representing container metadata needed for DLNA profiles matching.
GUPnPDLNAImageInformation — Base class representing image metadata needed for DLNA profiles matching.
GUPnPDLNAVideoInformation — Base class representing video metadata needed for DLNA profiles matching.
Annotation Glossary