
GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser — Utility API for discovering DLNA profile for given media.


void                gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_cleanup  (void);
gboolean            gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_extended_mode
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser);
GUPnPDLNAProfile *  gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_profile
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser,
                                                         const gchar *name);
gboolean            gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_relaxed_mode
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser);
gboolean            gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_async
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         guint timeout_in_ms,
                                                         GError **error);
GUPnPDLNAProfile *  gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_from_info
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);
GUPnPDLNAProfile *  gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_sync
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         guint timeout_in_ms,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAInformation **dlna_info,
                                                         GError **error);
GList *             gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_list_profiles
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser);
GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser * gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_new
                                                        (gboolean relaxed_mode,
                                                         gboolean extended_mode);

Object Hierarchy



  "extended-mode"            gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "relaxed-mode"             gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only


  "done"                                           : Run Last


The API provides synchronous and asynchronous guessing of DLNA profile. The asynchronous mode requires a running GMainLoop in the default GMainContext.



typedef struct _GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser;

The top-level object used to for DLNA profile guessing.


typedef struct {
        GObjectClass parent_class;
} GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesserClass;

GObjectClass parent_class;

A GObjectClass - parent of this class.

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_cleanup ()

void                gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_cleanup  (void);

Cleans up the DLNA profiles. Provided to remove Valgrind noise. Not thread-safe. Do not call it if there is even a slightest chance that profile guessing will be performed during process lifetime. The profiles are not reloaded after cleanup.

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_extended_mode ()

gboolean            gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_extended_mode
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser);

guesser :

The GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser object.

Returns :

TRUE if guesser is in extended mode, FALSE otherwise.

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_profile ()

GUPnPDLNAProfile *  gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_profile
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Lookups for GUPnPDLNAProfile with given name.

guesser :

The GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser object.

name :

The name of the DLNA profile to be retrieved.

Returns :

A GUPnPDLNAProfile object on success, NULL otherwise. [transfer none]

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_relaxed_mode ()

gboolean            gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_get_relaxed_mode
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser);

guesser :

The GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser object.

Returns :

TRUE if guesser is in relaxed mode, FALSE otherwise.

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_async ()

gboolean            gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_async
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         guint timeout_in_ms,
                                                         GError **error);

Asynchronously guesses DLNA profile for given uri. When guessing is done, ::done signal is emitted on guesser.

guesser :

GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser object to use for guessing.

uri :

URI of media.

timeout_in_ms :

Timeout of guessing in miliseconds.

error :

GError object or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if uri was successfully queued, FALSE otherwise.

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_from_info ()

GUPnPDLNAProfile *  gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_from_info
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

Guesses the profile which fits to passed info.

guesser :

The GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser object.

info :

The GUPnPDLNAInformation object.

Returns :

A GUPnPDLNAProfile object on success, NULL otherwise. [transfer none]

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_sync ()

GUPnPDLNAProfile *  gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_sync
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         guint timeout_in_ms,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAInformation **dlna_info,
                                                         GError **error);

Synchronously guesses DLNA profile for given uri.

guesser :

GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser object to use for guessing.

uri :

URI of media.

timeout_in_ms :

Timeout of guessing in miliseconds.

dlna_info :

A place where to store DLNA information or NULL. [allow-none][transfer full][out]

error :

GError object or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

DLNA profile if any had matched, NULL otherwise. [transfer none]

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_list_profiles ()

GList *             gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_list_profiles
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *guesser);

Gets a list of the all DLNA profiles supported by guesser.

guesser :

The GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser whose profile list is required.

Returns :

A GList of GUPnPDLNAProfile on success, NULL otherwise. [transfer none][element-type GUPnPDLNAProfile]

gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_new ()

GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser * gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_new
                                                        (gboolean relaxed_mode,
                                                         gboolean extended_mode);

Creates a new guesser that will use specific DLNA profiles for matching - i.e. which profiles will be used depends on relaxed_mode and extended_mode.

relaxed_mode :

TRUE to enable relaxed mode support. FALSE otherwise.

extended_mode :

TRUE to enable extended mode support. FALSE otherwise.

Returns :

A new GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser object.

Property Details

The "extended-mode" property

  "extended-mode"            gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only

Whether profile matching should be done also against DLNA profiles not being a part of DLNA specification.

Default value: FALSE

The "relaxed-mode" property

  "relaxed-mode"             gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only

Whether profile matching should not be strictly compliant with the DLNA specification.

Default value: FALSE

Signal Details

The "done" signal

void                user_function                      (GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser *profile_guesser,
                                                        GUPnPDLNAInformation    *info,
                                                        GUPnPDLNAProfile        *dlna,
                                                        GError                  *error,
                                                        gpointer                 user_data)            : Run Last

Will be emitted when guessing DLNA profile for a URI has finished.

profile_guesser :

The GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser.

info :

URI metadata as GUPnPDLNAInformation. [transfer none]

dlna :

The results as GUPnPDLNAProfile. [allow-none][transfer none]

error :

Contains details of the error if discovery failed, else is NULL. [allow-none]

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.