
GUPnPDLNAInformation — Base class for storing various types of metadata informations.


GUPnPDLNAAudioInformation * gupnp_dlna_information_get_audio_information
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);
GUPnPDLNAContainerInformation * gupnp_dlna_information_get_container_information
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);
GUPnPDLNAImageInformation * gupnp_dlna_information_get_image_information
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);
const gchar *       gupnp_dlna_information_get_profile_name
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);
const gchar *       gupnp_dlna_information_get_uri      (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);
GUPnPDLNAVideoInformation * gupnp_dlna_information_get_video_information
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

Object Hierarchy



  "audio-information"        GUPnPDLNAAudioInformation*  : Read
  "container-information"    GUPnPDLNAContainerInformation*  : Read
  "image-information"        GUPnPDLNAImageInformation*  : Read
  "uri"                      gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "video-information"        GUPnPDLNAVideoInformation*  : Read


Subclasses of GUPnPDLNAInformation should override all virtual functions provided by this class. The overrides should return a subclasses of specific information base classes.

When instantiating a subclass of GUPnPDLNAInformation make sure that "uri" with a URI to media file is passed to g_object_new().



typedef struct _GUPnPDLNAInformation GUPnPDLNAInformation;


typedef struct {
        GObjectClass parent_class;

        GUPnPDLNAAudioInformation *
        (* get_audio_information) (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

        GUPnPDLNAContainerInformation *
        (* get_container_information) (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

        GUPnPDLNAImageInformation *
        (* get_image_information) (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

        GUPnPDLNAVideoInformation *
        (* get_video_information) (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

        const gchar *
        (* get_profile_name) (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

        gpointer _reserved[11];
} GUPnPDLNAInformationClass;

GObjectClass parent_class;

Parent class.

get_audio_information ()

This is called by GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser to get an audio information.

get_container_information ()

This is called by GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser to get a container information.

get_image_information ()

This is called by GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser to get an image information.

get_video_information ()

This is called by GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser to get a video information.

get_profile_name ()

This is called by GUPnPDLNAProfileGuesser to get the name of the DLNA profile assigned with this information.

gpointer _reserved[11];

Padding. Ignore it.

gupnp_dlna_information_get_audio_information ()

GUPnPDLNAAudioInformation * gupnp_dlna_information_get_audio_information
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

Get an audio information of media file if applicable (e.g. for video and audio files).

info :

A GUPnPDLNAInformation object.

Returns :

A GUPnPDLNAAudioInformation object or NULL. [transfer none]

gupnp_dlna_information_get_container_information ()

GUPnPDLNAContainerInformation * gupnp_dlna_information_get_container_information
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

Get an container information of media file if applicable (e.g. for video and audio files).

info :

A GUPnPDLNAInformation object.

Returns :

A GUPnPDLNAContainerInformation object or NULL. [transfer none]

gupnp_dlna_information_get_image_information ()

GUPnPDLNAImageInformation * gupnp_dlna_information_get_image_information
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

Get an container information of media file if applicable (e.g. for image files).

info :

A GUPnPDLNAInformation object.

Returns :

A GUPnPDLNAImageInformation object or NULL. [transfer none]

gupnp_dlna_information_get_profile_name ()

const gchar *       gupnp_dlna_information_get_profile_name
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

info :

A GUPnPDLNAInformation object.

Returns :

The name of a DLNA profile or NULL. [transfer none]

gupnp_dlna_information_get_uri ()

const gchar *       gupnp_dlna_information_get_uri      (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

info :

A GUPnPDLNAInformation object.

Returns :

An URI of a file. [transfer none]

gupnp_dlna_information_get_video_information ()

GUPnPDLNAVideoInformation * gupnp_dlna_information_get_video_information
                                                        (GUPnPDLNAInformation *info);

Get an container information of media file if applicable (e.g. for video files).

info :

A GUPnPDLNAInformation object.

Returns :

A GUPnPDLNAVideoInformation object or NULL. [transfer none]

Property Details

The "audio-information" property

  "audio-information"        GUPnPDLNAAudioInformation*  : Read

Audio information of a file.

The "container-information" property

  "container-information"    GUPnPDLNAContainerInformation*  : Read

Container information of a file.

The "image-information" property

  "image-information"        GUPnPDLNAImageInformation*  : Read

Image information of a file.

The "uri" property

  "uri"                      gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

URI of file which metadata this object stores.

Default value: NULL

The "video-information" property

  "video-information"        GUPnPDLNAVideoInformation*  : Read

Video information of a file.