This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.7 from gnupg.texi. This is the 'The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.4.3-beta30, June 2023). (C) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Werner Koch. (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 g10 Code GmbH. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the license can be found in the section entitled "Copying". INFO-DIR-SECTION GNU Utilities START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * gpg2: (gnupg). OpenPGP encryption and signing tool. * gpgsm: (gnupg). S/MIME encryption and signing tool. * gpg-agent: (gnupg). The secret key daemon. * dirmngr: (gnupg). X.509 CRL and OCSP server. * dirmngr-client: (gnupg). X.509 CRL and OCSP client. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: CMS Options, Next: Esoteric Options, Prev: Input and Output, Up: GPGSM Options 5.2.4 How to change how the CMS is created ------------------------------------------ '--include-certs N' Using N of -2 includes all certificate except for the root cert, -1 includes all certs, 0 does not include any certs, 1 includes only the signers cert and all other positive values include up to N certificates starting with the signer cert. The default is -2. '--cipher-algo OID' Use the cipher algorithm with the ASN.1 object identifier OID for encryption. For convenience the strings '3DES', 'AES' and 'AES256' may be used instead of their OIDs. The default is 'AES' (2.16.840. '--digest-algo name' Use 'name' as the message digest algorithm. Usually this algorithm is deduced from the respective signing certificate. This option forces the use of the given algorithm and may lead to severe interoperability problems.  File:, Node: Esoteric Options, Prev: CMS Options, Up: GPGSM Options 5.2.5 Doing things one usually do not want to do ------------------------------------------------ '--chuid UID' Change the current user to UID which may either be a number or a name. This can be used from the root account to run gpgsm for another user. If UID is not the current UID a standard PATH is set and the envvar GNUPGHOME is unset. To override the latter the option '--homedir' can be used. This option has only an effect when used on the command line. This option has currently no effect at all on Windows. '--extra-digest-algo NAME' Sometimes signatures are broken in that they announce a different digest algorithm than actually used. 'gpgsm' uses a one-pass data processing model and thus needs to rely on the announced digest algorithms to properly hash the data. As a workaround this option may be used to tell 'gpgsm' to also hash the data using the algorithm NAME; this slows processing down a little bit but allows verification of such broken signatures. If 'gpgsm' prints an error like "digest algo 8 has not been enabled" you may want to try this option, with 'SHA256' for NAME. '--compliance STRING' Set the compliance mode. Valid values are shown when using "help" for STRING. '--min-rsa-length N' This option adjusts the compliance mode "de-vs" for stricter key size requirements. For example, a value of 3000 turns rsa2048 and dsa2048 keys into non-VS-NfD compliant keys. '--require-compliance' To check that data has been encrypted according to the rules of the current compliance mode, a gpgsm user needs to evaluate the status lines. This is allows frontends to handle compliance check in a more flexible way. However, for scripted use the required evaluation of the status-line requires quite some effort; this option can be used instead to make sure that the gpgsm process exits with a failure if the compliance rules are not fulfilled. Note that this option has currently an effect only in "de-vs" mode. '--ignore-cert-with-oid OID' Add OID to the list of OIDs to be checked while reading certificates from smartcards. The OID is expected to be in dotted decimal form, like ''. This option may be used more than once. As of now certificates with an extended key usage matching one of those OIDs are ignored during a '--learn-card' operation and not imported. This option can help to keep the local key database clear of unneeded certificates stored on smartcards. '--faked-system-time EPOCH' This option is only useful for testing; it sets the system time back or forth to EPOCH which is the number of seconds elapsed since the year 1970. Alternatively EPOCH may be given as a full ISO time string (e.g. "20070924T154812"). '--with-ephemeral-keys' Include ephemeral flagged keys in the output of key listings. Note that they are included anyway if the key specification for a listing is given as fingerprint or keygrip. '--compatibility-flags FLAGS' Set compatibility flags to work around problems due to non-compliant certificates or data. The FLAGS are given as a comma separated list of flag names and are OR-ed together. The special flag "none" clears the list and allows to start over with an empty list. To get a list of available flags the sole word "help" can be used. '--debug-level LEVEL' Select the debug level for investigating problems. LEVEL may be a numeric value or by a keyword: 'none' No debugging at all. A value of less than 1 may be used instead of the keyword. 'basic' Some basic debug messages. A value between 1 and 2 may be used instead of the keyword. 'advanced' More verbose debug messages. A value between 3 and 5 may be used instead of the keyword. 'expert' Even more detailed messages. A value between 6 and 8 may be used instead of the keyword. 'guru' All of the debug messages you can get. A value greater than 8 may be used instead of the keyword. The creation of hash tracing files is only enabled if the keyword is used. How these messages are mapped to the actual debugging flags is not specified and may change with newer releases of this program. They are however carefully selected to best aid in debugging. '--debug FLAGS' Set debug flags. All flags are or-ed and FLAGS may be given in C syntax (e.g. 0x0042) or as a comma separated list of flag names. To get a list of all supported flags the single word "help" can be used. This option is only useful for debugging and the behavior may change at any time without notice. Note, that all flags set using this option may get overridden by '--debug-level'. '--debug-all' Same as '--debug=0xffffffff' '--debug-allow-core-dump' Usually 'gpgsm' tries to avoid dumping core by well written code and by disabling core dumps for security reasons. However, bugs are pretty durable beasts and to squash them it is sometimes useful to have a core dump. This option enables core dumps unless the Bad Thing happened before the option parsing. '--debug-no-chain-validation' This is actually not a debugging option but only useful as such. It lets 'gpgsm' bypass all certificate chain validation checks. '--debug-ignore-expiration' This is actually not a debugging option but only useful as such. It lets 'gpgsm' ignore all notAfter dates, this is used by the regression tests. '--passphrase-fd n' Read the passphrase from file descriptor 'n'. Only the first line will be read from file descriptor 'n'. If you use 0 for 'n', the passphrase will be read from STDIN. This can only be used if only one passphrase is supplied. Note that this passphrase is only used if the option '--batch' has also been given. '--pinentry-mode mode' Set the pinentry mode to 'mode'. Allowed values for 'mode' are: default Use the default of the agent, which is 'ask'. ask Force the use of the Pinentry. cancel Emulate use of Pinentry's cancel button. error Return a Pinentry error ("No Pinentry"). loopback Redirect Pinentry queries to the caller. Note that in contrast to Pinentry the user is not prompted again if he enters a bad password. '--request-origin ORIGIN' Tell gpgsm to assume that the operation ultimately originated at ORIGIN. Depending on the origin certain restrictions are applied and the Pinentry may include an extra note on the origin. Supported values for ORIGIN are: 'local' which is the default, 'remote' to indicate a remote origin or 'browser' for an operation requested by a web browser. '--no-common-certs-import' Suppress the import of common certificates on keybox creation. All the long options may also be given in the configuration file after stripping off the two leading dashes.  File:, Node: GPGSM Configuration, Next: GPGSM Examples, Prev: GPGSM Options, Up: Invoking GPGSM 5.3 Configuration files ======================= There are a few configuration files to control certain aspects of 'gpgsm''s operation. Unless noted, they are expected in the current home directory (*note option --homedir::). 'gpgsm.conf' This is the standard configuration file read by 'gpgsm' on startup. It may contain any valid long option; the leading two dashes may not be entered and the option may not be abbreviated. This default name may be changed on the command line (*note gpgsm-option --options::). You should backup this file. 'common.conf' This is an optional configuration file read by 'gpgsm' on startup. It may contain options pertaining to all components of GnuPG. Its current main use is for the "use-keyboxd" option. 'policies.txt' This is a list of allowed CA policies. This file should list the object identifiers of the policies line by line. Empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark are ignored. Policies missing in this file and not marked as critical in the certificate will print only a warning; certificates with policies marked as critical and not listed in this file will fail the signature verification. You should backup this file. For example, to allow only the policy, the file should look like this: # Allowed policies 'qualified.txt' This is the list of root certificates used for qualified certificates. They are defined as certificates capable of creating legally binding signatures in the same way as handwritten signatures are. Comments start with a hash mark and empty lines are ignored. Lines do have a length limit but this is not a serious limitation as the format of the entries is fixed and checked by 'gpgsm': A non-comment line starts with optional whitespace, followed by exactly 40 hex characters, white space and a lowercased 2 letter country code. Additional data delimited with by a white space is current ignored but might late be used for other purposes. Note that even if a certificate is listed in this file, this does not mean that the certificate is trusted; in general the certificates listed in this file need to be listed also in 'trustlist.txt'. This is a global file an installed in the sysconf directory (e.g. '/usr/local/etc/gnupg/qualified.txt'). Every time 'gpgsm' uses a certificate for signing or verification this file will be consulted to check whether the certificate under question has ultimately been issued by one of these CAs. If this is the case the user will be informed that the verified signature represents a legally binding ("qualified") signature. When creating a signature using such a certificate an extra prompt will be issued to let the user confirm that such a legally binding signature shall really be created. Because this software has not yet been approved for use with such certificates, appropriate notices will be shown to indicate this fact. 'help.txt' This is plain text file with a few help entries used with 'pinentry' as well as a large list of help items for 'gpg' and 'gpgsm'. The standard file has English help texts; to install localized versions use filenames like 'help.LL.txt' with LL denoting the locale. GnuPG comes with a set of predefined help files in the data directory (e.g. '/usr/local/share/gnupg/gnupg/') and allows overriding of any help item by help files stored in the system configuration directory (e.g. '/usr/local/etc/gnupg/'). For a reference of the help file's syntax, please see the installed 'help.txt' file. 'com-certs.pem' This file is a collection of common certificates used to populated a newly created 'pubring.kbx'. An administrator may replace this file with a custom one. The format is a concatenation of PEM encoded X.509 certificates. This global file is installed in the data directory (e.g. '/usr/local/share/gnupg/com-certs.pem'). Note that on larger installations, it is useful to put predefined files into the directory '/etc/skel/.gnupg/' so that newly created users start up with a working configuration. For existing users a small helper script is provided to create these files (*note addgnupghome::). For internal purposes 'gpgsm' creates and maintains a few other files; they all live in the current home directory (*note option --homedir::). Only 'gpgsm' may modify these files. 'pubring.kbx' This a database file storing the certificates as well as meta information. For debugging purposes the tool 'kbxutil' may be used to show the internal structure of this file. You should backup this file. 'random_seed' This content of this file is used to maintain the internal state of the random number generator across invocations. The same file is used by other programs of this software too. 'S.gpg-agent' If this file exists 'gpgsm' will first try to connect to this socket for accessing 'gpg-agent' before starting a new 'gpg-agent' instance. Under Windows this socket (which in reality be a plain file describing a regular TCP listening port) is the standard way of connecting the 'gpg-agent'.  File:, Node: GPGSM Examples, Next: Unattended Usage, Prev: GPGSM Configuration, Up: Invoking GPGSM 5.4 Examples ============ $ gpgsm -er ciphertext  File:, Node: Unattended Usage, Next: GPGSM Protocol, Prev: GPGSM Examples, Up: Invoking GPGSM 5.5 Unattended Usage ==================== 'gpgsm' is often used as a backend engine by other software. To help with this a machine interface has been defined to have an unambiguous way to do this. This is most likely used with the '--server' command but may also be used in the standard operation mode by using the '--status-fd' option. * Menu: * Automated signature checking:: Automated signature checking. * CSR and certificate creation:: CSR and certificate creation.  File:, Node: Automated signature checking, Next: CSR and certificate creation, Up: Unattended Usage 5.5.1 Automated signature checking ---------------------------------- It is very important to understand the semantics used with signature verification. Checking a signature is not as simple as it may sound and so the operation is a bit complicated. In most cases it is required to look at several status lines. Here is a table of all cases a signed message may have: The signature is valid This does mean that the signature has been successfully verified, the certificates are all sane. However there are two subcases with important information: One of the certificates may have expired or a signature of a message itself as expired. It is a sound practise to consider such a signature still as valid but additional information should be displayed. Depending on the subcase 'gpgsm' will issue these status codes: signature valid and nothing did expire 'GOODSIG', 'VALIDSIG', 'TRUST_FULLY' signature valid but at least one certificate has expired 'EXPKEYSIG', 'VALIDSIG', 'TRUST_FULLY' signature valid but expired 'EXPSIG', 'VALIDSIG', 'TRUST_FULLY' Note, that this case is currently not implemented. The signature is invalid This means that the signature verification failed (this is an indication of a transfer error, a program error or tampering with the message). 'gpgsm' issues one of these status codes sequences: 'BADSIG' 'GOODSIG, VALIDSIG TRUST_NEVER' Error verifying a signature For some reason the signature could not be verified, i.e. it cannot be decided whether the signature is valid or invalid. A common reason for this is a missing certificate.  File:, Node: CSR and certificate creation, Prev: Automated signature checking, Up: Unattended Usage 5.5.2 CSR and certificate creation ---------------------------------- The command '--generate-key' may be used along with the option '--batch' to either create a certificate signing request (CSR) or an X.509 certificate. This is controlled by a parameter file; the format of this file is as follows: * Text only, line length is limited to about 1000 characters. * UTF-8 encoding must be used to specify non-ASCII characters. * Empty lines are ignored. * Leading and trailing while space is ignored. * A hash sign as the first non white space character indicates a comment line. * Control statements are indicated by a leading percent sign, the arguments are separated by white space from the keyword. * Parameters are specified by a keyword, followed by a colon. Arguments are separated by white space. * The first parameter must be 'Key-Type', control statements may be placed anywhere. * The order of the parameters does not matter except for 'Key-Type' which must be the first parameter. The parameters are only used for the generated CSR/certificate; parameters from previous sets are not used. Some syntactically checks may be performed. * Key generation takes place when either the end of the parameter file is reached, the next 'Key-Type' parameter is encountered or at the control statement '%commit' is encountered. Control statements: %echo TEXT Print TEXT as diagnostic. %dry-run Suppress actual key generation (useful for syntax checking). %commit Perform the key generation. Note that an implicit commit is done at the next Key-Type parameter. General Parameters: Key-Type: ALGO Starts a new parameter block by giving the type of the primary key. The algorithm must be capable of signing. This is a required parameter. The supported values for ALGO are 'rsa', 'ecdsa', and 'eddsa'. Key-Length: NBITS The requested length of a generated key in bits. Defaults to 3072. The value is ignored for ECC algorithms. Key-Grip: HEXSTRING This is optional and used to generate a CSR or certificate for an already existing key. Key-Length will be ignored when given. Key-Usage: USAGE-LIST Space or comma delimited list of key usage, allowed values are 'encrypt', 'sign' and 'cert'. This is used to generate the keyUsage extension. Please make sure that the algorithm is capable of this usage. Default is to allow encrypt and sign. Name-DN: SUBJECT-NAME This is the Distinguished Name (DN) of the subject in RFC-2253 format. Name-Email: STRING This is an email address for the altSubjectName. This parameter is optional but may occur several times to add several email addresses to a certificate. Name-DNS: STRING The is an DNS name for the altSubjectName. This parameter is optional but may occur several times to add several DNS names to a certificate. Name-URI: STRING This is an URI for the altSubjectName. This parameter is optional but may occur several times to add several URIs to a certificate. Additional parameters used to create a certificate (in contrast to a certificate signing request): Serial: SN If this parameter is given an X.509 certificate will be generated. SN is expected to be a hex string representing an unsigned integer of arbitrary length. The special value 'random' can be used to create a 64 bit random serial number. Issuer-DN: ISSUER-NAME This is the DN name of the issuer in RFC-2253 format. If it is not set it will default to the subject DN and a special GnuPG extension will be included in the certificate to mark it as a standalone certificate. Creation-Date: ISO-DATE Not-Before: ISO-DATE Set the notBefore date of the certificate. Either a date like '1986-04-26' or '1986-04-26 12:00' or a standard ISO timestamp like '19860426T042640' may be used. The time is considered to be UTC. If it is not given the current date is used. Expire-Date: ISO-DATE Not-After: ISO-DATE Set the notAfter date of the certificate. Either a date like '2063-04-05' or '2063-04-05 17:00' or a standard ISO timestamp like '20630405T170000' may be used. The time is considered to be UTC. If it is not given a default value in the not too far future is used. Signing-Key: KEYGRIP This gives the keygrip of the key used to sign the certificate. If it is not given a self-signed certificate will be created. For compatibility with future versions, it is suggested to prefix the keygrip with a '&'. Hash-Algo: HASH-ALGO Use HASH-ALGO for this CSR or certificate. The supported hash algorithms are: 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha384' and 'sha512'; they may also be specified with uppercase letters. The default is 'sha256'. Authority-Key-Id: HEXSTRING Insert the decoded value of HEXSTRING as authorityKeyIdentifier. If this is not given and an ECC algorithm is used the public part of the certified public key is used as authorityKeyIdentifier. To inhibit any authorityKeyIdentifier use the special value 'none' for HEXSTRING. Subject-Key-Id: HEXSTRING Insert the decoded value of HEXSTRING as subjectKeyIdentifier. If this is not given and an ECC algorithm is used the public part of the signing key is used as authorityKeyIdentifier. To inhibit any subjectKeyIdentifier use the special value 'none' for HEXSTRING.  File:, Node: GPGSM Protocol, Prev: Unattended Usage, Up: Invoking GPGSM 5.6 The Protocol the Server Mode Uses ===================================== Description of the protocol used to access 'GPGSM'. 'GPGSM' does implement the Assuan protocol and in addition provides a regular command line interface which exhibits a full client to this protocol (but uses internal linking). To start 'gpgsm' as a server the command line the option '--server' must be used. Additional options are provided to select the communication method (i.e. the name of the socket). We assume that the connection has already been established; see the Assuan manual for details. * Menu: * GPGSM ENCRYPT:: Encrypting a message. * GPGSM DECRYPT:: Decrypting a message. * GPGSM SIGN:: Signing a message. * GPGSM VERIFY:: Verifying a message. * GPGSM GENKEY:: Generating a key. * GPGSM LISTKEYS:: List available keys. * GPGSM EXPORT:: Export certificates. * GPGSM IMPORT:: Import certificates. * GPGSM DELETE:: Delete certificates. * GPGSM GETAUDITLOG:: Retrieve an audit log. * GPGSM GETINFO:: Information about the process * GPGSM OPTION:: Session options.  File:, Node: GPGSM ENCRYPT, Next: GPGSM DECRYPT, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.1 Encrypting a Message -------------------------- Before encryption can be done the recipient must be set using the command: RECIPIENT USERID Set the recipient for the encryption. USERID should be the internal representation of the key; the server may accept any other way of specification. If this is a valid and trusted recipient the server does respond with OK, otherwise the return is an ERR with the reason why the recipient cannot be used, the encryption will then not be done for this recipient. If the policy is not to encrypt at all if not all recipients are valid, the client has to take care of this. All 'RECIPIENT' commands are cumulative until a 'RESET' or an successful 'ENCRYPT' command. INPUT FD[=N] [--armor|--base64|--binary] Set the file descriptor for the message to be encrypted to N. Obviously the pipe must be open at that point, the server establishes its own end. If the server returns an error the client should consider this session failed. If N is not given, this commands uses the last file descriptor passed to the application. *Note the assuan_sendfd function: (assuan)fun-assuan_sendfd, on how to do descriptor passing. The '--armor' option may be used to advise the server that the input data is in PEM format, '--base64' advises that a raw base-64 encoding is used, '--binary' advises of raw binary input (BER). If none of these options is used, the server tries to figure out the used encoding, but this may not always be correct. OUTPUT FD[=N] [--armor|--base64] Set the file descriptor to be used for the output (i.e. the encrypted message). Obviously the pipe must be open at that point, the server establishes its own end. If the server returns an error the client should consider this session failed. The option '--armor' encodes the output in PEM format, the '--base64' option applies just a base-64 encoding. No option creates binary output (BER). The actual encryption is done using the command ENCRYPT It takes the plaintext from the 'INPUT' command, writes to the ciphertext to the file descriptor set with the 'OUTPUT' command, take the recipients from all the recipients set so far. If this command fails the clients should try to delete all output currently done or otherwise mark it as invalid. 'GPGSM' does ensure that there will not be any security problem with leftover data on the output in this case. This command should in general not fail, as all necessary checks have been done while setting the recipients. The input and output pipes are closed.  File:, Node: GPGSM DECRYPT, Next: GPGSM SIGN, Prev: GPGSM ENCRYPT, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.2 Decrypting a message -------------------------- Input and output FDs are set the same way as in encryption, but 'INPUT' refers to the ciphertext and 'OUTPUT' to the plaintext. There is no need to set recipients. 'GPGSM' automatically strips any S/MIME headers from the input, so it is valid to pass an entire MIME part to the INPUT pipe. The decryption is done by using the command DECRYPT It performs the decrypt operation after doing some check on the internal state (e.g. that all needed data has been set). Because it utilizes the GPG-Agent for the session key decryption, there is no need to ask the client for a protecting passphrase - GpgAgent takes care of this by requesting this from the user.  File:, Node: GPGSM SIGN, Next: GPGSM VERIFY, Prev: GPGSM DECRYPT, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.3 Signing a Message ----------------------- Signing is usually done with these commands: INPUT FD[=N] [--armor|--base64|--binary] This tells 'GPGSM' to read the data to sign from file descriptor N. OUTPUT FD[=M] [--armor|--base64] Write the output to file descriptor M. If a detached signature is requested, only the signature is written. SIGN [--detached] Sign the data set with the 'INPUT' command and write it to the sink set by 'OUTPUT'. With '--detached', a detached signature is created (surprise). The key used for signing is the default one or the one specified in the configuration file. To get finer control over the keys, it is possible to use the command SIGNER USERID to set the signer's key. USERID should be the internal representation of the key; the server may accept any other way of specification. If this is a valid and trusted recipient the server does respond with OK, otherwise the return is an ERR with the reason why the key cannot be used, the signature will then not be created using this key. If the policy is not to sign at all if not all keys are valid, the client has to take care of this. All 'SIGNER' commands are cumulative until a 'RESET' is done. Note that a 'SIGN' does not reset this list of signers which is in contrast to the 'RECIPIENT' command.  File:, Node: GPGSM VERIFY, Next: GPGSM GENKEY, Prev: GPGSM SIGN, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.4 Verifying a Message ------------------------- To verify a message the command: VERIFY is used. It does a verify operation on the message send to the input FD. The result is written out using status lines. If an output FD was given, the signed text will be written to that. If the signature is a detached one, the server will inquire about the signed material and the client must provide it.  File:, Node: GPGSM GENKEY, Next: GPGSM LISTKEYS, Prev: GPGSM VERIFY, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.5 Generating a Key ---------------------- This is used to generate a new keypair, store the secret part in the PSE and the public key in the key database. We will probably add optional commands to allow the client to select whether a hardware token is used to store the key. Configuration options to 'GPGSM' can be used to restrict the use of this command. GENKEY 'GPGSM' checks whether this command is allowed and then does an INQUIRY to get the key parameters, the client should then send the key parameters in the native format: S: INQUIRE KEY_PARAM native C: D foo:fgfgfg C: D bar C: END Please note that the server may send Status info lines while reading the data lines from the client. After this the key generation takes place and the server eventually does send an ERR or OK response. Status lines may be issued as a progress indicator.  File:, Node: GPGSM LISTKEYS, Next: GPGSM EXPORT, Prev: GPGSM GENKEY, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.6 List available keys ------------------------- To list the keys in the internal database or using an external key provider, the command: LISTKEYS PATTERN is used. To allow multiple patterns (which are ORed during the search) quoting is required: Spaces are to be translated into "+" or into "%20"; in turn this requires that the usual escape quoting rules are done. LISTSECRETKEYS PATTERN Lists only the keys where a secret key is available. The list commands are affected by the option OPTION list-mode=MODE where mode may be: '0' Use default (which is usually the same as 1). '1' List only the internal keys. '2' List only the external keys. '3' List internal and external keys. Note that options are valid for the entire session.  File:, Node: GPGSM EXPORT, Next: GPGSM IMPORT, Prev: GPGSM LISTKEYS, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.7 Export certificates ------------------------- To export certificate from the internal key database the command: EXPORT [--data [--armor] [--base64]] [--] PATTERN is used. To allow multiple patterns (which are ORed) quoting is required: Spaces are to be translated into "+" or into "%20"; in turn this requires that the usual escape quoting rules are done. If the '--data' option has not been given, the format of the output depends on what was set with the 'OUTPUT' command. When using PEM encoding a few informational lines are prepended. If the '--data' has been given, a target set via 'OUTPUT' is ignored and the data is returned inline using standard 'D'-lines. This avoids the need for an extra file descriptor. In this case the options '--armor' and '--base64' may be used in the same way as with the 'OUTPUT' command.  File:, Node: GPGSM IMPORT, Next: GPGSM DELETE, Prev: GPGSM EXPORT, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.8 Import certificates ------------------------- To import certificates into the internal key database, the command IMPORT [--re-import] is used. The data is expected on the file descriptor set with the 'INPUT' command. Certain checks are performed on the certificate. Note that the code will also handle PKCS#12 files and import private keys; a helper program is used for that. With the option '--re-import' the input data is expected to a be a linefeed separated list of fingerprints. The command will re-import the corresponding certificates; that is they are made permanent by removing their ephemeral flag.  File:, Node: GPGSM DELETE, Next: GPGSM GETAUDITLOG, Prev: GPGSM IMPORT, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.9 Delete certificates ------------------------- To delete a certificate the command DELKEYS PATTERN is used. To allow multiple patterns (which are ORed) quoting is required: Spaces are to be translated into "+" or into "%20"; in turn this requires that the usual escape quoting rules are done. The certificates must be specified unambiguously otherwise an error is returned.  File:, Node: GPGSM GETAUDITLOG, Next: GPGSM GETINFO, Prev: GPGSM DELETE, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.10 Retrieve an audit log ---------------------------- This command is used to retrieve an audit log. GETAUDITLOG [--data] [--html] If '--data' is used, the audit log is send using D-lines instead of being sent to the file descriptor given by an 'OUTPUT' command. If '--html' is used, the output is formatted as an XHTML block. This is designed to be incorporated into a HTML document.  File:, Node: GPGSM GETINFO, Next: GPGSM OPTION, Prev: GPGSM GETAUDITLOG, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.11 Return information about the process ------------------------------------------- This is a multipurpose function to return a variety of information. GETINFO WHAT The value of WHAT specifies the kind of information returned: 'version' Return the version of the program. 'pid' Return the process id of the process. 'agent-check' Return OK if the agent is running. 'cmd_has_option CMD OPT' Return OK if the command CMD implements the option OPT. The leading two dashes usually used with OPT shall not be given. 'offline' Return OK if the connection is in offline mode. This may be either due to a 'OPTION offline=1' or due to 'gpgsm' being started with option '--disable-dirmngr'.  File:, Node: GPGSM OPTION, Prev: GPGSM GETINFO, Up: GPGSM Protocol 5.6.12 Session options ---------------------- The standard Assuan option handler supports these options. OPTION NAME[=VALUE] These NAMEs are recognized: 'putenv' Change the session's environment to be passed via gpg-agent to Pinentry. VALUE is a string of the form '<KEY>[=[<STRING>]]'. If only '<KEY>' is given the environment variable '<KEY>' is removed from the session environment, if '<KEY>=' is given that environment variable is set to the empty string, and if '<STRING>' is given it is set to that string. 'display' Set the session environment variable 'DISPLAY' is set to VALUE. 'ttyname' Set the session environment variable 'GPG_TTY' is set to VALUE. 'ttytype' Set the session environment variable 'TERM' is set to VALUE. 'lc-ctype' Set the session environment variable 'LC_CTYPE' is set to VALUE. 'lc-messages' Set the session environment variable 'LC_MESSAGES' is set to VALUE. 'xauthority' Set the session environment variable 'XAUTHORITY' is set to VALUE. 'pinentry-user-data' Set the session environment variable 'PINENTRY_USER_DATA' is set to VALUE. 'include-certs' This option overrides the command line option '--include-certs'. A VALUE of -2 includes all certificates except for the root certificate, -1 includes all certificates, 0 does not include any certificates, 1 includes only the signers certificate and all other positive values include up to VALUE certificates starting with the signer cert. 'list-mode' *Note gpgsm-cmd listkeys::. 'list-to-output' If VALUE is true the output of the list commands (*note gpgsm-cmd listkeys::) is written to the file descriptor set with the last 'OUTPUT' command. If VALUE is false the output is written via data lines; this is the default. 'with-validation' If VALUE is true for each listed certificate the validation status is printed. This may result in the download of a CRL or the user being asked about the trustworthiness of a root certificate. The default is given by a command line option (*note gpgsm-option --with-validation::). 'with-secret' If VALUE is true certificates with a corresponding private key are marked by the list commands. 'validation-model' This option overrides the command line option 'validation-model' for the session. (*Note gpgsm-option --validation-model::.) 'with-key-data' This option globally enables the command line option '--with-key-data'. (*Note gpgsm-option --with-key-data::.) 'enable-audit-log' If VALUE is true data to write an audit log is gathered. (*Note gpgsm-cmd getauditlog::.) 'allow-pinentry-notify' If this option is used notifications about the launch of a Pinentry are passed back to the client. 'with-ephemeral-keys' If VALUE is true ephemeral certificates are included in the output of the list commands. 'no-encrypt-to' If this option is used all keys set by the command line option '--encrypt-to' are ignored. 'offline' If VALUE is true or VALUE is not given all network access is disabled for this session. This is the same as the command line option '--disable-dirmngr'. 'input-size-hint' This is the same as the '--input-size-hint' command line option.  File:, Node: Invoking SCDAEMON, Next: Specify a User ID, Prev: Invoking GPGSM, Up: Top 6 Invoking the SCDAEMON *********************** The 'scdaemon' is a daemon to manage smartcards. It is usually invoked by 'gpg-agent' and in general not used directly. *Note Option Index::, for an index to 'scdaemon''s commands and options. * Menu: * Scdaemon Commands:: List of all commands. * Scdaemon Options:: List of all options. * Card applications:: Description of card applications. * Scdaemon Configuration:: Configuration files. * Scdaemon Examples:: Some usage examples. * Scdaemon Protocol:: The protocol the daemon uses.  File:, Node: Scdaemon Commands, Next: Scdaemon Options, Up: Invoking SCDAEMON 6.1 Commands ============ Commands are not distinguished from options except for the fact that only one command is allowed. '--version' Print the program version and licensing information. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. '--help, -h' Print a usage message summarizing the most useful command-line options. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. '--dump-options' Print a list of all available options and commands. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. '--server' Run in server mode and wait for commands on the 'stdin'. The default mode is to create a socket and listen for commands there. '--multi-server' Run in server mode and wait for commands on the 'stdin' as well as on an additional Unix Domain socket. The server command 'GETINFO' may be used to get the name of that extra socket. '--daemon' Run the program in the background. This option is required to prevent it from being accidentally running in the background.  File:, Node: Scdaemon Options, Next: Card applications, Prev: Scdaemon Commands, Up: Invoking SCDAEMON 6.2 Option Summary ================== '--options FILE' Reads configuration from FILE instead of from the default per-user configuration file. The default configuration file is named 'scdaemon.conf' and expected in the '.gnupg' directory directly below the home directory of the user. '--homedir DIR' Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on Windows systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. On Windows systems it is possible to install GnuPG as a portable application. In this case only this command line option is considered, all other ways to set a home directory are ignored. To install GnuPG as a portable application under Windows, create an empty file named 'gpgconf.ctl' in the same directory as the tool 'gpgconf.exe'. The root of the installation is then that directory; or, if 'gpgconf.exe' has been installed directly below a directory named 'bin', its parent directory. You also need to make sure that the following directories exist and are writable: 'ROOT/home' for the GnuPG home and 'ROOT/usr/local/var/cache/gnupg' for internal cache files. '-v' '--verbose' Outputs additional information while running. You can increase the verbosity by giving several verbose commands to 'gpgsm', such as '-vv'. '--debug-level LEVEL' Select the debug level for investigating problems. LEVEL may be a numeric value or a keyword: 'none' No debugging at all. A value of less than 1 may be used instead of the keyword. 'basic' Some basic debug messages. A value between 1 and 2 may be used instead of the keyword. 'advanced' More verbose debug messages. A value between 3 and 5 may be used instead of the keyword. 'expert' Even more detailed messages. A value between 6 and 8 may be used instead of the keyword. 'guru' All of the debug messages you can get. A value greater than 8 may be used instead of the keyword. The creation of hash tracing files is only enabled if the keyword is used. How these messages are mapped to the actual debugging flags is not specified and may change with newer releases of this program. They are however carefully selected to best aid in debugging. Note: All debugging options are subject to change and thus should not be used by any application program. As the name says, they are only used as helpers to debug problems. '--debug FLAGS' Set debug flags. All flags are or-ed and FLAGS may be given in C syntax (e.g. 0x0042) or as a comma separated list of flag names. To get a list of all supported flags the single word "help" can be used. This option is only useful for debugging and the behavior may change at any time without notice. '--debug-all' Same as '--debug=0xffffffff' '--debug-wait N' When running in server mode, wait N seconds before entering the actual processing loop and print the pid. This gives time to attach a debugger. '--debug-ccid-driver' Enable debug output from the included CCID driver for smartcards. Using this option twice will also enable some tracing of the T=1 protocol. Note that this option may reveal sensitive data. '--debug-disable-ticker' This option disables all ticker functions like checking for card insertions. '--debug-allow-core-dump' For security reasons we won't create a core dump when the process aborts. For debugging purposes it is sometimes better to allow core dump. This option enables it and also changes the working directory to '/tmp' when running in '--server' mode. '--debug-log-tid' This option appends a thread ID to the PID in the log output. '--debug-assuan-log-cats CATS' Changes the active Libassuan logging categories to CATS. The value for CATS is an unsigned integer given in usual C-Syntax. A value of 0 switches to a default category. If this option is not used the categories are taken from the environment variable 'ASSUAN_DEBUG'. Note that this option has only an effect if the Assuan debug flag has also been with the option '--debug'. For a list of categories see the Libassuan manual. '--no-detach' Don't detach the process from the console. This is mainly useful for debugging. '--listen-backlog N' Set the size of the queue for pending connections. The default is 64. This option has an effect only if '--multi-server' is also used. '--log-file FILE' Append all logging output to FILE. This is very helpful in seeing what the agent actually does. Use 'socket://' to log to socket. '--pcsc-shared' Use shared mode to access the card via PC/SC. This is a somewhat dangerous option because Scdaemon assumes exclusive access to the card and for example caches certain information from the card. Use this option only if you know what you are doing. '--pcsc-driver LIBRARY' Use LIBRARY to access the smartcard reader. The current default on Unix is '' and on Windows 'winscard.dll'. Instead of using this option you might also want to install a symbolic link to the default file name (e.g. from ''). A Unicode file name may not be used on Windows. '--ctapi-driver LIBRARY' Use LIBRARY to access the smartcard reader. The current default is ''. Note that the use of this interface is deprecated; it may be removed in future releases. '--disable-ccid' Disable the integrated support for CCID compliant readers. This allows falling back to one of the other drivers even if the internal CCID driver can handle the reader. Note, that CCID support is only available if libusb was available at build time. '--reader-port NUMBER_OR_STRING' This option may be used to specify the port of the card terminal. A value of 0 refers to the first serial device; add 32768 to access USB devices. The default is 32768 (first USB device). PC/SC or CCID readers might need a string here; run the program in verbose mode to get a list of available readers. The default is then the first reader found. To get a list of available CCID readers you may use this command: echo scd getinfo reader_list \ | gpg-connect-agent --decode | awk '/^D/ {print $2}' '--card-timeout N' This option is deprecated. In GnuPG 2.0, it used to be used for DISCONNECT command to control timing issue. Since DISCONNECT command works synchronously, it has no effect. '--enable-pinpad-varlen' Please specify this option when the card reader supports variable length input for pinpad (default is no). For known readers (listed in ccid-driver.c and apdu.c), this option is not needed. Note that if your card reader doesn't supports variable length input but you want to use it, you need to specify your pinpad request on your card. '--disable-pinpad' Even if a card reader features a pinpad, do not try to use it. '--deny-admin' This option disables the use of admin class commands for card applications where this is supported. Currently we support it for the OpenPGP card. This option is useful to inhibit accidental access to admin class command which could ultimately lock the card through wrong PIN numbers. Note that GnuPG versions older than 2.0.11 featured an '--allow-admin' option which was required to use such admin commands. This option has no more effect today because the default is now to allow admin commands. '--disable-application NAME' This option disables the use of the card application named NAME. This is mainly useful for debugging or if a application with lower priority should be used by default. '--application-priority NAMELIST' This option allows to change the order in which applications of a card a tried if no specific application was requested. NAMELIST is a space or comma delimited list of application names. Unknown names are simply skipped. Applications not mentioned in the list are put in the former order at the end of the new priority list. To get the list of current active applications, use gpg-connect-agent 'scd getinfo app_list' /bye All the long options may also be given in the configuration file after stripping off the two leading dashes.  File:, Node: Card applications, Next: Scdaemon Configuration, Prev: Scdaemon Options, Up: Invoking SCDAEMON 6.3 Description of card applications ==================================== 'scdaemon' supports the card applications as described below. * Menu: * OpenPGP Card:: The OpenPGP card application * NKS Card:: The Telesec NetKey card application * DINSIG Card:: The DINSIG card application * PKCS#15 Card:: The PKCS#15 card application * Geldkarte Card:: The Geldkarte application * SmartCard-HSM:: The SmartCard-HSM application * Undefined Card:: The Undefined stub application  File:, Node: OpenPGP Card, Next: NKS Card, Up: Card applications 6.3.1 The OpenPGP card application "openpgp" -------------------------------------------- This application is currently only used by 'gpg' but may in future also be useful with 'gpgsm'. Version 1 and version 2 of the card is supported. The specifications for these cards are available at <> and <>.  File:, Node: NKS Card, Next: DINSIG Card, Prev: OpenPGP Card, Up: Card applications 6.3.2 The Telesec NetKey card "nks" ----------------------------------- This is the main application of the Telesec cards as available in Germany. It is a superset of the German DINSIG card. The card is used by 'gpgsm'.  File:, Node: DINSIG Card, Next: PKCS#15 Card, Prev: NKS Card, Up: Card applications 6.3.3 The DINSIG card application "dinsig" ------------------------------------------ This is an application as described in the German draft standard _DIN V 66291-1_. It is intended to be used by cards supporting the German signature law and its bylaws (SigG and SigV).  File:, Node: PKCS#15 Card, Next: Geldkarte Card, Prev: DINSIG Card, Up: Card applications 6.3.4 The PKCS#15 card application "p15" ---------------------------------------- This is common framework for smart card applications. It is used by 'gpgsm'.  File:, Node: Geldkarte Card, Next: SmartCard-HSM, Prev: PKCS#15 Card, Up: Card applications 6.3.5 The Geldkarte card application "geldkarte" ------------------------------------------------ This is a simple application to display information of a German Geldkarte. The Geldkarte is a small amount debit card application which comes with almost all German banking cards.  File:, Node: SmartCard-HSM, Next: Undefined Card, Prev: Geldkarte Card, Up: Card applications 6.3.6 The SmartCard-HSM card application "sc-hsm" ------------------------------------------------- This application adds read-only support for keys and certificates stored on a SmartCard-HSM ( To generate keys and store certificates you may use OpenSC ( or the tools from OpenSCDP ( The SmartCard-HSM cards requires a card reader that supports Extended Length APDUs.  File:, Node: Undefined Card, Prev: SmartCard-HSM, Up: Card applications 6.3.7 The Undefined card application "undefined" ------------------------------------------------ This is a stub application to allow the use of the APDU command even if no supported application is found on the card. This application is not used automatically but must be explicitly requested using the SERIALNO command.  File:, Node: Scdaemon Configuration, Next: Scdaemon Examples, Prev: Card applications, Up: Invoking SCDAEMON 6.4 Configuration files ======================= There are a few configuration files to control certain aspects of 'scdaemons''s operation. Unless noted, they are expected in the current home directory (*note option --homedir::). 'scdaemon.conf' This is the standard configuration file read by 'scdaemon' on startup. It may contain any valid long option; the leading two dashes may not be entered and the option may not be abbreviated. This default name may be changed on the command line (*note option --options::). 'scd-event' If this file is present and executable, it will be called on every card reader's status change. An example of this script is provided with the source code distribution. This option is deprecated in favor of the 'DEVINFO --watch'. 'reader_N.status' This file is created by 'scdaemon' to let other applications now about reader status changes. Its use is now deprecated in favor of 'scd-event'.  File:, Node: Scdaemon Examples, Next: Scdaemon Protocol, Prev: Scdaemon Configuration, Up: Invoking SCDAEMON 6.5 Examples ============ $ scdaemon --server -v  File:, Node: Scdaemon Protocol, Prev: Scdaemon Examples, Up: Invoking SCDAEMON 6.6 Scdaemon's Assuan Protocol ============================== The SC-Daemon should be started by the system to provide access to external tokens. Using Smartcards on a multi-user system does not make much sense except for system services, but in this case no regular user accounts are hosted on the machine. A client connects to the SC-Daemon by connecting to the socket named '/usr/local/var/run/gnupg/scdaemon/socket', configuration information is read from /USR/LOCAL/ETC/GNUPG/SCDAEMON.CONF Each connection acts as one session, SC-Daemon takes care of synchronizing access to a token between sessions. * Menu: * Scdaemon SERIALNO:: Return the serial number. * Scdaemon LEARN:: Read all useful information from the card. * Scdaemon READCERT:: Return a certificate. * Scdaemon READKEY:: Return a public key. * Scdaemon PKSIGN:: Signing data with a Smartcard. * Scdaemon PKDECRYPT:: Decrypting data with a Smartcard. * Scdaemon GETATTR:: Read an attribute's value. * Scdaemon SETATTR:: Update an attribute's value. * Scdaemon WRITEKEY:: Write a key to a card. * Scdaemon GENKEY:: Generate a new key on-card. * Scdaemon RANDOM:: Return random bytes generated on-card. * Scdaemon PASSWD:: Change PINs. * Scdaemon CHECKPIN:: Perform a VERIFY operation. * Scdaemon RESTART:: Restart connection * Scdaemon APDU:: Send a verbatim APDU to the card  File:, Node: Scdaemon SERIALNO, Next: Scdaemon LEARN, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.1 Return the serial number ------------------------------ This command should be used to check for the presence of a card. It is special in that it can be used to reset the card. Most other commands will return an error when a card change has been detected and the use of this function is therefore required. Background: We want to keep the client clear of handling card changes between operations; i.e. the client can assume that all operations are done on the same card unless he call this function. SERIALNO Return the serial number of the card using a status response like: S SERIALNO D27600000000000000000000 The serial number is the hex encoded value identified by the '0x5A' tag in the GDO file (FIX=0x2F02).  File:, Node: Scdaemon LEARN, Next: Scdaemon READCERT, Prev: Scdaemon SERIALNO, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.2 Read all useful information from the card ----------------------------------------------- LEARN [--force] Learn all useful information of the currently inserted card. When used without the '--force' option, the command might do an INQUIRE like this: INQUIRE KNOWNCARDP <hexstring_with_serialNumber> The client should just send an 'END' if the processing should go on or a 'CANCEL' to force the function to terminate with a cancel error message. The response of this command is a list of status lines formatted as this: S KEYPAIRINFO HEXSTRING_WITH_KEYGRIP HEXSTRING_WITH_ID If there is no certificate yet stored on the card a single "X" is returned in HEXSTRING_WITH_KEYGRIP.  File:, Node: Scdaemon READCERT, Next: Scdaemon READKEY, Prev: Scdaemon LEARN, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.3 Return a certificate -------------------------- READCERT HEXIFIED_CERTID|KEYID This function is used to read a certificate identified by HEXIFIED_CERTID from the card. With OpenPGP cards the keyid 'OpenPGP.3' may be used to read the certificate of version 2 cards.  File:, Node: Scdaemon READKEY, Next: Scdaemon PKSIGN, Prev: Scdaemon READCERT, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.4 Return a public key ------------------------- READKEY HEXIFIED_CERTID Return the public key for the given cert or key ID as an standard S-Expression.  File:, Node: Scdaemon PKSIGN, Next: Scdaemon PKDECRYPT, Prev: Scdaemon READKEY, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.5 Signing data with a Smartcard ----------------------------------- To sign some data the caller should use the command SETDATA HEXSTRING to tell 'scdaemon' about the data to be signed. The data must be given in hex notation. The actual signing is done using the command PKSIGN KEYID where KEYID is the hexified ID of the key to be used. The key id may have been retrieved using the command 'LEARN'. If another hash algorithm than SHA-1 is used, that algorithm may be given like: PKSIGN --hash=ALGONAME KEYID With ALGONAME are one of 'sha1', 'rmd160' or 'md5'.  File:, Node: Scdaemon PKDECRYPT, Next: Scdaemon GETATTR, Prev: Scdaemon PKSIGN, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.6 Decrypting data with a Smartcard -------------------------------------- To decrypt some data the caller should use the command SETDATA HEXSTRING to tell 'scdaemon' about the data to be decrypted. The data must be given in hex notation. The actual decryption is then done using the command PKDECRYPT KEYID where KEYID is the hexified ID of the key to be used. If the card is aware of the apdding format a status line with padding information is send before the plaintext data. The key for this status line is 'PADDING' with the only defined value being 0 and meaning padding has been removed.  File:, Node: Scdaemon GETATTR, Next: Scdaemon SETATTR, Prev: Scdaemon PKDECRYPT, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.7 Read an attribute's value ------------------------------- TO BE WRITTEN.  File:, Node: Scdaemon SETATTR, Next: Scdaemon WRITEKEY, Prev: Scdaemon GETATTR, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.8 Update an attribute's value --------------------------------- TO BE WRITTEN.  File:, Node: Scdaemon WRITEKEY, Next: Scdaemon GENKEY, Prev: Scdaemon SETATTR, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.9 Write a key to a card --------------------------- WRITEKEY [--force] KEYID This command is used to store a secret key on a smartcard. The allowed keyids depend on the currently selected smartcard application. The actual keydata is requested using the inquiry 'KEYDATA' and need to be provided without any protection. With '--force' set an existing key under this KEYID will get overwritten. The key data is expected to be the usual canonical encoded S-expression. A PIN will be requested in most cases. This however depends on the actual card application.  File:, Node: Scdaemon GENKEY, Next: Scdaemon RANDOM, Prev: Scdaemon WRITEKEY, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.10 Generate a new key on-card --------------------------------- TO BE WRITTEN.  File:, Node: Scdaemon RANDOM, Next: Scdaemon PASSWD, Prev: Scdaemon GENKEY, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.11 Return random bytes generated on-card -------------------------------------------- TO BE WRITTEN.  File:, Node: Scdaemon PASSWD, Next: Scdaemon CHECKPIN, Prev: Scdaemon RANDOM, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.12 Change PINs ------------------ PASSWD [--reset] [--nullpin] CHVNO Change the PIN or reset the retry counter of the card holder verification vector number CHVNO. The option '--nullpin' is used to initialize the PIN of TCOS cards (6 byte NullPIN only).  File:, Node: Scdaemon CHECKPIN, Next: Scdaemon RESTART, Prev: Scdaemon PASSWD, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.13 Perform a VERIFY operation --------------------------------- CHECKPIN IDSTR Perform a VERIFY operation without doing anything else. This may be used to initialize a the PIN cache earlier to long lasting operations. Its use is highly application dependent: *OpenPGP* Perform a simple verify operation for CHV1 and CHV2, so that further operations won't ask for CHV2 and it is possible to do a cheap check on the PIN: If there is something wrong with the PIN entry system, only the regular CHV will get blocked and not the dangerous CHV3. IDSTR is the usual card's serial number in hex notation; an optional fingerprint part will get ignored. There is however a special mode if IDSTR is suffixed with the literal string '[CHV3]': In this case the Admin PIN is checked if and only if the retry counter is still at 3.  File:, Node: Scdaemon RESTART, Next: Scdaemon APDU, Prev: Scdaemon CHECKPIN, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.14 Perform a RESTART operation ---------------------------------- RESTART Restart the current connection; this is a kind of warm reset. It deletes the context used by this connection but does not actually reset the card. This is used by gpg-agent to reuse a primary pipe connection and may be used by clients to backup from a conflict in the serial command; i.e. to select another application.  File:, Node: Scdaemon APDU, Prev: Scdaemon RESTART, Up: Scdaemon Protocol 6.6.15 Send a verbatim APDU to the card --------------------------------------- APDU [--atr] [--more] [--exlen[=N]] [HEXSTRING] Send an APDU to the current reader. This command bypasses the high level functions and sends the data directly to the card. HEXSTRING is expected to be a proper APDU. If HEXSTRING is not given no commands are send to the card; However the command will implicitly check whether the card is ready for use. Using the option '--atr' returns the ATR of the card as a status message before any data like this: S CARD-ATR 3BFA1300FF813180450031C173C00100009000B1 Using the option '--more' handles the card status word MORE_DATA (61xx) and concatenate all responses to one block. Using the option '--exlen' the returned APDU may use extended length up to N bytes. If N is not given a default value is used (currently 4096).  File:, Node: Specify a User ID, Next: Trust Values, Prev: Invoking SCDAEMON, Up: Top 7 How to Specify a User Id ************************** There are different ways to specify a user ID to GnuPG. Some of them are only valid for 'gpg' others are only good for 'gpgsm'. Here is the entire list of ways to specify a key: * By key Id. This format is deduced from the length of the string and its content or '0x' prefix. The key Id of an X.509 certificate are the low 64 bits of its SHA-1 fingerprint. The use of key Ids is just a shortcut, for all automated processing the fingerprint should be used. When using 'gpg' an exclamation mark (!) may be appended to force using the specified primary or secondary key and not to try and calculate which primary or secondary key to use. The last four lines of the example give the key ID in their long form as internally used by the OpenPGP protocol. You can see the long key ID using the option '--with-colons'. 234567C4 0F34E556E 01347A56A 0xAB123456 234AABBCC34567C4 0F323456784E56EAB 01AB3FED1347A5612 0x234AABBCC34567C4 * By fingerprint. This format is deduced from the length of the string and its content or the '0x' prefix. Note, that only the 20 byte version fingerprint is available with 'gpgsm' (i.e. the SHA-1 hash of the certificate). When using 'gpg' an exclamation mark (!) may be appended to force using the specified primary or secondary key and not to try and calculate which primary or secondary key to use. The best way to specify a key Id is by using the fingerprint. This avoids any ambiguities in case that there are duplicated key IDs. 1234343434343434C434343434343434 123434343434343C3434343434343734349A3434 0E12343434343434343434EAB3484343434343434 0xE12343434343434343434EAB3484343434343434 'gpgsm' also accepts colons between each pair of hexadecimal digits because this is the de-facto standard on how to present X.509 fingerprints. 'gpg' also allows the use of the space separated SHA-1 fingerprint as printed by the key listing commands. * By exact match on OpenPGP user ID. This is denoted by a leading equal sign. It does not make sense for X.509 certificates. =Heinrich Heine <> * By exact match on an email address. This is indicated by enclosing the email address in the usual way with left and right angles. <> * By partial match on an email address. This is indicated by prefixing the search string with an '@'. This uses a substring search but considers only the mail address (i.e. inside the angle brackets). @heinrichh * By exact match on the subject's DN. This is indicated by a leading slash, directly followed by the RFC-2253 encoded DN of the subject. Note that you can't use the string printed by 'gpgsm --list-keys' because that one has been reordered and modified for better readability; use '--with-colons' to print the raw (but standard escaped) RFC-2253 string. /CN=Heinrich Heine,O=Poets,L=Paris,C=FR * By exact match on the issuer's DN. This is indicated by a leading hash mark, directly followed by a slash and then directly followed by the RFC-2253 encoded DN of the issuer. This should return the Root cert of the issuer. See note above. #/CN=Root Cert,O=Poets,L=Paris,C=FR * By exact match on serial number and issuer's DN. This is indicated by a hash mark, followed by the hexadecimal representation of the serial number, then followed by a slash and the RFC-2253 encoded DN of the issuer. See note above. #4F03/CN=Root Cert,O=Poets,L=Paris,C=FR * By keygrip. This is indicated by an ampersand followed by the 40 hex digits of a keygrip. 'gpgsm' prints the keygrip when using the command '--dump-cert'. &D75F22C3F86E355877348498CDC92BD21010A480 * By substring match. This is the default mode but applications may want to explicitly indicate this by putting the asterisk in front. Match is not case sensitive. Heine *Heine * . and + prefixes These prefixes are reserved for looking up mails anchored at the end and for a word search mode. They are not yet implemented and using them is undefined. Please note that we have reused the hash mark identifier which was used in old GnuPG versions to indicate the so called local-id. It is not anymore used and there should be no conflict when used with X.509 stuff. Using the RFC-2253 format of DNs has the drawback that it is not possible to map them back to the original encoding, however we don't have to do this because our key database stores this encoding as meta data.  File:, Node: Trust Values, Next: Smart Card Tool, Prev: Specify a User ID, Up: Top 8 Trust Values ************** Trust values are used to indicate ownertrust and validity of keys and user IDs. They are displayed with letters or strings: - unknown No ownertrust assigned / not yet calculated. e expired Trust calculation has failed; probably due to an expired key. q undefined, undef Not enough information for calculation. n never Never trust this key. m marginal Marginally trusted. f full Fully trusted. u ultimate Ultimately trusted. r revoked For validity only: the key or the user ID has been revoked. ? err The program encountered an unknown trust value.  File:, Node: Smart Card Tool, Next: Helper Tools, Prev: Trust Values, Up: Top 9 Smart Card Tool ***************** GnuPG comes with a tool to administrate smart cards and USB tokens. This tool is an enhanced version of the '--edit-key' command available with 'gpg'. * Menu: * gpg-card:: Administrate smart cards.  File:, Node: gpg-card, Up: Smart Card Tool 9.1 Administrate smart cards. ============================= The 'gpg-card' is used to administrate smart cards and USB tokens. It provides a superset of features from 'gpg --card-edit' an can be considered a frontend to 'scdaemon' which is a daemon started by 'gpg-agent' to handle smart cards. If 'gpg-card' is invoked without commands an interactive mode is used. If 'gpg-card' is invoked with one or more commands the same commands as available in the interactive mode are run from the command line. These commands need to be delimited with a double-dash. If a double-dash or a shell specific character is required as part of a command the entire command needs to be put in quotes. If one of those commands returns an error the remaining commands are not anymore run unless the command was prefixed with a single dash. A list of commands is available by using the command 'help' and a brief description of each command is printed by using 'help CMD'. See the section COMMANDS for a full description. See the NOTES sections for instructions pertaining to specific cards or card applications. 'gpg-card' understands these options: '--with-colons' This option has currently no effect. '--status-fd N' Write special status strings to the file descriptor N. This program returns only the status messages SUCCESS or FAILURE which are helpful when the caller uses a double fork approach and can't easily get the return code of the process. '--verbose' Enable extra informational output. '--quiet' Disable almost all informational output. '--version' Print version of the program and exit. '--help' Display a brief help page and exit. '--no-autostart' Do not start the gpg-agent if it has not yet been started and its service is required. This option is mostly useful on machines where the connection to gpg-agent has been redirected to another machines. '--no-history' In interactive mode the command line history is usually saved and restored to and from a file below the GnuPG home directory. This option inhibits the use of that file. '--agent-program FILE' Specify the agent program to be started if none is running. The default value is determined by running 'gpgconf' with the option '--list-dirs'. '--gpg-program FILE' Specify a non-default gpg binary to be used by certain commands. '--gpgsm-program FILE' Specify a non-default gpgsm binary to be used by certain commands. '--chuid UID' Change the current user to UID which may either be a number or a name. This can be used from the root account to run gpg-card for another user. If UID is not the current UID a standard PATH is set and the envvar GNUPGHOME is unset. To override the latter the option '--homedir' can be used. This option has only an effect when used on the command line. This option has currently no effect at all on Windows. 'gpg-card' understands the following commands, which have options of their own. The pseudo-option '--' can be used to separate command options from arguments; if this pseudo option is used on the command line the entire command with options and arguments must be quoted, so that it is not mixed up with the '--' as used on the command line to separate commands. Note that a short online help is available for all commands by prefixing them with "help". Command completion in the interactive mode is also supported. 'AUTHENTICATE [--setkey] [--raw] [< FILE]|KEY]' 'AUTH' Authenticate to the card. Perform a mutual authentication either by reading the key from FILE or by taking it from the command line as KEY. Without the option '--raw' the key is expected to be hex encoded. To install a new administration key '--setkey' is used; this requires a prior authentication with the old key. This is used with PIV cards. 'CAFPR [--clear] N' Change the CA fingerprint number N of an OpenPGP card. N must be in the range 1 to 3. The option '--clear' clears the specified CA fingerprint N or all of them if N is 0 or not given. 'FACTORY-RESET' Do a complete reset of some OpenPGP and PIV cards. This command deletes all data and keys and resets the PINs to their default. Don't worry, you need to confirm before the command proceeds. 'FETCH' Retrieve a key using the URL data object of an OpenPGP card or if that is missing using the stored fingerprint. 'FORCESIG' Toggle the forcesig flag of an OpenPGP card. 'GENERATE [--force] [--algo=ALGO{+ALGO2}] KEYREF' Create a new key on a card. Use '--force' to overwrite an existing key. Use "help" for ALGO to get a list of known algorithms. For OpenPGP cards several algos may be given. Note that the OpenPGP key generation is done interactively unless '--algo' or KEYREF are given. 'KDF-SETUP' Prepare the OpenPGP card KDF feature for this card. 'LANG [--clear]' Change the language info for the card. This info can be used by applications for a personalized greeting. Up to 4 two-digit language identifiers can be entered as a preference. The option '--clear' removes all identifiers. GnuPG does not use this info. 'LIST [--cards] [--apps] [--info] [--no-key-lookup] [N] [APP]' 'L' This command reads all information from the current card and display them in a human readable format. The first section shows generic information vaialable for all cards. The next section shows information pertaining to keys which depend on the actual card and application. With N given select and list the n-th card; with APP also given select that application. To select an APP on the current card use "-" for N. The serial number of the card may be used instead of N. The option '--cards' lists the serial numbers of available cards. The option '--apps' lists all card applications. The option '--info' selects a card and prints its serial number. The option '--no-key-lookup' suppresses the listing of matching OpenPGP or X.509 keys. 'LOGIN [--clear] [< FILE]' Set the login data object of OpenPGP cards. If FILE is given the data is is read from that file. This allows to store binary data in the login field. The option '--clear' deletes the login data object. 'NAME [--clear]' Set the name field of an OpenPGP card. With option '--clear' the stored name is cleared off the card. 'PASSWD [--reset|--nullpin] [PINREF]' Change or unblock the PINs. Note that in interactive mode and without a PINREF a menu is presented for certain cards." In non-interactive mode and without a PINREF a default value i used for these cards. The option '--reset' is used with TCOS cards to reset the PIN using the PUK or vice versa; the option -NULLPIN is used for these cards to set the initial PIN. 'PRIVATEDO [--clear] N [< FILE]' Change the private data object N of an OpenPGP card. N must be in the range 1 to 4. If FILE is given the data is is read from that file. The option '--clear' clears the data. 'QUIT' 'Q' Stop processing and terminate 'gpg-card'. 'READCERT [--openpgp] CERTREF > FILE' Read the certificate for key CERTREF and store it in FILE. With option '--openpgp' an OpenPGP keyblock wrapped in a dedicated CMS content type (OID= is expected and extracted to FILE. Note that for current OpenPGP cards a certificate may only be available at the CERTREF "OPENPGP.3". 'RESET' Send a reset to the card daemon. 'SALUTATION [--clear]' 'SALUT' Change the salutation info for the card. This info can be used by applications for a personalized greeting. The option '--clear' removes this data object. GnuPG does not use this info. 'UIF N [on|off|permanent]' Change the User Interaction Flag. That flags tells whether the confirmation button of a token shall be used. N must in the range 1 to 3. "permanent" is the same as "on" but the flag can't be changed anmore. 'UNBLOCK' Unblock a PIN using a PUK or Reset Code. Note that OpenPGP cards prior to version 2 can't use this; instead the 'PASSWD' can be used to set a new PIN. 'URL [--clear]' Set the URL data object of an OpenPGP card. That data object can be used by by 'gpg''s '--fetch' command to retrieve the full public key. The option '--clear' deletes the content of that data object. 'VERIFY [CHVID]' Verify the PIN identified by CHVID or the default PIN. 'WRITECERT CERTREF < FILE' 'WRITECERT --openpgp CERTREF [< FILE|FPR]' 'WRITECERT --clear CERTREF' Write a certificate to the card under the id CERTREF. The option '--clear' removes the certificate from the card. The option '--openpgp' expects an OpenPGP keyblock and stores it encapsulated in a CMS container; the keyblock is taken from FILE or directly from the OpenPGP key identified by fingerprint FPR. 'WRITEKEY [--force] KEYREF KEYGRIP' Write a private key object identified by KEYGRIP to the card under the id KEYREF. Option '--force' allows overwriting an existing key. 'YUBIKEY CMD ARGS' Various commands pertaining to Yubikey tokens with CMD being: LIST List supported and enabled Yubikey applications. ENABLE USB|NFC|ALL [OTP|U2F|OPGP|PIV|OATH|FIDO2|ALL] DISABLE Enable or disable the specified or all applications on the given interface. The support for OpenPGP cards in 'gpg-card' is not yet complete. For missing features, please continue to use 'gpg --card-edit'. GnuPG has support for PIV cards ("Personal Identity Verification" as specified by NIST Special Publication 800-73-4). This section describes how to initialize (personalize) a fresh Yubikey token featuring the PIV application (requires Yubikey-5). We assume that the credentials have not yet been changed and thus are: Authentication key This is a 24 byte key described by the hex string '010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708'. PIV Application PIN This is the string '123456'. PIN Unblocking Key This is the string '12345678'. See the example section on how to change these defaults. For production use it is important to use secure values for them. Note that the Authentication Key is not queried via the usual Pinentry dialog but needs to be entered manually or read from a file. The use of a dedicated machine to personalize tokens is strongly suggested. To see what is on the card, the command 'list' can be given. We will use the interactive mode in the following (the string _gpg/card>_ is the prompt). An example output for a fresh card is: gpg/card> list Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0 Card type ........: yubikey Card firmware ....: 5.1.2 Serial number ....: D2760001240102010006090746250000 Application type .: OpenPGP Version ..........: 2.1 [...] It can be seen by the "Application type" line that GnuPG selected the OpenPGP application of the Yubikey. This is because GnuPG assigns the highest priority to the OpenPGP application. To use the PIV application of the Yubikey several methods can be used: With a Yubikey 5 or later the OpenPGP application on the Yubikey can be disabled: gpg/card> yubikey disable all opgp gpg/card> yubikey list Application USB NFC ----------------------- OTP yes yes U2F yes yes OPGP no no PIV yes no OATH yes yes FIDO2 yes yes gpg/card> reset The 'reset' is required so that the GnuPG system rereads the card. Note that disabled applications keep all their data and can at any time be re-enabled (use 'help yubikey'). Another option, which works for all Yubikey versions, is to disable the support for OpenPGP cards in scdaemon. This is done by adding the line disable-application openpgp to '~/.gnupg/scdaemon.conf' and by restarting scdaemon, either by killing the process or by using 'gpgconf --kill scdaemon'. Finally the default order in which card applications are tried by scdaemon can be changed. For example to prefer PIV over OpenPGP it is sufficient to add application-priority piv to '~/.gnupg/scdaemon.conf' and to restart 'scdaemon'. This has an effect only on tokens which support both, PIV and OpenPGP, but does not hamper the use of OpenPGP only tokens. With one of these methods employed the 'list' command of 'gpg-card' shows this: gpg/card> list Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0 Card type ........: yubikey Card firmware ....: 5.1.2 Serial number ....: FF020001008A77C1 Application type .: PIV Version ..........: 1.0 Displayed s/n ....: yk-9074625 PIN usage policy .: app-pin PIN retry counter : - 3 - PIV authentication: [none] keyref .....: PIV.9A Card authenticat. : [none] keyref .....: PIV.9E Digital signature : [none] keyref .....: PIV.9C Key management ...: [none] keyref .....: PIV.9D In case several tokens are plugged into the computer, gpg-card will show only one. To show another token the number of the token (0, 1, 2, ...) can be given as an argument to the 'list' command. The command 'list --cards' prints a list of all inserted tokens. Note that the "Displayed s/n" is printed on the token and also shown in Pinentry prompts asking for the PIN. The four standard key slots are always shown, if other key slots are initialized they are shown as well. The _PIV authentication_ key (internal reference _PIV.9A_) is used to authenticate the card and the card holder. The use of the associated private key is protected by the Application PIN which needs to be provided once and the key can the be used until the card is reset or removed from the reader or USB port. GnuPG uses this key with its _Secure Shell_ support. The _Card authentication_ key (_PIV.9E_) is also known as the CAK and used to support physical access applications. The private key is not protected by a PIN and can thus immediately be used. The _Digital signature_ key (_PIV.9C_) is used to digitally sign documents. The use of the associated private key is protected by the Application PIN which needs to be provided for each signing operation. The _Key management_ key (_PIV.9D_) is used for encryption. The use of the associated private key is protected by the Application PIN which needs to be provided only once so that decryption operations can then be done until the card is reset or removed from the reader or USB port. We now generate three of the four keys. Note that GnuPG does currently not use the the _Card authentication_ key; however, that key is mandatory by the PIV standard and thus we create it too. Key generation requires that we authenticate to the card. This can be done either on the command line (which would reveal the key): gpg/card> auth 010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708 or by reading the key from a file. That file needs to consist of one LF terminated line with the hex encoded key (as above): gpg/card> auth < myauth.key As usual 'help auth' gives help for this command. An error message is printed if a non-matching key is used. The authentication is valid until a reset of the card or until the card is removed from the reader or the USB port. Note that that in non-interactive mode the '<' needs to be quoted so that the shell does not interpret it as a its own redirection symbol. Here are the actual commands to generate the keys: gpg/card> generate --algo=nistp384 PIV.9A PIV card no. yk-9074625 detected gpg/card> generate --algo=nistp256 PIV.9E PIV card no. yk-9074625 detected gpg/card> generate --algo=rsa2048 PIV.9C PIV card no. yk-9074625 detected If a key has already been created for one of the slots an error will be printed; to create a new key anyway the option '--force' can be used. Note that only the private and public keys have been created but no certificates are stored in the key slots. In fact, GnuPG uses its own non-standard method to store just the public key in place of the the certificate. Other application will not be able to make use these keys until 'gpgsm' or another tool has been used to create and store the respective certificates. Let us see what the list command now shows: gpg/card> list Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0 Card type ........: yubikey Card firmware ....: 5.1.2 Serial number ....: FF020001008A77C1 Application type .: PIV Version ..........: 1.0 Displayed s/n ....: yk-9074625 PIN usage policy .: app-pin PIN retry counter : - 3 - PIV authentication: 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E keyref .....: PIV.9A (auth) algorithm ..: nistp384 Card authenticat. : 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C keyref .....: PIV.9E (auth) algorithm ..: nistp256 Digital signature : 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED keyref .....: PIV.9C (sign,cert) algorithm ..: rsa2048 Key management ...: [none] keyref .....: PIV.9D The primary information for each key is the _keygrip_, a 40 byte hex-string identifying the key. This keygrip is a unique identifier for the specific parameters of a key. It is used by 'gpg-agent' and other parts of GnuPG to associate a private key to its protocol specific certificate format (X.509, OpenPGP, or SecureShell). Below the keygrip the key reference along with the key usage capabilities are show. Finally the algorithm is printed in the format used by 'gpg'. At that point no other information is shown because for these new keys gpg won't be able to find matching certificates. Although we could have created the _Key management_ key also with the generate command, we will create that key off-card so that a backup exists. To accomplish this a key needs to be created with either 'gpg' or 'gpgsm' or imported in one of these tools. In our example we create a self-signed X.509 certificate (exit the gpg-card tool, first): $ gpgsm --gen-key -o encr.crt (1) RSA (2) Existing key (3) Existing key from card Your selection? 1 What keysize do you want? (3072) 2048 Requested keysize is 2048 bits Possible actions for a RSA key: (1) sign, encrypt (2) sign (3) encrypt Your selection? 3 Enter the X.509 subject name: CN=Encryption key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE Enter email addresses (end with an empty line): > > Enter DNS names (optional; end with an empty line): > Enter URIs (optional; end with an empty line): > Create self-signed certificate? (y/N) y These parameters are used: Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 2048 Key-Usage: encrypt Serial: random Name-DN: CN=Encryption key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE Name-Email: Proceed with creation? (y/N) Now creating self-signed certificate. This may take a while ... gpgsm: about to sign the certificate for key: &34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB gpgsm: certificate created Ready. $ gpgsm --import encr.crt gpgsm: certificate imported gpgsm: total number processed: 1 gpgsm: imported: 1 Note the last step which imported the created certificate. If you you instead created a certificate signing request (CSR) instead of a self-signed certificate and sent this off to a CA you would do the same import step with the certificate received from the CA. Take note of the keygrip (prefixed with an ampersand) as shown during the certificate creation or listed it again using 'gpgsm --with-keygrip -k'. Now to move the key and certificate to the card start 'gpg-card' again and enter: gpg/card> writekey PIV.9D 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB gpg/card> writecert PIV.9D < encr.crt If you entered a passphrase to protect the private key, you will be asked for it via the Pinentry prompt. On success the key and the certificate has been written to the card and a 'list' command shows: [...] Key management ...: 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB keyref .....: PIV.9D (encr) algorithm ..: rsa2048 used for ...: X.509 user id ..: CN=Encryption key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE user id ..: <> In case the same key (identified by the keygrip) has been used for several certificates you will see several "used for" parts. With this the encryption key is now fully functional and can be used to decrypt messages encrypted to this certificate. TAKE CARE: the original key is still stored on-disk and should be moved to a backup medium. This can simply be done by copying the file '34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB.key' from the directory '~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/' to the backup medium and deleting the file at its original place. The final example is to create a self-signed certificate for digital signatures. Leave 'gpg-card' using 'quit' or by pressing Control-D and use gpgsm: $ gpgsm --learn $ gpgsm --gen-key -o sign.crt Please select what kind of key you want: (1) RSA (2) Existing key (3) Existing key from card Your selection? 3 Serial number of the card: FF020001008A77C1 Available keys: (1) 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E PIV.9A nistp384 (2) 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C PIV.9E nistp256 (3) 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED PIV.9C rsa2048 (4) 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB PIV.9D rsa2048 Your selection? 3 Possible actions for a RSA key: (1) sign, encrypt (2) sign (3) encrypt Your selection? 2 Enter the X.509 subject name: CN=Signing key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE Enter email addresses (end with an empty line): > > Enter DNS names (optional; end with an empty line): > Enter URIs (optional; end with an empty line): > Create self-signed certificate? (y/N) These parameters are used: Key-Type: card:PIV.9C Key-Length: 1024 Key-Usage: sign Serial: random Name-DN: CN=Signing key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE Name-Email: Proceed with creation? (y/N) y Now creating self-signed certificate. This may take a while ... gpgsm: about to sign the certificate for key: &32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED gpgsm: certificate created Ready. $ gpgsm --import sign.crt gpgsm: certificate imported gpgsm: total number processed: 1 gpgsm: imported: 1 The use of 'gpgsm --learn' is currently necessary so that gpg-agent knows what keys are available on the card. The need for this command will eventually be removed. The remaining commands are similar to the creation of an on-disk key. However, here we select the 'Digital signature' key. During the creation process you will be asked for the Application PIN of the card. The final step is to write the certificate to the card using 'gpg-card': gpg/card> writecert PIV.9C < sign.crt By running list again we will see the fully initialized card: Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0 Card type ........: yubikey Card firmware ....: 5.1.2 Serial number ....: FF020001008A77C1 Application type .: PIV Version ..........: 1.0 Displayed s/n ....: yk-9074625 PIN usage policy .: app-pin PIN retry counter : - [verified] - PIV authentication: 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E keyref .....: PIV.9A (auth) algorithm ..: nistp384 Card authenticat. : 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C keyref .....: PIV.9E (auth) algorithm ..: nistp256 Digital signature : 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED keyref .....: PIV.9C (sign,cert) algorithm ..: rsa2048 used for ...: X.509 user id ..: CN=Signing key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE user id ..: <> Key management ...: 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB keyref .....: PIV.9D (encr) algorithm ..: rsa2048 used for ...: X.509 user id ..: CN=Encryption key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE user id ..: <> It is now possible to sign and to encrypt with this card using gpgsm and to use the 'PIV authentication' key with ssh: $ ssh-add -l 384 SHA256:0qnJ0Y0ehWxKcx2frLfEljf6GCdlO55OZed5HqGHsaU cardno:yk-9074625 (ECDSA) As usual use ssh-add with the uppercase '-L' to list the public ssh key. To use the certificates with Thunderbird or Mozilla, please consult the Scute manual for details. If you want to use the same PIV keys also for OpenPGP (for example on a Yubikey to avoid switching between OpenPGP and PIV), this is also possible: $ gpgsm --learn $ gpg --full-gen-key Please select what kind of key you want: (1) RSA and RSA (default) (2) DSA and Elgamal (3) DSA (sign only) (4) RSA (sign only) (14) Existing key from card Your selection? 14 Serial number of the card: FF020001008A77C1 Available keys: (1) 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E PIV.9A nistp384 (auth) (2) 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C PIV.9E nistp256 (auth) (3) 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED PIV.9C rsa2048 (cert,sign) (4) 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB PIV.9D rsa2048 (encr) Your selection? 3 Please specify how long the key should be valid. 0 = key does not expire <n> = key expires in n days <n>w = key expires in n weeks <n>m = key expires in n months <n>y = key expires in n years Key is valid for? (0) Key does not expire at all Is this correct? (y/N) y GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key. Real name: Email address: Comment: You selected this USER-ID: "" Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? o gpg: key C3AFA9ED971BB365 marked as ultimately trusted gpg: revocation certificate stored as '[...]D971BB365.rev' public and secret key created and signed. Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use the command "--edit-key" to generate a subkey for this purpose. pub rsa2048 2019-04-04 [SC] 7F899AE2FB73159DD68A1B20C3AFA9ED971BB365 uid Note that you will be asked two times to enter the PIN of your PIV card. If you run 'gpg' in '--expert' mode you will also ge given the option to change the usage flags of the key. The next typescript shows how to add the encryption subkey: $ gpg --edit-key 7F899AE2FB73159DD68A1B20C3AFA9ED971BB365 Secret key is available. sec rsa2048/C3AFA9ED971BB365 created: 2019-04-04 expires: never usage: SC card-no: FF020001008A77C1 trust: ultimate validity: ultimate [ultimate] (1). gpg> addkey Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card. Please select what kind of key you want: (3) DSA (sign only) (4) RSA (sign only) (5) Elgamal (encrypt only) (6) RSA (encrypt only) (14) Existing key from card Your selection? 14 Serial number of the card: FF020001008A77C1 Available keys: (1) 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E PIV.9A nistp384 (auth) (2) 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C PIV.9E nistp256 (auth) (3) 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED PIV.9C rsa2048 (cert,sign) (4) 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB PIV.9D rsa2048 (encr) Your selection? 4 Please specify how long the key should be valid. 0 = key does not expire <n> = key expires in n days <n>w = key expires in n weeks <n>m = key expires in n months <n>y = key expires in n years Key is valid for? (0) Key does not expire at all Is this correct? (y/N) y Really create? (y/N) y sec rsa2048/C3AFA9ED971BB365 created: 2019-04-04 expires: never usage: SC card-no: FF020001008A77C1 trust: ultimate validity: ultimate ssb rsa2048/7067860A98FCE6E1 created: 2019-04-04 expires: never usage: E card-no: FF020001008A77C1 [ultimate] (1). gpg> save Now you can use your PIV card also with 'gpg'.  File:, Node: Helper Tools, Next: Web Key Service, Prev: Smart Card Tool, Up: Top 10 Helper Tools *************** GnuPG comes with a couple of smaller tools: * Menu: * watchgnupg:: Read logs from a socket. * gpgv:: Verify OpenPGP signatures. * addgnupghome:: Create .gnupg home directories. * gpgconf:: Modify .gnupg home directories. * applygnupgdefaults:: Run gpgconf for all users. * gpg-preset-passphrase:: Put a passphrase into the cache. * gpg-connect-agent:: Communicate with a running agent. * dirmngr-client:: How to use the Dirmngr client tool. * gpgparsemail:: Parse a mail message into an annotated format * gpgtar:: Encrypt or sign files into an archive. * gpg-check-pattern:: Check a passphrase on stdin against the patternfile.  File:, Node: watchgnupg, Next: gpgv, Up: Helper Tools 10.1 Read logs from a socket ============================ Most of the main utilities are able to write their log files to a Unix Domain socket if configured that way. 'watchgnupg' is a simple listener for such a socket. It ameliorates the output with a time stamp and makes sure that long lines are not interspersed with log output from other utilities. This tool is not available for Windows. 'watchgnupg' is commonly invoked as watchgnupg which is a shorthand for watchgnupg --force $(gpgconf --list-dirs socketdir)/S.log To watch GnuPG running with a different home directory, use watchgnupg --homedir DIR This starts it on the current terminal for listening on the standard logging socket (this is commonly '/var/run/user/UID/gnupg/S.log' or if no such user directory hierarchy exists '~/.gnupg/S.log'). 'watchgnupg' understands these options: '--force' Delete an already existing socket file. This option is implicitly used if no socket name has been given on the command line. '--homedir DIR' If no socket name is given on the command line, pass DIR to gpgconf so that the socket for a GnuPG running with DIR has its home directory is used. Note that the environment variable GNUPGHOME is ignored by watchgnupg. '--tcp N' Instead of reading from a local socket, listen for connects on TCP port N. A Unix domain socket can optionally also be given as a second source. This option does not use a default socket name. '--time-only' Do not print the date part of the timestamp. '--verbose' Enable extra informational output. '--version' Print version of the program and exit. '--help' Display a brief help page and exit. Examples ******** $ watchgnupg --time-only This waits for connections on the local socket (e.g. '/var/run/user/1234/gnupg/S.log') and shows all log entries. To make this work the option 'log-file' needs to be used with all modules which logs are to be shown. The suggested entry for the configuration files is: log-file socket:// If the default socket as given above and returned by "echo $(gpgconf -list-dirs socketdir)/S.log" is not desired an arbitrary socket name can be specified, for example 'socket:///home/foo/bar/mysocket'. For debugging purposes it is also possible to do remote logging. Take care if you use this feature because the information is send in the clear over the network. Use this syntax in the conf files: log-file tcp:// You may use any port and not just 4711 as shown above; only IP addresses are supported (v4 and v6) and no host names. You need to start 'watchgnupg' with the 'tcp' option. Note that under Windows the registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:DEFAULTLOGFILE can be used to change the default log output from 'stderr' to whatever is given by that entry. However the only useful entry is a TCP name for remote debugging.  File:, Node: gpgv, Next: addgnupghome, Prev: watchgnupg, Up: Helper Tools 10.2 Verify OpenPGP signatures ============================== 'gpgv' is an OpenPGP signature verification tool. This program is actually a stripped-down version of 'gpg' which is only able to check signatures. It is somewhat smaller than the fully-blown 'gpg' and uses a different (and simpler) way to check that the public keys used to make the signature are valid. There are no configuration files and only a few options are implemented. 'gpgv' assumes that all keys in the keyring are trustworthy. That does also mean that it does not check for expired or revoked keys. If no '--keyring' option is given, 'gpgv' looks for a "default" keyring named 'trustedkeys.kbx' (preferred) or 'trustedkeys.gpg' in the home directory of GnuPG, either the default home directory or the one set by the '--homedir' option or the 'GNUPGHOME' environment variable. If any '--keyring' option is used, 'gpgv' will not look for the default keyring. The '--keyring' option may be used multiple times and all specified keyrings will be used together. 'gpgv' recognizes these options: '--verbose' '-v' Gives more information during processing. If used twice, the input data is listed in detail. '--quiet' '-q' Try to be as quiet as possible. '--keyring FILE' Add FILE to the list of keyrings. If FILE begins with a tilde and a slash, these are replaced by the HOME directory. If the filename does not contain a slash, it is assumed to be in the home-directory ("~/.gnupg" if -homedir is not used). '--output FILE' '-o FILE' Write output to FILE; to write to stdout use '-'. This option can be used to get the signed text from a cleartext or binary signature; it also works for detached signatures, but in that case this option is in general not useful. Note that an existing file will be overwritten. '--status-fd N' Write special status strings to the file descriptor N. See the file DETAILS in the documentation for a listing of them. '--logger-fd n' Write log output to file descriptor 'n' and not to stderr. '--log-file file' Same as '--logger-fd', except the logger data is written to file 'file'. Use 'socket://' to log to socket. '--ignore-time-conflict' GnuPG normally checks that the timestamps associated with keys and signatures have plausible values. However, sometimes a signature seems to be older than the key due to clock problems. This option turns these checks into warnings. '--homedir DIR' Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on Windows systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. On Windows systems it is possible to install GnuPG as a portable application. In this case only this command line option is considered, all other ways to set a home directory are ignored. To install GnuPG as a portable application under Windows, create an empty file named 'gpgconf.ctl' in the same directory as the tool 'gpgconf.exe'. The root of the installation is then that directory; or, if 'gpgconf.exe' has been installed directly below a directory named 'bin', its parent directory. You also need to make sure that the following directories exist and are writable: 'ROOT/home' for the GnuPG home and 'ROOT/usr/local/var/cache/gnupg' for internal cache files. '--weak-digest name' Treat the specified digest algorithm as weak. Signatures made over weak digests algorithms are normally rejected. This option can be supplied multiple times if multiple algorithms should be considered weak. MD5 is always considered weak, and does not need to be listed explicitly. '--enable-special-filenames' This option enables a mode in which filenames of the form '-&n', where n is a non-negative decimal number, refer to the file descriptor n and not to a file with that name. The program returns 0 if everything is fine, 1 if at least one signature was bad, and other error codes for fatal errors. 10.2.1 Examples --------------- gpgv 'pgpfile' gpgv 'sigfile' ['datafile'] Verify the signature of the file. The second form is used for detached signatures, where 'sigfile' is the detached signature (either ASCII-armored or binary) and 'datafile' contains the signed data; if 'datafile' is "-" the signed data is expected on 'stdin'; if 'datafile' is not given the name of the file holding the signed data is constructed by cutting off the extension (".asc", ".sig" or ".sign") from 'sigfile'. 10.2.2 Environment ------------------ HOME Used to locate the default home directory. GNUPGHOME If set directory used instead of "~/.gnupg". 10.2.3 FILES ------------ ~/.gnupg/trustedkeys.gpg The default keyring with the allowed keys. 'gpg'(1)  File:, Node: addgnupghome, Next: gpgconf, Prev: gpgv, Up: Helper Tools 10.3 Create .gnupg home directories =================================== If GnuPG is installed on a system with existing user accounts, it is sometimes required to populate the GnuPG home directory with existing files. Especially a 'trustlist.txt' and a keybox with some initial certificates are often desired. This script helps to do this by copying all files from '/etc/skel/.gnupg' to the home directories of the accounts given on the command line. It takes care not to overwrite existing GnuPG home directories. 'addgnupghome' is invoked by root as: addgnupghome account1 account2 ... accountn  File:, Node: gpgconf, Next: applygnupgdefaults, Prev: addgnupghome, Up: Helper Tools 10.4 Modify .gnupg home directories =================================== The 'gpgconf' is a utility to automatically and reasonable safely query and modify configuration files in the '.gnupg' home directory. It is designed not to be invoked manually by the user, but automatically by graphical user interfaces (GUI).(1) 'gpgconf' provides access to the configuration of one or more components of the GnuPG system. These components correspond more or less to the programs that exist in the GnuPG framework, like GPG, GPGSM, DirMngr, etc. But this is not a strict one-to-one relationship. Not all configuration options are available through 'gpgconf'. 'gpgconf' provides a generic and abstract method to access the most important configuration options that can feasibly be controlled via such a mechanism. 'gpgconf' can be used to gather and change the options available in each component, and can also provide their default values. 'gpgconf' will give detailed type information that can be used to restrict the user's input without making an attempt to commit the changes. 'gpgconf' provides the backend of a configuration editor. The configuration editor would usually be a graphical user interface program that displays the current options, their default values, and allows the user to make changes to the options. These changes can then be made active with 'gpgconf' again. Such a program that uses 'gpgconf' in this way will be called GUI throughout this section. * Menu: * Invoking gpgconf:: List of all commands and options. * Format conventions:: Formatting conventions relevant for all commands. * Listing components:: List all gpgconf components. * Checking programs:: Check all programs known to gpgconf. * Listing options:: List all options of a component. * Changing options:: Changing options of a component. * Listing global options:: List all global options. * Querying versions:: Get and compare software versions. * Files used by gpgconf:: What files are used by gpgconf. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) Please note that currently no locking is done, so concurrent access should be avoided. There are some precautions to avoid corruption with concurrent usage, but results may be inconsistent and some changes may get lost. The stateless design makes it difficult to provide more guarantees.  File:, Node: Invoking gpgconf, Next: Format conventions, Up: gpgconf 10.4.1 Invoking gpgconf ----------------------- One of the following commands must be given: '--list-components' List all components. This is the default command used if none is specified. '--check-programs' List all available backend programs and test whether they are runnable. '--list-options COMPONENT' List all options of the component COMPONENT. '--change-options COMPONENT' Change the options of the component COMPONENT. '--check-options COMPONENT' Check the options for the component COMPONENT. '--apply-profile FILE' Apply the configuration settings listed in FILE to the configuration files. If FILE has no suffix and no slashes the command first tries to read a file with the suffix '.prf' from the data directory ('gpgconf --list-dirs datadir') before it reads the file verbatim. A profile is divided into sections using the bracketed component name. Each section then lists the option which shall go into the respective configuration file. '--apply-defaults' Update all configuration files with values taken from the global configuration file (usually '/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf'). Note: This is a legacy mechanism. Please use global configuration files instead. '--list-dirs [NAMES]' '-L' Lists the directories used by 'gpgconf'. One directory is listed per line, and each line consists of a colon-separated list where the first field names the directory type (for example 'sysconfdir') and the second field contains the percent-escaped directory. Although they are not directories, the socket file names used by 'gpg-agent' and 'dirmngr' are printed as well. Note that the socket file names and the 'homedir' lines are the default names and they may be overridden by command line switches. If NAMES are given only the directories or file names specified by the list names are printed without any escaping. '--list-config [FILENAME]' List the global configuration file in a colon separated format. If FILENAME is given, check that file instead. '--check-config [FILENAME]' Run a syntax check on the global configuration file. If FILENAME is given, check that file instead. '--query-swdb PACKAGE_NAME [VERSION_STRING]' Returns the current version for PACKAGE_NAME and if VERSION_STRING is given also an indicator on whether an update is available. The actual file with the software version is automatically downloaded and checked by 'dirmngr'. 'dirmngr' uses a thresholds to avoid download the file too often and it does this by default only if it can be done via Tor. To force an update of that file this command can be used: gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr 'loadswdb --force' /bye '--reload [COMPONENT]' '-R' Reload all or the given component. This is basically the same as sending a SIGHUP to the component. Components which don't support reloading are ignored. Without COMPONENT or by using "all" for COMPONENT all components which are daemons are reloaded. '--launch [COMPONENT]' If the COMPONENT is not already running, start it. 'component' must be a daemon. This is in general not required because the system starts these daemons as needed. However, external software making direct use of 'gpg-agent' or 'dirmngr' may use this command to ensure that they are started. Using "all" for COMPONENT launches all components which are daemons. '--kill [COMPONENT]' '-K' Kill the given component that runs as a daemon, including 'gpg-agent', 'dirmngr', and 'scdaemon'. A 'component' which does not run as a daemon will be ignored. Using "all" for COMPONENT kills all components running as daemons. Note that as of now reload and kill have the same effect for 'scdaemon'. '--create-socketdir' Create a directory for sockets below /run/user or /var/run/user. This is command is only required if a non default home directory is used and the /run based sockets shall be used. For the default home directory GnUPG creates a directory on the fly. '--remove-socketdir' Remove a directory created with command '--create-socketdir'. The following options may be used: '-o FILE' '--output FILE' Write output to FILE. Default is to write to stdout. '-v' '--verbose' Outputs additional information while running. Specifically, this extends numerical field values by human-readable descriptions. '-q' '--quiet' Try to be as quiet as possible. '--homedir DIR' Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on Windows systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. On Windows systems it is possible to install GnuPG as a portable application. In this case only this command line option is considered, all other ways to set a home directory are ignored. To install GnuPG as a portable application under Windows, create an empty file named 'gpgconf.ctl' in the same directory as the tool 'gpgconf.exe'. The root of the installation is then that directory; or, if 'gpgconf.exe' has been installed directly below a directory named 'bin', its parent directory. You also need to make sure that the following directories exist and are writable: 'ROOT/home' for the GnuPG home and 'ROOT/usr/local/var/cache/gnupg' for internal cache files. '--chuid UID' Change the current user to UID which may either be a number or a name. This can be used from the root account to get information on the GnuPG environment of the specified user or to start or kill daemons. If UID is not the current UID a standard PATH is set and the envvar GNUPGHOME is unset. To override the latter the option '--homedir' can be used. This option has currently no effect on Windows. '-n' '--dry-run' Do not actually change anything. This is currently only implemented for '--change-options' and can be used for testing purposes. '-r' '--runtime' Only used together with '--change-options'. If one of the modified options can be changed in a running daemon process, signal the running daemon to ask it to reparse its configuration file after changing. This means that the changes will take effect at run-time, as far as this is possible. Otherwise, they will take effect at the next start of the respective backend programs. '--status-fd N' Write special status strings to the file descriptor N. This program returns the status messages SUCCESS or FAILURE which are helpful when the caller uses a double fork approach and can't easily get the return code of the process.  File:, Node: Format conventions, Next: Listing components, Prev: Invoking gpgconf, Up: gpgconf 10.4.2 Format conventions ------------------------- Some lines in the output of 'gpgconf' contain a list of colon-separated fields. The following conventions apply: * The GUI program is required to strip off trailing newline and/or carriage return characters from the output. * 'gpgconf' will never leave out fields. If a certain version provides a certain field, this field will always be present in all 'gpgconf' versions from that time on. * Future versions of 'gpgconf' might append fields to the list. New fields will always be separated from the previously last field by a colon separator. The GUI should be prepared to parse the last field it knows about up until a colon or end of line. * Not all fields are defined under all conditions. You are required to ignore the content of undefined fields. There are several standard types for the content of a field: verbatim Some fields contain strings that are not escaped in any way. Such fields are described to be used _verbatim_. These fields will never contain a colon character (for obvious reasons). No de-escaping or other formatting is required to use the field content. This is for easy parsing of the output, when it is known that the content can never contain any special characters. percent-escaped Some fields contain strings that are described to be _percent-escaped_. Such strings need to be de-escaped before their content can be presented to the user. A percent-escaped string is de-escaped by replacing all occurrences of '%XY' by the byte that has the hexadecimal value 'XY'. 'X' and 'Y' are from the set '0-9a-f'. localized Some fields contain strings that are described to be _localized_. Such strings are translated to the active language and formatted in the active character set. unsigned number Some fields contain an _unsigned number_. This number will always fit into a 32-bit unsigned integer variable. The number may be followed by a space, followed by a human readable description of that value (if the verbose option is used). You should ignore everything in the field that follows the number. signed number Some fields contain a _signed number_. This number will always fit into a 32-bit signed integer variable. The number may be followed by a space, followed by a human readable description of that value (if the verbose option is used). You should ignore everything in the field that follows the number. boolean value Some fields contain a _boolean value_. This is a number with either the value 0 or 1. The number may be followed by a space, followed by a human readable description of that value (if the verbose option is used). You should ignore everything in the field that follows the number; checking just the first character is sufficient in this case. option Some fields contain an _option_ argument. The format of an option argument depends on the type of the option and on some flags: no argument The simplest case is that the option does not take an argument at all (TYPE '0'). Then the option argument is an unsigned number that specifies how often the option occurs. If the 'list' flag is not set, then the only valid number is '1'. Options that do not take an argument never have the 'default' or 'optional arg' flag set. number If the option takes a number argument (ALT-TYPE is '2' or '3'), and it can only occur once ('list' flag is not set), then the option argument is either empty (only allowed if the argument is optional), or it is a number. A number is a string that begins with an optional minus character, followed by one or more digits. The number must fit into an integer variable (unsigned or signed, depending on ALT-TYPE). number list If the option takes a number argument and it can occur more than once, then the option argument is either empty, or it is a comma-separated list of numbers as described above. string If the option takes a string argument (ALT-TYPE is 1), and it can only occur once ('list' flag is not set) then the option argument is either empty (only allowed if the argument is optional), or it starts with a double quote character ('"') followed by a percent-escaped string that is the argument value. Note that there is only a leading double quote character, no trailing one. The double quote character is only needed to be able to differentiate between no value and the empty string as value. string list If the option takes a string argument and it can occur more than once, then the option argument is either empty, or it is a comma-separated list of string arguments as described above. The active language and character set are currently determined from the locale environment of the 'gpgconf' program.  File:, Node: Listing components, Next: Checking programs, Prev: Format conventions, Up: gpgconf 10.4.3 Listing components ------------------------- The command '--list-components' will list all components that can be configured with 'gpgconf'. Usually, one component will correspond to one GnuPG-related program and contain the options of that program's configuration file that can be modified using 'gpgconf'. However, this is not necessarily the case. A component might also be a group of selected options from several programs, or contain entirely virtual options that have a special effect rather than changing exactly one option in one configuration file. A component is a set of configuration options that semantically belong together. Furthermore, several changes to a component can be made in an atomic way with a single operation. The GUI could for example provide a menu with one entry for each component, or a window with one tabulator sheet per component. The command '--list-components' lists all available components, one per line. The format of each line is: 'NAME:DESCRIPTION:PGMNAME:' NAME This field contains a name tag of the component. The name tag is used to specify the component in all communication with 'gpgconf'. The name tag is to be used _verbatim_. It is thus not in any escaped format. DESCRIPTION The _string_ in this field contains a human-readable description of the component. It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for informational purposes. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. PGMNAME The _string_ in this field contains the absolute name of the program's file. It can be used to unambiguously invoke that program. It is _percent-escaped_. Example: $ gpgconf --list-components gpg:GPG for OpenPGP:/usr/local/bin/gpg2: gpg-agent:GPG Agent:/usr/local/bin/gpg-agent: scdaemon:Smartcard Daemon:/usr/local/bin/scdaemon: gpgsm:GPG for S/MIME:/usr/local/bin/gpgsm: dirmngr:Directory Manager:/usr/local/bin/dirmngr:  File:, Node: Checking programs, Next: Listing options, Prev: Listing components, Up: gpgconf 10.4.4 Checking programs ------------------------ The command '--check-programs' is similar to '--list-components' but works on backend programs and not on components. It runs each program to test whether it is installed and runnable. This also includes a syntax check of all config file options of the program. The command '--check-programs' lists all available programs, one per line. The format of each line is: 'NAME:DESCRIPTION:PGMNAME:AVAIL:OKAY:CFGFILE:LINE:ERROR:' NAME This field contains a name tag of the program which is identical to the name of the component. The name tag is to be used _verbatim_. It is thus not in any escaped format. This field may be empty to indicate a continuation of error descriptions for the last name. The description and pgmname fields are then also empty. DESCRIPTION The _string_ in this field contains a human-readable description of the component. It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for informational purposes. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. PGMNAME The _string_ in this field contains the absolute name of the program's file. It can be used to unambiguously invoke that program. It is _percent-escaped_. AVAIL The _boolean value_ in this field indicates whether the program is installed and runnable. OKAY The _boolean value_ in this field indicates whether the program's config file is syntactically okay. CFGFILE If an error occurred in the configuration file (as indicated by a false value in the field 'okay'), this field has the name of the failing configuration file. It is _percent-escaped_. LINE If an error occurred in the configuration file, this field has the line number of the failing statement in the configuration file. It is an _unsigned number_. ERROR If an error occurred in the configuration file, this field has the error text of the failing statement in the configuration file. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. In the following example the 'dirmngr' is not runnable and the configuration file of 'scdaemon' is not okay. $ gpgconf --check-programs gpg:GPG for OpenPGP:/usr/local/bin/gpg2:1:1: gpg-agent:GPG Agent:/usr/local/bin/gpg-agent:1:1: scdaemon:Smartcard Daemon:/usr/local/bin/scdaemon:1:0: gpgsm:GPG for S/MIME:/usr/local/bin/gpgsm:1:1: dirmngr:Directory Manager:/usr/local/bin/dirmngr:0:0: The command '--check-options COMPONENT' will verify the configuration file in the same manner as '--check-programs', but only for the component COMPONENT.  File:, Node: Listing options, Next: Changing options, Prev: Checking programs, Up: gpgconf 10.4.5 Listing options ---------------------- Every component contains one or more options. Options may be gathered into option groups to allow the GUI to give visual hints to the user about which options are related. The command '--list-options COMPONENT' lists all options (and the groups they belong to) in the component COMPONENT, one per line. COMPONENT must be the string in the field NAME in the output of the '--list-components' command. There is one line for each option and each group. First come all options that are not in any group. Then comes a line describing a group. Then come all options that belong into each group. Then comes the next group and so on. There does not need to be any group (and in this case the output will stop after the last non-grouped option). The format of each line is: 'NAME:FLAGS:LEVEL:DESCRIPTION:TYPE:ALT-TYPE:ARGNAME:DEFAULT:ARGDEF:VALUE' NAME This field contains a name tag for the group or option. The name tag is used to specify the group or option in all communication with 'gpgconf'. The name tag is to be used _verbatim_. It is thus not in any escaped format. FLAGS The flags field contains an _unsigned number_. Its value is the OR-wise combination of the following flag values: 'group (1)' If this flag is set, this is a line describing a group and not an option. The following flag values are only defined for options (that is, if the 'group' flag is not used). 'optional arg (2)' If this flag is set, the argument is optional. This is never set for TYPE '0' (none) options. 'list (4)' If this flag is set, the option can be given multiple times. 'runtime (8)' If this flag is set, the option can be changed at runtime. 'default (16)' If this flag is set, a default value is available. 'default desc (32)' If this flag is set, a (runtime) default is available. This and the 'default' flag are mutually exclusive. 'no arg desc (64)' If this flag is set, and the 'optional arg' flag is set, then the option has a special meaning if no argument is given. 'no change (128)' If this flag is set, 'gpgconf' ignores requests to change the value. GUI frontends should grey out this option. Note, that manual changes of the configuration files are still possible. LEVEL This field is defined for options and for groups. It contains an _unsigned number_ that specifies the expert level under which this group or option should be displayed. The following expert levels are defined for options (they have analogous meaning for groups): 'basic (0)' This option should always be offered to the user. 'advanced (1)' This option may be offered to advanced users. 'expert (2)' This option should only be offered to expert users. 'invisible (3)' This option should normally never be displayed, not even to expert users. 'internal (4)' This option is for internal use only. Ignore it. The level of a group will always be the lowest level of all options it contains. DESCRIPTION This field is defined for options and groups. The _string_ in this field contains a human-readable description of the option or group. It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for informational purposes. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. TYPE This field is only defined for options. It contains an _unsigned number_ that specifies the type of the option's argument, if any. The following types are defined: Basic types: 'none (0)' No argument allowed. 'string (1)' An _unformatted string_. 'int32 (2)' A _signed number_. 'uint32 (3)' An _unsigned number_. Complex types: 'pathname (32)' A _string_ that describes the pathname of a file. The file does not necessarily need to exist. 'ldap server (33)' A _string_ that describes an LDAP server in the format: 'HOSTNAME:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD:BASE_DN' 'key fingerprint (34)' A _string_ with a 40 digit fingerprint specifying a certificate. 'pub key (35)' A _string_ that describes a certificate by user ID, key ID or fingerprint. 'sec key (36)' A _string_ that describes a certificate with a key by user ID, key ID or fingerprint. 'alias list (37)' A _string_ that describes an alias list, like the one used with gpg's group option. The list consists of a key, an equal sign and space separated values. More types will be added in the future. Please see the ALT-TYPE field for information on how to cope with unknown types. ALT-TYPE This field is identical to TYPE, except that only the types '0' to '31' are allowed. The GUI is expected to present the user the option in the format specified by TYPE. But if the argument type TYPE is not supported by the GUI, it can still display the option in the more generic basic type ALT-TYPE. The GUI must support all the defined basic types to be able to display all options. More basic types may be added in future versions. If the GUI encounters a basic type it doesn't support, it should report an error and abort the operation. ARGNAME This field is only defined for options with an argument type TYPE that is not '0'. In this case it may contain a _percent-escaped_ and _localized string_ that gives a short name for the argument. The field may also be empty, though, in which case a short name is not known. DEFAULT This field is defined only for options for which the 'default' or 'default desc' flag is set. If the 'default' flag is set, its format is that of an _option argument_ (*note Format conventions::, for details). If the default value is empty, then no default is known. Otherwise, the value specifies the default value for this option. If the 'default desc' flag is set, the field is either empty or contains a description of the effect if the option is not given. ARGDEF This field is defined only for options for which the 'optional arg' flag is set. If the 'no arg desc' flag is not set, its format is that of an _option argument_ (*note Format conventions::, for details). If the default value is empty, then no default is known. Otherwise, the value specifies the default argument for this option. If the 'no arg desc' flag is set, the field is either empty or contains a description of the effect of this option if no argument is given. VALUE This field is defined only for options. Its format is that of an _option argument_. If it is empty, then the option is not explicitly set in the current configuration, and the default applies (if any). Otherwise, it contains the current value of the option. Note that this field is also meaningful if the option itself does not take a real argument (in this case, it contains the number of times the option appears).  File:, Node: Changing options, Next: Listing global options, Prev: Listing options, Up: gpgconf 10.4.6 Changing options ----------------------- The command '--change-options COMPONENT' will attempt to change the options of the component COMPONENT to the specified values. COMPONENT must be the string in the field NAME in the output of the '--list-components' command. You have to provide the options that shall be changed in the following format on standard input: 'NAME:FLAGS:NEW-VALUE' NAME This is the name of the option to change. NAME must be the string in the field NAME in the output of the '--list-options' command. FLAGS The flags field contains an _unsigned number_. Its value is the OR-wise combination of the following flag values: 'default (16)' If this flag is set, the option is deleted and the default value is used instead (if applicable). NEW-VALUE The new value for the option. This field is only defined if the 'default' flag is not set. The format is that of an _option argument_. If it is empty (or the field is omitted), the default argument is used (only allowed if the argument is optional for this option). Otherwise, the option will be set to the specified value. The output of the command is the same as that of '--check-options' for the modified configuration file. Examples: To set the force option, which is of basic type 'none (0)': $ echo 'force:0:1' | gpgconf --change-options dirmngr To delete the force option: $ echo 'force:16:' | gpgconf --change-options dirmngr The '--runtime' option can influence when the changes take effect.  File:, Node: Listing global options, Next: Querying versions, Prev: Changing options, Up: gpgconf 10.4.7 Listing global options ----------------------------- Some legacy applications look at the global configuration file for the gpgconf tool itself; this is the file 'gpgconf.conf'. Modern applications should not use it but use per component global configuration files which are more flexible than the 'gpgconf.conf'. Using both files is not suggested. The colon separated listing format is record oriented and uses the first field to identify the record type: 'k' This describes a key record to start the definition of a new ruleset for a user/group. The format of a key record is: 'k:USER:GROUP:' USER This is the user field of the key. It is percent escaped. See the definition of the gpgconf.conf format for details. GROUP This is the group field of the key. It is percent escaped. 'r' This describes a rule record. All rule records up to the next key record make up a rule set for that key. The format of a rule record is: 'r:::COMPONENT:OPTION:FLAG:VALUE:' COMPONENT This is the component part of a rule. It is a plain string. OPTION This is the option part of a rule. It is a plain string. FLAG This is the flags part of a rule. There may be only one flag per rule but by using the same component and option, several flags may be assigned to an option. It is a plain string. VALUE This is the optional value for the option. It is a percent escaped string with a single quotation mark to indicate a string. The quotation mark is only required to distinguish between no value specified and an empty string. Unknown record types should be ignored. Note that there is intentionally no feature to change the global option file through 'gpgconf'.  File:, Node: Querying versions, Next: Files used by gpgconf, Prev: Listing global options, Up: gpgconf 10.4.8 Get and compare software versions. ----------------------------------------- The GnuPG Project operates a server to query the current versions of software packages related to GnuPG. 'gpgconf' can be used to access this online database. To allow for offline operations, this feature works by having 'dirmngr' download a file from '', checking the signature of that file and storing the file in the GnuPG home directory. If 'gpgconf' is used and 'dirmngr' is running, it may ask 'dirmngr' to refresh that file before itself uses the file. The command '--query-swdb' returns information for the given package in a colon delimited format: NAME This is the name of the package as requested. Note that "gnupg" is a special name which is replaced by the actual package implementing this version of GnuPG. For this name it is also not required to specify a version because 'gpgconf' takes its own version in this case. IVERSION The currently installed version or an empty string. The value is taken from the command line argument but may be provided by gpg if not given. STATUS The status of the software package according to this table: '-' No information available. This is either because no current version has been specified or due to an error. '?' The given name is not known in the online database. 'u' An update of the software is available. 'c' The installed version of the software is current. 'n' The installed version is already newer than the released version. URGENCY If the value (the empty string should be considered as zero) is greater than zero an important update is available. ERROR This returns an 'gpg-error' error code to distinguish between various failure modes. FILEDATE This gives the date of the file with the version numbers in standard ISO format ('yyyymmddThhmmss'). The date has been extracted by 'dirmngr' from the signature of the file. VERIFIED This gives the date in ISO format the file was downloaded. This value can be used to evaluate the freshness of the information. VERSION This returns the version string for the requested software from the file. RELDATE This returns the release date in ISO format. SIZE This returns the size of the package as decimal number of bytes. HASH This returns a hexified SHA-2 hash of the package. More fields may be added in future to the output.  File:, Node: Files used by gpgconf, Prev: Querying versions, Up: gpgconf 10.4.9 Files used by gpgconf ---------------------------- '/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf' If this file exists, it is processed as a global configuration file. This is a legacy mechanism which should not be used tigether with the modern global per component configuration files. A commented example can be found in the 'examples' directory of the distribution. 'GNUPGHOME/swdb.lst' A file with current software versions. 'dirmngr' creates this file on demand from an online resource.  File:, Node: applygnupgdefaults, Next: gpg-preset-passphrase, Prev: gpgconf, Up: Helper Tools 10.5 Run gpgconf for all users ============================== This is a legacy script. Modern application should use the per component global configuration files under '/etc/gnupg/'. This script is a wrapper around 'gpgconf' to run it with the command '--apply-defaults' for all real users with an existing GnuPG home directory. Admins might want to use this script to update he GnuPG configuration files for all users after '/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf' has been changed. This allows enforcing certain policies for all users. Note, that this is not a bulletproof way to force a user to use certain options. A user may always directly edit the configuration files and bypass gpgconf. 'applygnupgdefaults' is invoked by root as: applygnupgdefaults  File:, Node: gpg-preset-passphrase, Next: gpg-connect-agent, Prev: applygnupgdefaults, Up: Helper Tools 10.6 Put a passphrase into the cache ==================================== The 'gpg-preset-passphrase' is a utility to seed the internal cache of a running 'gpg-agent' with passphrases. It is mainly useful for unattended machines, where the usual 'pinentry' tool may not be used and the passphrases for the to be used keys are given at machine startup. This program works with GnuPG 2 and later. GnuPG 1.x is not supported. Passphrases set with this utility don't expire unless the '--forget' option is used to explicitly clear them from the cache -- or 'gpg-agent' is either restarted or reloaded (by sending a SIGHUP to it). Note that the maximum cache time as set with '--max-cache-ttl' is still honored. It is necessary to allow this passphrase presetting by starting 'gpg-agent' with the '--allow-preset-passphrase'. * Menu: * Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase:: List of all commands and options.  File:, Node: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase, Up: gpg-preset-passphrase 10.6.1 List of all commands and options --------------------------------------- 'gpg-preset-passphrase' is invoked this way: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] [command] CACHEID CACHEID is either a 40 character keygrip of hexadecimal characters identifying the key for which the passphrase should be set or cleared. The keygrip is listed along with the key when running the command: 'gpgsm --with-keygrip --list-secret-keys'. Alternatively an arbitrary string may be used to identify a passphrase; it is suggested that such a string is prefixed with the name of the application (e.g 'foo:12346'). Scripts should always use the option '--with-colons', which provides the keygrip in a "grp" line (cf. 'doc/DETAILS')/ One of the following command options must be given: '--preset' Preset a passphrase. This is what you usually will use. 'gpg-preset-passphrase' will then read the passphrase from 'stdin'. '--forget' Flush the passphrase for the given cache ID from the cache. The following additional options may be used: '-v' '--verbose' Output additional information while running. '-P STRING' '--passphrase STRING' Instead of reading the passphrase from 'stdin', use the supplied STRING as passphrase. Note that this makes the passphrase visible for other users.  File:, Node: gpg-connect-agent, Next: dirmngr-client, Prev: gpg-preset-passphrase, Up: Helper Tools 10.7 Communicate with a running agent ===================================== The 'gpg-connect-agent' is a utility to communicate with a running 'gpg-agent'. It is useful to check out the commands 'gpg-agent' provides using the Assuan interface. It might also be useful for scripting simple applications. Input is expected at stdin and output gets printed to stdout. It is very similar to running 'gpg-agent' in server mode; but here we connect to a running instance. * Menu: * Invoking gpg-connect-agent:: List of all options. * Controlling gpg-connect-agent:: Control commands.  File:, Node: Invoking gpg-connect-agent, Next: Controlling gpg-connect-agent, Up: gpg-connect-agent 10.7.1 List of all options -------------------------- 'gpg-connect-agent' is invoked this way: gpg-connect-agent [options] [commands] The following options may be used: '--dirmngr' Connect to a running directory manager (keyserver client) instead of to the gpg-agent. If a dirmngr is not running, start it. '--keyboxd' Connect to a running keybox daemon instead of to the gpg-agent. If a keyboxd is not running, start it. '-S' '--raw-socket NAME' Connect to socket NAME assuming this is an Assuan style server. Do not run any special initializations or environment checks. This may be used to directly connect to any Assuan style socket server. '-E' '--exec' Take the rest of the command line as a program and it's arguments and execute it as an Assuan server. Here is how you would run 'gpgsm': gpg-connect-agent --exec gpgsm --server Note that you may not use options on the command line in this case. '-v' '--verbose' Output additional information while running. '-q' '--quiet' Try to be as quiet as possible. '--homedir DIR' Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on Windows systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. On Windows systems it is possible to install GnuPG as a portable application. In this case only this command line option is considered, all other ways to set a home directory are ignored. To install GnuPG as a portable application under Windows, create an empty file named 'gpgconf.ctl' in the same directory as the tool 'gpgconf.exe'. The root of the installation is then that directory; or, if 'gpgconf.exe' has been installed directly below a directory named 'bin', its parent directory. You also need to make sure that the following directories exist and are writable: 'ROOT/home' for the GnuPG home and 'ROOT/usr/local/var/cache/gnupg' for internal cache files. '--chuid UID' Change the current user to UID which may either be a number or a name. This can be used from the root account to run gpg-connect-agent for another user. If UID is not the current UID a standard PATH is set and the envvar GNUPGHOME is unset. To override the latter the option '--homedir' can be used. This option has only an effect when used on the command line. This option has currently no effect at all on Windows. '--no-ext-connect' When using '-S' or '--exec', 'gpg-connect-agent' connects to the Assuan server in extended mode to allow descriptor passing. This option makes it use the old mode. '--no-autostart' Do not start the gpg-agent or the dirmngr if it has not yet been started. '--no-history' In interactive mode the command line history is usually saved and restored to and from a file below the GnuPG home directory. This option inhibits the use of that file. '--agent-program FILE' Specify the agent program to be started if none is running. The default value is determined by running 'gpgconf' with the option '--list-dirs'. Note that the pipe symbol ('|') is used for a regression test suite hack and may thus not be used in the file name. '--dirmngr-program FILE' Specify the directory manager (keyserver client) program to be started if none is running. This has only an effect if used together with the option '--dirmngr'. '--keyboxd-program FILE' Specify the keybox daemon program to be started if none is running. This has only an effect if used together with the option '--keyboxd'. '-r FILE' '--run FILE' Run the commands from FILE at startup and then continue with the regular input method. Note, that commands given on the command line are executed after this file. '-s' '--subst' Run the command '/subst' at startup. '--hex' Print data lines in a hex format and the ASCII representation of non-control characters. '--decode' Decode data lines. That is to remove percent escapes but make sure that a new line always starts with a D and a space. '-u' '--unbuffered' Set stdin and stdout into unbuffered I/O mode. This this sometimes useful for scripting.  File:, Node: Controlling gpg-connect-agent, Prev: Invoking gpg-connect-agent, Up: gpg-connect-agent 10.7.2 Control commands ----------------------- While reading Assuan commands, gpg-agent also allows a few special commands to control its operation. These control commands all start with a slash ('/'). '/echo ARGS' Just print ARGS. '/let NAME VALUE' Set the variable NAME to VALUE. Variables are only substituted on the input if the '/subst' has been used. Variables are referenced by prefixing the name with a dollar sign and optionally include the name in curly braces. The rules for a valid name are identically to those of the standard bourne shell. This is not yet enforced but may be in the future. When used with curly braces no leading or trailing white space is allowed. If a variable is not found, it is searched in the environment and if found copied to the table of variables. Variable functions are available: The name of the function must be followed by at least one space and the at least one argument. The following functions are available: 'get' Return a value described by the argument. Available arguments are: 'cwd' The current working directory. 'homedir' The gnupg homedir. 'sysconfdir' GnuPG's system configuration directory. 'bindir' GnuPG's binary directory. 'libdir' GnuPG's library directory. 'libexecdir' GnuPG's library directory for executable files. 'datadir' GnuPG's data directory. 'serverpid' The PID of the current server. Command '/serverpid' must have been given to return a useful value. 'unescape ARGS' Remove C-style escapes from ARGS. Note that '\0' and '\x00' terminate the returned string implicitly. The string to be converted are the entire arguments right behind the delimiting space of the function name. 'unpercent ARGS' 'unpercent+ ARGS' Remove percent style escaping from ARGS. Note that '%00' terminates the string implicitly. The string to be converted are the entire arguments right behind the delimiting space of the function name. 'unpercent+' also maps plus signs to a spaces. 'percent ARGS' 'percent+ ARGS' Escape the ARGS using percent style escaping. Tabs, formfeeds, linefeeds, carriage returns and colons are escaped. 'percent+' also maps spaces to plus signs. 'errcode ARG' 'errsource ARG' 'errstring ARG' Assume ARG is an integer and evaluate it using 'strtol'. Return the gpg-error error code, error source or a formatted string with the error code and error source. '+' '-' '*' '/' '%' Evaluate all arguments as long integers using 'strtol' and apply this operator. A division by zero yields an empty string. '!' '|' '&' Evaluate all arguments as long integers using 'strtol' and apply the logical operators NOT, OR or AND. The NOT operator works on the last argument only. '/definq NAME VAR' Use content of the variable VAR for inquiries with NAME. NAME may be an asterisk ('*') to match any inquiry. '/definqfile NAME FILE' Use content of FILE for inquiries with NAME. NAME may be an asterisk ('*') to match any inquiry. '/definqprog NAME PROG' Run PROG for inquiries matching NAME and pass the entire line to it as command line arguments. '/datafile NAME' Write all data lines from the server to the file NAME. The file is opened for writing and created if it does not exists. An existing file is first truncated to 0. The data written to the file fully decoded. Using a single dash for NAME writes to stdout. The file is kept open until a new file is set using this command or this command is used without an argument. '/showdef' Print all definitions '/cleardef' Delete all definitions '/sendfd FILE MODE' Open FILE in MODE (which needs to be a valid 'fopen' mode string) and send the file descriptor to the server. This is usually followed by a command like 'INPUT FD' to set the input source for other commands. '/recvfd' Not yet implemented. '/open VAR FILE [MODE]' Open FILE and assign the file descriptor to VAR. Warning: This command is experimental and might change in future versions. '/close FD' Close the file descriptor FD. Warning: This command is experimental and might change in future versions. '/showopen' Show a list of open files. '/serverpid' Send the Assuan command 'GETINFO pid' to the server and store the returned PID for internal purposes. '/sleep' Sleep for a second. '/hex' '/nohex' Same as the command line option '--hex'. '/decode' '/nodecode' Same as the command line option '--decode'. '/subst' '/nosubst' Enable and disable variable substitution. It defaults to disabled unless the command line option '--subst' has been used. If /subst as been enabled once, leading whitespace is removed from input lines which makes scripts easier to read. '/while CONDITION' '/end' These commands provide a way for executing loops. All lines between the 'while' and the corresponding 'end' are executed as long as the evaluation of CONDITION yields a non-zero value or is the string 'true' or 'yes'. The evaluation is done by passing CONDITION to the 'strtol' function. Example: /subst /let i 3 /while $i /echo loop counter is $i /let i ${- $i 1} /end '/if CONDITION' '/end' These commands provide a way for conditional execution. All lines between the 'if' and the corresponding 'end' are executed only if the evaluation of CONDITION yields a non-zero value or is the string 'true' or 'yes'. The evaluation is done by passing CONDITION to the 'strtol' function. '/run FILE' Run commands from FILE. '/history --clear' Clear the command history. '/bye' Terminate the connection and the program. '/help' Print a list of available control commands.  File:, Node: dirmngr-client, Next: gpgparsemail, Prev: gpg-connect-agent, Up: Helper Tools 10.8 The Dirmngr Client Tool ============================ The 'dirmngr-client' is a simple tool to contact a running dirmngr and test whether a certificate has been revoked -- either by being listed in the corresponding CRL or by running the OCSP protocol. If no dirmngr is running, a new instances will be started but this is in general not a good idea due to the huge performance overhead. The usual way to run this tool is either: dirmngr-client ACERT or dirmngr-client <ACERT Where ACERT is one DER encoded (binary) X.509 certificates to be tested. The return value of this command is '0' The certificate under question is valid; i.e. there is a valid CRL available and it is not listed there or the OCSP request returned that that certificate is valid. '1' The certificate has been revoked '2 (and other values)' There was a problem checking the revocation state of the certificate. A message to stderr has given more detailed information. Most likely this is due to a missing or expired CRL or due to a network problem. 'dirmngr-client' may be called with the following options: '--version' Print the program version and licensing information. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. '--help, -h' Print a usage message summarizing the most useful command-line options. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. '--quiet, -q' Make the output extra brief by suppressing any informational messages. '-v' '--verbose' Outputs additional information while running. You can increase the verbosity by giving several verbose commands to DIRMNGR, such as '-vv'. '--pem' Assume that the given certificate is in PEM (armored) format. '--ocsp' Do the check using the OCSP protocol and ignore any CRLs. '--force-default-responder' When checking using the OCSP protocol, force the use of the default OCSP responder. That is not to use the Reponder as given by the certificate. '--ping' Check whether the dirmngr daemon is up and running. '--cache-cert' Put the given certificate into the cache of a running dirmngr. This is mainly useful for debugging. '--validate' Validate the given certificate using dirmngr's internal validation code. This is mainly useful for debugging. '--load-crl' This command expects a list of filenames with DER encoded CRL files. With the option '--url' URLs are expected in place of filenames and they are loaded directly from the given location. All CRLs will be validated and then loaded into dirmngr's cache. '--lookup' Take the remaining arguments and run a lookup command on each of them. The results are Base-64 encoded outputs (without header lines). This may be used to retrieve certificates from a server. However the output format is not very well suited if more than one certificate is returned. '--url' '-u' Modify the 'lookup' and 'load-crl' commands to take an URL. '--local' '-l' Let the 'lookup' command only search the local cache. '--squid-mode' Run DIRMNGR-CLIENT in a mode suitable as a helper program for Squid's 'external_acl_type' option.  File:, Node: gpgparsemail, Next: gpgtar, Prev: dirmngr-client, Up: Helper Tools 10.9 Parse a mail message into an annotated format ================================================== The 'gpgparsemail' is a utility currently only useful for debugging. Run it with '--help' for usage information.  File:, Node: gpgtar, Next: gpg-check-pattern, Prev: gpgparsemail, Up: Helper Tools 10.10 Encrypt or sign files into an archive =========================================== 'gpgtar' encrypts or signs files into an archive. It is an gpg-ized tar using the same format as used by PGP's PGP Zip. 'gpgtar' is invoked this way: gpgtar [options] FILENAME1 [FILENAME2, ...] DIRECTORY [DIRECTORY2, ...] 'gpgtar' understands these options: '--create' Put given files and directories into a vanilla "ustar" archive. '--extract' Extract all files from a vanilla "ustar" archive. If no file name is given (or it is "-") the archive is taken from stdin. '--encrypt' '-e' Encrypt given files and directories into an archive. This option may be combined with option '--symmetric' for an archive that may be decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase. '--decrypt' '-d' Extract all files from an encrypted archive. If no file name is given (or it is "-") the archive is taken from stdin. '--sign' '-s' Make a signed archive from the given files and directories. This can be combined with option '--encrypt' to create a signed and then encrypted archive. '--list-archive' '-t' List the contents of the specified archive. If no file name is given (or it is "-") the archive is taken from stdin. '--symmetric' '-c' Encrypt with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase. The default symmetric cipher used is AES-128, but may be chosen with the '--cipher-algo' option to 'gpg'. '--recipient USER' '-r USER' Encrypt for user id USER. For details see 'gpg'. '--local-user USER' '-u USER' Use USER as the key to sign with. For details see 'gpg'. '--output FILE' '-o FILE' Write the archive to the specified file FILE. '--verbose' '-v' Enable extra informational output. '--quiet' '-q' Try to be as quiet as possible. '--skip-crypto' Skip all crypto operations and create or extract vanilla "ustar" archives. '--dry-run' Do not actually output the extracted files. '--directory DIR' '-C DIR' Extract the files into the directory DIR. The default is to take the directory name from the input filename. If no input filename is known a directory named 'GPGARCH' is used. For tarball creation, switch to directory DIR before performing any operations. '--files-from FILE' '-T FILE' Take the file names to work from the file FILE; one file per line. '--null' Modify option '--files-from' to use a binary nul instead of a linefeed to separate file names. '--utf8-strings' Assume that the file names read by '--files-from' are UTF-8 encoded. This option has an effect only on Windows where the active code page is otherwise assumed. '--openpgp' This option has no effect because OpenPGP encryption and signing is the default. '--cms' This option is reserved and shall not be used. It will eventually be used to encrypt or sign using the CMS protocol; but that is not yet implemented. '--batch' Use batch mode. Never ask but use the default action. This option is passed directly to 'gpg'. '--yes' Assume "yes" on most questions. Often used together with '--batch' to overwrite existing files. This option is passed directly to 'gpg'. '--no' Assume "no" on most questions. This option is passed directly to 'gpg'. '--require-compliance' This option is passed directly to 'gpg'. '--status-fd N' Write special status strings to the file descriptor N. See the file DETAILS in the documentation for a listing of them. '--with-log' When extracting an encrypted tarball also write a log file with the gpg output to a file named after the extraction directory with the suffix ".log". '--set-filename FILE' Use the last component of FILE as the output directory. The default is to take the directory name from the input filename. If no input filename is known a directory named 'GPGARCH' is used. This option is deprecated in favor of option '--directory'. '--no-compress' This option tells gpg to disable compression (i.e. using option -z0). It is useful for archiving only large files which are are already compressed (e.g. a set of videos). '--gpg GPGCMD' Use the specified command GPGCMD instead of 'gpg'. '--gpg-args ARGS' Pass the specified extra options to 'gpg'. '--tar-args ARGS' Assume ARGS are standard options of the command 'tar' and parse them. The only supported tar options are "-directory", "-files-from", and "-null" This is an obsolete options because those supported tar options can also be given directly. '--tar COMMAND' This is a dummy option for backward compatibility. '--version' Print version of the program and exit. '--help' Display a brief help page and exit. The program returns 0 if everything was fine, 1 otherwise. Some examples: Encrypt the contents of directory 'mydocs' for user Bob to file 'test1': gpgtar --encrypt --output test1 -r Bob mydocs List the contents of archive 'test1': gpgtar --list-archive test1  File:, Node: gpg-check-pattern, Prev: gpgtar, Up: Helper Tools 10.11 Check a passphrase on stdin against the patternfile ========================================================= 'gpg-check-pattern' checks a passphrase given on stdin against a specified pattern file. The pattern file is line based with comment lines beginning on the _first_ position with a '#'. Empty lines and lines with only white spaces are ignored. The actual pattern lines may either be verbatim string pattern and match as they are (trailing spaces are ignored) or extended regular expressions indicated by a '/' or '!/' in the first column and terminated by another '/' or end of line. If a regular expression starts with '!/' the match result is reversed. By default all comparisons are case insensitive. Tag lines may be used to further control the operation of this tool. The currently defined tags are: '[icase]' Switch to case insensitive comparison for all further patterns. This is the default. '[case]' Switch to case sensitive comparison for all further patterns. '[reject]' Switch to reject mode. This is the default mode. '[accept]' Switch to accept mode. In the future more tags may be introduced and thus it is advisable not to start a plain pattern string with an open bracket. The tags must be given verbatim on the line with no spaces to the left or any non white space characters to the right. In reject mode the program exits on the first match with an exit code of 1 (failure). If at the end of the pattern list the reject mode is still active the program exits with code 0 (success). In accept mode blocks of patterns are used. A block starts at the next pattern after an "accept" tag and ends with the last pattern before the next "accept" or "reject" tag or at the end of the pattern list. If all patterns in a block match the program exits with an exit code of 0 (success). If any pattern in a block do not match the next pattern block is evaluated. If at the end of the pattern list the accept mode is still active the program exits with code 1 (failure). '--verbose' Enable extra informational output. '--check' Run only a syntax check on the patternfile. '--null' Input is expected to be null delimited.  File:, Node: Web Key Service, Next: Howtos, Prev: Helper Tools, Up: Top 11 Web Key Service ****************** GnuPG comes with tools used to maintain and access a Web Key Directory. * Menu: * gpg-wks-client:: Send requests via WKS * gpg-wks-server:: Server to provide the WKS.  File:, Node: gpg-wks-client, Next: gpg-wks-server, Up: Web Key Service 11.1 Send requests via WKS ========================== The 'gpg-wks-client' is used to send requests to a Web Key Service provider. This is usually done to upload a key into a Web Key Directory. With the '--supported' command the caller can test whether a site supports the Web Key Service. The argument is an arbitrary address in the to be tested domain. For example ''. The command returns success if the Web Key Service is supported. The operation is silent; to get diagnostic output use the option '--verbose'. See option '--with-colons' for a variant of this command. With the '--check' command the caller can test whether a key exists for a supplied mail address. The command returns success if a key is available. The '--create' command is used to send a request for publication in the Web Key Directory. The arguments are the fingerprint of the key and the user id to publish. The output from the command is a properly formatted mail with all standard headers. This mail can be fed to 'sendmail(8)' or any other tool to actually send that mail. If 'sendmail(8)' is installed the option '--send' can be used to directly send the created request. If the provider request a 'mailbox-only' user id and no such user id is found, 'gpg-wks-client' will try an additional user id. The '--receive' and '--read' commands are used to process confirmation mails as send from the service provider. The former expects an encrypted MIME messages, the latter an already decrypted MIME message. The result of these commands are another mail which can be send in the same way as the mail created with '--create'. The command '--install-key' manually installs a key into a local directory (see option '-C') reflecting the structure of a WKD. The arguments are a file with the keyblock and the user-id to install. If the first argument resembles a fingerprint the key is taken from the current keyring; to force the use of a file, prefix the first argument with "./". If no arguments are given the parameters are read from stdin; the expected format are lines with the fingerprint and the mailbox separated by a space. The command '--remove-key' removes a key from that directory, its only argument is a user-id. The command '--mirror' is similar to '--install-key' but takes the keys from the the LDAP server configured for Dirmngr. If no arguments are given all keys and user ids are installed. If arguments are given they are taken as domain names to limit the to be installed keys. The option '--blacklist' may be used to further limit the to be installed keys. The command '--print-wkd-hash' prints the WKD user-id identifiers and the corresponding mailboxes from the user-ids given on the command line or via stdin (one user-id per line). The command '--print-wkd-url' prints the URLs used to fetch the key for the given user-ids from WKD. The meanwhile preferred format with sub-domains is used here. 'gpg-wks-client' understands these options: '--send' Directly send created mails using the 'sendmail' command. Requires installation of that command. '--with-colons' This option has currently only an effect on the '--supported' command. If it is used all arguments on the command line are taken as domain names and tested for WKD support. The output format is one line per domain with colon delimited fields. The currently specified fields are (future versions may specify additional fields): 1 - domain This is the domain name. Although quoting is not required for valid domain names this field is specified to be quoted in standard C manner. 2 - WKD If the value is true the domain supports the Web Key Directory. 3 - WKS If the value is true the domain supports the Web Key Service protocol to upload keys to the directory. 4 - error-code This may contain an gpg-error code to describe certain failures. Use 'gpg-error CODE' to explain the code. 5 - protocol-version The minimum protocol version supported by the server. 6 - auth-submit The auth-submit flag from the policy file of the server. 7 - mailbox-only The mailbox-only flag from the policy file of the server. '--output FILE' '-o' Write the created mail to FILE instead of stdout. Note that the value '-' for FILE is the same as writing to stdout. If this option is used with the '--check' command and a key was found it is written to the given file. '--status-fd N' Write special status strings to the file descriptor N. This program returns only the status messages SUCCESS or FAILURE which are helpful when the caller uses a double fork approach and can't easily get the return code of the process. '-C DIR' '--directory DIR' Use DIR as top level directory for the commands '--mirror', '--install-key' and '--remove-key'. The default is 'openpgpkey'. '--blacklist FILE' This option is used to exclude certain mail addresses from a mirror operation. The format of FILE is one mail address (just the addrspec, e.g. "") per line. Empty lines and lines starting with a '#' are ignored. '--add-revocs' '--no-add-revocs' If enabled append revocation certificates for the same addrspec as used in the WKD to the key. Modern gpg version are able to import and apply them for existing keys. Note that when used with the '--mirror' command the revocation are searched in the local keyring and not in an LDAP directory. The default is '--add-revocs'. '--verbose' Enable extra informational output. '--quiet' Disable almost all informational output. '--version' Print version of the program and exit. '--help' Display a brief help page and exit.  File:, Node: gpg-wks-server, Prev: gpg-wks-client, Up: Web Key Service 11.2 Provide the Web Key Service ================================ The 'gpg-wks-server' is a server side implementation of the Web Key Service. It receives requests for publication, sends confirmation requests, receives confirmations, and published the key. It also has features to ease the setup and maintenance of a Web Key Directory. When used with the command '--receive' a single Web Key Service mail is processed. Commonly this command is used with the option '--send' to directly send the created mails back. See below for an installation example. The command '--cron' is used for regular cleanup tasks. For example non-confirmed requested should be removed after their expire time. It is best to run this command once a day from a cronjob. The command '--list-domains' prints all configured domains. Further it creates missing directories for the configuration and prints warnings pertaining to problems in the configuration. The command '--check-key' (or just '--check') checks whether a key with the given user-id is installed. The process returns success in this case; to also print a diagnostic use the option '-v'. If the key is not installed a diagnostic is printed and the process returns failure; to suppress the diagnostic, use option '-q'. More than one user-id can be given; see also option 'with-file'. The command '--install-key' manually installs a key into the WKD. The arguments are a file with the keyblock and the user-id to install. If the first argument resembles a fingerprint the key is taken from the current keyring; to force the use of a file, prefix the first argument with "./". If no arguments are given the parameters are read from stdin; the expected format are lines with the fingerprint and the mailbox separated by a space. The command '--remove-key' uninstalls a key from the WKD. The process returns success in this case; to also print a diagnostic, use option '-v'. If the key is not installed a diagnostic is printed and the process returns failure; to suppress the diagnostic, use option '-q'. The command '--revoke-key' is not yet functional. 'gpg-wks-server' understands these options: '-C DIR' '--directory DIR' Use DIR as top level directory for domains. The default is '/var/lib/gnupg/wks'. '--from MAILADDR' Use MAILADDR as the default sender address. '--header NAME=VALUE' Add the mail header "NAME: VALUE" to all outgoing mails. '--send' Directly send created mails using the 'sendmail' command. Requires installation of that command. '-o FILE' '--output FILE' Write the created mail also to FILE. Note that the value '-' for FILE would write it to stdout. '--with-dir' When used with the command '--list-domains' print for each installed domain the domain name and its directory name. '--with-file' When used with the command '--check-key' print for each user-id, the address, 'i' for installed key or 'n' for not installed key, and the filename. '--verbose' Enable extra informational output. '--quiet' Disable almost all informational output. '--version' Print version of the program and exit. '--help' Display a brief help page and exit. Examples ******** The Web Key Service requires a working directory to store keys pending for publication. As root create a working directory: # mkdir /var/lib/gnupg/wks # chown webkey:webkey /var/lib/gnupg/wks # chmod 2750 /var/lib/gnupg/wks Then under your webkey account create directories for all your domains. Here we do it for "": $ mkdir /var/lib/gnupg/wks/ Finally run $ gpg-wks-server --list-domains to create the required sub-directories with the permissions set correctly. For each domain a submission address needs to be configured. All service mails are directed to that address. It can be the same address for all configured domains, for example: $ cd /var/lib/gnupg/wks/ $ echo >submission-address The protocol requires that the key to be published is sent with an encrypted mail to the service. Thus you need to create a key for the submission address: $ gpg --batch --passphrase '' --quick-gen-key $ gpg -K The output of the last command looks similar to this: sec rsa3072 2016-08-30 [SC] C0FCF8642D830C53246211400346653590B3795B uid [ultimate] ssb rsa3072 2016-08-30 [E] Take the fingerprint from that output and manually publish the key: $ gpg-wks-server --install-key C0FCF8642D830C53246211400346653590B3795B \ > Finally that submission address needs to be redirected to a script running 'gpg-wks-server'. The 'procmail' command can be used for this: Redirect the submission address to the user "webkey" and put this into webkey's '.procmailrc': :0 * !^From: * !^X-WKS-Loop: |gpg-wks-server -v --receive \ --header \ --from --send  File:, Node: Howtos, Next: System Notes, Prev: Web Key Service, Up: Top 12 How to do certain things *************************** This is a collection of small howto documents. * Menu: * Howto Create a Server Cert:: Creating a TLS server certificate.  File:, Node: Howto Create a Server Cert, Up: Howtos 12.1 Creating a TLS server certificate ====================================== Here is a brief run up on how to create a server certificate. It has actually been done this way to get a certificate from CAcert to be used on a real server. It has only been tested with this CA, but there shouldn't be any problem to run this against any other CA. We start by generating an X.509 certificate signing request. As there is no need for a configuration file, you may simply enter: $ gpgsm --generate-key > Please select what kind of key you want: (1) RSA (2) Existing key (3) Existing key from card Your selection? 1 I opted for creating a new RSA key. The other option is to use an already existing key, by selecting '2' and entering the so-called keygrip. Running the command 'gpgsm --dump-secret-key USERID' shows you this keygrip. Using '3' offers another menu to create a certificate directly from a smart card based key. Let's continue: What keysize do you want? (3072) Requested keysize is 3072 bits Hitting enter chooses the default RSA key size of 3072 bits. Keys smaller than 2048 bits are too weak on the modern Internet. If you choose a larger (stronger) key, your server will need to do more work. Possible actions for a RSA key: (1) sign, encrypt (2) sign (3) encrypt Your selection? 1 Selecting "sign" enables use of the key for Diffie-Hellman key exchange mechanisms (DHE and ECDHE) in TLS, which are preferred because they offer forward secrecy. Selecting "encrypt" enables RSA key exchange mechanisms, which are still common in some places. Selecting both enables both key exchange mechanisms. Now for some real data: Enter the X.509 subject name: This is the most important value for a server certificate. Enter here the canonical name of your server machine. You may add other virtual server names later. E-Mail addresses (end with an empty line): > We don't need email addresses in a TLS server certificate and CAcert would anyway ignore such a request. Thus just hit enter. If you want to create a client certificate for email encryption, this would be the place to enter your mail address (e.g. <>). You may enter as many addresses as you like, however the CA may not accept them all or reject the entire request. Enter DNS names (optional; end with an empty line): > > > Here I entered the names of the services which the machine actually provides. You almost always want to include the canonical name here too. The browser will accept a certificate for any of these names. As usual the CA must approve all of these names. URIs (optional; end with an empty line): > It is possible to insert arbitrary URIs into a certificate; for a server certificate this does not make sense. Create self-signed certificate? (y/N) Since we are creating a certificate signing request, and not a full certificate, we answer no here, or just hit enter for the default. We have now entered all required information and 'gpgsm' will display what it has gathered and ask whether to create the certificate request: These parameters are used: Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 3072 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt Name-DN: Name-DNS: Name-DNS: Proceed with creation? (y/N) y 'gpgsm' will now start working on creating the request. As this includes the creation of an RSA key it may take a while. During this time you will be asked 3 times for a passphrase to protect the created private key on your system. A pop up window will appear to ask for it. The first two prompts are for the new passphrase and for re-entering it; the third one is required to actually create the certificate signing request. When it is ready, you should see the final notice: Ready. You should now send this request to your CA. Now, you may look at the created request: $ cat -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIClTCCAX0CAQAwFjEUMBIGA1UEAxMLZXhhbXBsZS5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDP1QEcbTvOLLCX4gAoOzH9AW7jNOMj7OSOL0uW h2bCdkK5YVpnX212Z6COTC3ZG0pJiCeGt1TbbDJUlTa4syQ6JXavjK66N8ASZsyC Rwcl0m6hbXp541t1dbgt2VgeGk25okWw3j+brw6zxLD2TnthJxOatID0lDIG47HW GqzZmA6WHbIBIONmGnReIHTpPAPCDm92vUkpKG1xLPszuRmsQbwEl870W/FHrsvm DPvVUUSdIvTV9NuRt7/WY6G4nPp9QlIuTf1ESPzIuIE91gKPdrRCAx0yuT708S1n xCv3ETQ/bKPoAQ67eE3mPBqkcVwv9SE/2/36Lz06kAizRgs5AgMBAAGgOjA4Bgkq hkiG9w0BCQ4xKzApMCcGA1UdEQQgMB6CC2V4YW1wbGUuY29tgg93d3cuZXhhbXBs ZS5jb20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAEWD0Qqz4OENLYp6yyO/KqF0ig9FDsLN b5/R+qhms5qlhdB5+Dh+j693Sj0UgbcNKc6JT86IuBqEBZmRCJuXRoKoo5aMS1cJ hXga7N9IA3qb4VBUzBWvlL92U2Iptr/cEbikFlYZF2Zv3PBv8RfopVlI3OLbKV9D bJJTt/6kuoydXKo/Vx4G0DFzIKNdFdJk86o/Ziz8NOs9JjZxw9H9VY5sHKFM5LKk VcLwnnLRlNjBGB+9VK/Tze575eG0cJomTp7UGIB+1xzIQVAhUZOizRDv9tHDeaK3 k+tUhV0kuJcYHucpJycDSrP/uAY5zuVJ0rs2QSjdnav62YrRgEsxJrU= -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- $ You may now proceed by logging into your account at the CAcert website, choose 'Server Certificates - New', check 'sign by class 3 root certificate', paste the above request block into the text field and click on 'Submit'. If everything works out fine, a certificate will be shown. Now run $ gpgsm --import and paste the certificate from the CAcert page into your terminal followed by a Ctrl-D -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEIjCCAgqgAwIBAgIBTDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADBUMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtDQWNl [...] rUTFlNElRXCwIl0YcJkIaYYqWf7+A/aqYJCi8+51usZwMy3Jsq3hJ6MA3h1BgwZs Rtct3tIX -----END CERTIFICATE----- gpgsm: issuer certificate (#/CN=CAcert Class 3 Ro[...]) not found gpgsm: certificate imported gpgsm: total number processed: 1 gpgsm: imported: 1 'gpgsm' tells you that it has imported the certificate. It is now associated with the key you used when creating the request. The root certificate has not been found, so you may want to import it from the CACert website. To see the content of your certificate, you may now enter: $ gpgsm -K /home/foo/.gnupg/pubring.kbx --------------------------- Serial number: 4C Issuer: /CN=CAcert Class 3 Root/OU=http:\x2f\x2fwww.[...] Subject: / aka: (dns-name aka: (dns-name validity: 2015-07-01 16:20:51 through 2016-07-01 16:20:51 key type: 3072 bit RSA key usage: digitalSignature keyEncipherment ext key usage: clientAuth (suggested), serverAuth (suggested), [...] fingerprint: 0F:9C:27:B2:DA:05:5F:CB:33:D8:19:E9:65:B9:4F:BD:B1:98:CC:57 I used '-K' above because this will only list certificates for which a private key is available. To see more details, you may use '--dump-secret-keys' instead of '-K'. To make actual use of the certificate you need to install it on your server. Server software usually expects a PKCS\#12 file with key and certificate. To create such a file, run: $ gpgsm --export-secret-key-p12 -a > You will be asked for the passphrase as well as for a new passphrase to be used to protect the PKCS\#12 file. The file now contains the certificate as well as the private key: $ cat example-cert.pem Issuer ...: /CN=CAcert Class 3 Root/OU=http:\x2f\x2fwww.CA[...] Serial ...: 4C Subject ..: / aka ..: (dns-name aka ..: (dns-name -----BEGIN PKCS12----- MIIHlwIBAzCCB5AGCSqGSIb37QdHAaCCB4EEggd9MIIHeTk1BJ8GCSqGSIb3DQEu [...many more lines...] -----END PKCS12----- $ Copy this file in a secure way to the server, install it there and delete the file then. You may export the file again at any time as long as it is available in GnuPG's private key database.  File:, Node: System Notes, Next: Debugging, Prev: Howtos, Up: Top 13 Notes pertaining to certain OSes *********************************** GnuPG has been developed on GNU/Linux systems and is know to work on almost all Free OSes. All modern POSIX systems should be supported right now, however there are probably a lot of smaller glitches we need to fix first. The major problem areas are: * We are planning to use file descriptor passing for interprocess communication. This will allow us save a lot of resources and improve performance of certain operations a lot. Systems not supporting this won't gain these benefits but we try to keep them working the standard way as it is done today. * We require more or less full POSIX compatibility. This has been around for 15 years now and thus we don't believe it makes sense to support non POSIX systems anymore. Well, we of course the usual workarounds for near POSIX systems well be applied. There is one exception of this rule: Systems based the Microsoft Windows API (called here _W32_) will be supported to some extend. * Menu: * W32 Notes:: Microsoft Windows Notes  File:, Node: W32 Notes, Up: System Notes 13.1 Microsoft Windows Notes ============================ Current limitations are: * 'gpgconf' does not create backup files, so in case of trouble your configuration file might get lost. * 'watchgnupg' is not available. Logging to sockets is not possible. * The periodical smartcard status checking done by 'scdaemon' is not yet supported.  File:, Node: Debugging, Next: Copying, Prev: System Notes, Up: Top 14 How to solve problems ************************ Everyone knows that software often does not do what it should do and thus there is a need to track down problems. We call this debugging in a reminiscent to the moth jamming a relay in a Mark II box back in 1947. Most of the problems a merely configuration and user problems but nevertheless they are the most annoying ones and responsible for many gray hairs. We try to give some guidelines here on how to identify and solve the problem at hand. * Menu: * Debugging Tools:: Description of some useful tools. * Debugging Hints:: Various hints on debugging. * Common Problems:: Commonly seen problems. * Architecture Details:: How the whole thing works internally.  File:, Node: Debugging Tools, Next: Debugging Hints, Up: Debugging 14.1 Debugging Tools ==================== The GnuPG distribution comes with a couple of tools, useful to help find and solving problems. * Menu: * kbxutil:: Scrutinizing a keybox file.  File:, Node: kbxutil, Up: Debugging Tools 14.1.1 Scrutinizing a keybox file --------------------------------- A keybox is a file format used to store public keys along with meta information and indices. The commonly used one is the file 'pubring.kbx' in the '.gnupg' directory. It contains all X.509 certificates as well as OpenPGP keys. When called the standard way, e.g.: 'kbxutil ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' it lists all records (called blobs) with there meta-information in a human readable format. To see statistics on the keybox in question, run it using 'kbxutil --stats ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' and you get an output like: Total number of blobs: 99 header: 1 empty: 0 openpgp: 0 x509: 98 non flagged: 81 secret flagged: 0 ephemeral flagged: 17 In this example you see that the keybox does not have any OpenPGP keys but contains 98 X.509 certificates and a total of 17 keys or certificates are flagged as ephemeral, meaning that they are only temporary stored (cached) in the keybox and won't get listed using the usual commands provided by 'gpgsm' or 'gpg'. 81 certificates are stored in a standard way and directly available from 'gpgsm'. To find duplicated certificates and keyblocks in a keybox file (this should not occur but sometimes things go wrong), run it using 'kbxutil --find-dups ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx'  File:, Node: Debugging Hints, Next: Common Problems, Prev: Debugging Tools, Up: Debugging 14.2 Various hints on debugging =============================== * How to find the IP address of a keyserver If a round robin URL of is used for a keyserver (e.g.; it is not easy to see what server is actually used. Using the keyserver debug option as in gpg --keyserver-options debug=1 -v --refresh-key 1E42B367 is thus often helpful. Note that the actual output depends on the backend and may change from release to release. * Logging on WindowsCE For development, the best logging method on WindowsCE is the use of remote debugging using a log file name of 'tcp://<ip-addr>:<port>'. The command 'watchgnupg' may be used on the remote host to listen on the given port (*note option watchgnupg --tcp::). For in the field tests it is better to make use of the logging facility provided by the 'gpgcedev' driver (part of libassuan); this is enabled by using a log file name of 'GPG2:' (*note option --log-file::).  File:, Node: Common Problems, Next: Architecture Details, Prev: Debugging Hints, Up: Debugging 14.3 Commonly Seen Problems =========================== * Error code 'Not supported' from Dirmngr Most likely the option 'enable-ocsp' is active for gpgsm but Dirmngr's OCSP feature has not been enabled using 'allow-ocsp' in 'dirmngr.conf'. * The Curses based Pinentry does not work The far most common reason for this is that the environment variable 'GPG_TTY' has not been set correctly. Make sure that it has been set to a real tty device and not just to '/dev/tty'; i.e. 'GPG_TTY=tty' is plainly wrong; what you want is 'GPG_TTY=`tty`' -- note the back ticks. Also make sure that this environment variable gets exported, that is you should follow up the setting with an 'export GPG_TTY' (assuming a Bourne style shell). Even for GUI based Pinentries; you should have set 'GPG_TTY'. See the section on installing the 'gpg-agent' on how to do it. * SSH hangs while a popping up pinentry was expected SSH has no way to tell the gpg-agent what terminal or X display it is running on. So when remotely logging into a box where a gpg-agent with SSH support is running, the pinentry will get popped up on whatever display the gpg-agent has been started. To solve this problem you may issue the command echo UPDATESTARTUPTTY | gpg-connect-agent and the next pinentry will pop up on your display or screen. However, you need to kill the running pinentry first because only one pinentry may be running at once. If you plan to use ssh on a new display you should issue the above command before invoking ssh or any other service making use of ssh. * Exporting a secret key without a certificate It may happen that you have created a certificate request using 'gpgsm' but not yet received and imported the certificate from the CA. However, you want to export the secret key to another machine right now to import the certificate over there then. You can do this with a little trick but it requires that you know the approximate time you created the signing request. By running the command ls -ltr ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d you get a listing of all private keys under control of 'gpg-agent'. Pick the key which best matches the creation time and run the command /usr/local/libexec/gpg-protect-tool --p12-export \ ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/FOO >FOO.p12 (Please adjust the path to 'gpg-protect-tool' to the appropriate location). FOO is the name of the key file you picked (it should have the suffix '.key'). A Pinentry box will pop up and ask you for the current passphrase of the key and a new passphrase to protect it in the pkcs#12 file. To import the created file on the machine you use this command: /usr/local/libexec/gpg-protect-tool --p12-import --store FOO.p12 You will be asked for the pkcs#12 passphrase and a new passphrase to protect the imported private key at its new location. Note that there is no easy way to match existing certificates with stored private keys because some private keys are used for Secure Shell or other purposes and don't have a corresponding certificate. * A root certificate does not verify A common problem is that the root certificate misses the required basicConstraints attribute and thus 'gpgsm' rejects this certificate. An error message indicating "no value" is a sign for such a certificate. You may use the 'relax' flag in 'trustlist.txt' to accept the certificate anyway. Note that the fingerprint and this flag may only be added manually to 'trustlist.txt'. * Error message: "digest algorithm N has not been enabled" The signature is broken. You may try the option '--extra-digest-algo SHA256' to workaround the problem. The number N is the internal algorithm identifier; for example 8 refers to SHA-256. * The Windows version does not work under Wine When running the W32 version of 'gpg' under Wine you may get an error messages like: gpg: fatal: WriteConsole failed: Access denied The solution is to use the command 'wineconsole'. Some operations like '--generate-key' really want to talk to the console directly for increased security (for example to prevent the passphrase from appearing on the screen). So, you should use 'wineconsole' instead of 'wine', which will launch a windows console that implements those additional features. * Why does GPG's -search-key list weird keys? For performance reasons the keyservers do not check the keys the same way 'gpg' does. It may happen that the listing of keys available on the keyservers shows keys with wrong user IDs or with user Ids from other keys. If you try to import this key, the bad keys or bad user ids won't get imported, though. This is a bit unfortunate but we can't do anything about it without actually downloading the keys.  File:, Node: Architecture Details, Prev: Common Problems, Up: Debugging 14.4 How the whole thing works internally ========================================= * Menu: * Component interaction:: How the components work together. * GnuPG-1 and GnuPG-2:: Relationship between GnuPG 1.4 and 2.x.  File:, Node: Component interaction, Next: GnuPG-1 and GnuPG-2, Up: Architecture Details 14.4.1 How the components work together --------------------------------------- �[image src="gnupg-module-overview.png" alt="GnuPG modules"�] Figure 14.1: GnuPG module overview  File:, Node: GnuPG-1 and GnuPG-2, Prev: Component interaction, Up: Architecture Details 14.4.2 Relationship between GnuPG 1.4 and 2.x --------------------------------------------- Here is a little picture showing how the different GnuPG versions make use of a smartcard: �[image src="gnupg-card-architecture.png" alt="GnuPG card architecture"�] Figure 14.2: GnuPG card architecture  File:, Node: Copying, Next: Contributors, Prev: Debugging, Up: Top GNU General Public License ************************** Version 3, 29 June 2007 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble ======== The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program-to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to authors of previous versions. Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 0. Definitions. "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks. "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and "recipients" may be individuals or organizations. To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based on the Program. To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification), making available to the public, and in some countries other activities as well. To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. 1. Source Code. The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source form of a work. A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers working in that language. The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an implementation is available to the public in source code form. A "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities. However, it does not include the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source includes interface definition files associated with source files for the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those subprograms and other parts of the work. The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source. The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same work. 2. Basic Permissions. All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes it unnecessary. 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such measures. When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures. 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating that this License and any non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a. The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date. b. The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released under this License and any conditions added under section 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to "keep intact all notices". c. You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. d. If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work need not make them do so. A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate. 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these ways: a. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange. b. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. c. Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord with subsection 6b. d. Convey the object code by offering access from a designated place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. e. Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no charge under subsection 6d. A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in conveying the object code work. A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant mode of use of the product. "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made. If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM). The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the network. Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying. 7. Additional Terms. "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions. When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: a. Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or b. Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or c. Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version; or d. Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material; or e. Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or f. Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors. All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms of that license document, provided that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or conveying. If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating where to find the applicable terms. Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirements apply either way. 8. Termination. You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11). However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation. Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice. Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same material under section 10. 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered work results from an entity transaction, each party to that transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. 11. Patents. A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License. Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its contributor version. In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party. If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that country that you have reason to believe are valid. If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered work and works based on it. A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with specific products or compilations that contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the combination as such. 14. Revised Versions of this License. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Program. Later license versions may give you additional or different permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a later version. 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 16. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs ============================================= If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. ONE LINE TO GIVE THE PROGRAM'S NAME AND A BRIEF IDEA OF WHAT IT DOES. Copyright (C) YEAR NAME OF AUTHOR This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: PROGRAM Copyright (C) YEAR NAME OF AUTHOR This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type 'show c' for details. The hypothetical commands 'show w' and 'show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see <>. The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But first, please read <>.  File:, Node: Contributors, Next: Glossary, Prev: Copying, Up: Top Contributors to GnuPG ********************* The GnuPG project would like to thank its many contributors. Without them the project would not have been nearly as successful as it has been. Any omissions in this list are accidental. Feel free to contact the maintainer if you have been left out or some of your contributions are not listed. David Shaw, Matthew Skala, Michael Roth, Niklas Hernaeus, Nils Ellmenreich, Rémi Guyomarch, Stefan Bellon, Timo Schulz and Werner Koch wrote the code. Birger Langkjer, Daniel Resare, Dokianakis Theofanis, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS, Gaël Quéri, Gregory Steuck, Nagy Ferenc László, Ivo Timmermans, Jacobo Tarri'o Barreiro, Janusz Aleksander Urbanowicz, Jedi Lin, Jouni Hiltunen, Laurentiu Buzdugan, Magda Procha'zkova', Michael Anckaert, Michal Majer, Marco d'Itri, Nilgun Belma Buguner, Pedro Morais, Tedi Heriyanto, Thiago Jung Bauermann, Rafael Caetano dos Santos, Toomas Soome, Urko Lusa, Walter Koch, Yosiaki IIDA did the official translations. Mike Ashley wrote and maintains the GNU Privacy Handbook. David Scribner is the current FAQ editor. Lorenzo Cappelletti maintains the web site. The new modularized architecture of gnupg 1.9 as well as the X.509/CMS part has been developed as part of the Ägypten project. Direct contributors to this project are: Bernhard Herzog, who did extensive testing and tracked down a lot of bugs. Bernhard Reiter, who made sure that we met the specifications and the deadlines. He did extensive testing and came up with a lot of suggestions. Jan-Oliver Wagner made sure that we met the specifications and the deadlines. He also did extensive testing and came up with a lot of suggestions. Karl-Heinz Zimmer and Marc Mutz had to struggle with all the bugs and misconceptions while working on KDE integration. Marcus Brinkman extended GPGME, cleaned up the Assuan code and fixed bugs all over the place. Moritz Schulte took over Libgcrypt maintenance and developed it into a stable an useful library. Steffen Hansen had a hard time to write the dirmngr due to underspecified interfaces. Thomas Koester did extensive testing and tracked down a lot of bugs. Werner Koch designed the system and wrote most of the code. The following people helped greatly by suggesting improvements, testing, fixing bugs, providing resources and doing other important tasks: Adam Mitchell, Albert Chin, Alec Habig, Allan Clark, Anand Kumria, Andreas Haumer, Anthony Mulcahy, Ariel T Glenn, Bob Mathews, Bodo Moeller, Brendan O'Dea, Brenno de Winter, Brian M. Carlson, Brian Moore, Brian Warner, Bryan Fullerton, Caskey L. Dickson, Cees van de Griend, Charles Levert, Chip Salzenberg, Chris Adams, Christian Biere, Christian Kurz, Christian von Roques, Christopher Oliver, Christian Recktenwald, Dan Winship, Daniel Eisenbud, Daniel Koening, Dave Dykstra, David C Niemi, David Champion, David Ellement, David Hallinan, David Hollenberg, David Mathog, David R. Bergstein, Detlef Lannert, Dimitri, Dirk Lattermann, Dirk Meyer, Disastry, Douglas Calvert, Ed Boraas, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS, Edwin Woudt, Enzo Michelangeli, Ernst Molitor, Fabio Coatti, Felix von Leitner, fish stiqz, Florian Weimer, Francesco Potorti, Frank Donahoe, Frank Heckenbach, Frank Stajano, Frank Tobin, Gabriel Rosenkoetter, Gaël Quéri, Gene Carter, Geoff Keating, Georg Schwarz, Giampaolo Tomassoni, Gilbert Fernandes, Greg Louis, Greg Troxel, Gregory Steuck, Gregery Barton, Harald Denker, Holger Baust, Hendrik Buschkamp, Holger Schurig, Holger Smolinski, Holger Trapp, Hugh Daniel, Huy Le, Ian McKellar, Ivo Timmermans, Jan Krueger, Jan Niehusmann, Janusz A. Urbanowicz, James Troup, Jean-loup Gailly, Jeff Long, Jeffery Von Ronne, Jens Bachem, Jeroen C. van Gelderen, J Horacio MG, J. Michael Ashley, Jim Bauer, Jim Small, Joachim Backes, Joe Rhett, John A. Martin, Johnny Teveßen, Jörg Schilling, Jos Backus, Joseph Walton, Juan F. Codagnone, Jun Kuriyama, Kahil D. Jallad, Karl Fogel, Karsten Thygesen, Katsuhiro Kondou, Kazu Yamamoto, Keith Clayton, Kevin Ryde, Klaus Singvogel, Kurt Garloff, Lars Kellogg-Stedman, L. Sassaman, M Taylor, Marcel Waldvogel, Marco d'Itri, Marco Parrone, Marcus Brinkmann, Mark Adler, Mark Elbrecht, Mark Pettit, Markus Friedl, Martin Kahlert, Martin Hamilton, Martin Schulte, Matt Kraai, Matthew Skala, Matthew Wilcox, Matthias Urlichs, Max Valianskiy, Michael Engels, Michael Fischer v. Mollard, Michael Roth, Michael Sobolev, Michael Tokarev, Nicolas Graner, Mike McEwan, Neal H Walfield, Nelson H. F. Beebe, NIIBE Yutaka, Niklas Hernaeus, Nimrod Zimerman, N J Doye, Oliver Haakert, Oskari Jääskeläinen, Pascal Scheffers, Paul D. Smith, Per Cederqvist, Phil Blundell, Philippe Laliberte, Peter Fales, Peter Gutmann, Peter Marschall, Peter Valchev, Piotr Krukowiecki, QingLong, Ralph Gillen, Rat, Reinhard Wobst, Rémi Guyomarch, Reuben Sumner, Richard Outerbridge, Robert Joop, Roddy Strachan, Roger Sondermann, Roland Rosenfeld, Roman Pavlik, Ross Golder, Ryan Malayter, Sam Roberts, Sami Tolvanen, Sean MacLennan, Sebastian Klemke, Serge Munhoven, SL Baur, Stefan Bellon, Dr.Stefan.Dalibor, Stefan Karrmann, Stefan Keller, Steffen Ullrich, Steffen Zahn, Steven Bakker, Steven Murdoch, Susanne Schultz, Ted Cabeen, Thiago Jung Bauermann, Thijmen Klok, Thomas Roessler, Tim Mooney, Timo Schulz, Todd Vierling, TOGAWA Satoshi, Tom Spindler, Tom Zerucha, Tomas Fasth, Tommi Komulainen, Thomas Klausner, Tomasz Kozlowski, Thomas Mikkelsen, Ulf Möller, Urko Lusa, Vincent P. Broman, Volker Quetschke, W Lewis, Walter Hofmann, Walter Koch, Wayne Chapeskie, Wim Vandeputte, Winona Brown, Yosiaki IIDA, Yoshihiro Kajiki and Gerlinde Klaes. This software has been made possible by the previous work of Chris Wedgwood, Jean-loup Gailly, Jon Callas, Mark Adler, Martin Hellman, Paul Kendall, Philip R. Zimmermann, Peter Gutmann, Philip A. Nelson, Taher Elgamal, Torbjorn Granlund, Whitfield Diffie, some unknown NSA mathematicians and all the folks who have worked hard to create complete and free operating systems. And finally we'd like to thank everyone who uses these tools, submits bug reports and generally reminds us why we're doing this work in the first place.  File:, Node: Glossary, Next: Option Index, Prev: Contributors, Up: Top Glossary ******** 'ARL' The _Authority Revocation List_ is technical identical to a CRL but used for CAs and not for end user certificates. 'Chain model' Verification model for X.509 which uses the creation date of a signature as the date the validation starts and in turn checks that each certificate has been issued within the time frame, the issuing certificate was valid. This allows the verification of signatures after the CA's certificate expired. The validation test also required an online check of the certificate status. The chain model is required by the German signature law. See also _Shell model_. 'CMS' The _Cryptographic Message Standard_ describes a message format for encryption and digital signing. It is closely related to the X.509 certificate format. CMS was formerly known under the name 'PKCS#7' and is described by 'RFC3369'. 'CRL' The _Certificate Revocation List_ is a list containing certificates revoked by the issuer. 'CSR' The _Certificate Signing Request_ is a message send to a CA to ask them to issue a new certificate. The data format of such a signing request is called PCKS#10. 'OpenPGP' A data format used to build a PKI and to exchange encrypted or signed messages. In contrast to X.509, OpenPGP also includes the message format but does not explicitly demand a specific PKI. However any kind of PKI may be build upon the OpenPGP protocol. 'Keygrip' This term is used by GnuPG to describe a 20 byte hash value used to identify a certain key without referencing to a concrete protocol. It is used internally to access a private key. Usually it is shown and entered as a 40 character hexadecimal formatted string. 'OCSP' The _Online Certificate Status Protocol_ is used as an alternative to a CRL. It is described in 'RFC 2560'. 'PSE' The _Personal Security Environment_ describes a database to store private keys. This is either a smartcard or a collection of files on a disk; the latter is often called a Soft-PSE. 'Shell model' The standard model for validation of certificates under X.509. At the time of the verification all certificates must be valid and not expired. See also _Chain model_. 'X.509' Description of a PKI used with CMS. It is for example defined by 'RFC3280'.  File:, Node: Option Index, Next: Environment Index, Prev: Glossary, Up: Top Option Index ************ �[index�] * Menu: * --no-history: gpg-card. (line 59) * --no-history <1>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 82) * add-desig-revoker: GPG Configuration Options. (line 430) * add-revocs: gpg-wks-client. (line 128) * add-servers: Dirmngr Options. (line 319) * agent-program: GPG Configuration Options. (line 788) * agent-program <1>: Configuration Options. (line 55) * agent-program <2>: gpg-card. (line 64) * agent-program <3>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 87) * allow-admin: Scdaemon Options. (line 176) * allow-emacs-pinentry: Agent Options. (line 189) * allow-freeform-uid: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 401) * allow-loopback-pinentry: Agent Options. (line 171) * allow-non-selfsigned-uid: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 396) * allow-ocsp: Dirmngr Options. (line 340) * allow-old-cipher-algos: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 437) * allow-preset-passphrase: Agent Options. (line 166) * allow-secret-key-import: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 602) * allow-version-check: Dirmngr Options. (line 145) * allow-weak-digest-algos: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 445) * allow-weak-key-signatures: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 461) * always-trust: GPG Configuration Options. (line 537) * application-priority: Scdaemon Options. (line 191) * armor: GPG Input and Output. (line 8) * armor <1>: Input and Output. (line 8) * ask-cert-expire: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 562) * ask-cert-level: GPG Configuration Options. (line 378) * ask-sig-expire: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 548) * assert-signer: GPG Configuration Options. (line 540) * assume-armor: Input and Output. (line 14) * assume-base64: Input and Output. (line 18) * assume-binary: Input and Output. (line 21) * attribute-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 122) * attribute-file: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 128) * authenticate: gpg-card. (line 94) * auto-check-trustdb: GPG Configuration Options. (line 775) * auto-expand-secmem: Agent Options. (line 461) * auto-issuer-key-retrieve: Certificate Options. (line 62) * auto-key-import: GPG Configuration Options. (line 620) * auto-key-locate: GPG Configuration Options. (line 554) * auto-key-retrieve: GPG Configuration Options. (line 632) * base64: Input and Output. (line 11) * batch: Agent Options. (line 48) * batch <1>: GPG Configuration Options. (line 45) * batch <2>: gpgtar. (line 107) * blacklist: gpg-wks-client. (line 121) * bzip2-compress-level: GPG Configuration Options. (line 341) * bzip2-decompress-lowmem: GPG Configuration Options. (line 362) * c: Dirmngr Options. (line 94) * cache-cert: dirmngr-client. (line 72) * cafpr: gpg-card. (line 102) * call-dirmngr: Operational GPGSM Commands. (line 27) * call-protect-tool: Operational GPGSM Commands. (line 41) * card-edit: Operational GPG Commands. (line 211) * card-status: Operational GPG Commands. (line 220) * card-timeout: Scdaemon Options. (line 160) * cert-digest-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 269) * cert-notation: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 154) * cert-policy-url: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 190) * change-passphrase: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 501) * change-passphrase <1>: Certificate Management. (line 120) * change-pin: Operational GPG Commands. (line 223) * check: gpg-check-pattern. (line 56) * check-passphrase-pattern: Agent Options. (line 243) * check-signatures: Operational GPG Commands. (line 141) * check-sigs: Operational GPG Commands. (line 142) * check-sym-passphrase-pattern: Agent Options. (line 243) * check-trustdb: Operational GPG Commands. (line 353) * chuid: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 654) * chuid <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 7) * chuid <2>: gpg-card. (line 75) * chuid <3>: Invoking gpgconf. (line 141) * chuid <4>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 64) * chunk-size: GPG Input and Output. (line 29) * cipher-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 229) * cipher-algo <1>: CMS Options. (line 13) * clear-sign: Operational GPG Commands. (line 17) * clearsign: Operational GPG Commands. (line 18) * cms: gpgtar. (line 102) * command-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 384) * command-file: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 391) * comment: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 133) * compatibility-flags: Dirmngr Options. (line 34) * compatibility-flags <1>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 22) * compatibility-flags <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 66) * compliance: Compliance Options. (line 60) * compliance <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 27) * compliant-needed: GPG Configuration Options. (line 750) * compress-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 246) * compress-level: GPG Configuration Options. (line 341) * connect-quick-timeout: Dirmngr Options. (line 132) * connect-timeout: Dirmngr Options. (line 132) * create: gpgtar. (line 16) * create-socketdir: Invoking gpgconf. (line 96) * csh: Agent Options. (line 129) * csh <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 94) * ctapi-driver: Scdaemon Options. (line 137) * daemon: Agent Commands. (line 27) * daemon <1>: Dirmngr Commands. (line 27) * daemon <2>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 31) * dearmor: Operational GPG Commands. (line 408) * debug: Agent Options. (line 82) * debug <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 66) * debug <2>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 55) * debug <3>: Esoteric Options. (line 99) * debug <4>: Scdaemon Options. (line 69) * debug-all: Agent Options. (line 89) * debug-all <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 73) * debug-all <2>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 62) * debug-all <3>: Esoteric Options. (line 109) * debug-all <4>: Scdaemon Options. (line 76) * debug-allow-core-dump: Esoteric Options. (line 112) * debug-allow-core-dump <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 93) * debug-allow-large-chunks: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 74) * debug-assuan-log-cats: Scdaemon Options. (line 102) * debug-disable-ticker: Scdaemon Options. (line 89) * debug-ignore-expiration: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 78) * debug-ignore-expiration <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 123) * debug-iolbf: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 65) * debug-iolbf <1>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 69) * debug-level: Agent Options. (line 57) * debug-level <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 41) * debug-level <2>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 30) * debug-level <3>: Esoteric Options. (line 74) * debug-level <4>: Scdaemon Options. (line 40) * debug-log-tid: Scdaemon Options. (line 99) * debug-no-chain-validation: Esoteric Options. (line 119) * debug-pinentry: Agent Options. (line 109) * debug-quick-random: Agent Options. (line 97) * debug-wait: Agent Options. (line 92) * debug-wait <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 81) * debug-wait <2>: Scdaemon Options. (line 79) * debug-wait <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 84) * decode: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 118) * decrypt: Operational GPG Commands. (line 59) * decrypt <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. (line 11) * decrypt <2>: gpgtar. (line 30) * decrypt-files: Operational GPG Commands. (line 115) * default-cache-ttl: Agent Options. (line 200) * default-cache-ttl <1>: Agent Options. (line 209) * default-cert-expire: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 568) * default-cert-level: GPG Configuration Options. (line 386) * default-key: GPG Configuration Options. (line 10) * default-key <1>: Input and Output. (line 40) * default-keyserver-url: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 628) * default-new-key-algo STRING: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 575) * default-preference-list: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 623) * default-recipient: GPG Configuration Options. (line 19) * default-recipient-self: GPG Configuration Options. (line 23) * default-sig-expire: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 554) * delete-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 228) * delete-keys <1>: Certificate Management. (line 71) * delete-secret-and-public-key: Operational GPG Commands. (line 248) * delete-secret-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 237) * deny-admin: Scdaemon Options. (line 176) * desig-revoke: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 142) * detach-sign: Operational GPG Commands. (line 28) * digest-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 238) * directory: gpgtar. (line 79) * directory <1>: gpg-wks-client. (line 117) * directory <2>: gpg-wks-server. (line 50) * dirmngr: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 13) * dirmngr-program: GPG Configuration Options. (line 795) * dirmngr-program <1>: Configuration Options. (line 61) * dirmngr-program <2>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 94) * disable-application: Scdaemon Options. (line 186) * disable-ccid: Scdaemon Options. (line 142) * disable-check-own-socket: Agent Options. (line 325) * disable-check-own-socket <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 86) * disable-cipher-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 280) * disable-crl-checks: Certificate Options. (line 13) * disable-dsa2: GPG Configuration Options. (line 198) * disable-extended-key-format: Agent Options. (line 371) * disable-http: Dirmngr Options. (line 223) * disable-ipv4: Dirmngr Options. (line 217) * disable-ipv6: Dirmngr Options. (line 217) * disable-large-rsa: GPG Configuration Options. (line 189) * disable-ldap: Dirmngr Options. (line 220) * disable-mdc: OpenPGP Options. (line 32) * disable-ocsp: Certificate Options. (line 53) * disable-pinpad: Scdaemon Options. (line 173) * disable-policy-checks: Certificate Options. (line 8) * disable-pubkey-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 285) * disable-scdaemon: Agent Options. (line 319) * disable-signer-uid: OpenPGP Options. (line 39) * disable-trusted-cert-crl-check: Certificate Options. (line 24) * display: Agent Options. (line 343) * display-charset: GPG Configuration Options. (line 287) * display-charset:iso-8859-1: GPG Configuration Options. (line 297) * display-charset:iso-8859-15: GPG Configuration Options. (line 303) * display-charset:iso-8859-2: GPG Configuration Options. (line 300) * display-charset:koi8-r: GPG Configuration Options. (line 306) * display-charset:utf-8: GPG Configuration Options. (line 309) * dry-run: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 8) * dry-run <1>: gpgtar. (line 75) * dump-cert: Certificate Management. (line 36) * dump-chain: Certificate Management. (line 40) * dump-external-keys: Certificate Management. (line 47) * dump-keys: Certificate Management. (line 36) * dump-options: Agent Commands. (line 19) * dump-options <1>: Dirmngr Commands. (line 18) * dump-options <2>: General GPG Commands. (line 20) * dump-options <3>: General GPGSM Commands. (line 19) * dump-options <4>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 18) * dump-secret-keys: Certificate Management. (line 43) * edit-card: Operational GPG Commands. (line 210) * edit-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 147) * emit-version: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 144) * enable-crl-checks: Certificate Options. (line 13) * enable-dsa2: GPG Configuration Options. (line 198) * enable-extended-key-format: Agent Options. (line 371) * enable-issuer-based-crl-check: Certificate Options. (line 45) * enable-large-rsa: GPG Configuration Options. (line 189) * enable-ocsp: Certificate Options. (line 53) * enable-passphrase-history: Agent Options. (line 266) * enable-pinpad-varlen: Scdaemon Options. (line 165) * enable-policy-checks: Certificate Options. (line 8) * enable-progress-filter: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 98) * enable-putty-support: Agent Options. (line 378) * enable-special-filenames: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 610) * enable-special-filenames <1>: gpgv. (line 97) * enable-ssh-support: Agent Options. (line 378) * enable-trusted-cert-crl-check: Certificate Options. (line 24) * enarmor: Operational GPG Commands. (line 408) * encrypt: Operational GPG Commands. (line 32) * encrypt <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. (line 7) * encrypt <2>: gpgtar. (line 24) * encrypt-files: Operational GPG Commands. (line 112) * encrypt-to: GPG Key related Options. (line 35) * enforce-passphrase-constraints: Agent Options. (line 227) * escape-from-lines: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 310) * exec: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 28) * exec-path: GPG Configuration Options. (line 227) * exit-on-status-write-error: GPG Configuration Options. (line 824) * expert: GPG Configuration Options. (line 879) * export: Operational GPG Commands. (line 254) * export <1>: Certificate Management. (line 80) * export-filter: GPG Input and Output. (line 143) * export-options: GPG Input and Output. (line 267) * export-ownertrust: Operational GPG Commands. (line 368) * export-secret-key-p12: Certificate Management. (line 93) * export-secret-key-p8: Certificate Management. (line 102) * export-secret-key-raw: Certificate Management. (line 102) * export-secret-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 272) * export-secret-subkeys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 272) * export-ssh-key: Operational GPG Commands. (line 294) * extra-digest-algo: Esoteric Options. (line 16) * extra-socket: Agent Options. (line 357) * extract: gpgtar. (line 19) * factory-reset: gpg-card. (line 107) * faked-system-time: Agent Options. (line 52) * faked-system-time <1>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 82) * faked-system-time <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 55) * fast-list-mode: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 503) * fetch: gpg-card. (line 112) * fetch-crl: Dirmngr Commands. (line 50) * fetch-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 337) * fingerprint: Operational GPG Commands. (line 195) * fixed-list-mode: GPG Input and Output. (line 340) * flush: Dirmngr Commands. (line 60) * for-your-eyes-only: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 215) * forbid-gen-key: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 597) * force: Dirmngr Options. (line 100) * force <1>: watchgnupg. (line 31) * force-aead: OpenPGP Options. (line 25) * force-crl-refresh: Certificate Options. (line 35) * force-default-responder: dirmngr-client. (line 64) * force-mdc: OpenPGP Options. (line 32) * force-ocb: OpenPGP Options. (line 25) * force-sign-key: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 591) * forcesig: gpg-card. (line 116) * forget: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. (line 26) * from: gpg-wks-server. (line 54) * full-gen-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 119) * full-generate-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 118) * full-timestrings: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 91) * gen-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 112) * gen-key <1>: Certificate Management. (line 8) * gen-prime: Operational GPG Commands. (line 403) * gen-random: Operational GPG Commands. (line 395) * gen-revoke: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 128) * generate: gpg-card. (line 119) * generate-designated-revocation: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 141) * generate-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 111) * generate-key <1>: Certificate Management. (line 7) * generate-revocation: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 127) * gnupg: Compliance Options. (line 12) * gpg: gpgtar. (line 143) * gpg-agent-info: GPG Configuration Options. (line 785) * gpg-args: gpgtar. (line 146) * gpg-program: gpg-card. (line 69) * gpgconf-list: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 644) * gpgconf-test: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 648) * gpgsm-program: gpg-card. (line 72) * grab: Agent Options. (line 136) * group: GPG Key related Options. (line 55) * header: gpg-wks-server. (line 57) * help: Agent Commands. (line 15) * help <1>: Dirmngr Commands. (line 14) * help <2>: General GPG Commands. (line 12) * help <3>: General GPGSM Commands. (line 11) * help <4>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 14) * help <5>: gpg-card. (line 50) * help <6>: watchgnupg. (line 55) * help <7>: dirmngr-client. (line 44) * help <8>: gpgtar. (line 161) * help <9>: gpg-wks-client. (line 144) * help <10>: gpg-wks-server. (line 87) * hex: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 114) * hidden-encrypt-to: GPG Key related Options. (line 43) * hidden-recipient: GPG Key related Options. (line 14) * hidden-recipient-file: GPG Key related Options. (line 29) * homedir: Agent Options. (line 17) * homedir <1>: GPG Configuration Options. (line 266) * homedir <2>: Configuration Options. (line 16) * homedir <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 13) * homedir <4>: gpgv. (line 69) * homedir <5>: Invoking gpgconf. (line 120) * homedir <6>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 43) * honor-http-proxy: Dirmngr Options. (line 242) * http-proxy: Dirmngr Options. (line 246) * ignore-cache-for-signing: Agent Options. (line 194) * ignore-cert: Dirmngr Options. (line 407) * ignore-cert-extension: Dirmngr Options. (line 389) * ignore-cert-extension <1>: Certificate Options. (line 84) * ignore-cert-with-oid: Esoteric Options. (line 46) * ignore-crc-error: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 421) * ignore-crl-extension: Dirmngr Options. (line 399) * ignore-http-dp: Dirmngr Options. (line 226) * ignore-ldap-dp: Dirmngr Options. (line 233) * ignore-mdc-error: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 428) * ignore-ocsp-service-url: Dirmngr Options. (line 238) * ignore-time-conflict: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 407) * ignore-time-conflict <1>: gpgv. (line 63) * ignore-valid-from: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 414) * import: Operational GPG Commands. (line 308) * import <1>: Certificate Management. (line 110) * import-filter: GPG Input and Output. (line 143) * import-options: GPG Input and Output. (line 53) * import-ownertrust: Operational GPG Commands. (line 374) * include-certs: CMS Options. (line 7) * include-key-block: OpenPGP Options. (line 47) * input-size-hint: GPG Input and Output. (line 37) * input-size-hint <1>: Input and Output. (line 24) * interactive: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 19) * kdf-setup: gpg-card. (line 126) * keep-display: Agent Options. (line 348) * keep-tty: Agent Options. (line 348) * key-origin: GPG Input and Output. (line 45) * keyboxd: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 17) * keyboxd-program: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 99) * keydb-clear-some-cert-flags: Certificate Management. (line 63) * keyedit:addadsk: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 367) * keyedit:addcardkey: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 292) * keyedit:addkey: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 289) * keyedit:addphoto: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 210) * keyedit:addrevoker: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 361) * keyedit:adduid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 207) * keyedit:bkuptocard: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 306) * keyedit:change-usage: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 397) * keyedit:check: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 203) * keyedit:clean: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 383) * keyedit:cross-certify: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 406) * keyedit:delkey: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 337) * keyedit:delsig: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 193) * keyedit:deluid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 220) * keyedit:disable: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 357) * keyedit:enable: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 357) * keyedit:expire: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 346) * keyedit:key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 156) * keyedit:keyserver: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 237) * keyedit:keytocard: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 295) * keyedit:keytotpm: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 317) * keyedit:lsign: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 167) * keyedit:minimize: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 392) * keyedit:notation: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 244) * keyedit:nrsign: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 172) * keyedit:passwd: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 376) * keyedit:pref: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 252) * keyedit:primary: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 229) * keyedit:quit: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 417) * keyedit:revkey: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 343) * keyedit:revsig: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 198) * keyedit:revuid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 226) * keyedit:save: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 414) * keyedit:setpref: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 264) * keyedit:showphoto: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 217) * keyedit:showpref: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 256) * keyedit:sign: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 160) * keyedit:toggle: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 379) * keyedit:trust: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 352) * keyedit:tsign: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 176) * keyedit:uid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 152) * keyid-format: GPG Configuration Options. (line 666) * keyring: GPG Configuration Options. (line 231) * keyring <1>: gpgv. (line 38) * keyserver: Dirmngr Options. (line 155) * keyserver <1>: GPG Configuration Options. (line 675) * keyserver <2>: Configuration Options. (line 43) * keyserver-options: GPG Configuration Options. (line 694) * kill: Invoking gpgconf. (line 89) * known-notation: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 181) * lang: gpg-card. (line 129) * launch: Invoking gpgconf. (line 80) * lc-ctype: Agent Options. (line 343) * lc-messages: Agent Options. (line 343) * ldap-proxy: Dirmngr Options. (line 251) * ldapserver: Dirmngr Options. (line 281) * ldapserverlist-file: Dirmngr Options. (line 262) * ldaptimeout: Dirmngr Options. (line 315) * learn-card: Certificate Management. (line 115) * legacy-list-mode: GPG Input and Output. (line 346) * limit-card-insert-tries: GPG Configuration Options. (line 833) * list: gpg-card. (line 136) * list-archive: gpgtar. (line 41) * list-chain: Certificate Management. (line 32) * list-config: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 633) * list-crls: Dirmngr Commands. (line 38) * list-filter: GPG Configuration Options. (line 71) * list-gcrypt-config: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 641) * list-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 120) * list-keys <1>: Certificate Management. (line 17) * list-keys <2>: Certificate Management. (line 28) * list-only: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 11) * list-options: GPG Configuration Options. (line 76) * list-options:show-keyring: GPG Configuration Options. (line 127) * list-options:show-keyserver-urls: GPG Configuration Options. (line 108) * list-options:show-notations: GPG Configuration Options. (line 104) * list-options:show-only-fpr-mbox: GPG Configuration Options. (line 142) * list-options:show-photos: GPG Configuration Options. (line 84) * list-options:show-policy-urls: GPG Configuration Options. (line 98) * list-options:show-sig-expire: GPG Configuration Options. (line 131) * list-options:show-sig-subpackets: GPG Configuration Options. (line 135) * list-options:show-std-notations: GPG Configuration Options. (line 104) * list-options:show-uid-validity: GPG Configuration Options. (line 112) * list-options:show-unusable-sigs: GPG Configuration Options. (line 124) * list-options:show-unusable-subkeys: GPG Configuration Options. (line 120) * list-options:show-unusable-uids: GPG Configuration Options. (line 116) * list-options:show-usage: GPG Configuration Options. (line 92) * list-options:show-user-notations: GPG Configuration Options. (line 104) * list-options:sort-sigs: GPG Configuration Options. (line 146) * list-packets: Operational GPG Commands. (line 204) * list-secret-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 131) * list-secret-keys <1>: Certificate Management. (line 24) * list-signatures: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 491) * list-sigs: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 492) * listen-backlog: Agent Options. (line 353) * listen-backlog <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 141) * listen-backlog <2>: Scdaemon Options. (line 115) * load-crl: Dirmngr Commands. (line 42) * load-crl <1>: dirmngr-client. (line 80) * local-user: GPG Key related Options. (line 77) * local-user <1>: Input and Output. (line 47) * local-user <2>: gpgtar. (line 56) * locate-external-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 171) * locate-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 171) * lock-multiple: GPG Configuration Options. (line 813) * lock-never: GPG Configuration Options. (line 817) * lock-once: GPG Configuration Options. (line 809) * log-file: Agent Options. (line 142) * log-file <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 30) * log-file <2>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 115) * log-file <3>: Configuration Options. (line 82) * log-file <4>: Scdaemon Options. (line 120) * log-file <5>: gpgv. (line 59) * log-time: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 119) * log-time <1>: Configuration Options. (line 86) * logger-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 111) * logger-fd <1>: gpgv. (line 56) * login: gpg-card. (line 153) * lookup: dirmngr-client. (line 86) * lsign-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 432) * mangle-dos-filenames: GPG Configuration Options. (line 370) * marginals-needed: GPG Configuration Options. (line 754) * max-cache-ttl: Agent Options. (line 215) * max-cache-ttl-ssh: Agent Options. (line 221) * max-cert-depth: GPG Configuration Options. (line 762) * max-output: GPG Input and Output. (line 19) * max-passphrase-days: Agent Options. (line 261) * max-replies: Dirmngr Options. (line 386) * min-cert-level: GPG Configuration Options. (line 415) * min-passphrase-len: Agent Options. (line 231) * min-passphrase-nonalpha: Agent Options. (line 236) * min-rsa-length: Compliance Options. (line 65) * min-rsa-length <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 31) * multi-server: Scdaemon Commands. (line 26) * multifile: Operational GPG Commands. (line 101) * name: gpg-card. (line 159) * nameserver: Dirmngr Options. (line 209) * no: GPG Configuration Options. (line 67) * no <1>: gpgtar. (line 116) * no-add-revocs: gpg-wks-client. (line 128) * no-allow-external-cache: Agent Options. (line 179) * no-allow-loopback-pinentry: Agent Options. (line 171) * no-allow-mark-trusted: Agent Options. (line 150) * no-armor: GPG Input and Output. (line 12) * no-auto-key-import: GPG Configuration Options. (line 620) * no-auto-key-retrieve: GPG Configuration Options. (line 632) * no-auto-trust-new-key: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 586) * no-autostart: GPG Configuration Options. (line 802) * no-autostart <1>: Configuration Options. (line 71) * no-autostart <2>: gpg-card. (line 53) * no-autostart <3>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 78) * no-batch: GPG Configuration Options. (line 45) * no-common-certs-import: Esoteric Options. (line 160) * no-compress: GPG Configuration Options. (line 341) * no-compress <1>: gpgtar. (line 138) * no-default-keyring: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 469) * no-default-recipient: GPG Configuration Options. (line 29) * no-detach: Agent Options. (line 114) * no-detach <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 111) * no-encrypt-to: GPG Key related Options. (line 51) * no-expensive-trust-checks: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 615) * no-ext-connect: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 73) * no-grab: Agent Options. (line 136) * no-greeting: GPG Configuration Options. (line 847) * no-groups: GPG Key related Options. (line 73) * no-include-key-block: OpenPGP Options. (line 47) * no-keyring: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 479) * no-literal: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 511) * no-mangle-dos-filenames: GPG Configuration Options. (line 370) * no-options: GPG Configuration Options. (line 333) * no-pretty-dn: Input and Output. (line 88) * no-random-seed-file: GPG Configuration Options. (line 841) * no-secmem-warning: GPG Configuration Options. (line 850) * no-secmem-warning <1>: Configuration Options. (line 78) * no-sig-cache: GPG Configuration Options. (line 765) * no-skip-hidden-recipients: GPG Key related Options. (line 127) * no-symkey-cache: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 371) * no-tty: GPG Configuration Options. (line 58) * no-use-standard-socket: Agent Options. (line 333) * no-use-tor: Dirmngr Options. (line 105) * no-user-trustlist: Agent Options. (line 155) * no-verbose: GPG Configuration Options. (line 37) * not-dash-escaped: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 300) * null: gpgtar. (line 89) * null <1>: gpg-check-pattern. (line 59) * ocsp: dirmngr-client. (line 61) * ocsp-current-period: Dirmngr Options. (line 381) * ocsp-max-clock-skew: Dirmngr Options. (line 373) * ocsp-max-period: Dirmngr Options. (line 377) * ocsp-responder: Dirmngr Options. (line 347) * ocsp-signer: Dirmngr Options. (line 352) * only-ldap-proxy: Dirmngr Options. (line 257) * openpgp: Compliance Options. (line 20) * openpgp <1>: gpgtar. (line 98) * options: Agent Options. (line 10) * options <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 11) * options <2>: Dirmngr Options. (line 16) * options <3>: GPG Configuration Options. (line 328) * options <4>: Configuration Options. (line 10) * options <5>: Scdaemon Options. (line 7) * output: GPG Input and Output. (line 16) * output <1>: Input and Output. (line 57) * output <2>: gpgv. (line 45) * output <3>: gpgtar. (line 60) * output <4>: gpg-wks-client. (line 104) * output <5>: gpg-wks-server. (line 65) * override-session-key: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 535) * p12-charset: Input and Output. (line 30) * passphrase: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 346) * passphrase <1>: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. (line 36) * passphrase-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 325) * passphrase-fd <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 128) * passphrase-file: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 335) * passphrase-repeat: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 317) * passwd: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 502) * passwd <1>: Certificate Management. (line 121) * passwd <2>: gpg-card. (line 163) * pcsc-driver: Scdaemon Options. (line 130) * pcsc-shared: Scdaemon Options. (line 124) * pem: dirmngr-client. (line 58) * permission-warning: GPG Configuration Options. (line 853) * personal-aead-preferences: Deprecated Options. (line 37) * personal-cipher-preferences: OpenPGP Options. (line 59) * personal-compress-preferences: OpenPGP Options. (line 77) * personal-digest-preferences: OpenPGP Options. (line 68) * pgp6: Compliance Options. (line 43) * pgp7: Compliance Options. (line 46) * pgp8: Compliance Options. (line 53) * photo-viewer: GPG Configuration Options. (line 204) * pinentry-formatted-passphrase: Agent Options. (line 280) * pinentry-invisible-char: Agent Options. (line 269) * pinentry-mode: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 356) * pinentry-mode <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 137) * pinentry-program: Agent Options. (line 293) * pinentry-timeout: Agent Options. (line 274) * pinentry-touch-file: Agent Options. (line 306) * ping: dirmngr-client. (line 69) * policy-file: Configuration Options. (line 51) * prefer-system-dirmngr: Configuration Options. (line 65) * preserve-permissions: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 618) * preset: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. (line 22) * primary-keyring: GPG Configuration Options. (line 249) * print-md: Operational GPG Commands. (line 390) * privatedo: gpg-card. (line 171) * q: gpg-card. (line 177) * q <1>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 40) * quick-add-adsk: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 103) * quick-add-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 69) * quick-add-uid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 460) * quick-gen-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 10) * quick-generate-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 10) * quick-lsign-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 438) * quick-revoke-sig: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 475) * quick-revoke-uid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 467) * quick-set-expire: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 60) * quick-set-primary-uid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 485) * quick-sign-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 438) * quick-update-pref: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 492) * quiet: Agent Options. (line 45) * quiet <1>: GPG Configuration Options. (line 40) * quiet <2>: gpg-card. (line 44) * quiet <3>: gpgv. (line 35) * quiet <4>: Invoking gpgconf. (line 117) * quiet <5>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 40) * quiet <6>: dirmngr-client. (line 48) * quiet <7>: gpgtar. (line 68) * quiet <8>: gpg-wks-client. (line 138) * quiet <9>: gpg-wks-server. (line 81) * quit: gpg-card. (line 177) * raw-socket: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 22) * readcert: gpg-card. (line 180) * reader-port: Scdaemon Options. (line 148) * rebuild-keydb-caches: Operational GPG Commands. (line 384) * receive-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 317) * recipient: GPG Key related Options. (line 8) * recipient <1>: Input and Output. (line 52) * recipient <2>: gpgtar. (line 52) * recipient-file: GPG Key related Options. (line 22) * recursive-resolver: Dirmngr Options. (line 124) * recv-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 318) * refresh-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 321) * reload: Invoking gpgconf. (line 74) * remove-socketdir: Invoking gpgconf. (line 102) * request-origin: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 376) * request-origin <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 152) * require-compliance: Compliance Options. (line 70) * require-compliance <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 36) * require-compliance <2>: gpgtar. (line 120) * require-cross-certification: GPG Configuration Options. (line 872) * require-secmem: GPG Configuration Options. (line 867) * reset: gpg-card. (line 187) * resolver-timeout: Dirmngr Options. (line 127) * rfc2440: Compliance Options. (line 36) * rfc4880: Compliance Options. (line 27) * rfc4880bis: Compliance Options. (line 32) * run: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 105) * s: Dirmngr Options. (line 94) * s2k-calibration: Agent Options. (line 470) * s2k-cipher-algo: OpenPGP Options. (line 87) * s2k-count: Agent Options. (line 477) * s2k-count <1>: OpenPGP Options. (line 103) * s2k-digest-algo: OpenPGP Options. (line 92) * s2k-mode: OpenPGP Options. (line 96) * salut: gpg-card. (line 191) * salutation: gpg-card. (line 191) * scdaemon-program: Agent Options. (line 315) * search-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 327) * secret-keyring: GPG Configuration Options. (line 254) * send: gpg-wks-client. (line 65) * send <1>: gpg-wks-server. (line 60) * send-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 261) * sender: GPG Key related Options. (line 81) * server: Agent Commands. (line 23) * server <1>: Dirmngr Commands. (line 22) * server <2>: Operational GPGSM Commands. (line 24) * server <3>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 22) * set-filename: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 208) * set-filename <1>: gpgtar. (line 132) * set-filesize: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 515) * set-notation: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 154) * set-policy-url: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 190) * sh: Agent Options. (line 129) * sh <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 94) * show-certs: Certificate Management. (line 52) * show-keyring: Deprecated Options. (line 16) * show-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 186) * show-notation: Deprecated Options. (line 22) * show-photos: Deprecated Options. (line 8) * show-policy-url: Deprecated Options. (line 30) * show-session-key: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 519) * shutdown: Dirmngr Commands. (line 56) * sig-keyserver-url: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 200) * sig-notation: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 154) * sig-policy-url: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 190) * sign: Operational GPG Commands. (line 8) * sign <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. (line 16) * sign-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 428) * skip-crypto: gpgtar. (line 71) * skip-hidden-recipients: GPG Key related Options. (line 127) * skip-verify: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 483) * squid-mode: dirmngr-client. (line 101) * ssh-fingerprint-digest: Agent Options. (line 455) * standard-resolver: Dirmngr Options. (line 117) * status-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 103) * status-fd <1>: gpg-card. (line 35) * status-fd <2>: gpgv. (line 52) * status-fd <3>: Invoking gpgconf. (line 167) * status-fd <4>: gpgtar. (line 123) * status-fd <5>: gpg-wks-client. (line 110) * status-file: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 107) * steal-socket: Agent Options. (line 118) * store: Operational GPG Commands. (line 55) * subst: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 111) * supervised: Agent Commands. (line 36) * supervised <1>: Dirmngr Commands. (line 33) * symmetric: Operational GPG Commands. (line 42) * sys-trustlist-name: Agent Options. (line 160) * tar: gpgtar. (line 155) * tar-args: gpgtar. (line 149) * textmode: OpenPGP Options. (line 8) * throw-keyids: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 291) * time-only: watchgnupg. (line 46) * tls-debug: Dirmngr Options. (line 76) * tofu-default-policy: GPG Configuration Options. (line 758) * tofu-policy: Operational GPG Commands. (line 422) * trust-model: GPG Configuration Options. (line 441) * trust-model:always: GPG Configuration Options. (line 522) * trust-model:auto: GPG Configuration Options. (line 531) * trust-model:classic: GPG Configuration Options. (line 449) * trust-model:direct: GPG Configuration Options. (line 514) * trust-model:pgp: GPG Configuration Options. (line 444) * trust-model:tofu: GPG Configuration Options. (line 452) * trust-model:tofu+pgp: GPG Configuration Options. (line 502) * trustdb-name: GPG Configuration Options. (line 259) * trusted-key: GPG Configuration Options. (line 421) * try-all-secrets: GPG Key related Options. (line 119) * try-secret-key: GPG Key related Options. (line 108) * ttyname: Agent Options. (line 343) * ttytype: Agent Options. (line 343) * uif: gpg-card. (line 196) * unblock: gpg-card. (line 202) * unbuffered: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 123) * ungroup: GPG Key related Options. (line 70) * unwrap: Operational GPG Commands. (line 414) * update-trustdb: Operational GPG Commands. (line 343) * url: gpg-card. (line 207) * url <1>: dirmngr-client. (line 94) * url <2>: dirmngr-client. (line 98) * use-agent: GPG Configuration Options. (line 782) * use-embedded-filename: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 224) * use-standard-socket: Agent Options. (line 333) * use-standard-socket-p: Agent Options. (line 333) * use-tor: Dirmngr Options. (line 105) * utf8-strings: GPG Configuration Options. (line 314) * utf8-strings <1>: gpgtar. (line 93) * v: Dirmngr Options. (line 25) * v <1>: Configuration Options. (line 38) * v <2>: Scdaemon Options. (line 35) * v <3>: dirmngr-client. (line 53) * validate: dirmngr-client. (line 76) * validation-model: Certificate Options. (line 75) * verbose: Agent Options. (line 39) * verbose <1>: Dirmngr Options. (line 25) * verbose <2>: GPG Configuration Options. (line 33) * verbose <3>: Configuration Options. (line 38) * verbose <4>: Scdaemon Options. (line 35) * verbose <5>: gpg-card. (line 41) * verbose <6>: watchgnupg. (line 49) * verbose <7>: gpgv. (line 30) * verbose <8>: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. (line 32) * verbose <9>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 36) * verbose <10>: dirmngr-client. (line 53) * verbose <11>: gpgtar. (line 64) * verbose <12>: gpg-check-pattern. (line 53) * verbose <13>: gpg-wks-client. (line 135) * verbose <14>: gpg-wks-server. (line 78) * verify: Operational GPG Commands. (line 67) * verify <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. (line 20) * verify <2>: gpg-card. (line 212) * verify-files: Operational GPG Commands. (line 109) * verify-options: GPG Configuration Options. (line 152) * verify-options:show-keyserver-urls: GPG Configuration Options. (line 171) * verify-options:show-notations: GPG Configuration Options. (line 167) * verify-options:show-photos: GPG Configuration Options. (line 157) * verify-options:show-policy-urls: GPG Configuration Options. (line 161) * verify-options:show-primary-uid-only: GPG Configuration Options. (line 183) * verify-options:show-std-notations: GPG Configuration Options. (line 167) * verify-options:show-uid-validity: GPG Configuration Options. (line 175) * verify-options:show-unusable-uids: GPG Configuration Options. (line 179) * verify-options:show-user-notations: GPG Configuration Options. (line 167) * version: Agent Commands. (line 10) * version <1>: Dirmngr Commands. (line 10) * version <2>: General GPG Commands. (line 7) * version <3>: General GPGSM Commands. (line 7) * version <4>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 10) * version <5>: gpg-card. (line 47) * version <6>: watchgnupg. (line 52) * version <7>: dirmngr-client. (line 40) * version <8>: gpgtar. (line 158) * version <9>: gpg-wks-client. (line 141) * version <10>: gpg-wks-server. (line 84) * warranty: General GPG Commands. (line 17) * warranty <1>: General GPGSM Commands. (line 15) * weak-digest: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 453) * weak-digest <1>: gpgv. (line 90) * with-colons: GPG Input and Output. (line 332) * with-colons <1>: gpg-card. (line 32) * with-colons <2>: gpg-wks-client. (line 69) * with-dir: gpg-wks-server. (line 69) * with-ephemeral-keys: Esoteric Options. (line 61) * with-file: gpg-wks-server. (line 73) * with-fingerprint: GPG Input and Output. (line 352) * with-icao-spelling: GPG Input and Output. (line 363) * with-key-data: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 487) * with-key-data <1>: Input and Output. (line 60) * with-key-origin: GPG Input and Output. (line 371) * with-keygrip: GPG Input and Output. (line 367) * with-log: gpgtar. (line 127) * with-secret: GPG Input and Output. (line 382) * with-secret <1>: Input and Output. (line 84) * with-subkey-fingerprint: GPG Input and Output. (line 356) * with-validation: Input and Output. (line 66) * with-wkd-hash: GPG Input and Output. (line 377) * writecert: gpg-card. (line 217) * writekey: gpg-card. (line 224) * xauthority: Agent Options. (line 343) * yes: GPG Configuration Options. (line 63) * yes <1>: gpgtar. (line 111) * yubikey: gpg-card. (line 229)