FcFileScan 3 Fontconfig &version; FcFileScan scan a font file #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcBool FcFileScan FcFontSet *set FcStrSet *dirs FcFileCache *cache FcBlanks *blanks const FcChar8 *file FcBool force Description Scans a single file and adds all fonts found to set. If force is FcTrue, then the file is scanned even if associated information is found in cache. If file is a directory, it is added to dirs. Whether fonts are found depends on fontconfig policy as well as the current configuration. Internally, fontconfig will ignore BDF and PCF fonts which are not in Unicode (or the effectively equivalent ISO Latin-1) encoding as those are not usable by Unicode-based applications. The configuration can ignore fonts based on filename or contents of the font file itself. Returns FcFalse if any of the fonts cannot be added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. FcFileIsDir 3 Fontconfig &version; FcFileIsDir check whether a file is a directory #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcBool FcFileIsDir const FcChar8 *file Description Returns FcTrue if file is a directory, otherwise returns FcFalse. FcDirScan 3 Fontconfig &version; FcDirScan scan a font directory without caching it #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcBool FcDirScan FcFontSet *set FcStrSet *dirs FcFileCache *cache FcBlanks *blanks const FcChar8 *dir FcBool force Description If cache is not zero or if force is FcFalse, this function currently returns FcFalse. Otherwise, it scans an entire directory and adds all fonts found to set. Any subdirectories found are added to dirs. Calling this function does not create any cache files. Use FcDirCacheRead() if caching is desired. FcDirSave 3 Fontconfig &version; FcDirSave DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcBool FcDirSave FcFontSet *set FcStrSet *dirs const FcChar8 *dir Description This function now does nothing aside from returning FcFalse. It used to creates the per-directory cache file for dir and populates it with the fonts in set and subdirectories in dirs. All of this functionality is now automatically managed by FcDirCacheLoad and FcDirCacheRead.