Counter hierarchy ================= Service unique name Interface org.moblin.connman.Counter Object path freely definable Methods void Release() This method gets called when the service daemon unregisters the counter. A counter can use it to do cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the counter, because when this method gets called it has already been unregistered. void Usage(object service, dict) This signal indicates a change in the counter values for the service object. The counter is reset by calling the service ResetCounters method. The dict argument contains following entries: RX.Packets Total number of packets received. TX.Bytes Total number of packets sent. RX.Bytes Total number of bytes received. TX.Bytes Total number of bytes sent. RX.Errors Total number of erronous packets received. TX.Errors Total number of erronous packets sent. RX.Dropped Total number of dropped packets while receiving. TX.Dropped Total number of dropped packets while sending. Time Total number of seconds online.