HTML is generated from markdown files by: ===================================================== npm install # only once to install required packages npm run-script generate PDF is generated by "Print to PDF" (CTRL+P) in Chrome browser. ===================================================== Troubleshooting: ===================================================== You need to have nodejs and nmp installed on your PC You can test your install with the following commands: node -v npm -v If you are using Debian: sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy ===================================================== Some npm modules have dependencies on libraries published on github. However because of IT security policies ports 22 (ssh) and 9418 (git) are filtered for connections outside of company network. These dependencies cannot be resolved by local npm proxy. Luckily there's an easy way to solve this. You just need to tell git to use port 443 (https) instead. git config --global url.https://.insteadOf git:// ===================================================== Server certificate verification failed? - try this command: git config --global http.sslverify false If you meet generating error:(weird error 127) sudo npm install npm -g npm install sudo apt-get install node sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy