#! /bin/bash function usage() { echo $@ >&2 echo <&2 Usage: genclass [path/]stem EOF exit 1 } test -z "$1" && usage "Missing name!" TOPSRCDIR=${XTOPSRCDIR:-$(cd @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@ && pwd)} test -z "$TOPSRCDIR" && { echo "Dir does not exist '$TOPSRCDIR'" >&2 exit 1 } OUTDIR=$(dirname $1) STEM=$(basename $1) STEMDIR=$( cd $OUTDIR && pwd ) test -z "$STEMDIR" && { echo "Dir does not exist '$(dirname $1)'" >&2 exit 1 } STEMDIR=${STEMDIR#$TOPSRCDIR/} CLASS=$STEM CLASS_H=$STEMDIR/$STEM.h CLASS_CC=$STEMDIR/$STEM.cc OUT_CLASS_H=$OUTDIR/$STEM.h OUT_CLASS_CC=$OUTDIR/$STEM.cc test -e $OUT_CLASS_H -o -e $OUT_CLASS_CC && { test -e $OUT_CLASS_H && echo "File exists '$OUT_CLASS_H' using '$OUT_CLASS_H.new'" >&2 test -e $OUT_CLASS_CC && echo "File exists '$OUT_CLASS_CC' using '$OUT_CLASS_CC.new'" >&2 OUT_CLASS_H="$OUT_CLASS_H.new" OUT_CLASS_CC="$OUT_CLASS_CC.new" } INCLUDE_H=$CLASS_H INCLUDE_DEF=$(echo $INCLUDE_H | sed 's/[./]/_/g' | awk '{print toupper($0)}') NSLIST=$(echo $(dirname $INCLUDE_H) | awk '{l=tolower($0);gsub("/"," ",l);print l}') SNLIST= INDENT= for N in $NSLIST; do SNLIST="$N $SNLIST" INDENT="$INDENT " done ###################################################################### function intro() { ###################################################################### local FILE=$1 cat < #include "zypp/base/PtrTypes.h" #include "zypp/base/SafeBool.h" #include "zypp/base/NonCopyable.h" $(nsopen) ${INDENT}/** ${INDENT} */ ${INDENT}class ${CLASS} : protected base::SafeBool<${CLASS}>, private base::NonCopyable ${INDENT}{ ${INDENT} friend std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const ${CLASS} & obj ); ${INDENT} friend std::ostream & dumpOn( std::ostream & str, const ${CLASS} & obj ); ${INDENT} friend bool operator==( const ${CLASS} & lhs, const ${CLASS} & rhs ); ${INDENT} public: ${INDENT} /** Default ctor */ ${INDENT} ${CLASS}(); ${INDENT} /** Dtor */ ${INDENT} ~${CLASS}(); ${INDENT} public: ${INDENT} /** Validate object in a boolean context. */ ${INDENT} using base::SafeBool<${CLASS}>::operator bool_type; ${INDENT} private: ${INDENT} friend base::SafeBool<${CLASS}>::operator bool_type() const; ${INDENT} /** Validate object in a boolean context. */ ${INDENT} bool boolTest() const ${INDENT} { ${INDENT} /* !!! Perform Boolean logic here AND check implememtation of operator==!!! ${INDENT} * NOTE: SafeBool requires operator== otherwise equality is reduced to ${INDENT} * ( bool(${CLASS}) == bool(${CLASS}) ). ${INDENT} */ ${INDENT} } ${INDENT} public: ${INDENT} /** Implementation */ ${INDENT} class Impl; ${INDENT} private: ${INDENT} /** Pointer to implementation */ ${INDENT} RWCOW_pointer _pimpl; ${INDENT}}; ${INDENT}/** \relates ${CLASS} Stream output */ ${INDENT}std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const ${CLASS} & obj ); ${INDENT}/** \relates ${CLASS} Verbose stream output */ ${INDENT}std::ostream & dumOn( std::ostream & str, const ${CLASS} & obj ); ${INDENT}/** \relates ${CLASS} */ ${INDENT}bool operator==( const ${CLASS} & lhs, const ${CLASS} & rhs ); ${INDENT}/** \relates ${CLASS} */ ${INDENT}inline bool operator!=( const ${CLASS} & lhs, const ${CLASS} & rhs ) ${INDENT}{ return !( lhs == rhs ); } $(nsclose) #endif // $INCLUDE_DEF EOF } ###################################################################### function genCC() { ###################################################################### cat < //#include "zypp/base/LogTools.h" #include "${INCLUDE_H}" using std::endl; $(nsopen) ${INDENT}/** ${CLASS} implementation. ${INDENT} */ ${INDENT}struct ${CLASS}::Impl ${INDENT}{ ${INDENT} friend std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const Impl & obj ); ${INDENT} friend std::ostream & dumpOn( std::ostream & str, const Impl & obj ); ${INDENT} public: ${INDENT} public: ${INDENT} /** Offer default Impl. */ ${INDENT} static shared_ptr nullimpl() ${INDENT} { ${INDENT} static shared_ptr _nullimpl( new Impl ); ${INDENT} return _nullimpl; ${INDENT} } ${INDENT} private: ${INDENT} friend Impl * rwcowClone( const Impl * rhs ); ${INDENT} /** clone for RWCOW_pointer */ ${INDENT} Impl * clone() const ${INDENT} { return new Impl( *this ); } ${INDENT}}; ${INDENT}/** \relates ${CLASS}::Impl Stream output */ ${INDENT}inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const ${CLASS}::Impl & obj ) ${INDENT}{ return str << "${CLASS}::Impl"; } ${INDENT}/** \relates ${CLASS}::Impl Verbose stream output */ ${INDENT}inline std::ostream & dumpOn( std::ostream & str, const ${CLASS}::Impl & obj ) ${INDENT}{ return str << obj; } ${INDENT}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ${INDENT}// ${INDENT}// CLASS NAME : ${CLASS} ${INDENT}// ${INDENT}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ${INDENT}${CLASS}::${CLASS}() ${INDENT} : _pimpl( Impl::nullimpl() ) ${INDENT}{} ${INDENT}${CLASS}::~${CLASS}() ${INDENT}{} ${INDENT}std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const ${CLASS} & obj ) ${INDENT}{ return str << *obj._pimpl; } ${INDENT}std::ostream & dumpOn( std::ostream & str, const ${CLASS} & obj ) ${INDENT}{ return dumpOn( str, *obj._pimpl ); } ${INDENT}bool operator==( const ${CLASS} & lhs, const ${CLASS} & rhs ) ${INDENT}{ return lhs._pimpl == rhs._pimpl || lhs._pimpl && rhs._pimpl && *lhs._pimpl == *rhs._pimpl; } $(nsclose) EOF } ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### genH >$OUT_CLASS_H genCC >$OUT_CLASS_CC