#!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions; use JSON; use HTML::Template; use Time::HiRes qw ( sleep time ); # Pretreatment for adding build path to search BEGIN { my ($wd) = $0 =~ m-(.*)/- ; $wd ||= '.'; unshift @INC, "$wd/build"; unshift @INC, "$wd"; $ENV{VIRTUAL_ENV} = "/" if ! defined $ENV{VIRTUAL_ENV}; unshift @INC, canonpath("$ENV{VIRTUAL_ENV}/usr/lib/build"); } use YAML qw(LoadFile); use threads; use threads::shared; use Thread::Queue; use File::Find (); use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); use File::Path; use File::Basename; use URI; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use File::Glob ':glob'; use User::pwent qw(getpw); use POSIX qw(sysconf); # Global vars # Flag to inform all threads that application is terminating my $TERM:shared=0; # Prevents double thread workers detach attempts my $DETACHING:shared; # Flag to inform main thread update pkgdeps my $dirty:shared=0; # Set the variable $File::Find::dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS, # since AFS cheats. # For the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements: use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/; *name = *File::Find::name; *dir = *File::Find::dir; *prune = *File::Find::prune; my ($zuid, $zgid); # Get UID/GID for source code manipulates if (getlogin()) { ($zuid, $zgid) = (getpwnam(getlogin()))[2,3]; } else { ($zuid, $zgid) = (getpwuid($<))[2,3]; } use Cwd qw(cwd abs_path); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use Build; use Build::Rpm; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; # "sudo -v" period use constant SUDOV_PERIOD => 3*60; use constant SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN => 84; my @threads; # TODO: clean up my @exclude = (); # exclude build packages list my @repos= (); # rpm repositoies list my $arch = "i586"; # build arch, default is i586 my $path = ""; # build path, which contails packages git content my $style = "git"; # code style, git (default) or osc my $clean = 0; # clean build root for building if $clean == 1 my $binarylist = ""; # packages binay list to be built my $binary_from_file = ""; # file contains binary rpms to be built my $commit = "HEAD"; # store the commit_ID used to be built my $spec_commit = ""; # store the commit_ID used for get spec files my $includeall = 0; # build all content of including uncommitted and # untracked files my $upstream_branch = ""; # upstream branch name my $upstream_tag = ""; # upstream tag name used for generate tar ball my $fallback_to_native = 0; # fallback to native packaging mode if export fails my $squash_patches_until = ""; # Commit_ID used for generate one patch my $no_patch_export = 0; # don't generate patches if it's 1 my $packaging_dir = "packaging";# packaging dir my $dist = "tizen"; # distribution name my $rdeps_build = 0; # build all packages depend on specified packages my $deps_build = 0; # build all packages specified packaged depend on my $dryrun = 0; # just show build order and don't build actually my $help = 0; # show help information my $keepgoing = "on"; # If a package build fails, do not abort and continue my $fail_fast = 0; # stop build immediately if one of packages fails my $clean_repos = 0; # clean corresponding local rpm repos my $create_baselibs = 0; # create baselibs packages if baselibs.conf exists my $skip_srcrpm = 0; # don't generate source rpm package if $skip_srcrpm == 1 my $virtualenv = "$ENV{'VIRTUAL_ENV'}"; # virtual env dir, default is '/' my $build_root = $ENV{TIZEN_BUILD_ROOT}; # depanneur output dir $build_root = expand_filename($build_root);# expand ~/, ~ etc. my $localrepo = "$build_root/local/repos"; # generated local repo dir my $order_dir = "$build_root/local/order"; # intermediate repo data file, which # contains all information, including # dependency,provides,filepath my $cache_dir = "$build_root/local/cache"; # cache binary rpms downloaded from remote repos my $groupfile="$build_root/meta/group.xml";# group information for yum my $patternfile="$build_root/meta/patterns.xml"; # group information for zypp my $build_dir = canonpath("$virtualenv/usr/lib/build"); # build script directory $ENV{'BUILD_DIR'} = $build_dir; # must change env variable in main thread my $config_filename = "$build_root/meta/local.yaml"; my $dist_configs = "$build_root/meta/dist"; # dist confs dir, will change later my $exclude_from_file = "$build_root/meta/exclude"; # default exclude file my $cleanonce = 0; # only clean the same build root for the first time my $debug = 0; # enable debug feature my $incremental = 0; # do incremental build my $run_configure = 0; # run %configure in spec files my $overwrite = 0; # rebuilt packages if it's already built out my $MAX_THREADS = 1; # max threads depanneur creates my $extra_packs = ""; # extra packages which should install to build root my $ccache = 0; # use ccache to speed up building my $icecream = 0; # use icecream to specify the number of parallel processes my $noinit = 0; # don't check build root, just go into it and building my $keep_packs = 0; # don't remove useless rpm packages from build root my $thread_export = 0; # use thread when gbs export source code my $use_higher_deps = 0; # which repo provides higher version deps, use it my @defines; # define extra macros for 'rpmbuild' my $arg_spec = ""; # spec file to be built this time my $start_time = ""; # build start time my $gbs_version = ""; # show gbs version info in final report my @tofind = (); # for resolve final build binary list my @pre_packs = (); # temp packages data, item structure : # {project_base_path: # filepath: spec file path } my %to_build = (); # for all packages should be built this time my %repo = (); # store all packages dependency in memory my %pkgdeps = (); # direct and indirect dependency dict my %pkgddeps = (); # direct dependency dict my %pkgrdeps = (); # expanded reversed dependency dict my %pkgrddeps = (); # direct reversed dependency dict my %source_cache = (); # package_path:commit_ID = > export_dir my %rpmpaths = (); # dict to store map from pkg name to rpm paths in local repo my %srpmpaths = (); # dict to store map from pkg name to srpm paths in local repo my %visit = (); # visit dict for resolving circles my @running :shared = (); # threads shared, store all running workers my @done :shared = (); # threads shared, store all packages already build done my @skipped = (); # store packages skipped my @cleaned : shared = ();# affect on --clean-once specified, store cleaned threads my %errors :shared; # threads shared, store packages build error my %succeeded :shared; # threads shared, store packages build succeeded my %expansion_errors = ();# dict structure of packages with expansion dependency error my @export_errors; # list store packages with export error my %tmp_expansion_errors = (); my $packages_built :shared = 0; # if there's package build succeeded my %build_status_json = (); # final json report data my %workers = (); # build workers: { 'state' => 'idle'|'busy' , 'tid' => undef|$tid }; my @build_order = (); #The build order for all packages my $get_order = 0; #Bool : @build_order is empty my $not_export_cf = "/usr/share/depanneur/not-export"; my @not_export = (); my $vmtype = ""; my $vmmemory = ""; my $vmdisksize = ""; my $vmdiskfilesystem = ""; my $vminitrd = ""; my $vmkernel = ""; my $vmswapsize = ""; GetOptions ( "repository=s" => \@repos, "arch=s" => \$arch, "dist=s" => \$dist, "configdir=s" => \$dist_configs, "clean" => \$clean, "clean-once" => \$cleanonce, "exclude=s" => \@exclude, "exclude-from-file=s" => \$exclude_from_file, "commit=s" => \$commit, "spec-commit=s" => \$spec_commit, "include-all" => \$includeall, "upstream-branch=s" => \$upstream_branch, "upstream-tag=s" => \$upstream_tag, "fallback-to-native" => \$fallback_to_native, "squash-patches-until=s" => \$squash_patches_until, "no-patch-export" => \$no_patch_export, "packaging-dir=s" => \$packaging_dir, "binary-list=s" => \$binarylist, "binary-from-file=s" => \$binary_from_file, "style=s" => \$style, "path=s" => \$path, "deps" => \$deps_build, "rdeps" => \$rdeps_build, "dryrun" => \$dryrun, "help|?" => \$help, "keepgoing=s" => \$keepgoing, "fail-fast" => \$fail_fast, "overwrite" => \$overwrite, "debug" => \$debug, "incremental" => \$incremental, "no-configure" => \$run_configure, "threads=s" => \$MAX_THREADS, "extra-packs=s" => \$extra_packs, "ccache" => \$ccache, "icecream=s" => \$icecream, "noinit" => \$noinit, "keep-packs" => \$keep_packs, "thread-export" => \$thread_export, "use-higher-deps" => \$use_higher_deps, "define=s" => \@defines, "spec=s" => \$arg_spec, "clean-repos" => \$clean_repos, "baselibs" => \$create_baselibs, "skip-srcrpm" => \$skip_srcrpm, "vm-type=s" => \$vmtype, "vm-memory=s" => \$vmmemory, "vm-disk=s" => \$vmdisksize, "vm-diskfilesystem=s" => \$vmdiskfilesystem, "vm-initrd=s" => \$vminitrd, "vm-kernel=s" => \$vmkernel, "vm-swap=s" => \$vmswapsize, ); if ( $help ) { print " Depanneur is a package build tool based on the obs-build script. Available options: --arch Build for the specified architecture. --dist Build for the specified distribution. --path Path to git repo tree, default is packages/ sub-directory in the developer environment. --clean clean the build environment before building a package. --clean-once clean the build environment only once when you start building multiple packages, after that use existing environment for all packages. --threads [number of threads] Build packages in parallel. This will start up to the specified number of build jobs when there are more than 1 job in the queue. --overwrite Overwrite existing binaries. --keepgoing If a package build fails, do not abort and continue building other packages in the queue. --fail-fast If one of packages build fails, stop whole build immediately. --incremental Build a package from the local git tree directly. This option does not produce packages now, it is very helpful when debugging build failures and helps with speeding up development. This option options mounts the local tree in the build environment and builds using sources in the git tree, if the build fails, changes can be done directly to the source and build can continue from where it stopped. --no-configure This option disables running configure scripts and auto- generation of auto-tools to make incremental build possible It requires the configure scripts in the spec to be refereneced using the %configure, %reconfigre and %autogen macros. --debug Debug output. "; exit(0); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output debug information when specify --debug # username and password in url will be hidden #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub debug { my $msg = shift; $msg =~ s#://[^@]*@#://#g; print MAGENTA, "debug: ", RESET, "$msg\n" if $debug == 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output common information in green color #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub info { my $msg = shift; print GREEN, "info: ", RESET, "$msg\n"; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output warning information in yellow color #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub warning { my $msg = shift; print YELLOW, "warning: ", RESET, "$msg\n"; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output error information in red color #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub error { my $msg = shift; print RED, "error: ", RESET, "$msg\n"; exit 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Execute a shell command, and return it's retval # and output (only if required) # usage: # - directly call the system command # return Zero or Non-Zero # - in array context # return Zero or Non-Zero and command output content #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub my_system { my $cmd = shift; debug("my_system: $cmd"); my $ret; my $pid; my @out = (); if (wantarray) { defined($pid=open(PIPE, "-|")) or die "Can not fork: $!\n"; } else { defined($pid=fork) or die "Can not fork: $!\n"; } unless ($pid) { # Child open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); exec ($cmd); exit -1; } else { # Parent if (wantarray) { while (my $line = ) { print $line; push @out, $line; } } waitpid ($pid,0); $ret = $?; close(PIPE) if wantarray; return wantarray ? ($ret, @out): $ret; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # expand file path contain ~ like: # ~/abc/d ==> /home/xxx/abc/d # ~test/abc/d ==> /home/test/abc/d #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub expand_filename { my $path = shift; my $home_dir = sub { my $p = getpw($_[0]) or die "$_[0] is not a valid username\n"; return $p->dir(); }; $path =~ s{^~(?=/|$)}{ $ENV{HOME} ? "$ENV{HOME}" : $home_dir->( $< ) }e or $path =~ s{^~(.+?)(?=/|$)}{ $home_dir->( $1 ) }e; return $path; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # check whether a archive filename is supported #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub is_archive_filename { my $basename = shift; my @arhive_formats = ('tar', 'zip'); my %archive_ext_aliases = ( 'tgz' => ['tar', 'gzip' ], 'tbz2'=> ['tar', 'bzip2'], 'tlz' => ['tar', 'lzma' ], 'txz' => ['tar', 'xz' ] ); my %compressor_opts = ( 'gzip' => [['-n'], 'gz' ], 'bzip2' => [[], 'bz2' ], 'lzma' => [[], 'lzma'], 'xz' => [[], 'xz' ] ); my @split = split(/\./, $basename); if (scalar(@split) > 1) { if (exists $archive_ext_aliases{$split[-1]}) { return 1; } elsif (grep($_ eq $split[-1], @arhive_formats)) { return 1; } else { foreach my $value (values %compressor_opts) { if ($value->[1] eq $split[-1] && scalar(@split) > 2 && grep($_ eq $split[-2], @arhive_formats)){ return 1; } } } } return 0; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # read packages that not need export for accel #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub read_not_export { my $file = shift; open (CF, "<", $file) or print "Error: open file: $file error!\n $!\n" and return; while () { chomp(); next if (/^s*#/); push @not_export, $_; } close (CF); } if ($incremental == 1 && $style ne 'git') { error("incremental build only support git style packages"); } if ($style ne 'git' && $style ne 'obs') { error("style should be 'git' or 'obs'"); } my @package_repos = (); my $Config; if (-e $config_filename) { $Config = LoadFile($config_filename); if (!$Config) { error("Error while parsing $config_filename"); } } if (@repos) { @package_repos = @repos; } else { if ($Config){ foreach my $r (@{$Config->{Repositories}}) { my $uri = URI->new($r->{Url}); if ( $r->{Password} && $r->{Username} ) { $uri->userinfo($r->{Username} . ":" . $r->{Password}); } if ($uri->scheme ne "file") { push(@package_repos, $uri); } } } } my $scratch_dir = "$build_root/local/BUILD-ROOTS/scratch.$arch"; # don't check and re-initialize build roots, and run rpmbuild directly if ($noinit == 1) { # check previours dist config from build root my $scratch = "$scratch_dir.0"; # always use the first build root '0' if (! -e "$scratch") { error("build root:$scratch does not exist. Please build without --noinit first"); } open(my $file, '<', "$scratch/.guessed_dist") || die "read dist name failed: $!"; $dist = readline($file); close($file); chomp $dist; # get dist info e.g. # /var/tmp/usr-gbs/tizen3.0_ivi.conf $dist =~ s!^.*/(.*)\.conf!$1!; $dist_configs= "$scratch"; if (! -e "$dist_configs/$dist.conf") { error("build root broken caused by missing build conf. Please build without --noinit first"); } } my $pkg_path = "$build_root/local/sources/$dist"; my $cache_path = "$build_root/local/sources/$dist/cache"; my $success_logs_path = "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/logs/success"; my $fail_logs_path = "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/logs/fail"; my $rpm_repo_path = "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/RPMS"; my $srpm_repo_path = "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/SRPMS"; sub mkdir_p { my $path = shift; my $err_msg; # attempt a 'mkdir -p' on the provided path and catch any errors returned my $mkdir_out = File::Path::make_path( $path, { error => \my $err } ); # catch and return the error if there was one if (@$err) { for my $diag (@$err) { my ( $file, $message ) = %$diag; $err_msg .= $message; } print STDERR "$err_msg"; } } if ( $exclude_from_file ne "" && -e $exclude_from_file ) { debug("using $exclude_from_file for package exclusion"); open my $file, '<', $exclude_from_file or die $!; # one package per line @exclude = <$file>; chomp(@exclude); close($file); } mkdir_p($order_dir); mkdir_p($success_logs_path); mkdir_p($fail_logs_path); mkdir_p($cache_path); mkdir_p($rpm_repo_path); if ($skip_srcrpm == 0){ mkdir_p($srpm_repo_path); } my @packs; my $package_path = ""; # This arch policy comes from sat-solver:src/poolarch.c my %archpolicies = ( "x86_64" => ["x86_64", "i686", "i586", "i486", "i386", "noarch"], "i586" => ["i686", "i586", "i486", "i386", "noarch"], "aarch64" => ["aarch64", "noarch"], "armv7hl" => ["armv7hl", "noarch"], "armv7l" => ["armv7l", "armv7el", "armv6l", "armv5tejl", "armv5tel", "armv5l", "armv4tl", "armv4l", "armv3l", "noarch"], "armv6l" => ["armv6l", "armv5tejl", "armv5tel", "armv5l", "armv4tl", "armv4l", "armv3l", "noarch"], "mips" => ["mips", "noarch"], "mipsel" => ["mipsel", "noarch"], ); error("$arch not support") if (not exists $archpolicies{$arch}); my @archs = @{$archpolicies{$arch}}; my $archpath = join(":", @archs); # $config contains information of build.conf my $config = Build::read_config_dist($dist, $archpath, $dist_configs); # We're not building inside OBS, set the de-facto "obs macro" accordingly push @{$config->{'macros'}}, "%define opensuse_bs 0"; if ( -d "$packaging_dir" && -d ".git" ) { $package_path = cwd(); } else { if ( $path eq "" ) { $package_path = "$build_root/packages"; } else { $package_path = abs_path($path); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Walk all the directories till find .git exists # and go on back to the topper dir #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub git_wanted { if( -d "$name/.git" ){ fill_packs_from_git("$name/.git"); $prune = 1; } } sub obs_wanted { /^.*\.spec\z/s && fill_packs_from_obs($name); } sub fill_packs_from_obs { my $name = shift; # exclude spec file that in .osc subdirs $name =~ m/\.osc/ || push(@packs, $name); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each pacakge dir with .git exist, find the spec files and # its' git basedir, detail Workflow as follow: # - check package if in exclude package list # - get the real packaging dir if it's a symbol link # - collect all spec files to @pre_packs #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub fill_packs_from_git { my $name = shift; my $base = dirname($name); my $prj = basename($base); if ( (grep $_ eq $prj, @exclude) ) { return; } debug("working on $base"); if ($includeall == 0 || $spec_commit ne "") { my (undef, $tmp_file) = tempfile(OPEN => 0); my $__commit = $spec_commit eq "" ? $commit : $spec_commit; if (my_system("cd $base; git show $__commit:$packaging_dir >$tmp_file 2>/dev/null") == 0) { open my $file, '<', $tmp_file or die $!; # the content like: # tree $__commit:$packaging_dir # # xxxxx.spec # if packaging dir is a symbol link # the content like: # realpath/packaging my $first_line = <$file>; if ($first_line =~ /^tree/) { # packaging_dir is not a symbol link while (<$file>) { chomp; next if $_ !~ /\.spec$/; # if build specify --spec next if $arg_spec ne "" && $_ ne $arg_spec; push(@pre_packs, {filename => "$base/$packaging_dir/$_", project_base_path => $base}); } } else { #packaging_dir is a symbol link my (undef, $tmp_symlink_file) = tempfile(OPEN => 0); # git show the real packaging dir if (my_system("cd $base; git show $__commit:$first_line >$tmp_symlink_file 2>/dev/null") == 0) { open my $symlink_file, '<', $tmp_symlink_file or die $!; while (<$symlink_file>) { chomp; next if $_ !~ /\.spec$/; next if $arg_spec ne "" && $_ ne $arg_spec; push(@pre_packs, {filename => "$base/$first_line/$_", project_base_path => $base}); } close($symlink_file); unlink $tmp_symlink_file; } } close($file); unlink $tmp_file; } } else { # specify --include-all use current packaging dir not from git my $pattern = "$base/$packaging_dir/*.spec"; $pattern = "$base/$packaging_dir/$arg_spec" if $arg_spec ne ""; my @spec_list = glob($pattern); foreach my $spec (@spec_list) { push(@pre_packs, {filename => "$spec", project_base_path => $base}); } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Call gbs export #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gbs_export { my ($base, $spec) = @_; my @args = (); my $cmd; push @args, "gbs"; push @args, "--debug" if ($debug); push @args, "export"; push @args, "$base"; push @args, "-o $pkg_path"; push @args, "--spec $spec"; if ($includeall == 1) { push @args, "--include-all"; } else { push @args, "--commit=$commit"; } if (! $upstream_branch eq "") { push @args, "--upstream-branch=$upstream_branch"; } if (! $upstream_tag eq "") { push @args, "--upstream-tag=$upstream_tag"; } if ($fallback_to_native == 1) { push @args, "--fallback-to-native"; } if (! $squash_patches_until eq "") { push @args, "--squash-patches-until=$squash_patches_until"; } if (! $packaging_dir eq "") { push @args, "--packaging-dir=$packaging_dir"; } if ($no_patch_export == 1) { push @args, "--no-patch-export"; } # print only error messages cause info message appear confused when to use thread if ($thread_export == 1){ push @args, " 2>&1 | grep -v warning | grep -v Creating"; } $cmd = join(" ", @args); return my_system($cmd); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the package has been exported before, gbs # would save the commit id in a cache key file # like: # cat ~/GBS-ROOT/local/sources/tizen/cache/fake-1.0-1 # e52e517ea1ea56ea35c865fb474c6bf1076652fa # So we need it to compare with current one to # skip export #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub read_cache { my ($cache_key) = @_; my $cache_fname = "$cache_path/$cache_key"; my $cache = ''; if (-e $cache_fname) { open(my $rev, '<', $cache_fname) || die "read reversion cache($cache_fname) failed: $!"; $cache = readline($rev); close($rev); chomp $cache; } return $cache; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # After gbs export, save the commit id to cache # No return value #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_cache { my ($cache_key, $cache_val, $base, $spec) = @_; my $cache_fname = "$cache_path/$cache_key"; my @export_out = gbs_export($base, $spec); if (shift @export_out) { # if export failed, collect export error to report push(@export_errors, {package_name => $cache_key, package_path => $base, error_info => \@export_out}); return; } my $src_rpm = "$srpm_repo_path/$cache_key.src.rpm"; if (-f $src_rpm) { # Remove old source rpm packages to build again, or depanneur # will skip packages with src.rpm exists my_system("rm -f $src_rpm"); } open(my $rev1, "+>", $cache_fname) || die "write reversion cache($cache_fname) failed: $!"; print $rev1 $cache_val . "\n"; close($rev1); 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove the cache_key file #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub clean_cache { my ($cache_key) = @_; my $cache_fname = "$cache_path/$cache_key"; unlink $cache_fname; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check the commit_id whether exists #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub query_git_commit_rev { my ($base, $commit_id) = @_; # pipe to read open(my $git, '-|', "git --git-dir $base/.git rev-parse $commit_id") || die "query git commit reversion($commit_id) failed: $!"; my $rev = readline($git); close($git); chomp $rev; return $rev; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Check out spec file from git # - parse spec to get package name, version and release # - export it to $source_cache dir # - store pacakge infor to @packs #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub prepare_git { my $config = shift; my $base = shift; my $spec = shift; my $packs_queue = shift; my $spec_file = basename($spec); if ($includeall == 0 || $spec_commit ne "") { # create temp directory and clean it autoly my $tmp_dir = abs_path(tempdir(CLEANUP=>1)); my $tmp_spec = "$tmp_dir/$spec_file"; my $without_base; # \Q and \E to keep the raw string not be escaped $spec =~ s!\Q$base/\E!!; $without_base = $spec; if (my_system("cd $base; git show $spec_commit:$without_base >$tmp_spec 2>/dev/null") != 0) { warning("failed to checkout spec file from commit: $spec_commit:$without_base"); return; } $spec = $tmp_spec; } # parser the spec file my $pack = Build::Rpm::parse($config, $spec); if (! exists $pack->{name} || ! exists $pack->{version} || ! exists $pack->{release}) { debug("failed to parse spec file: $spec, name,version,release fields must be present"); return; } my $pkg_name = $pack->{name}; my $pkg_version = $pack->{version}; my $pkg_release = $pack->{release}; my $cache_key = "$pkg_name-$pkg_version-$pkg_release"; my $cached_rev = read_cache($cache_key); my $skip = 0; my $current_rev = ''; if (! -e "$base/.git") { warning("not a git repo: $base/.git!!"); return; } else { # check $commit whether exist $current_rev = query_git_commit_rev($base, $commit); # check cache and judge whether need export $skip = ($cached_rev eq $current_rev) && (-e "$pkg_path/$cache_key/$spec_file"); $source_cache{"$base:$cached_rev"} = "$pkg_path/$cache_key" if ($skip); } # if package is not skipped or specify --incude-all if (!$skip || $includeall == 1) { # Set cache_rev as 'include-all' if --include-all specified my $val = ($includeall == 1) ? "include-all" : $current_rev; info("start export source from: $base ..."); if ($includeall != 1 && exists $source_cache{"$base:$current_rev"}) { my $exported_key = basename($source_cache{"$base:$current_rev"}); # if one package have multiple spec files # No need to export, just copy one my_system("cp -r $pkg_path/$exported_key $pkg_path/$cache_key"); my_system("cp -f $pkg_path/cache/$exported_key $pkg_path/cache/$cache_key"); } else { # if it's failed to write cache unless (write_cache($cache_key, $val, $base, $spec_file)) { clean_cache($cache_key); debug("$pkg_name was not exported correctly"); return; } } $source_cache{"$base:$current_rev"} = "$pkg_path/$cache_key"; } # check whether it's really successful to export if ( -e "$pkg_path/$cache_key/$spec_file" ){ # prepare to build the packages had been exported $packs_queue->enqueue({ filename => "$pkg_path/$cache_key/$spec_file", project_base_path => $base, }); }else{ warning("spec file $spec_file has not been exported to $pkg_path/$cache_key/ correctly,". " please check if there're special macros in Name/Version/Release fields"); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse all package spec file to get detail of # packages meta info, including: # name => $name, # version => $version, # release => $release, # deps => @buildrequires, # subpacks => @subpacks, # filename => $spec, #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_packs { my ($config, @packs) = @_; my %packs = (); foreach my $spec_ref (@packs) { my $spec; my $base; if (ref($spec_ref) eq "HASH") { # project_base_path set in sub prepare_git() $spec = $spec_ref->{filename}; $base = $spec_ref->{project_base_path}; } else { $spec = $spec_ref; } my $pack = Build::Rpm::parse($config, $spec); # check arch whether be supported in spec file if ( ( $pack->{'exclarch'} ) && ( ! grep $_ eq $archs[0], @{$pack->{'exclarch'}} ) ) { warning($pack->{name} . ": build arch not compatible: " . join(" ", @{$pack->{'exclarch'}})); next; } if ( ( $pack->{'badarch'} ) && ( grep $_ eq $archs[0], @{$pack->{'badarch'}} ) ) { warning($pack->{name} . ": build arch not compatible: " . join(" ", @{$pack->{'badarch'}})); next; } my $name = $pack->{name}; my $version = $pack->{version}; my $release = $pack->{release}; my @buildrequires = $pack->{deps}; my @subpacks = $pack->{subpacks}; my @sources = (); #pick up source tag from spec file for my $src (keys %{$pack}) { next if $src !~ /source/; next if (is_archive_filename($pack->{$src}) == 0); push @sources, $src; } #sort sourcexxx tag my @sorted = sort { my $l = ($a =~ /source(\d*)/)[0]; $l = -1 if ($l eq ""); my $r = ($b =~ /source(\d*)/)[0]; $r = -1 if ($r eq ""); int($l) <=> int($r); } @sources; if ( (grep $_ eq $name, @exclude) ) { next; } $packs{$name} = { name => $name, version => $version, release => $release, deps => @buildrequires, subpacks => @subpacks, filename => $spec, }; if (@sorted) { #pick up the smallest source tag such as source0 $packs{$name}->{source} = basename($pack->{shift @sorted}); } if ($base) { $packs{$name}{project_base_path} = $base; } } return %packs; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Re-read .repo.cache and update information of # every package such as requires, provides etc. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub refresh_repo { my $rpmdeps = "$order_dir/.repo.cache"; # %fn name => package.rpm # %prov name => provides # %req name => requires my (%fn, %prov, %req); my %exportfilters = %{$config->{'exportfilter'}}; my %packs; # package id my %ids; my %packs_arch; my %packs_done; open(my $fh, '<', $rpmdeps) || die("$rpmdeps: $!\n"); # WARNING: the following code assumes that the 'I' tag comes last # .repo.cache like: # F:acl.i586-1373460453/1373460459/0: http://.../packages/i586/acl-2.2.49-2.1.i586.rpm # P:acl.i586-1373460453/1373460459/0: acl = 2.2.49-2.1 acl(x86-32) = 2.2.49-2.1 # R:acl.i586-1373460453/1373460459/0: libattr.so.1 libacl.so.1 libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) # I:acl.i586-1373460453/1373460459/0: acl-2.2.49-2.1 1373460453 my ($pkgF, $pkgP, $pkgR); while(<$fh>) { chomp; if (/^F:(.*?)-\d+\/\d+\/\d+: (.*)$/) { my $pkgname = basename($2); $pkgF = $2; next if $fn{$1}; $fn{$1} = $2; my $pack = $1; # get arch $pack =~ /^(.*)\.([^\.]+)$/ or die; push @{$packs_arch{$2}}, $1; my $basename = $1; my $arch = $2; for(keys %exportfilters) { next if ($pkgname !~ /$_/); for (@{$exportfilters{$_}}) { my $target_arch = $_; next if ($target_arch eq "."); next if (! grep ($_ eq $target_arch, @archs)); $packs{$basename} = "$basename.$arch" } } } elsif (/^P:(.*?)-\d+\/\d+\/\d+: (.*)$/) { # get package name and its provides $pkgP = $2; next if $prov{$1}; $prov{$1} = $2; } elsif (/^R:(.*?)-\d+\/\d+\/\d+: (.*)$/) { # get package name and its requires $pkgR = $2; next if $req{$1}; $req{$1} = $2; } elsif (/^I:(.*?)-\d+\/\d+\/\d+: (.*)$/) { my $r = 0; if ($use_higher_deps == 1) { $r = 1; } else { if ($packs_done{$1}) { $r = 0; } else { $r = 1; } } if ($ids{$1} && ($r == 1) && defined($pkgF) && defined($pkgP) && defined($pkgR)) { my $i = $1; my $oldid = $ids{$1}; my $newid = $2; #update package info with the high version one if (Build::Rpm::verscmp($oldid, $newid) < 0) { $ids{$i} = $newid; $fn{$i} = $pkgF; $prov{$i} = $pkgP; $req{$i} = $pkgR; } } else { next if $ids{$1}; $ids{$1} = $2; } undef $pkgF; undef $pkgP; undef $pkgR; } elsif ($_ eq 'D:') { %packs_done = %ids; } } close $fh; for my $arch (@archs) { $packs{$_} ||= "$_.$arch" for @{$packs_arch{$arch} || []}; } my $dofileprovides = %{$config->{'fileprovides'}}; #get provides list and requres list of every packages for my $pack (keys %packs) { my $r = {}; my (@s, $s, @pr, @re); @s = split(' ', $prov{$packs{$pack}} || ''); while (@s) { $s = shift @s; next if !$dofileprovides && $s =~ /^\//; if ($s =~ /^rpmlib\(/) { splice(@s, 0, 2); next; } push @pr, $s; splice(@s, 0, 2) if @s && $s[0] =~ /^[<=>]/; } @s = split(' ', $req{$packs{$pack}} || ''); while (@s) { $s = shift @s; next if !$dofileprovides && $s =~ /^\//; if ($s =~ /^rpmlib\(/) { splice(@s, 0, 2); next; } push @re, $s; splice(@s, 0, 2) if @s && $s[0] =~ /^[<=>]/; } $r->{'provides'} = \@pr; $r->{'requires'} = \@re; $repo{$pack} = $r; } Build::readdeps($config, undef, \%repo); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # add depend packages of sub-package and pre-requres # to the whole package-depends #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub expand_deps { my $spec = shift; my ($packname, $packvers, $subpacks, @packdeps); $subpacks = []; if ($spec) { my $d; if ($spec =~ /\.kiwi$/) { # just set up kiwi root for now $d = { 'deps' => [ 'kiwi', 'zypper', 'createrepo', 'squashfs' ], 'subpacks' => [], }; } else { $d = Build::parse($config, $spec); } $packname = $d->{'name'}; $packvers = $d->{'version'}; $subpacks = $d->{'subpacks'}; @packdeps = @{$d->{'deps'} || []}; if ($d->{'prereqs'}) { my %deps = map {$_ => 1} (@packdeps, @{$d->{'subpacks'} || []}); push @packdeps, grep {!$deps{$_} && !/^%/} @{$d->{'prereqs'}}; } } ####################################################################### my @extradeps = (); if ($vmtype eq "kvm") { push @packdeps, @{$config->{'vminstall'}}; } my @bdeps = Build::get_build($config, $subpacks, @packdeps, @extradeps); return @bdeps; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # get direct dependencies of specified package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_deps { my $spec = shift; my @bdeps = (); my @ndeps = (); my @deps = (); my $d = Build::parse($config, $spec); @deps = @{$d->{'deps'} || []}; @ndeps = grep {/^-/} @deps; my %ndeps = map {$_ => 1} @ndeps; @deps = grep {!$ndeps{$_}} @deps; if ($d->{'prereqs'}) { my %deps = map {$_ => 1} (@deps, @{$d->{'subpacks'} || []}); push @deps, grep {!$deps{$_} && !/^%/} @{$d->{'prereqs'}}; } # TBD: Do we need enable this # push @deps, @{$config->{'required'}}; @deps = Build::do_subst($config, @deps); # remove express of version require @deps = map {s/\s*[<=>]+.*$//s; $_} @deps; foreach my $pack (@deps) { next if !defined($pack); my $pkg; my $found = 0; foreach my $pkg (keys %repo) { my @prov = @{$repo{$pkg}->{'provides'}}; if (grep $_ eq $pack, @prov ){ push (@bdeps, $pkg); last; } } } return @bdeps; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # execute createrepo to create local repo #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub createrepo { my $arch = shift; my $dist = shift; my $extra_opts = "--changelog-limit=0 -q"; if ($skip_srcrpm == 0){ my_system("touch $srpm_repo_path"); } my_system("touch $rpm_repo_path"); # if local repo has been created, run createrepo with --update $extra_opts = $extra_opts . " --update " if ( -e "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/repodata" ); $extra_opts = $extra_opts . " --groupfile=$groupfile " if ( -e "$groupfile"); my_system ("createrepo $extra_opts $localrepo/$dist/$arch > /dev/null 2>&1 ") == 0 or die "createrepo failed: $?\n"; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # check state of every thread in thread pool # and return a idle one to use #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub find_idle { my $idle = -1; foreach my $w (sort keys %workers) { my $tid = $workers{$w}->{tid}; my $state = $workers{$w}->{state}; # check the thread id, set it state idle # if it has been finished if (! defined(threads->object($tid))) { set_idle($w); $idle = $w; last; } } # find a idle one to return pool id foreach my $w (sort keys %workers) { if ( $workers{$w}->{state} eq 'idle' ) { $idle = $w; last; } } return $idle; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # set state of its thread in pool busy #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub set_busy { my $worker = shift; my $thread = shift; $workers{$worker} = { 'state' => 'busy', 'tid' => $thread }; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # set state of its thread in pool idle #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub set_idle { my $worker = shift; $workers{$worker} = { 'state' => 'idle' , 'tid' => undef}; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # find which package does this sub-package belong to #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub source_of { my ($sub, %packs) = @_; foreach my $x (keys %packs) { my @sp = @{$packs{$x}->{subpacks}}; if (grep $_ eq $sub, @sp ) { return $x; } } return; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # find the dependent circle in current stack #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub find_circle { my (@stack) = @_; my $curpkg = $stack[$#stack]; my @deps = @{$pkgddeps{$curpkg}}; my $dep; foreach my $dep (@deps) { # flag the visited package if ($visit{$dep} == 1 && ! (grep $_ eq $dep, @stack)){ next; } $visit{$dep} = 1; # if the package has been in stack # means circle found if (grep $_ eq $dep, @stack){ my @circle = (); push @circle, $dep; while (@stack) { my $cur = pop @stack; unshift @circle, $cur; last if ($cur eq $dep); } warning ("circle found: " . join("->", @circle)); return 1; } else { push (@stack, $dep); return 1 if (find_circle(@stack) == 1); # if not find circle means # this depend package can't # lead to a circle check # next one pop @stack; } } return 0; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # check circle whether exists according to # current %pkgddeps #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_circle { my $pkg; my $reset_visit = sub { for my $pkg (keys %pkgddeps) { $visit{$pkg} = 0; } }; for $pkg (keys %pkgddeps) { my @visit_stack; &$reset_visit(); push (@visit_stack, $pkg); $visit{$pkg} = 1; if (find_circle(@visit_stack) == 1) { return 1; } } return 0; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #Get one package's dependence #Eg: A->B->C->(D H) #if we get_ddeps_list(A) ,will get @{D H C B} #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_ddeps_list { my $pack = shift; my @list = (); if (! defined($pkgddeps{$pack}) || scalar $pkgddeps{$pack} == 0 ) { return @list; } for my $name (@{ $pkgddeps{$pack} }) { push @list, get_ddeps_list($name); push @list, $name; } return @list; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate topological sort sequence from global %pkgddeps #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_top_order { my @top_order = (); my %ref = (); my $max = 0; for my $pack (sort keys %pkgddeps) { $ref{$pack} = 0; } for my $pack (sort keys %pkgddeps) { next if (! defined($pkgddeps{$pack})); for (@{$pkgddeps{$pack} }) { $ref{$_} += 1; } } for my $pkg (sort keys %ref) { if ($max < ($ref{$pkg})) { $max = ($ref{$pkg}); } } while (@top_order != scalar (keys %pkgddeps)) { for my $pkg (sort keys %ref) { if ($ref{$pkg} == $max) { push @top_order, $pkg; delete $ref{$pkg}; } else { $ref{$pkg} += 1; } } } my @final_order = (); for my $name (@top_order) { next if (! defined($pkgddeps{$name})); next if ( grep $_ eq $name, @final_order) ; my @cnt = @{$pkgddeps{$name} }; if (scalar(@cnt) == 0) { push @final_order, $name; } else { for my $list_pk (@cnt){ next if ( grep $_ eq $list_pk, @final_order); my @tmp_order = get_ddeps_list($list_pk); for my $pk (@tmp_order) { if (! grep $_ eq $pk, @final_order) { push @final_order, $pk; } } push @final_order, $list_pk; } push @final_order, $name; } } return @final_order; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # update dependencies of every packages not build yet #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_pkgdeps { %tmp_expansion_errors = (); foreach my $name (keys %to_build) { #skip package which has been processed if( (grep $_ eq $name, @done) || (grep $_ eq $name, @skipped) || (grep $_ eq $name, @running)) { next; } if(! (grep $_ eq $name, @skipped)) { my $fn = $to_build{$name}->{filename}; debug("Checking dependencies for $name"); my @bdeps = expand_deps($fn); if (!shift @bdeps ) { #first value means if package has #expansion error and ignore it #in this build loop debug("expansion error"); debug(" $_") for @bdeps; $tmp_expansion_errors{$name} = [@bdeps]; next; } my @deps; foreach my $depp (@bdeps) { my $so = source_of($depp, %to_build); if (defined($so) && $name ne $so && (! grep($_ eq $so, @skipped)) && (! grep($_ eq $so, @deps))) { push (@deps, $so); } } $pkgdeps{$name} = [@deps]; } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # update direct dependencies of every package # and its dependencies and rdependencies #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_pkgddeps { %pkgddeps = (); foreach my $name (keys %to_build) { if(! (grep $_ eq $name, @skipped) && ! (grep $_ eq $name, @done)) { my $fn = $to_build{$name}->{filename}; my @bdeps = get_deps($fn); my @deps; foreach my $depp (@bdeps) { my $so = source_of($depp, %to_build); if (defined($so) && $name ne $so && (! grep($_ eq $so, @skipped)) && (! grep($_ eq $so, @done)) && (! grep($_ eq $so, @deps))) { push (@deps, $so); } } # direct dependencies $pkgddeps{$name} = [@deps] } } for my $pack (sort keys %pkgddeps) { $pkgrddeps{$pack} = []; } for my $pack (sort keys %pkgddeps) { next if (! defined($pkgddeps{$pack})); for (@{$pkgddeps{$pack} }) { #direct rdependencies push @{$pkgrddeps{$_}}, $pack; } } if (check_circle() == 1) { info("circle found, exit..."); exit 1; } # Expand dependency using direct dependency dict # pkgddeps => pkgdeps # pkgrddeps => pkgrdeps my @top_order = get_top_order(); if ($get_order == 0) { @build_order = @top_order; $get_order = 1; } %pkgdeps = (); %pkgrdeps = (); for my $pkg (keys %pkgddeps) { $pkgdeps{$pkg} = [@{$pkgddeps{$pkg}}] } for my $pkg (keys %pkgrddeps) { $pkgrdeps{$pkg} = [@{$pkgrddeps{$pkg}}] } for my $pkg (@top_order) { next if (! defined($pkgddeps{$pkg})); for (@{$pkgddeps{$pkg}}) { #rdependencies push @{$pkgrdeps{$_}}, @{$pkgrdeps{$pkg}}; my %uniq_deps = map {$_,1} @{$pkgrdeps{$_}}; $pkgrdeps{$_} = [keys(%uniq_deps)]; } } for my $pkg (reverse @top_order) { next if (! defined($pkgrddeps{$pkg})); for (@{$pkgrddeps{$pkg}}) { #dependencies push @{$pkgdeps{$_}}, @{$pkgdeps{$pkg}}; my %uniq_deps = map {$_,1} @{$pkgdeps{$_}}; $pkgdeps{$_} = [keys(%uniq_deps)]; } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # update tmp_expansion_errors when any of packages have been built #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_expansion_errors { my %new_expansion_errors = (); foreach my $name (%tmp_expansion_errors) { next if(! defined($to_build{$name}) ); my $fn = $to_build{$name}->{filename}; my @bdeps = expand_deps($fn); if (!shift @bdeps ) { $new_expansion_errors{$name} = [@bdeps]; } } %tmp_expansion_errors = %new_expansion_errors; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure out its dependencies and rdependencies # of a specified package, all of them will be build # @pkglist: package list need to be resolve # $deps : resolve packages that specified packages depend on # $rdeps : resolve packages which depend on specified packages # %packs : all packages info:[spec_file, project_base_path] #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub resolve_deps { my ($pkglist, $deps, $rdeps, %packs) = @_; my @tobuild = @{$pkglist}; my @alldeps = (); my @final = (); if ($deps == 1){ foreach my $b (@tobuild) { next if (! exists $pkgdeps{$b}); push @alldeps, @{$pkgdeps{$b}}; } } if ($rdeps == 1){ foreach my $b (@tobuild) { next if (! exists $pkgrdeps{$b}); push @alldeps, @{$pkgrdeps{$b}}; } } my %hash = map { $_, 1 } @alldeps; push @tobuild, (keys %hash); debug("packages to be built: " . join(",", @tobuild)); foreach my $name (@tobuild) { my $fn = $packs{$name}->{filename}; if (exists $packs{$name}{project_base_path}) { push(@final, { filename => $fn, project_base_path => $packs{$name}{project_base_path}, }); } else { push(@final, $fn); } } return @final; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reslove out the skipped packages list # Input: %to_built dict data # Output: filled skipped list #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub resolve_skipped_packages() { info("resolving skipped packages ..."); foreach my $name (keys %to_build) { my $fn = $to_build{$name}->{filename}; my $version = $to_build{$name}->{version}; my $release = $to_build{$name}->{release}; my $src_rpm = "$srpm_repo_path/$name-$version-$release.src.rpm"; if (-f $src_rpm) { if ($overwrite) { info("*** overwriting $name-$version-$release $arch ***"); } else { info("skipping $name-$version-$release $arch "); push(@skipped, $name); } } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get source base name #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_source_base_name { my $source_name = shift; my $base_name = $source_name; my @arhive_formats = ('tar', 'zip'); my %archive_ext_aliases = ( 'tgz' => ['tar', 'gzip' ], 'tbz2'=> ['tar', 'bzip2'], 'tlz' => ['tar', 'lzma' ], 'txz' => ['tar', 'xz' ] ); my %compressor_opts = ( 'gzip' => [['-n'], 'gz' ], 'bzip2' => [[], 'bz2' ], 'lzma' => [[], 'lzma'], 'xz' => [[], 'xz' ] ); my @split = split(/\./, $source_name); if (scalar(@split) > 1) { if (exists $archive_ext_aliases{$split[-1]}) { $base_name = join(".", @split[0..scalar(@split)-2]); } elsif (grep($_ eq $split[-1], @arhive_formats)) { $base_name = join(".", @split[0..scalar(@split)-2]); } else { foreach my $value (values %compressor_opts) { if ($value->[1] eq $split[-1]) { $base_name = join(".", @split[0..scalar(@split)-2]); if (scalar(@split) > 2 && grep($_ eq $split[-2], @arhive_formats)) { $base_name = join(".", @split[0..scalar(@split)-3]); } } } } } return $base_name; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # the control func of thread #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub worker_thread { my ($name, $thread, $index) = @_; my $status; eval { # call build process $status = build_package($name, $thread, $index); }; if ($@) { warning("$@"); $status = -1; } { # Update shared vars @runing and @done, so lock these statements lock($DETACHING); my $version = $to_build{$name}->{version}; my $release = $to_build{$name}->{release}; threads->detach() if ! threads->is_detached(); # remove this package from running to done @running = grep { $_ ne "$name"} @running; push(@done, $name); if ($status == 0) { $dirty = 1; } if ($keepgoing eq "off" && $status == 1) { info("build failed, exit..."); $TERM = 1; } } debug("*** build $name exit with status($status), is dirty:$dirty, (worker: $thread) ***"); return $status; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # umount the specified build directory # retry if it failed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub safe_umount { my ($device) = @_; return if (my_system("sudo /bin/umount -l $device") == 0); warning("!!!! umount device $device failed. It may cause files lost in ". "some cases. Please stop the process which is using this device and ". "press any key to umount again !!!!"); <>; if (my_system("sudo /bin/umount -l -f $device") != 0) { warning("!!!! IMPORTANT: umount failed again, please backup your ". "source code and try to umount manually !!!!"); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # check mount list before build #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub mount_source_check { my $build_root = canonpath(shift); my @mount_list; open my $file, '<', "/proc/self/mountinfo" or die $!; while (<$file>) { chomp; next if ($_ !~ /$build_root/); my @mount_info= split(' ', $_); push @mount_list, "$mount_info[3] ==> $mount_info[4]"; } if (@mount_list) { error("there're mounted directories to build root. Please unmount them " . "manually to avoid being deleted unexpectly:\n\t" . join("\n\t", @mount_list)); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # get package info from name of rpm #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_pkg_info { my $package = shift; if ($package =~ /\/([^\/]+)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.(\w+)\.rpm$/) { #name, version, release, arch return ($1, $2, $3, $4); } else { return ; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # remove old rpms in local repo #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_repo_with_rpms { # $1: ref of hash from pkg to path list # $2: list of package full path my ($ref_hash, @pkgs) = @_; foreach my $pkg (@pkgs) { my ($name, $version, $release) = get_pkg_info $pkg; next if $name eq ''; if (exists $ref_hash->{$name}) { foreach (@{$ref_hash->{$name}}) { my_system("rm -rf $_"); } } $ref_hash->{$name} = [$pkg]; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate buid command and run it #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub build_package { my ($name, $thread, $index) = @_; use vars qw(@package_repos); my $version = $to_build{$name}->{version}; my $release = $to_build{$name}->{release}; my $spec_name = basename($to_build{$name}->{filename}); my $pkg_path = "$build_root/local/sources/$dist/$name-$version-$release"; my $srpm_filename = ""; my $not_ex; if ( $style eq "git" && $incremental == 0 ) { $not_ex = grep /^$name$/, @not_export; if ($vmtype eq "kvm") { $not_ex = 0; } if ($not_ex) { $srpm_filename = $to_build{$name}->{filename}; } else { $srpm_filename = "$pkg_path/$spec_name"; } } else { $srpm_filename = $to_build{$name}->{filename}; } my @args = (); my @args_inc = (); if ($TERM == 1) { return -1; } push @args, "sudo /usr/bin/build"; push @args, "--uid $zuid:$zgid"; my $nprocessors = 2; if ($^O eq "linux") { $nprocessors = int(int(sysconf(SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN))/int($MAX_THREADS)); if ($nprocessors < 1) { $nprocessors = 1; } } else { warning("depanneur only support linux platform"); } my $target_arch=`$build_dir/queryconfig target --dist $dist --configdir $dist_configs --archpath $arch`; chomp $target_arch; if ($target_arch eq "") { push @args, "--target $arch"; } else { push @args, "--target $target_arch"; } push @args, "--jobs " . $nprocessors * 2; push @args, "--no-init" if ($noinit == 1); push @args, "--keep-packs" if ($keep_packs == 1); push @args, "--use-higher-deps" if ($use_higher_deps == 1); push @args, "--cachedir $cache_dir"; push @args, "--dist $dist_configs/$dist.conf"; push @args, "--arch $archpath"; push @args, "$srpm_filename"; push @args, "--ccache" if ($ccache); push @args, "--icecream $icecream" if ($icecream); push @args, "--baselibs" if ($create_baselibs); if (! $extra_packs eq "") { my $packs = join(' ', split(',', $extra_packs)); push @args, "--extra-packs=\"$packs\""; } # Rebuild the package. my $count = scalar(keys %to_build) - scalar (@skipped); info("*** [$index/$count] building $name-$version-$release $arch $dist (worker: $thread) ***"); if ( -d "$rpm_repo_path" ) { push @args, "--repository $rpm_repo_path"; } foreach my $r (@package_repos) { push @args, "--repository $r"; } if ( ($clean || $cleanonce ) && ( ! grep $_ == $thread, @cleaned) ) { push @args, "--clean"; if ($cleanonce) { push(@cleaned, $thread); } } my $scratch = "$scratch_dir.$thread"; my $logpath= "$scratch/.build.log"; if ($vmtype eq "kvm") { push @args, "--kvm"; my $tmpdir_log = "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/logs/$name/"; mkdir "$tmpdir_log", 0755; $logpath = "$tmpdir_log/.build.log"; push @args, "--logfile $logpath"; } if ($vmmemory ne "") { push @args, "--vm-memory=$vmmemory"; } if ($vmswapsize ne "") { push @args, "--vm-swap-size=$vmswapsize"; } if ($vmdisksize ne "") { push @args, "--vm-disk-size=$vmdisksize"; } if ($vmdiskfilesystem ne "") { push @args, "--vm-disk-filesystem=$vmdiskfilesystem"; } if ($vminitrd ne "") { push @args, "--vm-initrd=$vminitrd"; } if ($vmkernel ne "") { push @args, "--vm-kernel=$vmkernel"; } my $redirect = ""; if ($MAX_THREADS > 1 ) { $redirect = "> /dev/null 2>&1"; } push @args, "--debug"; push @args, "--root $scratch"; if ($noinit == 1 && -e "$scratch/not-ready") { error("build root is not ready , --noinit is not allowed"); } push @args, "--clean" if (-e "$scratch/not-ready"); push @args, $redirect; for my $define (@defines) { push @args, "--define '$define'"; } my $cmd = ""; my $builddir; if ($not_ex) { my $base_source = get_source_base_name($to_build{$name}->{source}); $builddir = "$scratch/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/$base_source"; } else { $builddir = "$scratch/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/$name-$version"; } my $source_tar = ""; if (exists $to_build{$name}->{source}) { $source_tar = "$to_build{$name}->{project_base_path}/$packaging_dir/$to_build{$name}->{source}"; } if ($incremental == 1) { info("doing incremental build"); @args_inc = @args; my $buildcmd = ""; if ( ! -d "$builddir" || grep($_ eq "--clean", @args_inc)){ debug("Build directory does not exist"); push @args_inc, "--no-build"; push @args_inc, "--clean" if (! grep($_ eq "--clean", @args_inc)); $cmd = join(" ", @args_inc); return -1 if (my_system($cmd) != 0); } else { debug("build directory exists"); } # More incremental options if ($run_configure == 1 ) { push @args, "--define '%configure echo'"; push @args, "--define '%reconfigure echo'"; push @args, "--define '%autogen echo'"; } push @args, "--root $scratch"; push @args, "--no-topdir-cleanup"; push @args, "--no-init"; @args = grep { $_ ne "--clean"} @args; push @args, "--short-circuit --stage=\"-bs\""; my $project_base_path = $to_build{$name}->{project_base_path}; if (! -e "$builddir") { my_system("sudo /bin/mkdir -p $builddir"); } my $mount = "sudo /bin/mount -o bind $project_base_path $builddir"; my_system($mount); my $tmp_dir = abs_path(tempdir(CLEANUP=>1)); my_system("tar -zcf $source_tar $tmp_dir") if ($source_tar ne ""); } if ($not_ex) { if ( -d "$builddir") { my_system("rm -rf $builddir"); } my $otherdir = "$scratch/home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/"; if ( ! -d "$otherdir") { my_system("sudo /bin/mkdir -p $otherdir"); } my $project_base_path = $to_build{$name}->{project_base_path}; my_system("sudo /bin/mkdir -p $builddir"); my $mount = "sudo /bin/mount -o bind $project_base_path $builddir"; my_system($mount); my $packaing_files = dirname($to_build{$name}->{filename}); my_system("cp -a $packaing_files/* $project_base_path/"); my $tmp_dir = abs_path(tempdir(CLEANUP=>1)); my_system("tar -zcf $source_tar $tmp_dir") if ($source_tar ne ""); push @args, "--short-circuit --stage=\"-bs\""; push @args, "--no-topdir-cleanup"; } else { push @args, "--stage=\"-bb\"" if ($skip_srcrpm == 1); } $cmd = join(" ", @args); debug($cmd); my $ret = my_system ($cmd); if ($incremental == 1) { #FIXME: more safe way needed to remove this fake source tar my_system("rm -f $source_tar") if ($source_tar ne ""); safe_umount($builddir) if ($incremental == 1); } if ($not_ex) { my_system("rm -f $source_tar") if ($source_tar ne ""); safe_umount($builddir) } # Save build config to build root for --noinit use my_system("sudo /bin/cp $dist_configs/$dist.conf $scratch/$dist.conf") if ($noinit == 0); if ($ret == 0) { # Set the real path of RPMS and SRPMS my $rpmdirpath; my $srcrpmdirpath; # Set the real path of RPMS and SRPMS if ($vmtype eq "kvm") { $rpmdirpath = "/.build.packages/RPMS"; $srcrpmdirpath = "/.build.packages/SRPMS"; } else { $rpmdirpath = `sudo chroot $scratch su -c "rpm --eval %{_rpmdir} 2>/dev/null" - abuild`; $srcrpmdirpath = `sudo chroot $scratch su -c "rpm --eval %{_srcrpmdir} 2>/dev/null" - abuild`; } chomp($rpmdirpath); chomp($srcrpmdirpath); mkdir_p "$success_logs_path/$name-$version-$release"; if (-e "$logpath") { my_system ("sudo /bin/mv $logpath $success_logs_path/$name-$version-$release/log.txt"); if ($vmtype eq "kvm") { my $dir_logpath = dirname($logpath); my_system ("/bin/rm -rf $dir_logpath"); } $succeeded{"$name"} = "$success_logs_path/$name-$version-$release/log.txt"; } # Detach and terminate { # Update global local repo, so lock it lock($DETACHING); if (my @srpms = bsd_glob "$scratch/$srcrpmdirpath/*.rpm") { #remove old srpms in local repo #copy the new ones to local repo update_repo_with_rpms(\%srpmpaths, @srpms); if ($skip_srcrpm == 0){ my_system ("sudo /bin/mv $scratch/$srcrpmdirpath/*.rpm $srpm_repo_path"); } } elsif ($skip_srcrpm == 1){ my_system("/bin/rm -rf $srpm_repo_path/*.rpm"); } if (my @rpms = bsd_glob "$scratch/$rpmdirpath/*/*.rpm") { #remove old rpms in local repo #copy the new ones to local repo update_repo_with_rpms (\%rpmpaths, @rpms); my_system ("sudo /bin/mv $scratch/$rpmdirpath/*/*.rpm $rpm_repo_path"); } my_system("$build_dir/createdirdeps $rpm_repo_path > $order_dir/.repo.cache.local "); my_system("echo D: >> $order_dir/.repo.cache.local"); my_system("cat $order_dir/.repo.cache.local $order_dir/.repo.cache.remote >$order_dir/.repo.cache"); } info("finished building $name"); $packages_built = 1; return 0; } else { mkdir_p "$fail_logs_path/$name-$version-$release"; if ( -f "$logpath" ) { # move failed log from build root my_system ("sudo /bin/mv $logpath $fail_logs_path/$name-$version-$release/log.txt"); if ($vmtype eq "kvm") { my $dir_logpath = dirname($logpath); my_system ("/bin/rm -rf $dir_logpath"); } $errors{"$name"} = "$fail_logs_path/$name-$version-$release/log.txt"; warning("build failed, Leaving the logs in $fail_logs_path/$name-$version-$release/log.txt"); } else { $errors{"$name"} = ""; } return 1; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # update local repo after build all packages # and apply group patterns if package-group # in local repo #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_repo { #TODO: cleanup repo # * remove duplicated lower version packages # * others #create repo data if ($packages_built) { info("updating local repo"); createrepo ($arch, $dist); } my @package_group_rpm = glob("$rpm_repo_path/package-groups-[0-9]*.rpm"); my $tmp_dir = abs_path(tempdir(CLEANUP=>1)); if ( @package_group_rpm != 0 and -e $package_group_rpm[0] ) { #unzip package-group binary and find the patterns.xml my_system("cd $tmp_dir; rpm2cpio $package_group_rpm[0] | cpio -di "); ( $patternfile ) = glob("$tmp_dir/*/*/*/patterns.xml"); } if ( -e $patternfile ) { my_system("rm $localrepo/$dist/$arch/repodata/*patterns.xml.gz -f"); my_system("modifyrepo $patternfile $localrepo/$dist/$arch/repodata >/dev/null"); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate html report in local #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub build_html_report { my $template_file = "/usr/share/depanneur/build-report.tmpl"; if (! -e $template_file) { warning("html template $template_file does not exist."); return; } # generate html format report my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new(filename => $template_file); $tmpl->param( build_profile => $build_status_json{"build_profile"}, build_arch => $build_status_json{"build_arch"}, build_start_time => $build_status_json{"build_start_time"}, gbs_version => $build_status_json{"gbs_version"}, ); $tmpl->param($build_status_json{"summary"}); if (@export_errors) { $tmpl->param( have_export_errors => 1, export_details => $build_status_json{"export_details"} ); } if (%expansion_errors) { $tmpl->param( have_expansion_errors => 1, expansion_details => $build_status_json{"expansion_details"} ); } $tmpl->param( build_details => $build_status_json{"build_details"} ); open(my $report_html, '>', "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/index.html"); $tmpl->output(print_to => $report_html); close($report_html); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate json report in local #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub build_json_report { open(my $report_json, '>', "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/report.json"); print $report_json to_json(\%build_status_json); close($report_json); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # output build result by stdout and generate # html and json report in local #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub build_report { my $msg = "*** Build Status Summary ***\n"; my $total_packages = scalar(keys %to_build) - scalar (@skipped) + scalar (@export_errors); my $succeeded_packages = scalar(keys %succeeded); my $num_export_errors = scalar(@export_errors); my $num_expansion_errors = scalar(keys %expansion_errors); my $num_build_errors = scalar(keys %errors); my @export_details= (); my @expansion_details= (); my @build_details = (); if (@export_errors) { $msg .= "=== the following packages failed to build because export " . "source files to build environment failed (" . scalar(@export_errors) . ") ===\n"; foreach my $pkg (@export_errors) { $msg .= $pkg->{"package_name"} . "\n"; push @export_details, { package_name => $pkg->{"package_name"}, package_path => $pkg->{"package_path"}, error_info => join("
", @{$pkg->{"error_info"}}), }; } $msg .= "\n"; } if (%expansion_errors) { my $error_pkgs = ""; foreach my $pkg (keys %expansion_errors) { $error_pkgs .= "$pkg:\n " . join("\n ", @{$expansion_errors{$pkg}}) . "\n"; push @expansion_details, { package_name => $pkg, package_path => $to_build{$pkg}->{project_base_path}, error_info => join("
", @{$expansion_errors{$pkg}}), }; } $msg .= "=== the following packages failed to build due to missing " . "build dependencies (" . scalar(keys %expansion_errors) . ") ===\n$error_pkgs\n"; } if (%errors) { my $error_pkgs = ""; foreach my $pkg (keys %errors) { $error_pkgs .= "$pkg: $errors{$pkg}\n"; my $log = $errors{$pkg}; $log =~ s!\Q$localrepo/$dist/$arch/\E!!; push @build_details, { package_name => $pkg, package_path => $to_build{$pkg}->{project_base_path}, succeeded => 0, log_path => $log, }; } $msg .= "=== the following packages failed to build due to rpmbuild " . "issue (" . scalar(keys %errors) . ") ===\n$error_pkgs"; } foreach my $pkg (keys %succeeded) { my $log = $succeeded{$pkg}; $log =~ s!\Q$localrepo/$dist/$arch/\E!!; push @build_details, { package_name => $pkg, package_path => $to_build{$pkg}->{project_base_path}, succeeded => 1, log_path => $log, }; } $msg .= "=== Total succeeded built packages: ($succeeded_packages) ==="; # fill json data structure $build_status_json{"build_profile"} = $dist; $build_status_json{"build_arch"} = $arch; $build_status_json{"build_start_time"} = $start_time; $build_status_json{"gbs_version"} = $gbs_version; $build_status_json{"summary"} = { packages_total => $total_packages, packages_succeeded => $succeeded_packages, packages_export_error => $num_export_errors, packages_expansion_error => $num_expansion_errors, packages_build_error => $num_build_errors }; $build_status_json{"export_details"} = \@export_details; $build_status_json{"expansion_details"} = \@expansion_details; $build_status_json{"build_details"} = \@build_details; $build_status_json{"html_report"} = "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/index.html"; $build_status_json{"rpm_repo"} = "$rpm_repo_path"; if ($skip_srcrpm == 0) { $build_status_json{"srpm_repo"} = "$srpm_repo_path"; } $build_status_json{"build_logs"} = "$localrepo/$dist/$arch/logs"; build_html_report(); build_json_report(); info($msg); info("generated html format report:\n $localrepo/$dist/$arch/index.html" ); info("generated RPM packages can be found from local repo:\n $rpm_repo_path"); if ($skip_srcrpm == 0){ info("generated source RPM packages can be found from local repo:\n $srpm_repo_path"); } info("build logs can be found in:\n $localrepo/$dist/$arch/logs"); info("build roots located in:\n $scratch_dir.*"); if (%errors || %expansion_errors || @export_errors || ($succeeded_packages == 0 && @skipped == 0)) { exit 1; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # get binary list from file and parameter #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_binary_list() { my @bins = (); if ($binary_from_file ne "") { if (! -e $binary_from_file) { error("Cant find binary list file $binary_from_file"); } open my $file, "<", $binary_from_file or die "Cant open binary list file $binary_from_file: $!\n"; my @lines = <$file>; # one package per line chomp(@lines); # skip comment begin with # push @bins, grep {!/^#.*$/} @lines; } if ($binarylist ne "") { my @items = split(',', $binarylist); chomp(@items); push @bins, @items; } return @bins; } # MAIN info("start building packages from: " . $package_path . " ($style)"); ($_, $start_time) = my_system("date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z\""); ($_, $gbs_version) = my_system("gbs -V"); $gbs_version =~ s!gbs !!; if ($style eq 'git') { File::Find::find({wanted => \&git_wanted}, $package_path ); if (@pre_packs > 1 && $commit ne "HEAD"){ error("--commit option can't be specified with multiple packages"); } if (@pre_packs == 0) { error("No source package found at $package_path"); } if ($incremental == 0) { info("prepare sources..."); read_not_export($not_export_cf); my $packs_queue = Thread::Queue->new(); my $data_queue = Thread::Queue->new(); foreach my $pack (@pre_packs) { my $name = basename($pack->{"project_base_path"}); my $r = grep /^$name$/, @not_export; if ($vmtype eq "kvm") { $r = 0; } if ($r) { info("skip export $name for accel..."); push @packs, $pack; } else { $data_queue->enqueue($pack); } } my $thread_num = int(sysconf(SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)); for (0..$thread_num) { $data_queue->enqueue(undef); threads->create(sub { while (my $pack = $data_queue->dequeue()) { prepare_git($config, $pack->{"project_base_path"}, $pack->{"filename"}, $packs_queue); } }); } foreach (threads->list()) { $_->join(); } # Check error foreach (threads->list()) { if (my $chk_err = $_->error()){ warning("export thread error: $chk_err\n"); } } $packs_queue->enqueue(undef); while (my $pack = $packs_queue->dequeue()) { push @packs, $pack; } } else { @packs = @pre_packs; } } else { @packs = @ARGV; if (@packs == 0) { File::Find::find({wanted => \&obs_wanted}, $package_path ); } } if ($clean_repos && -e "$localrepo/$dist/$arch") { info("cleaning up local repo: $rpm_repo_path ..."); my_system("rm -rf $rpm_repo_path/*"); my_system("rm -rf $srpm_repo_path/*"); my_system("rm -rf $success_logs_path/*"); my_system("rm -rf $fail_logs_path/*"); info("updating local repo ..."); createrepo ($arch, $dist); } info("retrieving repo metadata..."); my $repos_setup = 1; my_system("> $order_dir/.repo.cache.local"); if (-d "$rpm_repo_path") { my_system("$build_dir/createdirdeps $rpm_repo_path >> $order_dir/.repo.cache.local"); my_system("echo D: >> $order_dir/.repo.cache.local"); } my_system("> $order_dir/.repo.cache.remote"); foreach my $repo (@package_repos) { my $cmd = ""; if ($repo =~ /^\// && ! -e "$repo/repodata/repomd.xml") { $cmd = "$build_dir/createdirdeps $repo >> $order_dir/.repo.cache.remote "; } else { $cmd = "$build_dir/createrepomddeps --cachedir=$cache_dir $repo >> $order_dir/.repo.cache.remote "; } debug($cmd); if ( my_system($cmd) == 0 ) { my_system("echo D: >> $order_dir/.repo.cache.remote"); } else { $repos_setup = 0; } } # Merge local repo cache and remote repo cache my_system("cat $order_dir/.repo.cache.local $order_dir/.repo.cache.remote >$order_dir/.repo.cache"); if ($repos_setup == 0 ) { error("repo cache creation failed..."); } info("parsing package data..."); my %packs = parse_packs($config, @packs); %to_build = %packs; # Create & Update package dependency info("building repo metadata ..."); refresh_repo(); # only check skipping & overwriting for none noinit/incremental build if ($noinit == 0 && $incremental == 0) { resolve_skipped_packages(); } info("package dependency resolving ..."); update_pkgdeps(); update_pkgddeps(); my @bins = get_binary_list(); if (@bins) { my @tobuild = (); my @final = (); foreach my $b (@bins) { next if $b eq ""; my $found = 0; foreach my $name (keys %packs) { my @sp = @{$packs{$name}->{subpacks}}; my $debuginfo = $b; $debuginfo =~ s/(.*)-debuginfo/$1/; $debuginfo =~ s/(.*)-debugsource/$1/; $debuginfo =~ s/(.*)-docs/$1/; my $nb; if ($b ne $debuginfo) { $nb = $debuginfo; } else { $nb = $b; } if ( grep $_ eq $nb, @sp ) { push(@tobuild, $name); $found = 1 ; last; } } if (!$found) { push(@tofind, $b); } } push @final, resolve_deps(\@tobuild, $deps_build, $rdeps_build, %packs); %to_build = parse_packs($config, @final); @skipped = (); if ($noinit == 0 && $incremental == 0) { resolve_skipped_packages(); } $get_order = 0; update_pkgdeps(); update_pkgddeps(); } warning("no available packages to build.") if (scalar (keys %to_build) == 0); if ($incremental == 1 && scalar(keys %to_build) > 1) { error("incremental build only support building one package"); } if ($noinit == 1 && scalar(keys %to_build) > 1) { error("--noinit build only support building one package"); } # Prepare Workers for(my $w = 0; $w < $MAX_THREADS; $w++) { $workers{$w} = { 'state' => 'idle' , 'tid' => undef }; } if ( ! -e "$rpm_repo_path" ) { info("creating repo..."); createrepo ($arch, $dist); } # Signal handling $SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = sub { print("^C captured\n"); $TERM=1; }; # avoid inputing passwd while runnig build $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { if (my_system("sudo /bin/echo -n") != 0) { error("sudo: failed to request passwd") } else { alarm(SUDOV_PERIOD); } }; # trigger 'ALRM' immediately kill 'ALRM', $$; # check mount list of each build root for(my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_THREADS; $i++) { mount_source_check("$scratch_dir.$i"); } # scan local repo for my $pkg (bsd_glob "$rpm_repo_path/*.rpm") { my ($name, $version, $release) = get_pkg_info $pkg; next if $name eq ''; if (exists $rpmpaths{$name}) { push @{$rpmpaths{$name}}, $pkg; } else { $rpmpaths{$name} = [$pkg]; } } for my $pkg (bsd_glob "$srpm_repo_path/*.rpm") { my ($name, $version, $release) = get_pkg_info $pkg; next if $name eq ''; if (exists $srpmpaths{$name}) { push @{$srpmpaths{$name}}, $pkg; } else { $srpmpaths{$name} = [$pkg]; } } # only one package need to be built, do it directly if ($noinit == 1 || $incremental == 1) { my $ret = 0; for my $pkg (keys %to_build) { $ret = worker_thread($pkg, 0, 1); last; } update_repo(); build_report(); exit $ret; } if (check_circle() == 1) { info("circle found, exit..."); exit 1; } if ($debug) { my $pkg; info("package dependency:"); for $pkg (keys %pkgddeps) { print "$pkg:"; my $i; for $i (0 .. $#{$pkgddeps{$pkg}}) { print "$pkgddeps{$pkg}[$i] "; } print "\n"; } } # Main process loop # Every loop, first update package information # include dependencies if there is new package # be built, and then pick those package satisfied # with dependent conditions till all packages # be processed while (! $TERM) { my @order = (); my @order_clean = (); { # update glocal vars %repo and %pkgdeps etc. # so lock it lock($DETACHING); if ($dirty) { # there is any package has been built refresh_repo(); update_expansion_errors(); #update_pkgdeps(); #update_pkgddeps(); #if (check_circle() == 1) { # info("circle found, exit..."); # exit 1; #} $dirty = 0; } foreach my $name (@build_order) { # skip the followint packages: # - packages already done (in @done list) # - packages skipped (in @skipped list) # - packages already been scheduled (in @runnig list) if( ! (grep $_ eq $name, @done) && ! (grep $_ eq $name, @skipped) && ! (grep $_ eq $name, @running)) { # skip current pacakge if it have dependency issue next if (exists $tmp_expansion_errors{$name}); my @bdeps = @{$pkgddeps{$name}}; my $add = 1; # check depends whether satisfied foreach my $depp (@bdeps) { # skip current pacakge if its' build dependency package # $depp are pending for building if ((! grep($_ eq $depp, @skipped)) && (! exists $expansion_errors{$depp}) && (! grep($_ eq $depp, @done))) { #debug("not adding $name, since it depends on $depp"); $add = 0; last; } } if ($add == 1 ) { push(@order, $name); last; } } else { push(@order_clean, $name); } } #remove unuseful package name from build_order foreach my $u_name (@order_clean) { @build_order = grep { $_ ne $u_name} @build_order; } # No candidate packges and all thread works are idle, and pkgdeps # is updated, in this case, set packages in %tmp_expansion_errors # as real expansion_errors, and all packages depend on these packages # can not be blocked. if (@order == 0 && threads->list() == 0 && $dirty == 0) { %expansion_errors = (); @expansion_errors{keys %tmp_expansion_errors} = values %tmp_expansion_errors; # check whether all packages have been processed if (scalar(keys %to_build) == @done + @skipped + scalar(keys %expansion_errors) && !$dirty) { $TERM = 1; } } } # user kill from terminal or finish all build last if ($TERM); # If no packages can be built, there maybe some packages are building # which can provide some binary packages to satisfy more packages to be built # so just wait 1 second and do another resolve procedure if (@order == 0) { # Waiting thread workers done, then re-calculate ready packages sleep(0.1); next; } if ($dryrun) { exit 1 } # exit loop if no pending packages to be built (@order is empty) # and user have not kill from terminal ($TERM == 0). # This may make sure all threads in pool works while (@order && ! $TERM) { # Keep max threads running my $needed = $MAX_THREADS - threads->list(); # There is no idle thread if ($needed == 0) { # Waiting for build threads finish sleep(0.1); next; } for (; $needed && ! $TERM; $needed--) { my $job ; if (scalar (@order) != 0) { $job = shift(@order); } else { last ; } my $worker = find_idle(); my $index; { # @done and @running are thread shared vars # so lock them lock($DETACHING); push (@running, $job); $index = scalar(@done) + scalar(@running); } my $thr = threads->create(\&worker_thread, $job, $worker, $index); my $tid = $thr->tid(); set_busy($worker, $tid); } } } # Waiting for threads to finish while ((threads->list() > 0)) { sleep(1); } update_repo(); build_report(); exit 0