#if defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_BLUR) INPUT highp vec2 vPosition; FLAT INPUT highp vec2 vRectSize; FLAT INPUT highp vec2 vOptRectSize; FLAT INPUT highp float vAliasMargin; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER FLAT INPUT highp vec4 vCornerRadius; #endif #endif #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_CUTOUT) INPUT highp vec2 vPositionFromCenter; #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) FLAT INPUT highp vec4 vCutoutCornerRadius; #endif #endif uniform lowp vec4 uColor; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BLUR uniform highp float blurRadius; #elif defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) uniform highp float borderlineWidth; uniform highp float borderlineOffset; uniform lowp vec4 borderlineColor; uniform lowp vec4 uActorColor; #endif #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_CUTOUT) uniform highp vec3 uSize; uniform lowp int uCutoutWithCornerRadius; #endif #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_BLUR) // Global values both rounded corner and borderline use // radius of rounded corner on this quadrant highp float gRadius = 0.0; // fragment coordinate. NOTE : vec2(0.0, 0.0) is vRectSize, the corner of visual highp vec2 gFragmentPosition = vec2(0.0, 0.0); // center coordinate of rounded corner circle. vec2(gCenterPosition, gCenterPosition). highp float gCenterPosition = 0.0; // relative coordinate of gFragmentPosition from gCenterPosition. highp vec2 gDiff = vec2(0.0, 0.0); // potential value what our algorithm use. highp float gPotential = 0.0; // threshold of potential highp float gPotentialRange = 0.0; highp float gMaxOutlinePotential = 0.0; highp float gMinOutlinePotential = 0.0; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BLUR #elif defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) highp float gMaxInlinePotential = 0.0; highp float gMinInlinePotential = 0.0; #endif void calculateCornerRadius(highp vec4 cornerRadius, highp vec2 position) { #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER gRadius = mix( mix(cornerRadius.x, cornerRadius.y, sign(position.x) * 0.5 + 0.5), mix(cornerRadius.w, cornerRadius.z, sign(position.x) * 0.5 + 0.5), sign(position.y) * 0.5 + 0.5 ); #endif } void calculateFragmentPosition(highp vec2 position, highp vec2 halfSizeOfRect) { gFragmentPosition = abs(position) - halfSizeOfRect; } void calculatePosition(highp float currentBorderlineWidth) { gCenterPosition = -gRadius; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BLUR #elif defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) gCenterPosition += currentBorderlineWidth * (clamp(borderlineOffset, -1.0, 1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5; #endif gDiff = gFragmentPosition - gCenterPosition; } void calculatePotential() { gPotential = length(max(gDiff, 0.0)) + min(0.0, max(gDiff.x, gDiff.y)); } void setupMinMaxPotential(highp float currentBorderlineWidth) { gPotentialRange = vAliasMargin; gMaxOutlinePotential = gRadius + gPotentialRange; gMinOutlinePotential = gRadius - gPotentialRange; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BLUR #elif defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) gMaxInlinePotential = gMaxOutlinePotential - currentBorderlineWidth; gMinInlinePotential = gMinOutlinePotential - currentBorderlineWidth; #else #endif // reduce defect near edge of rounded corner. highp float heuristicEdgeCasePotential = clamp(-min(gDiff.x, gDiff.y) / max(1.0, gRadius), 0.0, gPotentialRange); gMaxOutlinePotential += heuristicEdgeCasePotential; gMinOutlinePotential += heuristicEdgeCasePotential; } void PreprocessPotential(highp vec4 cornerRadius, highp vec2 position, highp vec2 halfSizeOfRect, highp float currentBorderlineWidth) { calculateCornerRadius(cornerRadius, position); calculateFragmentPosition(position, halfSizeOfRect); calculatePosition(currentBorderlineWidth); calculatePotential(); setupMinMaxPotential(currentBorderlineWidth); } #endif #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BLUR #elif defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) lowp vec4 convertBorderlineColor(lowp vec4 textureColor) { highp float potential = gPotential; // default opacity of borderline is 0.0 mediump float borderlineOpacity = 0.0; // calculate borderline opacity by potential if(potential > gMinInlinePotential) { // potential is inside borderline range. borderlineOpacity = smoothstep(gMinInlinePotential, gMaxInlinePotential, potential); // Muliply borderlineWidth to resolve very thin borderline borderlineOpacity *= min(1.0, borderlineWidth / gPotentialRange); } lowp vec3 borderlineColorRGB = borderlineColor.rgb * uActorColor.rgb; lowp float borderlineColorAlpha = borderlineColor.a * uActorColor.a; // NOTE : color-visual is always not preMultiplied. // Calculate inside of borderline when alpha is between (0.0 1.0). So we need to apply texture color. // If borderlineOpacity is exactly 0.0, we always use whole texture color. In this case, we don't need to run below code. // But if borderlineOpacity > 0.0 and borderlineColor.a == 0.0, we need to apply tCornerRadius. if(borderlineOpacity > 0.0 && borderlineColor.a * borderlineOpacity < 1.0) { highp float tCornerRadius = -gCenterPosition + gPotentialRange; highp float MaxTexturelinePotential = tCornerRadius + gPotentialRange; highp float MinTexturelinePotential = tCornerRadius - gPotentialRange; if(potential > MaxTexturelinePotential) { // potential is out of texture range. textureColor = vec4(0.0); } else { // potential is in texture range. lowp float textureAlphaScale = mix(1.0, 0.0, smoothstep(MinTexturelinePotential, MaxTexturelinePotential, potential)); textureColor.a *= textureAlphaScale; textureColor.rgb *= textureColor.a; } // NOTE : color-visual is always not preMultiplied. borderlineColorAlpha *= borderlineOpacity; borderlineColorRGB *= borderlineColorAlpha; // We use pre-multiplied color to reduce operations. // In here, textureColor and borderlineColorRGB is pre-multiplied color now. // Manual blend operation with premultiplied colors. // Final alpha = borderlineColorAlpha + (1.0 - borderlineColorAlpha) * textureColor.a. // (Final rgb * alpha) = borderlineColorRGB + (1.0 - borderlineColorAlpha) * textureColor.rgb // If premultipliedAlpha == 1.0, just return vec4(rgb*alpha, alpha) // Else, return vec4((rgb*alpha) / alpha, alpha) lowp float finalAlpha = mix(textureColor.a, 1.0, borderlineColorAlpha); lowp vec3 finalMultipliedRGB = borderlineColorRGB + (1.0 - borderlineColorAlpha) * textureColor.rgb; // TODO : Need to find some way without division return vec4(finalMultipliedRGB / finalAlpha, finalAlpha); } return mix(textureColor, vec4(borderlineColorRGB, borderlineColorAlpha), borderlineOpacity); } #endif #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BLUR #elif defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) mediump float calculateCornerOpacity() { highp float potential = gPotential; // default opacity is 1.0 mediump float opacity = 1.0; // calculate borderline opacity by potential if(potential > gMaxOutlinePotential) { // potential is out of borderline range. just discard here discard; } else if(potential > gMinOutlinePotential) { opacity = 1.0 - smoothstep(gMinOutlinePotential, gMaxOutlinePotential, potential); } return opacity; } #endif #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BLUR #ifdef SL_VERSION_LOW // Legacy code for low version glsl mediump float calculateBlurOpacity() { highp float potential = gPotential; highp float alias = min(gRadius, vAliasMargin); highp float potentialMin = gMinOutlinePotential - blurRadius - alias; highp float potentialMax = gMaxOutlinePotential + blurRadius + alias; return 1.0 - smoothstep(potentialMin, potentialMax, potential); } #else mediump float calculateBlurOpacity() { // Don't use borderline! highp vec2 v = gDiff; highp float cy = gRadius + blurRadius; highp float cr = gRadius + blurRadius; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER // This routine make perfect circle. If corner radius is not exist, we don't consider prefect circle. cy = min(cy, min(vRectSize.x, vRectSize.y) - gRadius); #endif v = vec2(min(v.x, v.y), max(v.x, v.y)); v = v + cy; highp float potential = 0.0; highp float alias = min(gRadius, vAliasMargin); highp float potentialMin = cy + gRadius - blurRadius - alias; highp float potentialMax = cy + gRadius + blurRadius + alias; // move center of circles for reduce defact highp float cyDiff = min(cy, 0.2 * blurRadius); cy -= cyDiff; cr += cyDiff; highp float diffFromBaseline = cy * v.y - (cy + cr) * v.x; if(diffFromBaseline > 0.0) { // out of calculation bound. potential = v.y; // for anti-alias when blurRaidus = 0.0 highp float heuristicBaselineScale = max(vAliasMargin , cr * (cr + cy)); highp float potentialDiff = min(alias, diffFromBaseline / heuristicBaselineScale); potentialMin += potentialDiff; potentialMax -= potentialDiff; } else { // get some circle centered (x, x) and radius (r = cr / cy * x) // s.t. point v is on that circle // highest point of that circle is (x, x + r) and potential is x + r // solve (v.x - x)^2 + (v.y - x)^2 = (cr / cy * x)^2 #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER // Note : lowspec HW cannot calculate here. need to reduce numeric error highp float A = (cr * cr - 2.0 * cy * cy); highp float B = cy * (v.x + v.y); highp float V = dot(v,v); highp float D = B * B + A * V; potential = V * (cr + cy) / (sqrt(D) + B); #else // We can simplify this value cause cy = 0.8 * blurRadius, cr = 1.2 * blurRadius // potential = 5.0*(sqrt(4.0*(v.x+v.y)^2 + dot(v,v)) - 2.0*(v.x+v.y)); // = 10.0*(v.x+v.y) * (sqrt(1.0 + (length(v) / (2.0*(v.x+v.y)))^2) - 1.0); // = 10.0*(v.x+v.y) * (sqrt(1.25 - x + x^2) - 1.0); // ~= 10.0*(v.x+v.y) * (0.11803399 - 0.44721360x + 0.35777088x^2 - 0.14310x^3 + O(x^5)) (Taylor series) // ~= -1.0557281 * (v.x + v.y) + 2.236068 * length(v) - ~~~ (here, x <= 0.5 * (1.0 - sqrt(0.5)) < 0.1464467) // Note : This simplify need cause we should use it on lowspec HW. highp float x = 0.5 * (1.0 - length(v) / (v.x + v.y)); potential = -1.0557281 * (v.x + v.y) + 2.236068 * length(v) + 10.0 * (v.x + v.y) * (0.35777088 - 0.14310 * x) * x * x; #endif } return 1.0 - smoothstep(potentialMin, potentialMax, potential); } #endif #endif void main() { lowp vec4 targetColor = uColor; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_CUTOUT mediump float discardOpacity = 1.0; if(abs(vPositionFromCenter.x) <= uSize.x * 0.5 && abs(vPositionFromCenter.y) <= uSize.y * 0.5) { #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) if(uCutoutWithCornerRadius > 0) { // Ignore borderline width PreprocessPotential(vCutoutCornerRadius, vPositionFromCenter, uSize.xy * 0.5, 0.0); // Decrease potential range, to avoid alias make some hole. gMinOutlinePotential -= gPotentialRange * 0.5; gMaxOutlinePotential -= gPotentialRange * 0.5; discardOpacity = smoothstep(gMinOutlinePotential, gMaxOutlinePotential, gPotential); } else { discardOpacity = 0.0; } if(discardOpacity < 0.001) { discard; } #else discard; #endif } #endif #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_BLUR) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) // skip most potential calculate for performance if(abs(vPosition.x) < vOptRectSize.x && abs(vPosition.y) < vOptRectSize.y) { OUT_COLOR = targetColor; } else { highp vec4 tempCornerRadius = vec4(0.0); highp float tempBorderlineWidth = 0.0; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER tempCornerRadius = vCornerRadius; #endif calculateCornerRadius(tempCornerRadius, vPosition); calculateFragmentPosition(vPosition, vRectSize); #endif #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BLUR calculatePosition(tempBorderlineWidth); calculatePotential(); setupMinMaxPotential(tempBorderlineWidth); OUT_COLOR = targetColor; mediump float opacity = calculateBlurOpacity(); OUT_COLOR.a *= opacity; #else #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) && !defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) // skip rounded corner calculate for performance if(gFragmentPosition.x + gFragmentPosition.y < -(gRadius + vAliasMargin) * 2.0) { // Do nothing. OUT_COLOR = targetColor; } else #endif { #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE tempBorderlineWidth = borderlineWidth; #endif calculatePosition(tempBorderlineWidth); calculatePotential(); setupMinMaxPotential(tempBorderlineWidth); #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE targetColor = convertBorderlineColor(targetColor); #endif #endif OUT_COLOR = targetColor; #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER mediump float opacity = calculateCornerOpacity(); OUT_COLOR.a *= opacity; #endif } #endif #if defined(IS_REQUIRED_BLUR) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_ROUNDED_CORNER) || defined(IS_REQUIRED_BORDERLINE) } #endif #ifdef IS_REQUIRED_CUTOUT OUT_COLOR.a *= discardOpacity; #endif }