#!/bin/bash #written by Martin Lohner, SuSE GmbH, Dec 1998 echo "This script converts 256 character font to psf-fonts" echo "It simply assumes that all files in the current directory" echo "that have a size of (256*n) are fontfiles of 8xn pixel" echo "fonts. If there are 512 character, non-psf-fonts you will" echo "recognise this soon... Anyway, the setfont program isnīt" echo "aware of this type of fonts, too. So there shoulnīd be to" echo "much of theese around." echo "This script cares for font highs of 6,8,10,12,14,16 and 19" echo "pixels" echo "" echo -n "Start converting now? (Old file will not be touched) (Y/N)" read a random=hfdsvnpoh97k if [ $a = y -o $a = Y ] ; then echo "Creating psf-headers..." echo -ne "\066" > $random echo -ne "\004" >> $random echo -ne "\000" >> $random echo -ne "\006" > $random.6.tmp cat $random $random.6.tmp > $random.6 echo -ne "\010" > $random.8.tmp cat $random $random.8.tmp > $random.8 echo -ne "\012" > $random.10.tmp cat $random $random.10.tmp > $random.10 echo -ne "\014" > $random.12.tmp cat $random $random.12.tmp > $random.12 echo -ne "\016" > $random.14.tmp cat $random $random.14.tmp > $random.14 echo -ne "\020" > $random.16.tmp cat $random $random.16.tmp > $random.16 echo -ne "\023" > $random.19.tmp cat $random $random.19.tmp > $random.19 for i in 6 8 10 12 14 16 19; do echo "Looking for 8x"$i"-fonts..." for j in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -size $((i*=256))c`; do cat $random.$i $j > $j.psf done done rm $random.* else exit 1 fi