# # Kmscon - build configuration script # Copyright (c) 2012 David Herrmann # AC_PREREQ(2.68) AC_INIT([kmscon], [7], [http://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=kmscon], [kmscon], [http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/kmscon]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/kmscon_main.c]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS AC_SYS_LARGEFILE AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT([/usr]) AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign 1.11 subdir-objects dist-xz no-dist-gzip tar-pax -Wall -Werror -Wno-portability]) AM_SILENT_RULES([yes]) # # Don't add a default "-g -O2" if CFLAGS wasn't specified. For debugging it is # often more convenient to have "-g -O0". You can still override it by # explicitly setting it on the command line. # : ${CFLAGS=""} AC_PROG_CC AX_PROG_CC_FOR_BUILD AC_PROG_CC_C99 AM_PROG_CC_C_O m4_ifdef([AM_PROG_AR], [AM_PROG_AR]) AC_PROG_SED AC_PROG_MKDIR_P AC_PROG_LN_S AC_PROG_GREP AC_PROG_AWK LT_PREREQ(2.2) LT_INIT # # pkg-config dependencies # This unconditionally checks for all dependencies even if they are disabled. We # later look whether all required depedencies are met and finish the # configuration. We group similar packages into one logical group here to avoid # having variables for each single library. # This, however, makes ./configure output very unintuitive error messages if a # package is not found so we must make sure we print more verbose messages # ourself. # PKG_CHECK_MODULES([XKBCOMMON], [xkbcommon], [have_xkbcommon=yes], [have_xkbcommon=no]) AC_SUBST(XKBCOMMON_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(XKBCOMMON_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([SYSTEMD], [libsystemd-daemon libsystemd-login], [have_systemd=yes], [have_systemd=no]) AC_SUBST(SYSTEMD_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(SYSTEMD_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([UDEV], [libudev >= 172], [have_udev=yes], [have_udev=no]) AC_SUBST(UDEV_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(UDEV_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DBUS], [dbus-1], [have_dbus=yes], [have_dbus=no]) AC_SUBST(DBUS_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(DBUS_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DRM], [libdrm], [have_drm=yes], [have_drm=no]) AC_SUBST(DRM_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(DRM_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GBM], [gbm], [have_gbm=yes], [have_gbm=no]) AC_SUBST(GBM_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GBM_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EGL], [egl], [have_egl=yes], [have_egl=no]) AC_SUBST(EGL_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(EGL_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GLES2], [glesv2], [have_gles2=yes], [have_gles2=no]) AC_SUBST(GLES2_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GLES2_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([PANGO], [pango pangoft2], [have_pango=yes], [have_pango=no]) AC_SUBST(PANGO_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(PANGO_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CAIRO], [cairo], [have_cairo=yes], [have_cairo=no]) AC_SUBST(CAIRO_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(CAIRO_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([PIXMAN], [pixman-1], [have_pixman=yes], [have_pixman=no]) AC_SUBST(PIXMAN_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(PIXMAN_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([TSM], [libtsm], [have_tsm=yes], [have_tsm=no]) AC_SUBST(TSM_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(TSM_LIBS) # # Parse arguments # This parses all arguments that are given via "--enable-XY" or "--with-XY" and # saves the results in local variables. This does not check dependencies or # similar but does only parse the arguments. # # all AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether user wants all]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([all], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-all], [enable all options (used for debugging)])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "x" ; then enable_all="no" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_all]) # eloop AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether user wants eloop]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([eloop], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-eloop], [build eloop library])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_eloop="yes" elif test "x$enable_eloop" = "x" ; then enable_eloop="no (default)" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_eloop]) # uterm AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether user wants uterm]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([uterm], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-uterm], [build uterm library])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_uterm="yes" elif test "x$enable_uterm" = "x" ; then enable_uterm="no (default)" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_uterm]) # kmscon AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether user wants kmscon]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([kmscon], [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-kmscon], [do not build kmscon])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_kmscon="yes" elif test "x$enable_kmscon" = "x" ; then enable_kmscon="yes (default)" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_kmscon]) # debug AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build with debugging on]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [whether to build with debugging on])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_debug="yes" elif test "x$enable_debug" = "x" ; then enable_debug="yes (default)" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_debug]) # optimizations AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to disable code optimizations]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([optimizations], [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-optimizations], [whether to disable code optimizations])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_optimizations="yes" elif test "x$enable_optimizations" = "x" ; then enable_optimizations="yes (default)" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_optimizations]) # multi-seat AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether user wants systemd for multi-seat support]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([multi-seat], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-multi-seat], [enable multi-seat support with systemd])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_multi_seat="yes" elif test "x$enable_multi_seat" = "x" ; then enable_multi_seat="yes (default)" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_multi_seat]) # hotplug AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether user wants udev for device hotplug support]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([hotplug], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-hotplug], [enable device hotplug support with udev])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_hotplug="yes" elif test "x$enable_hotplug" = "x" ; then enable_hotplug="yes (default)" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_hotplug]) # eloop-dbus AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether user wants eloop dbus support]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([eloop-dbus], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-eloop-dbus], [enable eloop dbus support])]) if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_eloop_dbus="yes" elif test "x$enable_eloop_dbus" = "x" ; then enable_eloop_dbus="no (default)" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_eloop_dbus]) # video backends AC_MSG_CHECKING([which video backends the user wants]) AC_ARG_WITH([video], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-video], [specify list of optional video backends])], [], [with_video="default"]) enable_video_fbdev="no" enable_video_drm2d="no" enable_video_drm3d="no" if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_video_fbdev="yes" enable_video_drm2d="yes" enable_video_drm3d="yes" with_video="fbdev,drm2d,drm3d (all)" elif test "x$with_video" = "xdefault" ; then enable_video_fbdev="yes (default)" enable_video_drm2d="yes (default)" enable_video_drm3d="yes (default)" with_video="fbdev,drm2d,drm3d (default)" elif test ! "x$with_video" = "x" ; then SAVEIFS="$IFS" IFS="," for i in $with_video ; do if test "x$i" = "xfbdev" ; then enable_video_fbdev="yes" elif test "x$i" = "xdrm2d" ; then enable_video_drm2d="yes" elif test "x$i" = "xdrm3d" ; then enable_video_drm3d="yes" else IFS="$SAVEIFS" AC_ERROR([Invalid video backend $i]) fi done IFS="$SAVEIFS" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_video]) # renderers AC_MSG_CHECKING([which render backends the user wants]) AC_ARG_WITH([renderers], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-renderers], [specify list of optional render backends])], [], [with_renderers="default"]) enable_renderer_bbulk="no" enable_renderer_gltex="no" enable_renderer_cairo="no" enable_renderer_pixman="no" if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_renderer_bbulk="yes" enable_renderer_gltex="yes" enable_renderer_cairo="yes" enable_renderer_pixman="yes" with_renderers="bbulk,gltex,cairo,pixman (all)" elif test "x$with_renderers" = "xdefault" ; then enable_renderer_bbulk="yes (default)" enable_renderer_gltex="yes (default)" enable_renderer_cairo="no (default)" enable_renderer_pixman="no (default)" with_renderers="bbulk,gltex (default)" elif test ! "x$with_renderers" = "x" ; then SAVEIFS="$IFS" IFS="," for i in $with_renderers ; do if test "x$i" = "xbbulk" ; then enable_renderer_bbulk="yes" elif test "x$i" = "xgltex" ; then enable_renderer_gltex="yes" elif test "x$i" = "xcairo" ; then enable_renderer_cairo="yes" elif test "x$i" = "xpixman" ; then enable_renderer_pixman="yes" else IFS="$SAVEIFS" AC_ERROR([Unknown renderer $i]) fi done IFS="$SAVEIFS" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_renderers]) # font backends AC_MSG_CHECKING([which font backends the user wants]) AC_ARG_WITH([fonts], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-fonts], [specify list of optional font backends])], [], [with_fonts="default"]) enable_font_unifont="no" enable_font_pango="no" if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_font_unifont="yes" enable_font_pango="yes" with_fonts="unifont,pango (all)" elif test "x$with_fonts" = "xdefault" ; then enable_font_unifont="yes (default)" enable_font_pango="yes (default)" with_fonts="unifont,pango (default)" elif test ! "x$with_fonts" = "x" ; then SAVEIFS="$IFS" IFS="," for i in $with_fonts ; do if test "x$i" = "xunifont" ; then enable_font_unifont="yes" elif test "x$i" = "xpango" ; then enable_font_pango="yes" else IFS="$SAVEIFS" AC_ERROR([Unknown font backend $i]) fi done IFS="$SAVEIFS" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_fonts]) # kmscon sessions AC_MSG_CHECKING([which sessions the user wants]) AC_ARG_WITH([sessions], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-sessions], [specify list of optional sessions])], [], [with_sessions="default"]) enable_session_dummy="no" enable_session_terminal="no" if test "x$enable_all" = "xyes" ; then enable_session_dummy="yes" enable_session_terminal="yes" with_sessions="dummy,terminal (all)" elif test "x$with_sessions" = "xdefault" ; then enable_session_dummy="yes (default)" enable_session_terminal="yes (default)" with_sessions="dummy,terminal (default)" elif test ! "x$with_sessions" = "x" ; then SAVEIFS="$IFS" IFS="," for i in $with_sessions ; do if test "x$i" = "xdummy" ; then enable_session_dummy="yes" elif test "x$i" = "xterminal" ; then enable_session_terminal="yes" else IFS="$SAVEIFS" AC_ERROR([Unknown session type $i]) fi done IFS="$SAVEIFS" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_sessions]) # # Check what can be built # This checks each configuration option and tests whether all dependencies are # met. This is done from bottom up to ensure the right order. # # debug debug_avail=no debug_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_debug" = "xno" ; then debug_avail=yes else debug_missing="enable-debug" fi # optimizations optimizations_avail=no optimizations_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_optimizations" = "xno" ; then optimizations_avail=yes else optimizations_missing="enable-optimizations" fi # eloop-dbus eloop_dbus_avail=no eloop_dbus_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_eloop_dbus" = "xno" ; then eloop_dbus_avail=yes if test "x$have_dbus" = "xno" ; then eloop_dbus_avail=no eloop_dbus_missing="libdbus" fi if test "x$eloop_dbus_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_eloop_dbus" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for eloop-dbus: $eloop_dbus_missing]) fi fi else eloop_dbus_missing="enable-eloop-dbus" fi # eloop eloop_avail=no eloop_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_eloop" = "xno" ; then eloop_avail=yes else eloop_missing="enable-eloop" fi # video fbdev video_fbdev_avail=no video_fbdev_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_video_fbdev" = "xno" ; then # TODO: check for kernel headers video_fbdev_avail=yes else video_fbdev_missing="enable-video-fbdev" fi # video drm2d video_drm2d_avail=no video_drm2d_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_video_drm2d" = "xno" ; then video_drm2d_avail=yes if test "x$have_drm3d" = "xno" ; then video_drm2d_avail=no video_drm2d_missing="libdrm3d" fi if test "x$video_drm2d_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_video_drm2d" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for drm2d video backend: $video_drm2d_missing]) fi fi else video_drm2d_missing="enable-video-drm2d" fi # video drm3d video_drm3d_avail=no video_drm3d_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_video_drm3d" = "xno" ; then video_drm3d_avail=yes if test "x$have_drm3d" = "xno" ; then video_drm3d_avail=no video_drm3d_missing="libdrm3d,$video_drm3d_missing" fi if test "x$have_gbm" = "xno" ; then video_drm3d_avail=no video_drm3d_missing="libgbm,$video_drm3d_missing" fi if test "x$have_egl" = "xno" ; then video_drm3d_avail=no video_drm3d_missing="libegl,$video_drm3d_missing" fi if test "x$have_gles2" = "xno" ; then video_drm3d_avail=no video_drm3d_missing="libgles2,$video_drm3d_missing" fi if test "x$video_drm3d_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_video_drm3d" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for drm3d video backend: $video_drm3d_missing]) fi fi else video_drm3d_missing="enable-video-drm3d" fi # uterm uterm_avail=no uterm_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_uterm" = "xno" ; then uterm_avail=yes else uterm_missing="enable-uterm" fi # multi-seat multi_seat_avail=no multi_seat_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_multi_seat" = "xno" ; then multi_seat_avail=yes if test "x$have_systemd" = "xno" ; then multi_seat_avail=no multi_seat_missing="libsystemd" fi if test "x$multi_seat_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_multi_seat" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for multi-seat support: $multi_seat_missing]) fi fi else multi_seat_missing="enable-multi-seat" fi # hotplug hotplug_avail=no hotplug_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_hotplug" = "xno" ; then hotplug_avail=yes if test "x$have_udev" = "xno" ; then hotplug_avail=no hotplug_missing="libudev" fi if test "x$hotplug_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_hotplug" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for hotplug-support: $hotplug_missing]) fi fi else hotplug_missing="enable-hotplug" fi # renderer bbulk renderer_bbulk_avail=no renderer_bbulk_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_renderer_bbulk" = "xno" ; then renderer_bbulk_avail=yes else renderer_bbulk_missing="enable-renderer-bbulk" fi # renderer gltex renderer_gltex_avail=no renderer_gltex_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_renderer_gltex" = "xno" ; then renderer_gltex_avail=yes if test "x$have_gles2" = "xno" ; then renderer_gltex_avail=no renderer_gltex_missing="libgles2" fi if test "x$renderer_gltex_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_renderer_gltex" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for renderer-gltex: $renderer_gltex_missing]) fi fi else renderer_gltex_missing="enable-renderer-gltex" fi # renderer cairo renderer_cairo_avail=no renderer_cairo_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_renderer_cairo" = "xno" ; then renderer_cairo_avail=yes if test "x$have_cairo" = "xno" ; then renderer_cairo_avail=no renderer_cairo_missing="cairo" fi if test "x$renderer_cairo_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_renderer_cairo" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for renderer-cairo: $renderer_cairo_missing]) fi fi else renderer_cairo_missing="enable-renderer-cairo" fi # renderer pixman renderer_pixman_avail=no renderer_pixman_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_renderer_pixman" = "xno" ; then renderer_pixman_avail=yes if test "x$have_pixman" = "xno" ; then renderer_pixman_avail=no renderer_pixman_missing="pixman" fi if test "x$renderer_pixman_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_renderer_pixman" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for renderer-pixman: $renderer_pixman_missing]) fi fi else renderer_pixman_missing="enable-renderer-pixman" fi # font unifont font_unifont_avail=no font_unifont_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_font_unifont" = "xno" ; then font_unifont_avail=yes else font_unifont_missing="enable-font-unifont" fi # font pango font_pango_avail=no font_pango_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_font_pango" = "xno" ; then font_pango_avail=yes if test "x$have_pango" = "xno" ; then font_pango_avail=no font_pango_missing="libpango" fi if test "x$font_pango_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_font_pango" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for font-pango: $font_pango_missing]) fi fi else font_pango_missing="enable-font-pango" fi # session dummy session_dummy_avail=no session_dummy_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_session_dummy" = "xno" ; then session_dummy_avail=yes else session_dummy_missing="enable-session-dummy" fi # session terminal session_terminal_avail=no session_terminal_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_session_terminal" = "xno" ; then session_terminal_avail=yes if test "x$have_tsm" = "xno" ; then session_terminal_avail=no session_terminal_missing="libtsm" fi if test "x$session_terminal_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_session_terminal" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for session-terminal: $session_terminal_missing]) fi fi else session_terminal_missing="enable-session-terminal" fi # kmscon kmscon_avail=no kmscon_missing="" if test ! "x$enable_kmscon" = "xno" ; then kmscon_avail=yes if test "x$eloop_avail" = "xno" ; then kmscon_avail=no kmscon_missing="$eloop_missing,$kmscon_missing" fi if test "x$have_tsm" = "xno" ; then kmscon_avail=no kmscon_missing="libtsm,$kmscon_missing" fi if test "x$uterm_avail" = "xno" ; then kmscon_avail=no kmscon_missing="$uterm_missing,$kmscon_missing" fi if test "x$kmscon_avail" = "xno" ; then if test "x$enable_kmscon" = "xyes" ; then AC_ERROR([missing for kmscon: $kmscon_missing]) fi fi else kmscon_missing="enable-kmscon" fi # # Enable all required modules # We now know which modules can be built by checking the *_avail variables set # above. We now only have to disable all modules that are disabled by default # and the user didn't force-enable them and no other module that is enabled # needs them. This is done top-down of course. # # kmscon kmscon_enabled=no if test "x$kmscon_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_kmscon% *}" = "xyes" ; then kmscon_enabled=yes enable_eloop=yes enable_uterm=yes fi fi # session terminal session_terminal_enabled=no if test "x$session_terminal_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_session_terminal% *}" = "xyes" ; then session_terminal_enabled=yes fi fi # session dummy session_dummy_enabled=no if test "x$session_dummy_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_session_dummy% *}" = "xyes" ; then session_dummy_enabled=yes fi fi # font pango font_pango_enabled=no if test "x$font_pango_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_font_pango% *}" = "xyes" ; then font_pango_enabled=yes fi fi # font unifont font_unifont_enabled=no if test "x$font_unifont_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_font_unifont% *}" = "xyes" ; then font_unifont_enabled=yes fi fi # renderer gltex renderer_gltex_enabled=no if test "x$renderer_gltex_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_renderer_gltex% *}" = "xyes" ; then renderer_gltex_enabled=yes fi fi # renderer cairo renderer_cairo_enabled=no if test "x$renderer_cairo_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_renderer_cairo% *}" = "xyes" ; then renderer_cairo_enabled=yes fi fi # renderer pixman renderer_pixman_enabled=no if test "x$renderer_pixman_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_renderer_pixman% *}" = "xyes" ; then renderer_pixman_enabled=yes fi fi # renderer bbulk renderer_bbulk_enabled=no if test "x$renderer_bbulk_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_renderer_bbulk% *}" = "xyes" ; then renderer_bbulk_enabled=yes fi fi # hotplug hotplug_enabled=no if test "x$hotplug_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_hotplug% *}" = "xyes" ; then hotplug_enabled=yes fi fi # multi-seat multi_seat_enabled=no if test "x$multi_seat_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_multi_seat% *}" = "xyes" ; then multi_seat_enabled=yes fi fi # uterm uterm_enabled=no if test "x$uterm_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_uterm% *}" = "xyes" ; then uterm_enabled=yes fi fi # video drm3d video_drm3d_enabled=no if test "x$video_drm3d_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_video_drm3d% *}" = "xyes" ; then video_drm3d_enabled=yes fi fi # video drm2d video_drm2d_enabled=no if test "x$video_drm2d_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_video_drm2d% *}" = "xyes" ; then video_drm2d_enabled=yes fi fi # video fbdev video_fbdev_enabled=no if test "x$video_fbdev_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_video_fbdev% *}" = "xyes" ; then video_fbdev_enabled=yes fi fi # eloop eloop_enabled=no if test "x$eloop_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_eloop% *}" = "xyes" ; then eloop_enabled=yes fi fi # eloop-dbus eloop_dbus_enabled=no if test "x$eloop_dbus_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_eloop_dbus% *}" = "xyes" ; then eloop_dbus_enabled=yes fi fi # optimizations optimizations_enabled=no if test "x$optimizations_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_optimizations% *}" = "xyes" ; then optimizations_enabled=yes fi fi # debug debug_enabled=no if test "x$debug_avail" = "xyes" ; then if test "x${enable_debug% *}" = "xyes" ; then debug_enabled=yes fi fi # # Module Configuration # We have now done all dependency checking and default-value validation and we # now know which modules are enabled via the *_enabled variables. # Everything below is related to the configuration of each module and setting # the correct flags for the build process. # # debug if test "x$debug_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_DEBUG], [1], [Enable debug mode]) else AC_DEFINE([NDEBUG], [1], [No Debug]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_DEBUG], [test "x$debug_enabled" = "xyes"]) # optimizations AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATIONS], [test "x$optimizations_enabled" = "xyes"]) # eloop-dbus AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_ELOOP_DBUS], [test "x$eloop_dbus_enabled" = "xyes"]) # eloop AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_ELOOP], [test "x$eloop_enabled" = "xyes"]) # video fbdev if test "x$video_fbdev_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_VIDEO_FBDEV], [1], [Build uterm fbdev video backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_VIDEO_FBDEV], [test "x$video_fbdev_enabled" = "xyes"]) # video drm2d if test "x$video_drm2d_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_VIDEO_DRM2D], [1], [Build uterm drm2d drm3d video backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_VIDEO_DRM2D], [test "x$video_drm2d_enabled" = "xyes"]) # video drm3d if test "x$video_drm3d_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_VIDEO_DRM3D], [1], [Build uterm drm3d video backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_VIDEO_DRM3D], [test "x$video_drm3d_enabled" = "xyes"]) # uterm AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_UTERM], [test "x$uterm_enabled" = "xyes"]) # multi-seat if test "x$multi_seat_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_MULTI_SEAT], [1], [Use systemd for multi-seat support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_MULTI_SEAT], [test "x$multi_seat_enabled" = "xyes"]) # hotplug if test "x$hotplug_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_HOTPLUG], [1], [Use udev for hotplug support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_HOTPLUG], [test "x$hotplug_enabled" = "xyes"]) # renderer bbulk if test "x$renderer_bbulk_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_RENDERER_BBULK], [1], [Build bbulk rendering backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_RENDERER_BBULK], [test "x$renderer_bbulk_enabled" = "xyes"]) # renderer gltex if test "x$renderer_gltex_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_RENDERER_GLTEX], [1], [Build gltex rendering backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_RENDERER_GLTEX], [test "x$renderer_gltex_enabled" = "xyes"]) # renderer cairo if test "x$renderer_cairo_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_RENDERER_CAIRO], [1], [Build cairo rendering backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_RENDERER_CAIRO], [test "x$renderer_cairo_enabled" = "xyes"]) # renderer pixman if test "x$renderer_pixman_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_RENDERER_PIXMAN], [1], [Build pixman rendering backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_RENDERER_PIXMAN], [test "x$renderer_pixman_enabled" = "xyes"]) # font unifont if test "x$font_unifont_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_FONT_UNIFONT], [1], [Build static unifont backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_FONT_UNIFONT], [test "x$font_unifont_enabled" = "xyes"]) # font pango if test "x$font_pango_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_FONT_PANGO], [1], [Build pango font backend]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_FONT_PANGO], [test "x$font_pango_enabled" = "xyes"]) # session dummy if test "x$session_dummy_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_SESSION_DUMMY], [1], [Build dummy session]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_SESSION_DUMMY], [test "x$session_dummy_enabled" = "xyes"]) # session terminal if test "x$session_terminal_enabled" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([BUILD_ENABLE_SESSION_TERMINAL], [1], [Build terminal session]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_SESSION_TERMINAL], [test "x$session_terminal_enabled" = "xyes"]) # kmscon AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ENABLE_KMSCON], [test "x$kmscon_enabled" = "xyes"]) # # Miscellaneous Checks # All checks below are independent of module checking or depend on the results # of it. They do not have any dependencies themselves so they are not part of the # module infrastructure. # # check for _Static_assert AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether _Static_assert() is supported]) AC_LANG([C]) have_static_assert=yes AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[_Static_assert(1, "What?");]])], [AC_DEFINE([BUILD_HAVE_STATIC_ASSERT], [1], [Define to 1 if _Static_assert() is supported])], [have_static_assert=no]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_static_assert]) # check for gbm_bo_get_pitch() function, otherwise gbm_bo_get_stride() is used if test x$have_gbm = xyes ; then save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" save_LIBS="$LIBS" save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" CFLAGS="$DRM_CFLAGS $GBM_CFLAGS" LIBS="$DRM_LIBS $GBM_LIBS" LDFLAGS="" AC_CHECK_LIB([gbm], [gbm_bo_get_pitch], [AC_DEFINE([BUILD_HAVE_GBM_BO_GET_PITCH], [1], [Define to 1 if your libgbm provides gbm_bo_get_pitch])]) CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" LIBS="$save_LIBS" LDFLAGS="$save_LDFLAGS" fi # check for xsltproc AC_PATH_PROG(XSLTPROC, xsltproc) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_HAVE_XSLTPROC], [test "x$XSLTPROC" != "x"]) # check for offline man-pages stylesheet AC_MSG_CHECKING([for docbook manpages stylesheet]) BUILD_MANPAGES_STYLESHEET="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl" AC_PATH_PROGS_FEATURE_CHECK([XSLTPROC_TMP], [xsltproc], AS_IF([`"$ac_path_XSLTPROC_TMP" --nonet "$BUILD_MANPAGES_STYLESHEET" > /dev/null 2>&1`], [BUILD_HAVE_MANPAGES_STYLESHEET=yes])) if test "x$BUILD_HAVE_MANPAGES_STYLESHEET" = "xyes"; then AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_HAVE_MANPAGES_STYLESHEET], true) AC_SUBST(BUILD_MANPAGES_STYLESHEET) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_HAVE_MANPAGES_STYLESHEET], false) AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi # # Makefile vars # After everything is configured, we correctly substitute the values for the # makefiles. # AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile docs/pc/libeloop.pc docs/pc/libuterm.pc]) AC_OUTPUT # # Configuration output # Show configuration to the user so they can check whether everything was # configured as expected. # AC_MSG_NOTICE([Build configuration: prefix: $prefix exec-prefix: $exec_prefix libdir: $libdir includedir: $includedir Applications and Libraries: kmscon: $kmscon_enabled ($kmscon_avail: $kmscon_missing) uterm: $uterm_enabled ($uterm_avail: $uterm_missing) eloop: $eloop_enabled ($eloop_avail: $eloop_missing) Miscellaneous Options: debug: $debug_enabled ($debug_avail: $debug_missing) optimizations: $optimizations_enabled ($optimizations_avail: $optimizations_missing) multi-seat: $multi_seat_enabled ($multi_seat_avail: $multi_seat_missing) hotplug: $hotplug_enabled ($hotplug_avail: $hotplug_missing) eloop-dbus: $eloop_dbus_enabled ($eloop_dbus_avail: $eloop_dbus_missing) Video Backends: fbdev: $video_fbdev_enabled ($video_fbdev_avail: $video_fbdev_missing) drm2d: $video_drm2d_enabled ($video_drm2d_avail: $video_drm2d_missing) drm3d: $video_drm3d_enabled ($video_drm3d_avail: $video_drm3d_missing) Font Backends: unifont: $font_unifont_enabled ($font_unifont_avail: $font_unifont_missing) pango: $font_pango_enabled ($font_pango_avail: $font_pango_missing) Renderers: bbulk: $renderer_bbulk_enabled ($renderer_bbulk_avail: $renderer_bbulk_missing) gltex: $renderer_gltex_enabled ($renderer_gltex_avail: $renderer_gltex_missing) cairo: $renderer_cairo_enabled ($renderer_cairo_avail: $renderer_cairo_missing) pixman: $renderer_pixman_enabled ($renderer_pixman_avail: $renderer_pixman_missing) Session Types: dummy: $session_dummy_enabled ($session_dummy_avail: $session_dummy_missing) terminal: $session_terminal_enabled ($session_terminal_avail: $session_terminal_missing) Run "${MAKE-make}" to start compilation process])