# get rid of that stupid cache mechanism rm -f config.cache AC_INIT([eet], [1.2.3], [enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net]) AC_PREREQ([2.52]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([configure.ac]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_CANONICAL_BUILD AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_ISC_POSIX AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.6 dist-bzip2]) AM_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL define([AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG], [:])dnl define([AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_F77_CONFIG], [:])dnl AC_PROG_LIBTOOL VMAJ=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("%s", $1);}'` VMIN=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("%s", $2);}'` VMIC=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("%s", $3);}'` SNAP=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("%s", $4);}'` version_info=`expr $VMAJ + $VMIN`":$VMIC:$VMIN" #release="ver-pre-svn-00" #release_info="-release $release" release_info="" AC_SUBST(version_info) AC_SUBST(release_info) ### Default options with respect to host case "$host_os" in mingw*) want_gnutls="no" want_openssl="no" want_cipher="no" want_signature="no" ;; *) want_gnutls="auto" want_openssl="auto" want_cipher="yes" want_signature="yes" ;; esac requirement_eet="" ### Additional options to configure # Amalgamation AC_ARG_ENABLE([amalgamation], [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-amalgamation], [enable generation of one single file with all source code in it, helps compiler optimizations.])], [if test "x${enableval}" = "xyes"; then do_amalgamation="yes" else do_amalgamation="no" fi ], [do_amalgamation="no"] ) AM_CONDITIONAL(EET_AMALGAMATION, test "x${do_amalgamation}" = "xyes") EFL_ENABLE_BIN([eet]) # Old eet file format support old_eet_file_format="yes" AC_ARG_ENABLE(old-eet-file-format, [AC_HELP_STRING( [--disable-old-eet-file-format], [disable old eet file format support. [[default=enabled]]] )], [old_eet_file_format=$enableval] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to support old eet file format]) AC_MSG_RESULT([${old_eet_file_format}]) if test "x${old_eet_file_format}" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(EET_OLD_EET_FILE_FORMAT, 1, [support old eet file format]) else AC_DEFINE(EET_OLD_EET_FILE_FORMAT, 0, [support old eet file format]) fi # Gnutls support AC_ARG_ENABLE([gnutls], [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-gnutls], [disable gnutls eet support])], [want_gnutls=$enableval] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use Gnutls]) AC_MSG_RESULT([${want_gnutls}]) # Specific GNUTLS improvement new_gnutls_api="yes" AC_ARG_ENABLE(new-gnutls-api, [AC_HELP_STRING( [--disable-new-gnutls-api], [enable use of gnutls_x509_crt_verify_hash. [[default=enable]]] )], [new_gnutls_api=$enableval] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use gnutls_x509_crt_verify_hash]) AC_MSG_RESULT([${new_gnutls_api}]) if test "x${new_gnutls_api}" = "xyes" ; then AC_CHECK_LIB(gnutls, gnutls_x509_crt_verify_hash, [ new_gnutls_api="yes" ], [ new_gnutls_api="no" ] ) if test "x${new_gnutls_api}" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(EET_USE_NEW_GNUTLS_API, 1, [use gnutls_x509_crt_verify_hash]) fi fi # Openssl support AC_ARG_ENABLE([openssl], [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-openssl], [disable openssl eet support])], [want_openssl=$enableval] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use OpenSSL]) AC_MSG_RESULT([${want_openssl}]) # Cryptography support AC_ARG_ENABLE([cipher], [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-cipher], [disable cipher support for eet API])], [want_cipher=$enableval] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use cipher]) AC_MSG_RESULT([${want_cipher}]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([signature], [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-signature], [disable signature file support for eet])], [want_signature=$enableval] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use signature]) AC_MSG_RESULT([${want_signature}]) # Assert or fail. prefer_assert="no" AC_ARG_ENABLE([assert], [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-assert], [enable assert, [[default=disabled]]])], [prefer_assert=$enableval] ) # Examples AC_ARG_ENABLE([install-examples], [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-install-examples], [disable installing examples (compiled or just source). @<:@default==enabled@:>@])], [ if test "x${enableval}" = "xyes" ; then install_examples="yes" else install_examples="no" fi ], [install_examples="yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([INSTALL_EXAMPLES], [test "x${install_examples}" = "xyes"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([build-examples], [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-build-examples], [enable building examples. @<:@default==disabled@:>@])], [ if test "x${enableval}" = "xyes" ; then build_examples="yes" else build_examples="no" fi ], [build_examples="no"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_EXAMPLES], [test "x${build_examples}" = "xyes"]) # Unit tests, coverage and benchmarking EFL_CHECK_TESTS([enable_tests="yes"], [enable_tests="no"]) EFL_CHECK_COVERAGE([${enable_tests}], [enable_coverage="yes"], [enable_coverage="no"]) if test "x${prefer_assert}" = "xno"; then DEBUG_CFLAGS="-DNDEBUG" else # use debug symbols and set DEBUG if coverage support is enabled DEBUG_CFLAGS="${EFL_DEBUG_CFLAGS}" fi AC_SUBST(DEBUG_CFLAGS) ### Checks for programs AC_PROG_CC # pkg-config PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG # Check whether pkg-config supports Requires.private if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.22; then pkgconfig_requires_private="Requires.private" else pkgconfig_requires_private="Requires" fi AC_SUBST(pkgconfig_requires_private) # doxygen program for documentation building EFL_CHECK_DOXYGEN([build_doc="yes"], [build_doc="no"]) ### Checks for libraries # Evil library for compilation on Windows EFL_EET_BUILD="" case "$host_os" in mingw*) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EVIL], [evil]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EVIL, 1, [Set to 1 if Evil library is installed]) requirement_eet="evil ${requirement_eet}" EFL_EET_BUILD="-DEFL_EET_BUILD" ;; esac AC_SUBST(EFL_EET_BUILD) EET_LIBS="" case "$host_os" in mingw32ce*) EET_LIBS="-lws2" ;; mingw*) EET_LIBS="-lws2_32" ;; esac AC_SUBST(EET_LIBS) # Eina library PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EINA, [eina-0]) requirement_eet="eina-0 ${requirement_eet}" # Gnutls library have_gnutls="no" if test "x${want_gnutls}" = "xyes" -o "x${want_gnutls}" = "xauto" ; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GNUTLS, [gnutls >= 1.7.6], [ have_gnutls="yes" want_openssl="no" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GNUTLS, 1, [Have Gnutls support]) requirement_eet="gnutls ${requirement_eet}" ], [have_gnutls="no"]) if test "x${have_gnutls}" = "xyes" ; then AC_PATH_GENERIC([libgcrypt], [], [have_gnutls="yes"], [have_gnutls="no"]) if test "x${have_gnutls}" = "xyes" ; then GNUTLS_CFLAGS="${GNUTLS_CFLAGS} ${LIBGCRYPT_CFLAGS}" GNUTLS_LIBS="${GNUTLS_LIBS} ${LIBGCRYPT_LIBS}" fi fi fi # Openssl library have_openssl="no" if test "x${want_openssl}" = "xyes" -o "x${want_openssl}" = "xauto" ; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OPENSSL, openssl, [ have_openssl="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OPENSSL, 1, [Have Openssl support]) requirement_eet="openssl ${requirement_eet}" ], [have_openssl="no"]) fi have_cipher="no" if test "x${have_gnutls}" = "xyes" -a "x${want_cipher}" = "xyes" ; then have_cipher="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CIPHER, 1, [Have cipher support built in eet]) elif test "x${have_openssl}" = "xyes" -a "x${want_cipher}" = "xyes" ; then have_cipher="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CIPHER, 1, [Have cipher support built in eet]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to activate cipher support in eet) AC_MSG_RESULT(${have_cipher}) have_signature="no" if test "x${have_gnutls}" = "xyes" -a "x${want_signature}" = "xyes" ; then have_signature="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SIGNATURE, 1, [Have signature support for eet file]) elif test "x${have_openssl}" = "xyes" -a "x${want_signature}" = "xyes" ; then have_signature="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SIGNATURE, 1, [Have signature support for eet file]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to activate signature support in eet) AC_MSG_RESULT(${have_signature}) # pthread library EFL_CHECK_PTHREAD(["no"], [have_pthread="yes"], [have_pthread="no"]) ### Checks for header files AC_CHECK_HEADER([zlib.h], [dummy="yes"], [AC_MSG_ERROR("Cannot find zlib.h. Make sure your CFLAGS environment variable contains include lines for the location of this file")]) AC_CHECK_HEADER([jpeglib.h], [dummy="yes"], [AC_MSG_ERROR("Cannot find jpeglib.h. Make sure your CFLAGS environment variable contains include lines for the location of this file")]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/in.h) ### Checks for types ### Checks for structures ### Checks for compiler characteristics AM_PROG_CC_C_O AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_PROG_CC_STDC AC_C___ATTRIBUTE__ # Check whether the null pointer is zero on this arch AC_TRY_RUN( [ #include int main (int argc, char **argv) { void *foo = NULL; int bar = (int)foo; return (int)foo; } ], [have_null="yes"], [have_null="no"], [ AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot check when cross-compiling -- assuming null is okay]) have_null="yes" ]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([value of the null pointer]) AC_MSG_RESULT([${have_null}]) if test ! "x${have_null}" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_WARN([Your system is a bit too funny, eet might not work properly]) fi # These are needed for fmemopen/open_memstream AC_DEFINE(_GNU_SOURCE, , [Enable GNU extensions]) EET_CPPFLAGS="" EET_CFLAGS="" case "$host_os" in mingw32ce*) EET_CPPFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WCE=0x0420" ;; mingw*) EET_CPPFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" ;; esac AC_SUBST(EET_CPPFLAGS) AC_SUBST(EET_CFLAGS) ### Checks for linker characteristics # use --enable-auto-import on Windows lt_enable_auto_import="" case "$host_os" in mingw*) lt_enable_auto_import="-Wl,--enable-auto-import" ;; esac AC_SUBST(lt_enable_auto_import) # use --as-needed if supported LDFLAGS_SAVE=${LDFLAGS} LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--as-needed" AC_LINK_IFELSE( [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[]], [])], [ld_as_needed="-Wl,--as-needed"], [ld_as_needed=""] ) LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS_SAVE} AC_SUBST(ld_as_needed) ### Checks for library functions AC_FUNC_ALLOCA AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fmemopen open_memstream realpath) EFL_CHECK_FNMATCH([], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find fnmatch()])]) AC_SUBST(requirement_eet) AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile eet.pc doc/Makefile doc/eet.dox src/Makefile src/lib/Makefile src/bin/Makefile src/tests/Makefile src/examples/Makefile README eet.spec ]) ##################################################################### ## Info echo echo echo echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "$PACKAGE_NAME $PACKAGE_VERSION" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo echo "Configuration Options Summary:" echo echo " Amalgamation.........: ${do_amalgamation}" echo " Gnutls...............: ${have_gnutls}" echo " Openssl..............: ${have_openssl}" echo " Cipher support.....: ${have_cipher}" echo " Signature..........: ${have_signature}" echo " Thread Support.......: ${have_pthread}" echo echo " Old eet file format..: ${old_eet_file_format}" echo echo " Tests................: ${enable_tests}" echo " Coverage.............: ${enable_coverage}" echo echo " Build eet............: $have_eet" echo echo " Documentation........: ${build_doc}" if test "x${build_doc}" = "xyes" ; then echo " Building...........: make doc" fi echo " Examples.............: ${build_examples}" if test "x${build_examples}" = "xyes" ; then echo " Install............: ${install_examples}" fi echo echo "Compilation............: make (or gmake)" echo " CPPFLAGS.............: $CPPFLAGS" echo " CFLAGS...............: $CFLAGS" echo " LDFLAGS..............: $LDFLAGS" echo echo "Installation...........: make install (as root if needed, with 'su' or 'sudo')" echo " prefix...............: $prefix" echo