package config import ( "testing" "time" "" ) func TestBasicTransfersOnlySetValue(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{ "lfs.basictransfersonly": []string{"true"}, }, }) b := cfg.BasicTransfersOnly() assert.Equal(t, true, b) } func TestBasicTransfersOnlyDefault(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{}) b := cfg.BasicTransfersOnly() assert.Equal(t, false, b) } func TestBasicTransfersOnlyInvalidValue(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{ "lfs.basictransfersonly": []string{"wat"}, }, }) b := cfg.BasicTransfersOnly() assert.Equal(t, false, b) } func TestTusTransfersAllowedSetValue(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{ "lfs.tustransfers": []string{"true"}, }, }) b := cfg.TusTransfersAllowed() assert.Equal(t, true, b) } func TestTusTransfersAllowedDefault(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{}) b := cfg.TusTransfersAllowed() assert.Equal(t, false, b) } func TestTusTransfersAllowedInvalidValue(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{ "lfs.tustransfers": []string{"wat"}, }, }) b := cfg.TusTransfersAllowed() assert.Equal(t, false, b) } func TestLoadValidExtension(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{}, }) cfg.extensions = map[string]Extension{ "foo": Extension{ "foo", "foo-clean %f", "foo-smudge %f", 2, }, } ext := cfg.Extensions()["foo"] assert.Equal(t, "foo", ext.Name) assert.Equal(t, "foo-clean %f", ext.Clean) assert.Equal(t, "foo-smudge %f", ext.Smudge) assert.Equal(t, 2, ext.Priority) } func TestLoadInvalidExtension(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{}) ext := cfg.Extensions()["foo"] assert.Equal(t, "", ext.Name) assert.Equal(t, "", ext.Clean) assert.Equal(t, "", ext.Smudge) assert.Equal(t, 0, ext.Priority) } func TestFetchPruneConfigDefault(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{}) fp := cfg.FetchPruneConfig() assert.Equal(t, 7, fp.FetchRecentRefsDays) assert.Equal(t, 0, fp.FetchRecentCommitsDays) assert.Equal(t, 3, fp.PruneOffsetDays) assert.True(t, fp.FetchRecentRefsIncludeRemotes) assert.Equal(t, 3, fp.PruneOffsetDays) assert.Equal(t, "origin", fp.PruneRemoteName) assert.False(t, fp.PruneVerifyRemoteAlways) } func TestFetchPruneConfigCustom(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{ "lfs.fetchrecentrefsdays": []string{"12"}, "lfs.fetchrecentremoterefs": []string{"false"}, "lfs.fetchrecentcommitsdays": []string{"9"}, "lfs.pruneoffsetdays": []string{"30"}, "lfs.pruneverifyremotealways": []string{"true"}, "lfs.pruneremotetocheck": []string{"upstream"}, }, }) fp := cfg.FetchPruneConfig() assert.Equal(t, 12, fp.FetchRecentRefsDays) assert.Equal(t, 9, fp.FetchRecentCommitsDays) assert.False(t, fp.FetchRecentRefsIncludeRemotes) assert.Equal(t, 30, fp.PruneOffsetDays) assert.Equal(t, "upstream", fp.PruneRemoteName) assert.True(t, fp.PruneVerifyRemoteAlways) } func TestFetchIncludeExcludesAreCleaned(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{ "lfs.fetchinclude": []string{"/path/to/clean/"}, "lfs.fetchexclude": []string{"/other/path/to/clean/"}, }, }) assert.Equal(t, []string{"/path/to/clean"}, cfg.FetchIncludePaths()) assert.Equal(t, []string{"/other/path/to/clean"}, cfg.FetchExcludePaths()) } func TestUnmarshalMultipleTypes(t *testing.T) { cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{ "string": []string{"string"}, "int": []string{"1"}, "bool": []string{"true"}, }, Os: map[string][]string{ "string": []string{"string"}, "int": []string{"1"}, "bool": []string{"true"}, }, }) v := &struct { GitString string `git:"string"` GitInt int `git:"int"` GitBool bool `git:"bool"` OsString string `os:"string"` OsInt int `os:"int"` OsBool bool `os:"bool"` }{} assert.Nil(t, cfg.Unmarshal(v)) assert.Equal(t, "string", v.GitString) assert.Equal(t, 1, v.GitInt) assert.Equal(t, true, v.GitBool) assert.Equal(t, "string", v.OsString) assert.Equal(t, 1, v.OsInt) assert.Equal(t, true, v.OsBool) } func TestUnmarshalErrsOnNonPointerType(t *testing.T) { type T struct { Foo string `git:"foo"` } cfg := NewFrom(Values{}) err := cfg.Unmarshal(T{}) assert.Equal(t, "lfs/config: unable to parse non-pointer type of config.T", err.Error()) } func TestUnmarshalLeavesNonZeroValuesWhenKeysEmpty(t *testing.T) { v := &struct { String string `git:"string"` Int int `git:"int"` Bool bool `git:"bool"` }{"foo", 1, true} cfg := NewFrom(Values{}) err := cfg.Unmarshal(v) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "foo", v.String) assert.Equal(t, 1, v.Int) assert.Equal(t, true, v.Bool) } func TestUnmarshalOverridesNonZeroValuesWhenValuesPresent(t *testing.T) { v := &struct { String string `git:"string"` Int int `git:"int"` Bool bool `git:"bool"` }{"foo", 1, true} cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{ "string": []string{"bar"}, "int": []string{"2"}, "bool": []string{"false"}, }, }) err := cfg.Unmarshal(v) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "bar", v.String) assert.Equal(t, 2, v.Int) assert.Equal(t, false, v.Bool) } func TestUnmarshalAllowsBothOsAndGitTags(t *testing.T) { v := &struct { String string `git:"string" os:"STRING"` }{} cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{"string": []string{"foo"}}, Os: map[string][]string{"STRING": []string{"bar"}}, }) err := cfg.Unmarshal(v) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "foo", v.String) } func TestUnmarshalYieldsToDefaultIfBothEnvsMissing(t *testing.T) { v := &struct { String string `git:"string" os:"STRING"` }{"foo"} cfg := NewFrom(Values{}) err := cfg.Unmarshal(v) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "foo", v.String) } func TestUnmarshalOverridesDefaultIfAnyEnvPresent(t *testing.T) { v := &struct { String string `git:"string" os:"STRING"` }{"foo"} cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{"string": []string{"bar"}}, Os: map[string][]string{"STRING": []string{"baz"}}, }) err := cfg.Unmarshal(v) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "bar", v.String) } func TestUnmarshalIgnoresUnknownEnvironments(t *testing.T) { v := &struct { String string `unknown:"string"` }{} cfg := NewFrom(Values{}) assert.Nil(t, cfg.Unmarshal(v)) } func TestUnmarshalErrsOnUnsupportedTypes(t *testing.T) { v := &struct { Unsupported time.Duration `git:"duration"` }{} cfg := NewFrom(Values{ Git: map[string][]string{"duration": []string{"foo"}}, }) err := cfg.Unmarshal(v) assert.Equal(t, "lfs/config: unsupported target type for field \"Unsupported\": time.Duration", err.Error()) }