Private user data input This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar. Non-secure page loaded in incognito mode This page was loaded non-securely in an incognito window. A warning has been added to the URL bar. Form field edited on a non-secure page Data was entered in a field on a non-secure page. A warning has been added to the URL bar. This page is dangerous (flagged by Google Safe Browsing). Flagged by Google Safe Browsing To check this page's status, visit insecure (SHA-1) The certificate chain for this site contains a certificate signed using SHA-1. Subject Alternative Name missing The certificate for this site does not contain a Subject Alternative Name extension containing a domain name or IP address. Certificate missing This site is missing a valid, trusted certificate ($1net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID). valid and trusted The connection to this site is using a valid, trusted server certificate issued by $1Let's Encrypt Authority X3. Certificate expires soon The certificate for this site expires in less than 48 hours and needs to be renewed. Connection secure (strong $1TLS 1.2) Public-Key-Pinning bypassed Public-Key-Pinning was bypassed by a local root certificate. The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated using $1TLS 1.2 (a strong protocol), $2ECDHE_RSA (a strong key exchange), and $3AES_128_GCM (a strong cipher). obsolete connection settings The connection to this site uses $1TLS 1.0 ($2an obsolete protocol), $3ECDHE_RSA ($4an obsolete key exchange), and $5AES_256_CBC with HMAC-SHA1 ($6an obsolete cipher). $1AES_256_CBC with $2HMAC-SHA1 an obsolete protocol a strong protocol an obsolete key exchange a strong key exchange an obsolete cipher a strong cipher $1ECDHE_RSA with $2X25519 Resources all served securely All resources on this page are served securely. mixed content This page includes HTTP resources. active mixed content You have recently allowed non-secure content (such as scripts or iframes) to run on this site. content with certificate errors This page includes resources that were loaded with certificate errors. active content with certificate errors You have recently allowed content loaded with certificate errors (such as scripts or iframes) to run on this site. non-secure form This page includes a form with a non-secure "action" attribute.